HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/30/1950 ,..- ,626 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 50, 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 !l.~j., and Vias called to oroer by l~yor Feeley. Officers present were.: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. under the head of applications for licenses and renewals, the following were granted: I .6/fo!.- , Lenz Artists Studio Traveling Photographer, Two Days 4.00 II Puget Sound Navigation Co. Occupational Tax 50.00 I Un~er the head of unfinished business, the hearing was opened for vacation of certain alleys in Blocks 1 I 'and 4 of Cain's Sulxlivision of Suburban I"ot 21, and a portion of East Third Street lying between Blocks 1 and 4 in Cain's ~ulxlivision of Suburban Lot 21. There being no objections made or filed, it was moved by- Conunissioner Taylor that the said street. and alleys be vacated, and the Attorney instructed to draw an ordinance vaC8 ting the same. Mot ion seconded by c.:orrunissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Pursuant to bids published for the sale of the South 15 ,'eet of Lot 20, in Block 125, lJ .If. L:orse' s Sulxl. of Suburban Lot No.8, one bid was submitted by Smith Bros. in the amount of $50.00. It was moved by Mayor Feeley ti~t the bid be accepted. Seconded by CorrIDissioner Robinson. -All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Tbe Commission discussed an Ordinance which would grant franchise to Meter Advertising Corporation to use meter standards for advertising. After due consideration it was decided to withhold final decision and third and final reading of Ordinance until opinion of the Attorney lleneral regaruing legality of such franchise is rendered. i. Under the head of new l:llsin'3Ss, the Tom Birk Drug Company filed notice of damage to merchandise amounting Ii to $300.00, caused by broken water main January 15th. The- claim was referred to the Insurance Company " protecting the City against such claims. Commissioner Taylor reported that up to January 18th, the City has spent approximately \;2,900.00, used about 5~ tons of' salt, and removed approximatel;y: 9,000 yards of snm" made necessary by weather conditions. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. /':<.2.1 i AN'ORDlNAMlE relating to dogs and cats in the City of Port Angeles, fixing license fees therefore, declaring I a nuisance, providing for a City Pound, providing for the enforcement of this ordinance and for the i disbursement of funds therefore, fixing penalties, repealing ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict I herewi th, and declaring an emergency. I I It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance he passed the first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved CURR8NT EXPENSE F\[N2.~ 1/7 () ~? Ed. B. Taylor Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Jerry Nelson Agency Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Army & Nav;y store Radio SerVl.ce Appliance Co. Janish Motor Co. , Tower Super Service I' CITY STREET Ji1JND. /% if- ":..'1 II ;rerry Nelson Agency Thos. W. Roeser Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. WATER FUND: 5t>S gl? Jerry Nelson Agency I - City Treasurer ,~~C~i:i~I"I~~eC~~ne \< Telegraph Co. ,Hooker Electrochemical Co. il \'Iestern Utilities Supply Co. LIGHT I'-UND:. /11-5:). 3 "I F .M. " T. V. Magazine Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Treasurer Jerry Nelson A~ency Eugene E. Vlilhams General Electric Co. .;c. SANITATION HIND: IS? - Jerry Nelson Agency Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. PARK FUND: :3 F> ;reTry Nelson Agency 1 - PAItKING tJETER & TRfcFnC CONTROL RlND. ~t~rNi~g~rA5~~cy the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: I Traveling Gxpense Parts & Car Repairs Insurance Uas Phone Services Tarpsl Mitts, Blankets 1 Filter Condenser Parts Oxygen Tank, eto. 26.87 55.49 935.18 5.90 61. 91 19.74 1.49 39.74 27.91 Insurance Hauling :!now Service 3540 1,093.92 262.07 B.50 Ins. Premium Cash for Envelopes Phone Clearing Road Chlorine Pump, Pipe 519.4B SOO.OO 4.00 125 .00 51.05 566.55 Subscription Phone r~;:n~r;~~um Car Expense Lamp J:lilllaat 6.00 B1.U9 .60 1,266.66 21. 70 75.34 I Insurance Extension 4494 148.26 9.10 00 FIREMEN'S PENSION ~1JND: 33- ,Clallam Co. Med. tiervic e Corp. Insurance 3(. (.a Insurance Lumber 73.13 34.16 i 2.64 I Feb. Wedical Fees--.'iremen 33.00 There being no further l:llsiness, the meeting was then adjourned. o. t, :taw-: (j City Clerk ~tJ-If? Mayor .....