HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/01/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 605~ J snusry 27. 1944 19_ I .1 I I I I Pursuant to sdjourr.:r.~nt th~ Commission m"t 1 :30 F./i.. and was called to orde,. by Mayor RobL'1son. Roll calJ show~d the following officlI!rs present: M;;yor Robinson, "ommissioners Beam and J1asters and Clerk : Hawkins. The matter of further consideration of th~ bids lor disposal of City Garbage came up, the bids bein.; as follows: J. R. McDonald Will furnish garbage dump and all necessary equipment for disposal of garbage. Fees charged, 75~ per L:ontb in the residential district. L'1 t he business district collections to be !:lade on a monthly basis on terms agreed to b-J" the garbage collector and the tenant cr property own~r. The SAid J. R.McDonald to make all collectio,.s. Andrew Caris The City to furnish the dump and collect all fees in the residential district on all water accounts at the rate of 75~ per month. In the business district all fees will be on agree- ment b~tween Gsrbage collector and the tenant or property owner and collected by the ~arbAge collector. George Cor.rad The Garbage collector to furnish all trucks and other equipment necessary for t he collection and disposal of the garbage for the sum of t2500.00 per month. The City to furnish the gar- bage durr:p and make all collections. It a~.'" arillg that the b:'.j of J. R. McDoaald was the best bid it was rr.oved by Conrnissi(,ll~r Be,,", that the , ::'ro ot be 07:aried to t he said J. ". McDona Id ur,c~r tM t.r".s .r:d cOllditions as set forth in hio bid. Seconded b;,' Commissioner llasters. On roll oall 311 r.tcmbere "v+oj ay~. The t~o.for dcclarBd the !!lotion oarri:'~d. There being n,- further business t::.e Commission t~sn adjourned.to meet at 10 A.I!. February 1, 1944. ?1,Ir14~~ ~J:!~ Ci t;," Cle rk FEBRUARY 1. 1944 The Commission met porsuant to adjournment at 10 A.J;. and was called to order by J/ator Robinson.' Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Collllllasioners Belllll and I4asters and Clerk llawkins" The Comm1esion el!8m1ned and allowed the following cla:lJlls and ordered wanants drawn for S8me: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Dept. Pey Roll Street " " . J. R. KcIlonald Services em STREET FUND City Street Pay Roll PARK FUND Park Dept. PayRoll STATE AID FUND Civilian Defense Pay Roll WAR LICUOR TAX FUND John H. 'fhatcher Radio Repair Service j" 'l-'31 ,/ 57.50 175.00 25.00 1160.00 150.00 78.25 20.00 There being no 1'l1rther l:w3inGSS the Collllll18sion thsn adjourned. 1J~~ ~~! i City Clerk ~