HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/27/1932 7" Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 27th 193..E- the Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applioations for licenses the following were granted: I Nalleys Natural Gas Corporation E. B. J:jarnum R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Phyllis Burke P. Capos Ernest E. Okason J. R. Best H. B. Lathrop Harrington & Giles Joe Sylvia S. S. Mullen Hurd Transfer Go. Charles F. Neal Allen L. Longfellow Lee Hotel James Frankos Pete Pappas I 1 truck 1 truok 1 soft drink - 2 card tables 1 truck ,. Commercial Hotel (26 rooms) St. Francis Cafe 1 truok 1 truok 1 truck 1 soft drink - 8 card tables 1 - 5 passenger taxi 1-2t ton truck - I-It ton truck I-lt ton truck - 1-2 ton truck 1 truck 1 truck Hotel (55 rooms) Pastime Lunoh Radio Cafe '12.50 2.50 15.00 2.50 26.00 15.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 50.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 2.M 2.50 55.00 15.00 15.00 Under the head of Unfinished Business: Pursuant to the following notice of Hearing, the Commission took up the matter of the hearing of lmprovement Resolution NO. 145. I ! LEGAL PUBLICA'fIONS '~------.~------....(!!' I. ]Jtt'1l0l'1'~)IEXT HE~OI.l:'rIO;\, .1 ~, cJln, ~~'~mr'0i~l~~:{l,I?~ 'S~ly CI~f'l II~,~,~~i-;~./?~:I!f.j:~~<:Si~ ilJ tlw into:mtic.ll IOf tl'C Citr CommiHf;jnl1 ur 1118 Citr l~v..j;f~.t r1':~/:~i~(~~ r~~~I,~~r\~~~~wt~I~~. r~;:' wit: [~l\teJ'Hl 1>e'n~r enmml"nciuh alj '".~.(.' ,,~~Hll~jl:;~~"C~\'~~l t:;~{' i~0';~;~'.Ct;;:~I~ t"'(.'..n Fifth fI,ld !-;lxLh !-;trl'Pt.;; I"UII- 1l'11~ l':H:ti'l'I;.' all>l\g !lltl,1 alif'y to! ~~~~e ~t :~'i:'1l)f~ug~~J~~~1 t ll~l l~\\':{ 11~llla 11\~J Blol,;.k' \21. tllC \'Or111 11,\1f of ]-noek: ' 11:: nnd tIle No!"th lJf1lf- (If l"llo('k lIt l.ot;p.ther ".ith 1\11 rlJlpurten- . 11n['/,,, :\11.1 equil'JnI'llt IWC'I~~f':ll'.\" to ''-'tl1'l.')pletr> jlw !':ftmc :lilt! to do !;\l(.b lothr:!1" 'w"fJ..: .:H- l11a\' 1... lI('('t>~:<;nr," 'jn't;!ml'U'NI(!l1 l.lWI'C iv 1111 I11H1 in Hr'- ~ol'd.l\m..(' WIth Uw ]llaw, ann sped- , fk<l t.lOll!< t.o 1JC ]l]'l'par('t! hy the ! ..;:1~;i~i';;f;:~:~;I~~~~"::;~;~,i~:~;;: I.Itl1l' 11I'(l1H'1.ty ,,,'11IeI1 will 1)(> srwl'r(;(l;i ~ ~~l~r"i::~\"~~ l;t~';':'i~:-:~"l i:.:~dtl~~. liHblej' i THUlIl: Tl~:lt all pCrsOll:; Wh0 (le- t I ~::~rifJ~~l t~}I.I~::J~~ef;/~'I~~l() [llt,\~'r:~nl~e:l;~~h' ii ~!~~~~'l;\~~i~'I~\~l ;;:,elilt~~l(l~' i~~ ~~~ 8~m II t~omml!';slm\(>r s' 1'I.Hlm on Ul.... B'~('-I oml fli)(ll' uf ,he I"ire })"ll;~rtml"l1L n\lilllln~' on Lin('"oln :;trl"ct \II th~ I ('it~' (..~f p(.ll.t .\ngelcl'; <>11 tlle nth day of JrUlUrl.l'y, 1932, 1'Lt 10 n. nl" ~.?t 1:::11(] ([f1.~', which t1m~ tllI'l place, t ~aLil;:~'b;:';Jaftl~:;} t~(j\ll~J('~~:~~ ]ll~)~j t jJose(l Impro\"F'mt>nt Hllll all of lhl'] ,,1ob.lectiO.lls tJlej'etu, ,1m] ftlt llcler-1 l ~;,.iildiJ\I~I;~~g\,~~~C('t~~d of PM'ment oE' fl nQ~?~:;::I1iH~uJ'~;~t t;h;heC~Y~\, ~~ft~= i! ~~'liir~iO~~ldt 1~~rol:~~~\I~~ S;~~~u11;t; ~~~ t' J,t\\ tlJ J,(' !-;llbmILte(1 ,t FIFTH TIMt thL: CJ:'lt am] ex- pen:!(; (of 'Cuel lmp10\Cl11Cnt l>iulll he hOI ne nn(l asse1:JsuJ nglllnst,. th<:\ . ! ~~gr~'r~~ JJ~~?ltJ tilel ()("l l'" )ll o- r! Pa:<:!'Icfl II) lhf' Clt\ Comm,,,,,lon I' and sl",m 11 In the J\t.nor thlR :HL!l Id,n o[ J)eco.:mllcl 111~1 t "'ttcst H I; l)~t:;~~1 l ;),l~)r{~l\ dH:~\'I~~~sfO~ I~~V l'll"/' J'nt.llk I~ 1'lullHIlI'I elt} .AU~ [ I) ~l'rlptl:m apprQ,,,d I 'f "\\~. ()wcn eln bng:l1lcf"'. , I'nlJhshlCd Del,; ,,1, ]~131 JllIl '" lOB.! I The Engineer submitted the following report and estimate upon the,proposed improvement: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Office ot City Engineer