HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/01/1983 395 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February l, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Acting Deputy Clerk Headrick, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, J. Pittis, R. Orton, L. Glenn, R. Rogers, P. Carr, G. Booth. public Present: J. Tweedale, T. Sample, D. Price, S. Fahnestock, E. Tinkham, L. Ross. I II MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the January 18, 1983 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including: (1) call for bids for exhaust ventilation system at City garage; (2) correspondence from the Washington State Liquor Control Board; (3) vouchers of $342,408.76; and (4) payroll of $l89,6l0.04. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. V FINANCE 1. Bid Award: 69KV Switches Councilman Polhamus moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Light Department and award the bid for two single and two double three-phase 69KV switches to the low bidder, Western State Electric Company of Portland, Oregon, with a low bid of $25,889.69 including tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Hordyk questioned whether Manager Flodstrom had been able to look into the xeroxing facilities at the Hospital (l~ per copy vs. 6~). Manager Flodstrom responded that he is still looking into this matter. VII LEGISLATION Councilman Quast questioned Finance Director Orton as to how many City employees are using the facilities at Carol's Body Shoppe and Fitness America. Councilman Quast also commented on the possibility of coordinating a discussion on the possible reduction of the half-cent sales tax. r~NOTICE -IS-~ . - - HEREBY GIVEN i I that Ihe Part Angeles City Council will nold Q public J hearing on February 1, 1983. i at 7:00 PM, or os -$oon there- after os possible, in the County Commissioners Meet. ing Room, Room 160 " Clollam County Courthouse: .- . 223 East Fourth Street, to . consider a request to rezone approximately 4.7 acres ,ne I,om RS-9 (Single-Family Res- idential) la M.l (Indust,ial). ,ad and location: Between "C" Street extension and Newell Road I -and TlJmwoter -access rOad. legal Description 0' Subject I P,aperty: The Sauth 200 f.e' I of 810ck 8, Croft's Additian l to Port Angeles os per plot recorded in Volume 1 of' I Plols: -J>09Q. 56, Reco,ds of! ~ Clollo~ COoUnty; except that f ~ pert, If any, lying in the North 176 le.t 01 said Block B, except e-asement. Lots 9 to 20 jn~llJsjve and lot 21 r 1. Public Hearings I A. DelHur Rezone Request Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on DelHur In approximately 4.7 acres located between "e" Street ext .. . . , .... North 176 feet of said Block 8, except easement. lots 9 to 20 inclusive and rot 21_ except the West 20 feet th ere~f in Block 1; lots 5 to 20 inclusive and lot 21, ex~ capt the West 20 feet there~ of _ lots 23r 24. 25, 26; lots 27 end 28, except the South 10 feet thereof t lots 29 ~ 30 and 31 _ except that South 30 feet thereof, lots 32 t 33f 341 ex- cept the South 60 feet there- of in Block 2; except thot portion thereof conveyed to State of Washington by deed dated February 10, 1956_ recorded in Auditor's Office of Clollom County J Washing- ton. AU being in Williams Subdivision of Tracts 15 and 16 of Crofts Addi Hon to Port Angeles. according to ptot thereof recorded in Volume 3 of Plots_ page 3Bf Records of Cfoltom County_ Washington. Applicant: Del Hur I Inc~ Property owner: Some Aft interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this propose t ~ Dcte= January 21 ~ 1983 Marian C. Parrish City Clerk Pu b .: Jon. 21. 