HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/27/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 27. 1944 19_ ""'lIII 605 I .1 I I I PurSilant to adjourr.rr.ent the Commission met 1:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor RobLClson. Roll call showed tho folloTn.ng officers present: lk'J'or Robinson, "'ommissicners Beam and Masters and Clerk Hawkins. The matter of further consideration of the bids for disposal of City Garbage ca~o up, tho bids being as follows: J. R. McDonald Will furnish garbage dump and all necessary equipment for disposal of garbage. Fees charged, 75~ per ",onth in tho residential district. In the business district colloctions to be made on a monthly basis on terms agreed tc lrJ the garbage collector and ths tene-nt or property owner. The said J. R.licDonald to make all collectio;,s. Andrew Caris The City to fu.rnish the dump Bnd collect all fees in the residenthl district on all water accounts at th", rate of 75~ per month. In the business district all fees will bI! on agree- ment bebeen Garbage collector and the tenant or property owner and collected by the /raroa!!e collector. George Conrad The Garbage collector to furnish all trucks and other equipment necessary for t he collection and disposal of the garbage for the sum of ,t23oo.oo pe,. mor.th. The City to furnish the gar- bage dump and make all collec~ions. It arv"aring that the oil of J. R. McDoMld was the best bid it ""'s moved by Connissi(,Jl~" BM". that t.he ~ c.,.;..~ ot be awaded to t he said J. ". McDonald und~- the terms and oonditicns ae set forth in hiG bid. Seconded by Commissioner 1asters. On roll call all membere ,"t.d ~.. The ~~3or d;clarad tho ~otion carri~d. There being w further business the Comlnission th:n adjollrned.to meet at 10 A.Io:. February 1, 1944. 11.1Y0h..s,~ ~J:,~ City Cle rk FEBRUARY 1. 1944 TIle Commission met pu'suant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and 1I!lS called to order by lIa;yor Robinson. Roll call sh01l'ed too following officers present: Yayor Robinson, ColllllillSioners BeSll snd IIasters snd Clerk Hawkins. The Commi8s1on examined and allowed the following claims and ordered Warrants drawn for sam.e: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Dept. Street " J. R. Kcllona1d Pay Roll " " (0 <):,)/ !57.50 175.00 26.00 Services cm STREET FUND City Street Pay Roll 1160.00 PARK FUND Park Ilept. STATE AID FUND Pay Ron 150.00 Civilian Defense Pay Roll 78.2!5 WAR LIQUOR TAX FUND John H. '[hatcher Radio Repair Service 20.00 There being no further business tha ColIIm1.se1on thsn adjourned. ?7~~ ~{d(~ ~eyor City Clerk ..-..l