HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/30/1978 . I I I 435 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 30, 1978 I CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 6:45 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview consultants for design of the Civic Pier. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Deputy Clerk Caso. P. Carr, D. Frizzell, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton. III SUSPENDED v VI LEGISLATION L CONSULTANT SELECTION INTERVIEWS During the November 23, 1977 City Council meeting, the Council approved the distribution of letters requesting statements of qualifications from firms interested in doing the design work on the Civic pier. Of the fourteen applicants, five finalists were chosen and scheduled for inter- views. The five finalist firms are as follows: (1) U.R.S.; (2) ABAM; (3) Reid-Jacobson; (4) Kramer, Chin and Mayo, and (5) A. Grant and Associates. Each firm was interviewed separetly and allocated thirty minutes for a short presentation and a question and answer period. Each firm's presentat~ded an introdu~R of the firm itself, it's qualifications and experience, a slide presentation of various past and present projects completed by the firm, introduction to, the project staff and their qualifications, and programming, funding, and coordination of the project. Following each presentation, various questions were asked by the Council, Manager Whorton and Director of Public Works Flodstrom. Subjects dis- cussed included what type of pier would be constructed, the approximate time involved from start to completion, the proposal of costs, the ab- sence of a City Comprehensive Park Plan, coordination of communications with City staff and the public, any possible conflict of interests between the firm and members of the Council, and experience in obtaining federal funds for the project. Following the final presentation, Mayor Haguewood suggested the Council defer any decision on selection of a firm until the February 7, 1978 meeting. VII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ~(7,- .' //;J///a. -0--"" ..",..~"'..n -0 0""- --~.- --':: .MaYOr~ L~...... g.a-~~'-I~o:.g~~~~~~~'C:ctI~;;~~1i g~~Q:Z;'o3g.::~)>(I)al~~g. ~ ~ ., ik. . ""I"~~' Ol::r!!,I""I::t tD ~ 1JCU<U1~E.-4c::::JflI~w~nQC>>"DQto~~.~:::a-"U~~""'("')OtD~N-4""'''''O ~tD ~ -'3o-tD ~~~<c~n,~,c~~Qt~~~~a~~~=-o_~g~~~;~n ~'~o~~~<~~-ton~n~on~ ~ ~~:oS ~~~niJ!!~[~i~~~~~~~~n~~~~~g;~~i~ ~~~~~ ~~:~"::::J ~ ~~~~~~~~ . ?~~'~ ~~~oan~~ ; ~~~f~~~~n~~-.~~.~~g1--~-~~iro ~3-o ~~., ~a~n~~roi > I @)~~ Qea3<~~N-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~o~~ -~ ~M::::Jm~w~;o ~_~_ ~~ ~ _~m a ~ . nt,n -.1j-."t:J oltIQ. -";::tIm- _01 llIo::>,"'):> Q.I)>~U1 Q,IoOJo-O - ('l 410 0 W, 1O'tr-!'D-(") nc'D =tt1Q.Q,tcun .Ec~ CT=-::J3-~....Ul ::sGltll? 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II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Deputy Clerk Caso. P. Carr, D. Frizzell, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton. III - V SUSPENDED VI LEGISLATION 1. CONSULTANT SELECTION INTERVIEWS During the November 23, 1977 City Council meeting, the Council approved the distribution of letters requesting statements of qualifications from firms interested in doing the design work on the Civic Pier. Of the fourteen applicants, five finalists were chosen and scheduled for inter- views. The five finalist firms are as follows: (1) V.R.S.; (2) ABAM; (3) Reid-Jacobson; (4) Kramer, Chin and Mayo, and (5) A. Grant and Associates. Each firm was interviewed separetly and allocated thirty minutes for a short presentation and a question and answer period. Each firm's presentat~ded an introdu~~ of the firm itself, it's qualifications and experience, a slide presentation of various past and present projects completed by the firm, introduction to, the project staff and their qualifications, and prograntming, funding, and coordination of the project. FOllowing each presentation, various questions were asked by the Council, Manager Whorton and Director of Public Works Flodstrom. Subjects dis- cussed included what type of pier would be constructed, the approximate time involved from start to completion, the proposal of costs, the ab- sence of a City Comprehensive Park Plan, coordination of communications with City staff and the public, any possible conflict of interests between the firm and members of the Council, and experience in obtaining federal funds for the project. Following the final presentation, Mayor Haguewood suggested the Council defer any decision on selection of a firm until the February 7, 1978 meeting. VII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. :ed/h.-d/, (}!dd3 Deputy City Clerk -d~~ . . .c ('D C. ~ < ~ '" '" Ei "".c [((' l)1,. ~ ., "S! ~ 11 '" ~ ., "lai'liilB';lJ!u 'f ;i~ -. ~~R1-~' iigj~~"'~a '<il!~_~"g.~_~ll~ j!..... _C1 .;;=:--... _ Ibr+. ;";JIO.::t m 2.~t'D &,.,0,. o:~ r.... \ (It ii\~ i' ..! (:.,. no~.:!. "01-'" -""""-~'.'~v.'5-~-.,.. "lr5~lii!1.:;!",::r!3. . . ". ~ -' 'O'D ...._+ llJ at _ _ ona..C(/I_"'OO..,:::liQ,lO 0 ., .. _~:> I'D .. l>1'D w._~ ~ ~~ __ -.r;.,n3o--<<1-r r.o~rti~O o-<3;'.:J~~ ...,..tD-t.:t<''2.~.?n~g~. 40> a :J~~ ;~tD<n....., ~ ;~f !~~:f2:~~~~i!~i~~~ ~~~~ ~f~~~~g-~~-~~ ! ~~ ~ ~~g~ ~;~~m ~o~ ~~3Z~Q"'~~~3~ :~~~ -~Q n~;g;~-~~ro~~~~ ; ~~ ~ ;~~~ c m llJ"~ ~wo~~u~ ~~~ c~o_~~ ~ ~~~~~~"':::li~~ ~;3~ ~ ., ~ ~ ~g ~~ ~ <"QI::::: . g:c;t1~~~ :;~:3~' "~R Q. ~ID c.....;GI~.;:_,,~"'Ccnj Qj"3 '2. ..... ~ ~ ~= ~=o ::;:~ac.z.a,,.:" "<n....."~~lD!.gg, ~5.~'?"~~a~~~~'Q~5ilO~~~~ g ~ g ~ - 5'0- :l .'"