HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/26/1949 I I I I. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 517' January 26, 19~ -,.. "~'~"'_ ..,u".-. IThe Cormnis.sion met in regLllar session at 10 :00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeloy. . officers showed the following present: Mayor Feeley, Commissioner ~obinson, Attorney Trumbull ,The minutes of the previous session were read, and after one correction noted, were approved. Holl c all of :1 and Clerk La"e' Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses the fallowing were granted: .~ Building permits: /f.~DC Ernest Charest Move House, Add TvIO ~ooms and Remodel; },ot 8, Blk. 347, Townsite 3,000.00 James R. Willis Build Motel, 4 Units; Lot 18, .:Jlk. :10, N.R.Smith Add. 7,000.00 Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 286, Townsite 7,000.00 ,C. vr. l,lelton Remodel Present house, Add Small Room; Lot 10, dlk. 13, P.S.C.C. 2,000.00 1"Henry T. Daugaard Remodel Kitchen; Lot 7, Blk. 113, Townsite 200.00 , "'~ I I'Lic enses: U. '- - ( ,IPuget Sound NaviGation Co. Occupational i'ax ..' 122.25i :IUnd~r the head of unfinished business, the Cormnission appointed Attorney Wilson to finish the case of ! !Raymond M. Larson versus the City of Part Angeles, regarding refusal to issue a peddler's license, whic)1 has IbeeC! appealed to the Supreme Court. Also a case which was appealed from Police Court to the Superior Court.l [Under the head of new business, the resignation of Pnil. 5. Armstrong was read before the Gomrr,ission. Mayorrl Feeley expressed regret that Mr. Armstrong is unable to act in the capacity of Commissioner as elected by the voters. Attorney Trumbull confirmed legality of the resignation after acceptance by the ComrnissioC!, and' it was moved by Mayor Feeley that the resignation be accepted. Seconded, by Commissioner Robinson. All I' voted Aye. MDtion carried. Mayor Feeley nominated Wm. C. Adams for the office of Corm.issioner of Streets and Public Improvements and i referred to nis activities in Civic OrganizatioC!s and as a citizeC!. Com:nissioner Robinson informed that he i was dot in a position to argue, and although Mr. Adams is a useful citizen, be does not feel that Mr. Adams I has public support sufficient to confirm the appointment. Comn,issioner Robinson then named Arthur W. I Shelleberger for nomination to the office of Commissioner. This nomination was questioned ty the tayor. I !Conrad liatzke, Neil Pendley, and several others spoke in behalf of Mr. Adams, and after discussion it was , I decided to hold over to Fetruary 9th, when petitions signed by qualified vaters will te presented for Adams, I IShelleberger, or any other interested parties. The deadline for filing petitions with the Clerk for I cheCking was set far 12:00 noon, F'ctruary 7th, said petitions to te considered in final decision. ~A bid sutmitted by Hugh Brown in tne amount af $605.00 for the purchase of Lot 4, in Block 48, Towllsite, I li"'a' approved apd accepted. I !~nder the head of iC!troduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: , RESOLUTION FOil TllANSFEll OF ITEICS WITHIN fUNDS VIHEREAS, IT APPEARS that requirements in certain items of the Civic Stadium Budget for the .'eRr 1949, made necessary the expanditure of money greater than contemplated, and , ,IWlIj':REAS, the amount provided for other items wi thin the same legal olassification will not be required, and jPortions cf the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classification, and jWl'.EREAS, the requirements in the equipment repair and replacement item were not and could not have been jreasonably foreseen at the time of preparation of the budget; NOW, THERE~'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfer of funds be made, to-wit: Park fund: Civic Stadi~m Department From Seeds, ~'ertilizer and Etc., to Equipment Repair & Replacement $150.00 It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Seconded by The Conunission examined the following CJ. 7 t(. claimsJ and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: i il ! , 45.00 6.00 , 12.00 38.641 4.07, 8.78 313.53' 199.441 :1 42.08 8.211 10.54' I 10.00! 145.501 1,391. 79, 198.0911 66.05,: 26.88 I 9,990.00 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Sutherland Agency Ci ty Treasurer Part Angeles Evening News R.L.P.. Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. Allan Di,t. Co. '. " .> Mchiahan Fuel Co. C lIT STREET FUND: ?O ~{,. Nailor T!umber Co.. Peninsula Plywood Corp. Allan Dist. Co. ~ IWATER FUND: 155- perry Nelson Agency 'Seattle Plumting Supply Co. rf LIGHT :ruND: /::;/'1 - ['Jerry Nelson Agency IjGraybar Electric Co. .. !SANI'J'ATION FUND: ,~o_ jAllan DIst. Co. ,PARKING MtTER & THAFF'IC CONTROl;. '1101 Garage ,- FIREMEN'S Pi::NSlOi'f :ruIlD: '1'170 - City Treasurer U.S. Savings Bonds, Series F There being no further business the session was then adjourned. Bond Stamps, Stampted Envelope 1949 Subscription Parts &. Repai rs Parts &. La tor James Vibrators Gasoline Fue 1 Oil Deposit Lumber Load Core Blocks Fuel Oil Bond Premium Galv.. Pipe Bond PremiwTl, Insurance Meters Oil, Brake nuid, etc. FUND: .2." ri Parts (, Repairs P Po. :i~ ~/d~~ Mayor \ ~ Gity Clerk