HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/25/2003 4863
Lake Sutherland
Port Angeles, Washington
January 25, 2003
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 10:00 a.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: None.
Public Present: B. Gawley.
GatewayParking Solutions Gateway Parking Solutions: Discussion was held about the parking alternative with
a lid over the Gateway bus area. The lid will cost more and must be attractive. It was
the consensus of Council that the Gateway project must go forward, as the cost of the
cancellation of the project would be over $500,000 and would have to be paid by the
City. The parking committee's solutions and goals of no net loss of parking are going
well. Considerations were discussed regarding the impacts to the conference center and
how do solve that need as well. Members discussed the critical need of private sector
parmering in order to address the additional costs of parking requirements. Action
items identified were to obtain an engineering cost, as well as FTA demands, if any.
Underground Underground: The Mayor opened the discussion by recapping the voting history of
prior Councils regarding the North side of Front Street. The previous Council voted
to fill in the vault area. Councilmember Williams then provided his perspective of the
188 feet on the north side and his analysis of the value, as well as cost comparisons in
relation to Laurel Street. Councilmember Braun shared the concern of closing the
window of opportunity to potential private sector investment, for example, the
expansion of the Cornerhouse basement property- could the vault/tunnel area leverage
that possibility? Councilmember Braun asked the question of what is unique to Port
Angeles - what about the history? Councilmember Rogers inquired if the vault area
would be of value to the parking solution as an area for needed pillars and possibly
ventilation. Deputy Mayor Campbell expressed concern as to whether this preservation
would generate money for the City. He questioned if this would compromise City
dollars, if there is a prospect for this, and what would the City be getting. He felt the
, question of the future opportunity is still unanswered. Councilmember-Headrick
discussed where the money comes from, whether it is feasible, and whether the area
would help with the parking solution. Councilmember Erickson commented that it
seems only a small group of people believes it's important and that the historical value
of the 1914 sidewalks isn't there; public meetings held previously didn't surface any
private sector interest.
· After continuing discussions with all members, Councilmember Williams moved that
staff be directed to provide an analysis preserving the north side of Front Street
from Laurel to Lincoln Street, the tunnel vault section in relation to the Gateway
project, with cost impacts and parking solutions. The analysis is to be completed
January 25, 2003
Underground (Cont'd) within 5 weeks ora Council meeting. Councilmember Braun seconded the motion.
Councilmember Headrick offered an amendment to included engineering input from
the firms of Pardini and Lindberg. The voteon the amendment carried 6 - 1, with
Mayor Wiggins voting in opposition. The vote on the main motion carried 6 - 1,
with Mayor Wiggins voting in opposition.
Urban Growth Area Urban Growth Area: Mayor Wiggins recommended that a committee be formed to
forward the utility infrastructure plan with expenses and revenue sharing. The
committee members would be County Administrator Dan Englebertson, a County
Commissioner, City Manager Mike Quinn, and one City Councilmember. After a small
discussion, Councilmember Erickson advised she would like to be on the committee;
Councilmember Headrick agreed to be first alternate, with Councilmember Braun the
second alternate. It was agreed to convey this to Manager Quinn for implementation.
Pool Renovation Pool Renovation: Mayor Wiggins opened the discussion regarding the issue of a
policy change in suspending the current pool renovation. He queried how the proposed
sports complex, to be located at Lincoln Park, would affect the maintainability of the
current pool, while the development of the proposed sports complex might be 10-15
years out. Councilmember Erickson expressed the opinion that it is time to put the
current renovation forward and have the citizens consider it for a bond or not. She was
not in support of the sports complex, because the public won't vote for it and the pool
should be renovated as planned.
Councilmember Braun advised that he was on the pool committee, and the renovation
was important, but the pool would have to be shut down for a year and the costs have
escalated from $2.5 million to $4.2 million. Councilmember Braun indicated the sports
complex committee is working very hard and has made progress regarding the
construction and maintenance costs. He projected it would be ready for a ballot
consideration by 2004 or sooner. The value of the sports complex is that the City owns
the land, thus reducing the costs. This facility will help solve the needs for many sports
and is an economic developmentproject. The projected costs, including operations and
maintenance, range from $6 million - $10 million. To renovate just the pool at a rate
of $4.2 million isn't cost effective. The tennis, soccer, pool, skating rink, and hotel
groups are all in favor of this approach. Councilmember Braun said he has not yet
brought this forward for Council consideration, as they are not ready, but he is targeting
March for a presentation to the Council.
City Development City Development: Short discussion confirmed that the City staff is moving forward
and will be coming to the Council in March with some interim recommendations. All
members of the Council were in consensus in support of this effort.
Ennis Creek Estates Ennis Creek Estates: Mayor Wiggins opened the discussion with the history of the
status of the property sale. The last direction from Council was a "fire sale"; the Real
Estate Cormnittee had previously recommendednot to move forward with the $200,000
in required costs for the lot development. The current real estate listing is expired, and
there is no marketingplan. Councilmember Williams indicated that the problem is that
the City can do very little without the necessary funding;~9.w, ey~er,~r~tax~~~:n?, ~z.:~t~'P3~uew
~/'~ subdivision ordinance passed by Council does provide
without the requirement of the final plat. Discussion continued regarding the merits of
spending more money and whether the City could recoup the money on selling half of
the lots. Councilrnember Williams offered that, yes, the City could recoup the money,
because the City already owns the land as opposed to a developer having to purchase
the land and absorb the development costs. Consideration was given to the use of the
fire hall roof insurance reimbursement to finish the necessary lot enhancements. The
recommended action was to send this back to the Real Estate Committee for review.
Morse Creek Morse Creek: Deputy Mayor Campbell provided the information that the "in-stream"
flows with FERC is still not resolved regarding the existing license. Fisheries have
January 25, 2003
Morse Creek (Cont'd) responded that further reductions are requested during certain months. FERC has said
to negotiate with Fisheries, and the City has sent responses to the consultants andthe
agencies that the reduction of flow requested results in a reduction of the dollar volume.
Action agreed upon was to direct staff to put the best case forward to FERC for
Elwha Dams Elwha Dams: The Memorandum of Understanding has been re-drafted and is being
submitted; Council is in agreement with the language changes of the MOU. Staff is to
advise of the response by the Park.
Conference Center Conference Center: Discussion was held about the next steps after the Shorelines
hearing. If the Shorelines hearing is favorable to the Ehm development, then a deadline
must be given to Ehm for the finance plan. Should the Ehm proposal falter, then the
RFP shouldbe amendedandre-issued. The Councilmembers concurred with this path.
Council Volunteer Initiative Council Volunteer Initiative with School District 121: The Mayor introduced his
with School District 121 proposal for paid City staff one-hour weekly volunteer effort with the school. The
Mayor advocated the need for this, as the Council should consider that the community
is more than bricks and mortar. The Council needs to take a leadership role with the
children. Discussion continued regarding costs and impacts, and all Council members
were supportive, but agreed that there could be citizens that object to tax-paid
employees volunteering in this fashion. Councilmember Braun advised that
backgrounds were necessary. Councilmember Williams indicated that a similar
program was in place during his previous teaching job, and it was very successful.
Councilmember Williams moved to endorse the Mayor's Volunteer Initiative.
The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and passed unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Councilmember Rogers
~,-~'""~Glenn Wiggins, Mayor B~cky J. Upffal}, C(~ Cl~r[' - - ~