HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/28/1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 375 ~ January 28. 1942 19_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order b~' Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Con.:1iff and Clerk lL1wkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permit." the following were granted: W. D. Brown, Build Dwelling, Lot 6,\Block 19B, townsite Ed Nygard, Build House, Lot 1, Block' ~36, Townsite 2500.00 3000 .00 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resoluticns were introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is theowner of the following described real property, having acquired the same qy Treasurer's deed, dated November 9, 1939, under and bw virtue of the authority of Section 939B of Remington's Revised Sta tutes, Chapter 143 of t he Laws of 1929, page 365, to-vn t: Lot One (1), Block Two Hundred Thirty-six (236) of the Townsite of Port Angelos, Clallam County, Washington, and WHEREAS, Ed Nygard has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $300.00, payable as follovrs: $30.00 as a down payment and ~O.OO on or before the 23rd day of February, 1942, and .illO.OO on or before the 23rd day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per amum on the balance due and paid with the monthly installment, and WHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the op~mon that the offer is fair value and at this time it is the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Ed Nygard for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any otherj valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser; that the City Clerk of the City of Port Pngeles be and he is hereby instruct- ed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port "ngeles be and he is hereby I instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved qy Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissicner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Y~yor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the United States Army has made a request for the use of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block Two Hundred Forty-seven (247), Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, for Federal Defense purposes, and ~REREAS, it is the desire of the City COfl~ission of the City of Port Angeles, Washiagton, to do all things possible to aid and assist in the Federal Defense Program, NOW, T?EREFORE, BE IT R2SC1VED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, that the United States Government be granted the privilege to use Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block Two Hundred Forty-seven (247), Townsit.e of Port Angeles, Washington, for Military purposes by the United States Army for the duration of the War. It was '!;oved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopt.ed. Seconded by Commissioner 1,ind. On roll call all menbers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motio.1 carried. Under the reports from City Officers the following VtaS read: January 26, 1942 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioaers Gentlemen: M required bw law, I hereby designate the First National Dank of this City and the Chemical Bank and Trust. Company of New York City as depositories for the year 1942, for the funds of the City of Port ftngeles. Respectfully yours, Madge H. Nailir, City Treasurer It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the above Treasurer's report naming depositories for City funds for the year 1942 be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor.declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business: The Commission instructed the City Clerk to issue a call for bids for the sale of Lots 11, 12 rod 10, Block 33, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. Bids to be rl'ceived up to 10 A.M., February 10, 1942. It appearing that an error had been made in the Call for Bids for Fire Department equipment, in asking for bids for 4 I!" shut-off nozzles with ~" and 5/8" tips Carn Cone type or equal, instead of 4 l~" shut-off nozzles with t" and 5/8" tips Cam Cone combination Fog Type or equal. The bids for said equipment were opened July 23, 1941, and recorded in Vol. 20, Page 312 of CommissiOners' Proceedings. The Commission approved the purchase of the 4 1~1I shut-off nozzles with l~" and 5/8" tips 'Cam Cone combinaticn Fog Type, as originally intended instead of the ty;e of nozzle described in the bid. Chief of the Fire Department, C. A. Wolverton, presented his annual report which was read and ordered filed. Chief of the Police Department, R. O. Ide, presented his WL1ual report which was read and ordered filed. ~ ~76 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 28. 1942 19_ The Conunission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for sa.lle: CURliENT EUEKSE FUND The American City Magazine Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Angeles Radiator Shop 1 Mary E, Ennis Tooker's Motor Freight I Thos. T. Aldwell I Pacific Telephone & Telegraph II fl fI 11 Fra~{ ~acdonald & Sons Schreiner-Kyle Chevrolet "0. I Epperson & Sons, Inc. Middleton Motor Parts Co. / Universal Tool Co. Homeli te Corp. Sharrai Parr Marguerite Vane Pacific Tel & Tel Co. D. A. Masters " D. A. Masters H. H. Van Brocklin Insurance " 2.00 4.40 14.92 40.00 .75 54.00 2.92 5.54 51. 79 43.14 6.16 3.65 191. 75 949.35 24.00 51.00 4.90 20.30 209.09 213.60 .88 65.62 ..~ 5.76 ,v 4.84 11' 42.26 37.08 690.12 19.35 1"! 68.24 g~' 2.43 44.50 12.15 10.47 t;;- 53.67 ",0 193.69 59.85 26.2'- 1.13 490.09 29.58 49.38 324.57 209 .09 4.DO ~( 22.85 / 211.68 ., I k Or 254 .78 4.59 " 4.25 '1".- 9.m ~" 66.99 2 .65 Sb 1.39 j5~ / 232.31 118.15 '/.~ 4.69 'l, /" 4.15 230.B9 I (,0. Subscriptiofl t.ervice Shop Work Stenographic Work Freieht Insurance Service Shop Work Repairs Lumber, etc. Parts Fir~ Alarm Supplie s " Dept. " Clerical Work " I Service Insurance H. 11. Yan Brocklin a CITY STREE':' FlIND Charles R. Watts & Co. D. ~. Masters H. H. Van Brocklin " Red Reflector Units Insurance WA':'ER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. H. Van Brocklin " Service Insurance I LIGHT FUND Remington N .W. Sec. fl. H. Vac, II Hand, Inc. International Brocklin II Ass'n Service Rubber Cement Wire l!.ast ~.rms Meter Partn Time S"!:i tches Ledger Safe Dues Insurance " Pacifc Tel & Tel Co. Peninsula Motors Line Material Co. p II II Gen. Electric Supply Corp. It rr fI D. A. Masters CEMETERY rlJND H. H. Van Brccklin InSurance LIBRARY FUIID Pacific Tel &. Teil Co. D. A. Masters n. H. Van .3rocklin Service Insuren ce . I PARK FUNP P?cific Tel & Tel Co. Seettle Radio Supply D. A. Masters H. H. Van BrocklilO Service Condenser Insurar.ce " L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND I L.I.D. REV01VIN" FtiKD City Treasurer Assessments There be:.ng no further business the Comr..ission then adjourned. 1; City Clerk ?I11rJ~ Mayor ?X~~ ....