HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/28/1952 I I I I, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 219 " January 2$ 19~ n.. . '"~", ''''''', "'''O~'', ..,."., ..... .... j The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Ma;vor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk .Law. ~ Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. " Under the head of application for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: BUILDING 'PERMITS: ~~" 0 0 . ..... Mrs. Earl Fox Construct concrete basement and move existing house onte same Lots 9 and 10, Block 126, Tm'msite Additional apt. to Aggie's Doghouse, Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 20, Townsite Construct dwelling, Lot 12 & on 81 of Lot 13, Blk. 334, Townsite Remodel kitdl en, lower ceiling and new cabinet work, Lot 14, Blk. 32,. Townsite Remodel kitchen, new kitchen cabinets and enclose p~rch, Lot 1, Blk. 152, Townsite $ 1,000.00 Del Guzzi Del Guzzi Melvin Adolphson 10,000.00 11,000.00 1,000.00 , Stan Yoder 1,000.00 LICENSES : Madison Beauty Shop Beauty operator 3.00 UOOer the head of unfinished business, the Commission considered a waver of responsibility concerning re~ lease of a portion of property in Section 8, Township 30 No., Range 5 W. W. M. It was moved by Commissioner Tayihor that according to the agreeJJlent, the City waive any claim for damages caused by removal of lateral ' support. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Einerson Lawrence, City representative for Civil Defense, requested that meeting with County Commissioners scheduled for this date be postponed to February ll, providing more time for investigation regarding employ- ment ef co-ordinator. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the date be changed as requested and due to use of Commissioners Room for polling place, the meeting be held at the City Hall. Motion seconded by Comnissioner Taylor., All voted Aye. Motiftn carried. Under the head of new business, the Engineer requested that the following transfers be made in the Street. " and Engineers 1951 budgets: / ENGINEER DEPARTMENT: From: AutG Operation & Maintenance Te: City Matching Cont. $31.00 STREET DEPARTMENT: Frem: Tools and Hardware To: Sts., Side\1alks, Bl'idges, etc. 15.00 f ol1ftWS : 4B7 .62 780.77 1,843.73 6ll.Z9 101.86 -' J08.7"'" Water Supt. Dodge als. requested transfers in the 1951 Water budget as From: Salaries and Wages To: Extra Labor Equipment Rental :!'lnlck and Equipment Repair Renewal, ~ns, etc. State Utility Tax City's Match. Contr. Prior Service Telephone Utili ty Charges I Advertising & Misc. Office Supplies I It was moved by CemmissJl:oner Tayl<l>r th1i.t the for:going requests for transfers be ~pproved. 'S:;onded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. /" , / Under the head of introduction aOO reading of Ordinances, the following were read' by title and placed ftn first and second reading: ~ /'~ ;. :"-# Jt:: :..~.: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the CitY' af Port Angeles regulating the in'ltallathn and use af radio antenna and s:i1nilar devices, providing a ,penalty 0.00 declaring an emorgency. It was moved by Cemmisshner Robinson that the f.,regeing 6rdinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by C<I>mmissioner Twl.,r. All voted Aye. Motien carried. ORDINANCE NO. I AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. ll67 Gf the City of Port Angeles entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate and restrict the losation and use of buildings and the use of land within t he City of Port Angeles; to limit the height of buildings; to prescribe building lines and the size <!If yeards; and for these purposes to divide the Ci~ into districts; providing penalties and repealing azv ordinance in cenflict herewith". I It was moved by Commissicmer To.vler that the faregeing Ordinance be passed first and s~cond reading. Seconded by Cemmisshner Robinson. Mayer Feeley veted Gpposed. Mation carried. The Cammisshn examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment ef same: ~9(,,7j Bend, 5 mos. Cemndssioner ef Finance BeOO, pellce c<l>urt Election supplies CURRENT EXP ENSE FUND: J. Lyle Bem, Inc. Jerry Nelsen Agency Trick and Murray Natural Gas Cerp. <If Washington Pote I s Custom Top & Bedy Shop United Janit<!lr Supply Tower Super Service Pe..ple 1 ~ Cept. Store PeninsUla Herald P. A. Evening News The Olympic Electrio Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Fredericks Electric $ 18,JJ01 5.001 238.15i 5.04 10.30; 2.58 110.061 5.98 22.99 13.20 15.60 3.09 317.54 128.75 Gas at firehall and police statien 2 mop pail, stand aOO 1 mop Tarp repairs Mmps, chameis, spenges, etc. 'Acetylene 8 sheets Add.fire prevention Mv. fire prevention C.>ndui t Car repair, pelice water heater CITY STREET FUJ,D: /7.:2 7, -< 7 City Water DM't. Galvanized pipe rewer Super Servic e Body and hoise !Forrest Hansen Truck rental ,Schreiner Chevrolet Muffler 3.65 1,648.001 46.88 4.77; I ..... ,.. 220 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Janu&ry 28 19~ . ""' . "",'"" ...".. .,.",.... .,.".. ...oo ..... bITY STREET FU~ (CON'T) 23~971 rOWard Co.per Qorp. Clutch and l.ck I ,LIGHT FUND: (,,z~,/~ I Pacific Telephene a d Telegrpph Ce. Phone service 78.40 I Henses I Brake Service Repairs 20.60 Westinghouse Elenric Cennections, braid 30.00 I Line Material Ceo Transf. 275.94 Thos. S. Wood Meters 218.20 ~ARKIN~ METER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: ~~. 37 . M. H. ~olles Inc. 'MoveIljents 47.07 J. Lyl~ Beam, Inc. Insuranc e 9.30 's erry Nels (in Agen cy Bond 10.00 I There qeing ntll further busimess the meeting adjourned. loco ;;l ~;4~#4 I (,< ~ .O.ar J City Clerk I' , l? I I j I " .' . I . I ) I J . I I I I I , - i ... I I ~