HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/28/1948 II 'I~ I I. I: . II Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 417l ! , January 28. I9~ '_.._..,_'~"'__'n. n"" ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Acting Mayor Stee.l!lBt Roll: r ,call of officers showed the following present: E. C. steele, Mayor Pro-tem, Connnissioner Johnson, Attorney I Wilson and Clerk Law. I Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I ~nder the head of applications for building' permi ts and licenses, the follavling were granted: ' I .. <fOo 0;: Building Permits: 3</; P. E. Burke Move S-Room House; Lot 11, Blk. 149, Townsite Peterson & Craver, Inc. Build S-Room Dwelling; Lot 10, Blk. "on, Carters Add. Peterson & Craver, Inc. Build S-Rllom Dwelling; Lot 14, Blk. 271, Townsite cl'eterson & Craver, Inc. Build S-Room Dwelling; Lot 15, Elk. 271, Townsite ~. H. Danser Remodel Kitchen; Lot 10, Blk. 290, Townsite Sig Larson Remodel, Put in New Front on Part of Building; Lots 10-11, Bll~~bte QJ. Wylie Alstott Construct 4-RoomDwelling; Lots 19-20, Blk. 101, Townsite C. A. Kennedy Build 2-car Garage; ,Lot 16, Blk. 269, Townsite bordon B. Lynch Build 6-Room'Dwelling; S2 Lot 10-52 Lot 11, Blk. 276, Townsite 1 .. ,,8' 'Licenses I ~:z. - Salad Bowl ,Puget Sound Nav. Co. I Under the head of unfinished business the Commission reconsidered a petition to install a street light in th~ alley between Front and Georgiana Streets and Vine and Albert Streets. It was decided to install the street light if obstructing trees are eliminated, also lights at the corners of Liberty and Caroline and Liberty ~d,Columbia Streets, as soon as required material is available. I Ur..H. L. Thompson spoke before the Connnission protesting construction of a house with fireplace being too close to property line as regulated by Ordinance. l.!r. C. D. Earl and contractor Del Guzzi also appeared regarding the eame. After considerable discussion it was decided that if fireplace is moved in to conform !nore w.Lth milding lines, the building permit would not be ,declared void. I Under the head of new 1:nsiness a notice of revocation of lease by the City on a Goverrunant owned lot at : ;First and Laurel'Streets WaS read and discussed. The Attorney "",,s instructed to obtain information , regard~,..~,h:. ~:,~~"Of said lot by the Government. 9 I ,:1 ~\i,I~(:,:~I:',I'~:U/til}lt~i;,:~!!r X'!:~~;i;.i~?~~.~f~i:l! ~. r~~~~r:~ngce e~~~n:dW:~ ~~:pSl.p. ~~X:~e~yr; .~~.~~T~:i~~~~i~:~:~~:~onll l!ill~'t(lI1' III lilt, I'it;.' Hall "r ;<!>!tl dt,\'," ., l,rlN lat"I' U,all :'1 1I.11l" l"('ltl'UIlI'~' 1:-'., to consider request and make decision after range location is confirmed. I ll'~~, to r\lnll~h (','dflr 1'"lef' ("I' tll~ : J.ight ,\>"l'ilI'1I1""ll, :-:IIH,j,fil.':\t_i'~1I1'l II !;.\ll\::' (1~;'I,,'II~t':~~II;;;~L2t(H)lh;:I~ (1:~~\~~"~Il~'~J~ Light Supt. Lean requested permission to publish bids for purchase of the followiIt;: l'1j<'ht 10 )'l~j.'d :UI\ H" all hl'~f;;, 1 it. L' ht 1 t d d' nd II ': .. r, L"'L ,'r.,. ,"",k. One year supp y of carr er curren recel.vers. 19 po es, s an ar sues a :'I!lr;~I'Ii"'III'rl ,JaIIH:lI.\. :::10, I<~('~ll"\r:'l"'~, grades. Bids to be opened February 18, 1948,. Metering transformers for 15.8 K.V. i ,e. ,;;;"" '1'.. ",.,,,',,:- Approximately 1,200 ft. industrial fencing and gates for sub-stations and areas. II ,\~lr::~:"'.\("U:;..i'~i,~:~~;I,::i!F .r~;:~','.\I:,i~:~';~~:;~:,:~l~ Steel strlolctures for entering 66 K.V. sub-stations. Ii was moved by Commissioner; "'I,;"t'dl, ill lh. ('ity llnll "r ~"joll'itYJ Steele that the foregoing bids be published. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. 'I :::~:iL~f.I./lt'ii' :'::;I~::II;~~:: )1,> 111;::~:-;lj~Vl~ All voted Aye. Motion carried,. 1 !lqlll.'tlll'.llt ,.f "i'" y,':.r ~lI"lol.\' or (':ll'rj"f' l"II'r".,t 1~;"',,i\"'I'''. TI'I' ("'Ill. ::::;':;,''',''i';:;:,~:> 1[." ,i~'" '" ".""" Under the head of introduction of reaolutions, the follow.Lng was introduced: . ,l. E. l.!n,. l'ilY 1.I<'rk. f'ul,ll''lu'd Jill\u:lry 3u, F..1.1U:II~' G, r 19.