HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/27/1943 ,.... 484 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ January ~7 1943 The Crnfu~ission met in regular session at 10 ~.~. and was called to .order by Mayor Ro~inson. Roll call showed the followine officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners 3e8m and N.asters. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. The little Place, soft drink license The 1i t.tle I'la ce, restaurant license Under the head of ap.olicetioc.s for licenses the following were granted: Under the head of New Business: $2.08 5.00 I An Easement Deed which was received from the United States Gover~ment in regard to the water line on Sixth Street from Evans Avenue~ West was referred to ~,he City Attorne;;r. CURRE,T EXP~NSE FU~ID The CotTL"niesion exan~ined and allowed the follov{ing claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: Vernon J. Rooinson Thos. T. Adlwel1 & Co. K. O. Erickson J. M. Davis W. K. Nattinger Psseciation of Washington Cities City Treasurer Thos. H. Cuptill Seattle Radio Supply Ci ty 'I'rea surer City Treasurer Puget Sound ~avigation Co. WATER FUND .. Clallarn Adjustment Corp. Hooker Electrochemical Co. LIGHT FUND Clallam Ad,justment Corp. City Treasurer Chas. E. Beam Pacific Lamp & ~upply Co. ~~~r:1~e~i~rr~~ Auto Co. International Assoc. Electric Inspectors Puget Sound Pcwer & Light Co. LI'lRARY FUND New YorkoTimes Co. Geylord ~ros. Inc. PARK-.IlJlJ2 : City Treasurer Thos. H. Guptill F. II. Coffelt ~. -9UARANIY FUN']) City Treasurer Expense account Premium en bond for 1(ayor Premilli~ on bond for Corum. of Finance Premium en bond for Cow~. of Streets dond for Treasurer 1945 Membership Fe@ Cash paid for Box Rent Signs Batte ries Ca sh paid for insurance (Fire De pt) Cash paid for 'lox Rant & Post Cards Freight Bill Collection Cormnission Chlorine Ccllection com~ission Cash for postage Expe ns e Light Fixture Carbon & Ribbons Winch Parts Dues Calibrate meter Subscription Cabinet I} Date Slugs Car License Signs Hoist & pulle:1 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. Taxes Lot 14, 81.15, P.S.C.C. ~~ Acting !:i ty CJe rk lirl.... 2.80 50.00 45.00 45.00 50.00 125.00 .75 15.45 11 1.14 / 40.00 ,11 1.75 .82 2.27 Nj. 29.97 }'V 7.13 72.21 15.45 13.42 7.47 ~ 30.00 2.00 I{? 6.18 ~ 17.00 bt .- 47.00 ~1 1.25 /' 4.12 -,0 25.00 52.66 I I ~/rJ[~ Mayor I I