HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/30/1935 ""'IIIl 269 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 30, 1935. 193_ The Commis!!ion met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the f9110wing officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer ahd Clerk Hawkins. The minutes 0 f the previous sess ion wer e read and approved. Under the head of Applica tion forBuilding per mits the following was granted: I Ole Sperstad, Remodel Store Room, Lot 4, Blk. 15, Townsite ,SlOO.OO Under the head of New Business,- It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the proposition of the Shell Oil Company to supply Shell First Structure Non-premium Gasoline (Super Shell) for the period com- mencing January 9, 1935, and ending January 8, 1936, at the price of 13tf. per gal., be accepted. Seconded bl1 Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor-declared the motion carried. Under the head 0 f Introduc t io-n.. of Resolutions th e following Reso lution was in tro- duced: I RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF ONE-HALF INTE~EST IN ELEVEN CERTAIN LIGHT DEPARTUENT POLES TO THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE llND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. _ WHEREAS: The Superintendent of Utilities havinf presentE;d to the Commiss ion an approved agreeme nt Vii th the Paci fi c Telephone and Telegraph '-'ompany for the joint us er of Nine (91 40-foot Round ~edar Poles and Two (2) 35-foot Round Ce1ar Poles. 'The said poles being located along the easterly side of Secondary Highway No. 22, and more par- ticularly shown on the blue print drawing marked "Exhibit A", and attached. to the said agreement, and WHEREAS: It appearing that the said agreemen t Vias in proper form and tha t the execution tlmreo f is desirable and for the best interest of the City, THEREFOR!!: BS IT RESOLVED: That the agreement be approved 3!ld the May or and Ci ty Clerk be authorized to execute the same in duplicate on behalf of the City of Port Angeles. '. It was moved by Mayor .1Javis that the foref'oing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call al] members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I Under the head of Unfinished Business: Pursuant to the following call for bids far the purchase of $55,000.00 of Port Angeles General Obligation Bonds, the City Clerk reported one bid as follows: I I; __. LEGAl_ PUBLICAT'OXS ~ :,>;\~rN.n,"(~~;H~'\ ~i~';X~~'~ ~:II~~i~I<1.~~a :.:1 (:t'l'\ IW 1'1I~~'I: ~"I;ELHS. I ::-':1. !'r 1l"!Fi J;; lIJ':HI~rW i11VI.i},' 'l'h:'l..uldll \\'('dl1,'~,lJ~~, Ill'. 30Pl ,]lly': '~'~'l'~Jl:~:~:Y~l~.:J:} ~~\'ltl:;;I~_~('~I~'~ oJ!i~0 ('1~1'l-; (lr tll.. City of Port AIH'd'rl ;\~~i] K'~:'\''-;:~~' ",,::i~tl~~:'l \::~;'itil\(;::~;~~1 oj' dp' City "r 1'''1"1 j'"g:t"\t.~ ill (h,~~ :nnIHIII' or j':II:4'.tiv(' n",ulJtlllol; I $~~,~~:ll~li IO~~ll'b~UIl1'IIKI{ liIYE;-';~ Thut tit the ht,tV. or 10 ,,'doo:k. a, m., "'n \\'l'ctIH'~ll:lY. III" :~fith da.\' ,..f .}:.rl\mry. 1:1;;", [l,r .1.1U' 1'!I!ol('lllhl; l~ ~\::, 'J:I i t~;], ::g" I~~'~ f ~)~~I~(~;:;I~~.:.