HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/31/1941 ,... 244 Januar'J 2G, lG41 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ..u,c~ . ~"""", ........,. .U'_~'. "",pn.,. 0"."" ~ 3. The amount so advanced by us with interest at the rate of three per cent pe~ a~~~T., shall constitute a credit to us, our successors or assigns, payment of said advanc., howev.r, to be deferred until the expiration of the pr.sent contract, ar.d at that time to be paid in water furnished by the City at a price to be agreed upo,", at tha t time, or to be applied on the first payment or payments due upon extension or renewal of the present contract. Yours respectfully, Please note your acceptance upon one copy of this letter, which is addressed to you in duplicate, and I return such copy to us, whereupon the foregoing will constitute an agreement between us to the above affect. Rayonier Incorporated I 'After due consideration it VTaS moved by Commissioner B.am that tho Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign said letter and agre.ment in acceptance for the City of Port Angeles. Seconded by Commissioner lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The ~ayor declared the motion carried. Subscription Car License Servic e Box Rent) etc. S~rvi ce " The.Cc~~ssion examined and allcwed the following claims and ordered warr~nts drawn for same: CURRE!~T EXPENSE FUND Port Angeles Evening Nevrs City Trea surer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. I Port Angeles Motors Sanderscn Safety Supply Go. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. rr II ,. Pennzoil Supplies Service " General Electric Supply Corp. Ilea ter & ~wi tch WATER ,ulm Ci tJ' Trea sure r Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Mrs. Ar:''l8 Mc1~ul1en Cash for Filing Fees Service Easement LIGIIT FUND City Tre2 surer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. General Electric Co. Pacific Electric Mfg. Co. Graybar Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co. Cash for Postage Service Meter Parts Service Restorer Wire Bete r Sockets LIBRARY FUilD Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service L.LD. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer r. 11 Assessments The Commission then adjourned to meet on Friday, January 31, 1941. ??~ Ci ty Clerk JANUAR{ 31, 1941 7.80 1.75 4.40 8.25 2.75 4.00 1.84 9.24 710 7.80 ./ 3.50 bS 14.43 4-1~ 7.45 16.40 )- 1.00 16.63 24.25 4.39 Jj. 285.00 rfl ?, 400 . 55 52.59 4.25 t" 115.41 ?p./ v 115.41 I 7-d7<fYJ~ Mayor The Co"~ssion met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.~. and was called to order by Mayor Beetl.. Roll call shovred tho following officers present: A:ayor Beetle, C01)lIlissioners Beam and Lind and Clerk Havrkins. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Th~ Cor.ll!'ission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for sa"e: I J. R. McDonald City Treasurer 1I n Services as Dog Catcher Fire Hydrants Flush Tanks Solary Pay Roll Extra Firemen Pay Roll Herman Ahlvers Street D.partmer.t Fire Departm~nt CITY STREET PUlW Street Department Pay Roll WATER FUND Water Department Pay Roll There being no further business the Commission th~n adjourned. 9; /7>>hw, 0'11<J city Clerk ~~ qol:> 25.00 360.00 100.00 175.00 192.91 48.00 I 1832.00 120.00 7if7173~ Ma yor