HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/31/1934 ,.... 182 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 31. 1934. 193_ hI' \ \,:\~V ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and uas oalled to order by Nayor Davis. Roll 00.11 showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Haukins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the foll~wing were granted.- M. Pearl Partition in store, Lot 4, Blook 31, n. R. Smith's sub. ~100.00 F. E. Rhebeok Remodel store room, Lot 5, Blook 3", Townsite 100.00 I L. E. Stark Danoe, LO.a.F. lIall, Jant 20, 1934. 5.00 L. E. Stark Danoe, I.QJ.O.F. Hall, Jun. 27, 1934. 5.00 Eva },t. Swanson,Home Rooms to June 30th, 1934. 2.95 Under head of neu business,- Applioation for approval of Civil ~orks Projeot for olearing, leveling and drain- ing a tract of land adjoining Linooln Park, comprising 24 acres in area, and having a run Vlay 350 feet \'Iide and 3000 feet in length for an airport, was presented by the County Engineer's Office. I It \'Ias moved by Commissioner !,lasters that the Mayor be authorized to sigh said application in conjunction uith the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Clallam County. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. . Under head of unfinished business,- t: LEGAL PUBL.I~A't'If}NS II q (:.\1,1, 1"OIl IlIllS - . il xnTTCI.; I~ '-Jml~]'~l:Y nn'EX, JT.h:lt sn.lll.e". hjrJ~ Will he 1'~'.~(,iV(;(ll fit th,. r.lty ('lerk's nHiC'(' ill tile :;'jA;ln ~~~~1J~;~';]~\: -'~I~'~S~3~~; r~\~ ~11~~~1 E~i:: ,fc1l't1-w IHl.llrtJln~ alld l1i~'iPil~:ll of Iho:p;n,I'llilgf' fnl' tlH' '(~lty of Port (~~~f~l'~f ;'r(~1~'it~~~~6~c,~''';1~'~1 rnl1- ~~~~~~:~ K.~~'I~rl~l:~" h~~~l' f\~i~~)I~';il~;I~)\~ (,I~!~~~ ~;~g~'(" c"mrn>i'~Sll':~ J'('IWI'Ve~l :i,\~s, 1"1ght to 1'eJ<,l't' 1\.11X -nn,] ;111 1),11[',1 1hb lilt' ,zr,th, .l;t\- n( TIn... :~;~'i~11]~~.1:;. .01 ""1'(' ,-'I1~('lefi. ,V'lI'l:lll- N', ~L I1XWKTN.-: I'llh. .Tnll. 2"j-2~1_~ij, '1~'l:l.4:(~it}- CIN-k. Pursuant to the foregoing notice, bids ~ere opened for the hauling and disposal of City Garbage of the City of Port Angeles for the ensuing year. The bidders being,- ~lilbur '.'1. Reed, 917 ':1. 11th "t., Port Angeles. J. R. UoDon~ld, 215 E. 14th St.," " \'iarren HcDonald, Round Iloun tain Road ,Pt. " I Collection Char.;es. Residenoe Individual Residence Collections made Monthly charge Apartment & Boarding Houses \I il bur 350' weekly 35~ to 75\' to Vlarren McDonald 251' on call 50\' ,?l. to ~2. Reed J.R.HoDonald 2,5>' weeklv 75cj 50\' . If3. 50-.:11. to .:,I". Business District Collections made !.Iorning & Evening 50c! to (/4.00 50\' Morning & Evening, 501 to {j4.00 205' Charges per month Individual Collections 50\" After due oonsideration it was moved by 11ayor Vavis that the contract 'for the hauling and disposal of City Garbage be aVlarded to J. R. MoDonald and that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to exeoute a contract for same. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members voter aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Under the head Communications and Petitions,- The petition of A. J. Anderson and other citizens residing on Valley Street, port Angeles, petitioning the City Commission to have the pOVler lines removed from said street and prohibit the further use of said Valley Street as an entrance for power lines on account of the danger to lives and property, uas read and referred to the Ci ty A ttorneY4 k-noti!le from J'ohn Goneis-,ta the' Royal !i!a.xi' CompaD.yoance1.:ririg'tHe pri vilege O'f 'usilmg the street in front of,his .property at 1l1.East Front Street as a ~ Taxi Stand WaS read and referred to' the (;ity Attorney. vommissioner of ~'inanoe Lutz submitted the appointment of Hadge H. Nailor as City Treasurer. It Vias moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing appointment bc oOnfirmed. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll 00.11 all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. I I Under the head of unfinished business,- Referring to the ma tter of awarding the contraot for furnishing lamps for the various city departments, the bids having been opened on January 10,1934, and recorded on page 173 of this journal. After due oonsideration it Vias moved by ComMissioner Lutz that the oontraot be awarded to Kissner Motor Parts Co.,Seconded by Hayor Davis.. On roll call all members voted aye. The llayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the follouing olaims and ordered uarrahts drawn for same. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 183 ~ January 31, 1934. 193_ Current E;:pense Fund. I Street Department Fire Departmeht Frank Lindsay Thomas C. Murray B. G. Doaglass Thomas C. Murray Irene 'llhompson Thos. H. Guptill H. R. Alleman .Iater .I!'und. Water Department Via ter Department Pay Roll $493.48 " " 93.00 Spe~ial Polioe 24.00 " 30.00 Tl " 15.00 " " 9.00 Clerk Hire- 33.60 Lettering Dump Truok No. 1 ~?.J-/-q! 7.50 Lumber 119.35 Pay Roll 1107 ! ~ 156.00 " " 951. 99 Pay Roll 240.0a It II ih,226.B7 Lamps 96.65 Labor 6.25 Wood 5.50 Car Hire 8.07 Rebate on Range contract I~"?- ,or 21. 25 Expense AC~Olll1t 17.50 I ~ht Fund. Light Department Light Department -Duro ~~es t Corp. Robert; Prioe John Olson S. H. ':lhi te S. Thorson Frank L. Plummer Light Investment Fund City Treasurer Warrants purohased 7ll.84 The Commission then adjourned to meet on Thursday, February 1~t2at+0 A.M. I ..17._:11'"1- . r1:' _ . ~ II,dl/'tUW7h-nL- \;ity Clerk. ~~ Mayor. I I ....