HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/26/1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 2G, 19,36 193_ ~ 563 The Commission met in regulae' sessiun at 10 ".li. and was ~lled ':;0 order by Mayor Davis, Roll cn1:). sho\'/ed thc f ollovling office;'s present: !,la YOI' Davis, Commis sian'll' tlenoon, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. Under the head of Introduction of It"solutions the foll,-,win:<; resolution \"iCl.S introduced: 500.00 10r.GO RE30LUTION ORD~,(I!lG NOnnCATIOI, OF PROPEETY O':/IlE?S ON .U'PLICATIOll FOR COllS'fRUG':'ION OF ,I STORE BUILDFG ;HTHHi A DIST'UCT nE3T!1IcrrI'~D AS TO GONST!1U'jrpION UNDER ~O~rING OR~IN~NCE NO. 911 '."IHE!ti:AS, l'l. Soransen has filed an applioation :-01' permission to oonstruot a store build- ing on all or a portion of the South ha:j.f of Lots Ten (101 and Eleven (11), Blook '1'\'10 Hundred Sixty-nine (269), To',msi te of Port .'ngeles, \Ihich property is \'Ii ':.hiil the bound- aries of the distr;ct restricted as to olass of buildings WIder Ordinance No. 911, City of Port Angelos, and ! iIHEl{!\,IS, it appears that said use of suoh property muy be permitted under looal option regu.la tion8 of seid ordinance a s amended by Ordinanoe No. 987 of said City, and , ~IHEWLlS, the application is in propel' :'01'01 and ~ont"ins th" necessary desoription 0:' the bui L] inB I tJge ther ';.'1 th its ns e and the names llnd tl(Lires ~_cs of' prOpC1't~l o~.mc~.'s and a lis t and desoription o~ all parcols of property ~ithin a radius 0:' t~o hundred feet fro~ ':.he property in question, and under the ::>rovisions of the s[iid ordinances, the '-'i ty Cor,mis- sion is re~uirod to notify [ill the o~ners o~ property within the said radius and cive owne1'S an oPl,ortuni ty to mf1ke protest 8"ainst tho said proposed oonstruction. THER';FOR3, BE IT RESOLVED, That the '-'it:; Clcrk be and he is hel'eby instructed to notLey the ownors Of Jll property Vii thin 11 trIo hunored feet raoius ocr tho pr,mises 1:01' 'Ihich said use. is contemplf!ted by let~er re'luirin.':( suoh o'mers to file the~r pl'otest if any there be against such propused use ~ithin ten days of the ~qiling of the notice. It was moven by Com~issioner Henson that the foregoin~ resolution be"adopted. Seoonded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all ~ombers voted ayo. The Hayor dcclnrccl the motion carl'i ed . Under the head of Readini; and PaSSai';8 uf Ordinances, the fullo).:ing ordinanoe vms'rdnd by title and plnoed on its third reading: .IN ORDIJ~,\NC3 fixing the salaries, compensatiun and vlilges of certain offioers and employee of the "i ty "f Port ,In,,eles, \lashinllton. It Vias moved by Commissioner Henson and seo-l onded by Mayor Davis that the ordinanoe be adopted. All memb~rs voted aye. Motion carried. The ComcissiJn examined and HlloVle~ the followiD3 cldims and ordared warrants dra~n for same: CURR:SHr~ E:-J<~lSS IYLjEJ D. "'. I,iasters Burroughs Ad,lin~ 1,Iaohine po. Olympic Printery Automotive Parts Service Riohfield Oil Co. Howard-Cooper ';01')'" D & B Battery & Electrio Station Expense zt.cooun t lId'Hng Machine Suppli es Lamps Gas Supplies Motor Heat"r ~J. J} I I I I I I The minutes of the previous session ~ern read and approved. Under the head of .;pplications for BUilding Permi ts the follovling vlere ;;ranted: Frank Hiokok, Remodeling house, Lot 13, Blk. 2:;5, "ol'lnsi te J. B. Sparks, ,\dditiun to lXarage, Lot 17, Blk. 87, "o\msite CITY STR:;Z';' Ftm:n Lysall ,Ielding & FOl'bB ',Iorks Repairs '::A~:~R mUD Hooker Eleo t.,'ochemieal Co. Pacifio Telephone & ~elegraph ~o. r.l. !;Tar iana Purma id Da lry City Treasurer t:hlorine Service Refund rap Fee Rent of Store Business Tax {~ ~" .... L1 'lH T FUIlD General Eleotric Suppiliy C01!). ',Iestinghouse El~ctric &: !lfg. Co. General Eleotria Cu. H. B. Sherman Hfg. Co. Family "':10e Store Ceneral Electrio Co. Graybar Elactdc Go. Seattle Uardware Cu. r.loGravl Hill Book Co. Ci ty Treasurel' SuppliCG Material and Supplies Transformers and Meters Connec tors Bo 0 ts Transformers Haterials & Heater Tools, etc. Code Book Busincss Tax 1) 113q ! PARK FUND City Treasurer The Comr.lission Assessments then~d};;'Fne d ~ 0 meet ?7(;1/~ ' \. ~ City Clerk January 31, 1938, at 10 ",.J.l.~~ Hayor 9.88 180.00 <1,45 56.39 32.00 39.19 10.00 4.50 14.92 18.6,5 12.00 40.00 395.01 308.35 41. 34 97.49 3:'3.;;9 9.49 ;:;57.59 121.48 3<::.90 3.1<:: 831.38 37.20 ....