TO the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, washington. Gentlemen: I submit the following report and estimate upon the pro- posed improvement of; Blooks 120, 121 and North half Blooks 113 and 114 by the oonstruction of a lateral sewer in the alley, as set forth in detail in Resolution No. 145 of the City Commission, whioh has been referred to me by your honor- able body. ' Total Estimated Cost $3,459.50 Amount to be assessed against abutting property 3,459.50 558.11 Unpaid assessments Aggregate aotual value of real estate exclusive of improvements Aggregate assessed valuation of real estate exclusive of improvements 10,400.00 5,200.00 I also submit the assessment roll showing the property whioh will be specially benefitted thereby and the estimated amount of the oost and expense of said improvement to be bourne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property within the assessment distriot. I further certify that the 'amount of cost, as above est- imated, does not exceed the limit prescribed by law for improvements to be bourne by assessments upon the property benefited. Witness my hand this 4th day of January, 1932. TROS. W. OWEN, City Engineer. I Engineer's Certifioate of Giving Notice of Hearing: CERTIFICATE STATE OF WASHINGTONl COUNTY OF CLALLAM I, Thos. W. Owen, City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, do hereby certify and deolare as follows: That on the 4th day of January, 1932 I gave notice of the time and place and date of the hearing on the RESOLUTION of intention No. 145 for the improvement of Blocks 120 and 121 and North half Blocks 113 and 114, Townsite of Port Angeles, - TO EACH OWNER OR REPUTED OWNER of lots, tracts or parcels of land especially bene- fitted by the proposed improvement by mailing to the said ovmer or reputed owner of suoh property as shown from the tax rolls of the County Treasurer at the address sn shown, a notice setting forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the total estimat ed cost and estimated benefits to the particular lot or tract of land of whioh he was the reputed owner, together of the time and place of such hearing, before the .City Commission. That all of said notices were properly addressed as above stated, prop- erly enolosed and posted with postage fUlly paid thereon. Dated this 4th day of January, 1932 TROS. W. OVrnN, City Engineer. --olIIII r'"8 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 27th 193~ The City Clerk reported that protests had been filed by the following property owners: Milton L. Halterman F. C. Rehder M. J. Lauridsen After listening to those present and duly oonsidering protests on file and oare- fully going over the plans and specifications for said improvement, it was moved by Commissioner Filion that Improvement Resolution No. l45, together with the plans and speoifica tions submi tted by the Oi ty Engineer be approved and that the manner of payment be by the ten year payment plan. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared motion carried. Under the Head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes, the fOllowing Ordinance was introduced, read in full and plaoed on its first and seoond readings. AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing for the oonstruction of a lateral sewer within the City of Port Angeles desoribed as follows, to-wit: A lateral sewer oommencing at the trunk sewer at the intersection of "R" Street with the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets running easterly along said alley to "D" Street sufficient to drain and sewer all of Blocks 120 and all of Block 121, the North half of Block 113 and the North