~~ :;~EI1.1: l\~t;' 1l1'.llt l~uihllllJ{ nIl I,ill"olll ~In!l't.' R:lid Rl'h!",] hldl'\. will Iou 1l\\lllid,~~ "JJ'~llpil hI. Ihl' "It~, ('OtllmhHllull.. illJ'~h;,h(;':'-I;~i'~ l '~~::Il \~i; i~:t~i\:;t~,\ro\' !f}~f:~::,C:;::::~1r:,:;;:::t!;\~;\{i)~);;~~,:'1 Jlilll{ llll' ~P('l'llll ;,pal' nl tl'I' dati of .,"!l.W', SUl.1t al]lrIlJlll~ ;'-K will I) lll"t IJY !i'tlutd IIIlU~I:ll tax !l;VIt.:!; t'u r~~~,: ;(~I~::i::lj: jl ,~I;~,:J;,,~;~:?~~~:~~': ~I;~:~:: ;;;:j1;11 ~~!i!l:!:;l::~;!;':'t~;~:~(f:i~<~;lfriJ!l r(:Clilli'llrllCllon or IlI'ir1IS"S on ]'~ight.l)l i-al"t'l't ill tlll:' C'lt.y o( I'ort An/{c!cs 0\'[>1' \'.'\I!c~' ~llld 'J'ulllwnj"J' \1l1Ichl)s. _ .t2t'~, I~~rnlitllf': W~~'~GI ;::.l;h~~lt~~i~(' h~;jl~ Ii ~~(~~li?~~~~~I[II}1 'I ~;~~:>ll~l:;\}~~,~;:tl ~~(~:~f ~;~):(~ Ii tlll'ity II:{ pl'oyidr:([ it1HI aUlIHIl"bwy H 111 (ll'dlnull('c No, 11\10 or t1w Citv 9 of 1'0l't AllJ{eleH l'ollrlnll!llg l,l(l 1'(:- 1: 'fllil of .':Iald (,I<:,<.:tion 'lnll mllllltl~d h;. till"' l'lly of PUI'l .'ll!<':ch'~ on .TllIJ".IaJ"\' :1, B:;::', : n.rldt'I':'I fHe l"l'tlllirf'll t() ~ubmit I! bldO! ~l'('(.'i!~'IIl)l; th~ foll{\wil1~": I: 'lJI~~) 111~~~lull~~'(>I~t :~~,~ l~~o~.I~tC~~~,~ j' rlt which ~uch h![ldel. will ilUI'C]IIU;~ ~ th;~t~:l~Jll~o:~~~:[>~t rlltl' of Inh'1'cst j lIt whkh the hilldCl" will 11ul'cha!',' t th:~'IlI~OI\~II~n:t~ l~~ril h(! sold to lhOj r~: ~ l.~~~~~ t ~ I~~\{:\ ~t ~~: :~:~li r {i;;~~;,!l~t~: i~ Illndel'. excejlt tlu> ~tat" of ',"lISh. hlgton, m\J~t lWcull1\laln" itl' iJi'l~ ~~~t'\;II;'t t\(:l:f~\~l o~:l~~r; ~~, t!~;:I't~~lt~~~ ...h1'"tl\, which :'Illal] IJC \"!~lu!'n('fl if the I>i(l It,. I",t Ut'C'f'l'tl,'l! IIncJ whkh \\"111 be fOl'feltl'd to the Cil~' I:' 1110 hltl(lt':[' In:lklng the 1\('l'I'!.!t'lI hid falll! Ol' nl'["i..ctp 10 cnmjl\('lc the pu\,vhn\,w l'f tlll~ hondf! "withIn thlr- tyla~.~ followIng Ill{' iU'Cl-]ltnnsc dlCTl'of, Is~u\'d l>y o\'..1cr {if lhe City Com- inhu:ion, \\-ITX]':~H i'lfy Ilan.l and !I\'al al tlHJ {'it\' of I'llrt .\nl;l'I~!l \hl~ 4th d,\~' \Jf ',:!llIunn... ~.3\!.1I;\WI'lX~, i;:~rVt ~~e~::r~[ Ul~ "Cil~' of Pl,ll',: JAil. r"lf.l!1-~r," In", I Port Angeles Light Investment Fund,- Bid, ~55,OOO.OO at par, rate of interest 5% per annum. The matter was continued for- further consid.eration. ~ ,...- 270 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 30, 1935; 193_ Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances, the following Ordinance Vias read by title and placed on its third reading. An ordinance providing for the supervision and control of property on Ediz Hook, hel Under lease from the United .hates to the ';ity of Port Angeles; setting forth and defin- I ing aots of trespass and other unlawful acts upon said property; providing penaltieS therefore and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner l~sters that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commiss ioner Lutz. On roll can all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURREN T EXPENS E R. E. Davis Street Department Ci ty 'l'reasurer " II LIGHT FUND Exp ense Ac count 20.85 Pay roll 1077.82 Via ter &'l- .500.00 '" 310.00 I Expense "'ccount I" I "f 11.15 Pay roll ...,).. b 1172.76 " 1..,..1~ ' 10".50 Pay roll 1026.50 D. A. Masters flATER FUND Water Depa~tment Light Department The ~ommission then adjourned to meet Sat~rday, February 2, 1935, at 10 a.m. ?)~ .. ' City Clerk. .J ! { f~n..",,", I 4 I I ll...