~~. I WHEtlEAS, a petition has been filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles by all the property owners of the property a1:ntting on the following described street requesting that the follow.i.ng portion of the street be vacated, to-wit: I i I I ^ND WHEREAS, it is neceasary to let the Commission fix a time and place for hearing on said ~etition. I' ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that a hearing on said i>etition to vacate said street be held in the City <Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles on Wednesday, /the 16th clay of February, 1946, at the hour of 11 0' clock A.M. ~t was moved by Commissioner Johnson thst the foragcing resolution be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I, 4,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 400.00 5,000.00 , 5,OOO.G10, 50C .00 6,000.00 Amusement Machine, 6 Mo. Occupational Tax i 12.00 80.68 RESOLUTION Thirteenth Street from the easterly margin of Lincoln Street to the westerly margin of 'Chase 3t. NOTICE OF HEARING ~OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 2Bth day of January, 1948, a petition "",,s filed with the <:itv' Conrniasion pf the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to vacate the follow.i.ng described street, to-wit: Thirteenth Street from the easterly margin of Lincoln Straet to the westerly margin of Chase st. 110TICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on the 28th day of January, 1948, the City Commission of the iCity of Port Angeles duly adopted a resolution directing thet a hearing on said petition to vacate said street be held in the :city Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles in the Fire Hall on Wednesday, the 18th day of Februa:ry 1946, at the hour of 11 ,00 A.M. I AFFIDA V1T OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OF THE VACP.TION OF Thirteenth Street from the easterly margin of Lincoln Street to the westerly margin on Chase Street. I II ~ UII" n~ IIlHHH,****** I STATE OF WASHINGTON) I ) S8. CoUNTY OF C1A11AM ) I H. E. Dodge, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he was at the times herein mentioned of full age, a resident of Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington, and a citizen of the United States and of the State of Washington; That on the 26th day of January, 1946, he posted true and complete ,copies of the original notice of hearing on petition to vacate certain streets described in the notice of hearing hereto attached: I ~ ,... 418 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 28. 19J!L One copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County, Wa~hington; one at the front door of the City Hall at 140 West Front Street; Port Angeles; one in a conspicuous place on the streets which are sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of January, 1948. H. E. DODGE II Th~ Collllllission eXlllllin~ and app;c;ed CURRENT EllPENSE FUND: .,z ~ .:< .r ' INelS M. Sutherland : Ze llar be ch Paper Co. Sea ttle Rubber stamp Co. Nu Way Shoe Repair Port Angeles Sign Shop Angeles Rediator Shop Brown's Second Hand store United Janitor Supply Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. ,Tower Super Service ,Middleton Moto r Parts Co. I Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. City Treasurer Deines Studio IWillson Hardware Co. iJohnson & Bork 'Fire Applianoe Co. 'General Electric Supply !Corp. 'Surplus Property Purchase Revolving fun:i , .. yo :CITY STREET FUND: Itf''f- IIV. H. Haller Hardware Iwestern Tract!lDr & Equipment Co. WATER FUND: i1 333 (-I 'Nels M. Sutherland Hooker Electrochemical Co. Marckmann & Williams 'Fredericksen & Conrad Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank CO. 'LIDHT FUNDI ~ (.03_0.2- ,Multigraph Sales Agency jAmerican Photo-copy Equipment Co. ':Westinghouse Electri c Supply Co. ,Zellerbech Paper Co. Nels M. Sutherland B. W. Lean General Electric Supply Corp. ; dO SANITATION WND: .:;-- Nels M. Sutherland PARK FUND: "II _73 'J. c. Panney reo. :L.I.D. REVOLVING FUND: .7J"~ ~7 City Treasurer I Betty M. Church, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles, Washington My Commission Expires ll-lS-50 I the following claimS, and ordered warrants issued in payment af the sama I Bond Premiums 1 Case Fabric Soft Tissue 1,000 Bicycle License Plates 6 Gas Gun Cases Lettering Patrol Car Boil Out & Repair Redia tor Tire Chains Pine Oil Disinfectant, Janitor Supplies Services 1627, 126, 1552, 600, 672 O)o/gen, Acetylene, etc. Parts ,Gas Volunteer Firemen I s Pension FIlm Photography Supply Tools & Hardware Paint Dept. Supplies One Port. Elea. Megaphone; One MC-5 Mobile Unit PM Combination 25 .00 6.40 144 .20 , 9.27 16.66 5.67 7.16 85.58, 64.62 16.97 , 20.06 10.40 51.00 12.56 2.21 5.64 146.49 I 600 .64 ,1,000.00 Fire-fighting Equip. & Accessories 15 Kegs 7" Spikes 178.45 Pin, Bushing 6.55 Bond Premiums 10.00 'Chlorine 55.77 Fittings & Valves 65.ll Bulldozing 76.50 I Fittings, Pipe 60.64 Pipe 69.59 Lnk 5.56 Paper 9.87 Meters 264.49 T Paper 6.55 Bond Frami UID 10.00 Expense 15.45 Meters 275.52 I Eond I 5.00 I Yardage for Draperies for Lower Club House 11.75 Texes Paid 785.17 There being no further business, the session "as declered adjourned. (), 2 LN<J: CI City iCler k ~ @,..<..d ~_.u~ !.Ia3or I I