half of Blook 114, all in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, together with all appurtenanoes and e~uipment neoessary to oomplete the same and to do suoh other work as may be neoessary in conneotion therewith; oreatingLooal Improvement District No. 145 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the payment of the cost and expense thereof by special assessments upon the property within said district aocording to law by the mode of payment by bonds in acoordance with Improvement Resolution No. 145 of the City of Port Angeles and the plans and speoifioations prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Commission. Under the Head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoe was read by title and plaoed on its third reading: AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance and sale of local improvement bonds for Local Improvement Distriot no. 139 to pay the cost and expense of the improvements in said district as ordered and provided for in Ordinanoe No. 941, approved May 13th, 1931, entitled "An Ordinanoe ordering and providing. for the improvement of Peabody Street from the South margin of First Street to the North end of Peabody Creek Bridge, a total distanoe of approximately 560 feet, by grading and gravelling said street and treating the 40-foot roadway with asphaltio oil, all in acoordanoe with Improvement Resolution No. 139 of the City of Port Angeles, oreating Local Improvement District No. 139 of the City of Port Angeles, providing for the payment of the same to be made by speoial assessments upon the property within the said distriot, payable by the mode Of "Payments by Bonds" all in aooordanoe with said Improvement Resolution No. 139, and the maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved and adopted by the City Commission. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the Ordinanoe be plaoed on its final passage and , adopted, seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted aye. Mayor deolared motion oarried. Under the head of Reports of Officers the following report was read: January 21st, 1932 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Gentlemen: As re~uired by law each year, I hereby designate the following banks as deposit- aries of the City's moneys for the year 1932. Washington State Bank of this City First National Bank of this City. MADGE H. NAILOR, City Treasurer. It was moved by J~yor Davis that the City Treasurer's aotion appointing the foregoing banks as depositaries for City moneys for the year 1932 be approved. See ended by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The bond of B. Weeks, Master Plumber was approved by the City Attorney. The Superintendent of utilities annual report on the City Light Plant was read and ordered filed. The assessment roll of L.I.D No. 142 being now on file in the City Clerk's offioe, it was moved by J~yor Davis that the date of hearing of the assessment roll of L.I.D. No. 142 be fixed for February 24, 1932 at 10 A. M. and that the City Clerk and ' Citf Engineer be instructed to prepare and issue all neoessary notioes of said hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The fallowing olaims were examined and allowed by the Commission: Current Expense Fund Diesel Water Fund Freight Guaranty Fund Madge H. Nailor, Treasurer Assessments Munioipal Water Works Repair Fund Pay roll Pay ro 11 Pay roll the Commission City Transfer Co. ~1l7.00 C.1I.& St. P. Ry. 106.00 746.81 243.00 252.00 72.00 Water Department Water Department Water Department There being no further business 7J. /J1, 1"~ Cits. Clerk ,,0 !?,,-'\- then ad-j ourned. lt€/ca~ Mayor. lilo...- I I I I I