HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/27/2009
Resolution Initiating
Formation of a
Metropolitan Park
Resolution No. 2-09
Port Angeles, Washington
January 27, 2009
Mayor Braun called the special meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 5 :00
Members Present:
Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, N.
West, Y. Ziomkowski, R. Bonine, and 1. Lafferty.
Public Present:
D. Pilling, O. Campbell, P. Gagnon, E. Chadd, and L. Button.
All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster.
Resolution Initiating Formation of a Metropolitan Park District:
Mayor Braun invited Clallam County Commissioner Chapman to the microphone.
Commissioner Chapman informed the Council that the Commissioners took action earlier
in the day, adopting a Resolution calling for a May 19 election for a Metropolitan Park
District, inclusive ofthe County sharing the cost of the election, an appointed board, and
the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District. Commissioner Chapman stated his
appreciation of the work ofthe Save the Pool Committee, and he expressed hope that the
Council would pass a Resolution this evening. Copies of the County's Resolution were
distributed to the Council.
Manager Myers referenced the last City Council meeting, at which time a number of
questions were raised. Two memos had been distributed to the Council that addressed
those questions, and Manager Myers read the memos aloud, answering questions related
to how Pool donations would be received and tracked, the potential for Pool Pass refunds,
Metropolitan Park District election costs, sales tax revenue as relates to a Nippon Paper
refund, investment revenue, and a possible overpayment to the City of Real Estate Excise
Tax funds. The second memo addressed questions raised by Councilmember Williams
on the matter of possibly funding City Parks and Recreation facilities and activities
through the Metropolitan Park District. Manager Myers indicated the levy can go up to
$.75 per $1,000 in assessed valuation. Finance Director Ziomkowski informed the
Council that the City's share of the sales tax refund to Nippon is $20,000, which is
significantly less than the original amount of $198,000 as stated by the Department of
Revenue. - .
Discussion ensued, and Councilmember Rogers felt it important to form a Port Angeles
Aquatics and Parks District that would leave the door open to perhaps later add other
facilities at some future date. She asked for an inclusive MPD that addresses saving the
Pool, but also allows for possible future consideration the right to add other facilities,
such as Civic Field. Councilmember Williams has promoted an MPD for many years, as
Parks & Recreation must compete against other General Fund departments. He proposed
alternate language, leaving a placeholder in the Resolution for expansion to other Parks
& Recreation activities and facilities. The ability to fund all programs is becoming more
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January 27,2009
Resolution Initiating
Formation of a
Metropolitan Park
Resolution No. 2-09
Resolution Affirming the
Creation and Purposes of
the Port Angeles Harbor
Works Development
Resolution No. 3-09
and more difficult. Councilmembers Rogers and Williams emphasized that the added
language to the alternate Resolution merely states legislative intent for the future ability
to pursue such an option. Lengthy discussion and debate followed. AttQrney Bloor
provided clarification as to the authorities and powers of the Metropolitan Pi!rk District
as provided by State law. Individual Councilmembers stated their positions on the
expanded versus the narrow version of the Resolution, and it was pointed out that the
partnership with the County may be placed in jeopardy should the expanded version be
accepted. County Commissioner Chapman approached the podium and informed the
Council that, if the Resolution were to be expanded, he felt the County would withdraw
from participation in the election.
Following further discussion, Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City ofPort Angeles, Washington,
requesting the Auditor of Clallam County to call a special election to put
the formation of a Metropolitan Park District to the voters of the City of
Port Angeles and voters of Clallam County located within the boundaries
of the Port Angeles School District No. 121.
Councilmember Di Guilio moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember P~rry seconded the motion. Attorney Bloor clarified that the name
of the Metropolitan Park District must be set forth in the Resolution. Councilmember
Di Guilio amended his motion to include the name, William Shore Memorial Pool
District. As seconder of the motion, Councilmember Perry agreed to the
amendment. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 5 - 2, with
Councilmembers Rogers and Williams voting in opposition.
2. Resolution Affirming the Creation and Purposes of the Port Angeles
HarborWorks Development Authority:
Community & Economic Development Director West referenced the discussion held at
the December 9, 2008, joint meeting between the City Council and the Port of Port
Angeles Commissioners, at which time many important issues were addressed as relates
to the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority. Director West felt it
important that there be support for the implementation ofthe vision for the Rayonier site;
and the proposed Resolution reflects further support for the efforts ofthe PDA. Attorney
Bloor informed the Council that an alternate Resolution had been provided, incorporating
language changes to Section 2.
Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 5:58 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
6:08 p.m.
Mayor Braun read the resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City ofPort Angeles affirming its commitment to the
Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority.
Manager Myers read the revised language in Section 2 for the benefit of the public, and
minor grammatical modifications were then suggested. He noted the most important
portion of the Resolution relates to the City's affirmation of its commitment to the Port
Angeles HarborW orks Development Authority, partnership with the Port of Port Angeles
and the Port Angeles community, for the purposes stated upon its creation May 20, 2008.
Discussion followed, and individual Councilmembers spoke to the importance of the PDA
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Resolution Affirming the
Creation and Purposes of
the Port Angeles Harbor
Works Development
Resolution No. 3-09
January 27, 2009
serving as the appropriate tool to redevelop the Rayonier site and serving as a community
voice in the revitalization of the Harbor. It was stated that the Public Development
Authority has the role of the cleanup facilitator, and it represents a good partnership in
a combined effort. Opinions were expressed that there were some flaws in the creation
of the Authority, but the importance of moving forward on an inclusive basis was
emphasized. Councilmembers spoke in support of the cleanup format that has been put
. in place, urging the process to move forward. It was hoped the Board ofthe Port Angeles
HarborWorks Development Authority would be receptive to ongoing questions about
anything that is not clear, as it is important for the citizens to know that the liability of
cleanup won't fall on the community. Further, it was pointed out that there needs to be
a full understanding of the PDA's direction and that the public process is being respected
along the way.
Mayor Braun again read the Resolution by title, after which Councilmember Perry
moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Deputy
Mayor Wharton and carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m.
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Gary Brau~Mayor
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Becky 1. Up , Ci Clerk .