1 983 396 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 1983 ORDINANCE NO, 2146 AN ORDINANCE of the City ot Port Angeres. redossifyir.g property between -'c. Street Extension and Newell Rood and T u mwo'er Access Rood Irom RS.9 10 M.l WHEREAS, the Planning . Commission of tne City of I Part Angeles has held a , public hearing and recorded its recommendation to the City Coundl in the Planning Commis-sion Minutes of Jan- . uary 12, 198:1; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the Stote Erwironmentor PoHc:y Ac:t have been met; ;. olld , WHEREAS, The Cily Caun':', ofter a public hearing, finds 1hat said rezone would be in the best interests of tile City and of its-. citizens 'and in I keeping wi1h the Com pre- hensiv& Pion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY mE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF i PORT ANGELES as follows: Seclion I. The Official : Zoning Map, Ordinance No. , 2158. and Ordinance No. i 1709 are hereby amended to change Ihe zoning 01 the 101. lowing described property , from RS.9, Single Family Res- idential. to M-', Industrial: 'The south 200' of Block a, f Croft''S Addifion to Port An- ~ gele!i Os per plot recorded in ~ Volume I of Plots, page 56, r. Records of Clollom County; 'I except that part, if any, ly- ing in the nortn 176' of scid Block 8. except easement. llots ljI to 20 inclusive and lot 21. except the west 20' I thereof in Slock 1: lots 5 to 20 inclusive and Lot 21, ex- J cept the west 20' thereof; . LoIs 2:1, 24, 25, 26; LoI. 27 ond 28, exc"'"pt that portion th~re-Qf c;:onveyed to Stole- of Washington by deed dated February la, 1956, recorded in Audito,'s Office 01 Clollom Counly, Washington. All be- ing in Williams Subd.vision of Tracts 15 and 1601 C,olt'. Addition to Port Angeles, I occording 10 pial thereol . recorded in Vo'ume 3 of Plats, page 38. Records 01 Clollam Counly, Washington, Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file 0 certifia-d c::opy of thi'$ Ordi- nOnce witli the Clollom County Auditor. PASSED by Ihe Cily Council at Ihe City 01 PorI Angeles ot 0 regular meeting of said Council held on the 1st day of February, 19a3. Dorothy Duncan MA YOR ATTEST: Morion C. POi'r'ish Cily Clerk APl'ROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Feb. 4, 1983 - ,~ --- Duncan then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2248 entitled r~~:l4 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Port Angeles Plann- 'iog Commission will hold a public heoring on Januorv 12. 1983 ot 7:00 PM. or os soon thereafter os possible, in the Cily Council Chambers, 1:14 West Front Street. to c~msid~r a request to rezoru:~ opprox- imately 4.7 acres from RS-9 . . . . ,(Residential single.family) 10 ~lman Gerberd~ng moved the Councll adopt the forego~ng M-I (Indust,iol). by by Mayor Duncan, citing the following findings of fa' Location: Belween "C" t . . '" Street extension and Newell ntersect~on of a hJ.ghway and a maJor arter~al COmpll Road and Tumwaler occess opment Policy No. 2 and Circulation Policy No.9; (road, , ' , 1 1 1 d' h ' 1" d ' d d legal De,crlptlon: See at. l.ve y eve, serve Wl.t utJ. ~t~es an ~mprove roa 1 lached ies with Industrial Policy No.2; (3) the location, s Applicont: Del Hur, Ine. . . . Property -owner; Del Hur, I nt development and land uses J.n the area J.ndlcate tha1'ne. ;y e most appropriate use in accordance with Land Use Ob] All interesled parties may 2; - . . appear ot the heanng and ex- 4) the rezone provJ.des for the expansJ.on of local inc press their opinion on this' mic Objective No. 1. The motion was seconded by COl proposal. The Planning Com., . . . mission will not commence c ed w~th Mayor Duncan absta~n~ng. new hearing after 10:00 PM, Further information may be obtained from tne Planning Deportment. City Hall,. 4S7.041I. exl, 172, DATE: Decembe, 28, 1982 paul D. Carr Planning Director :t Legal Description of Subject Properly: The South 200 feet 1d 01 Block 8, Cralt's Addition to Port Angeles as per plat recorded in Volume 1 of Duncan then introduced and read by title Ordinance No Pia", page 56, Record. 01 Clallem County; except that part. if ony, lying in the North '76 feat of said Block 8, e){- (.ept eoseme-n.L Lots 9 to 20 incluSfve cnd lot 21, except "he- We$J 20 feet thereof in B'ock 1; lols 5 to 20 indvsive . and 10121 ,.except the West 2() leel the1'eof, 1015 23, 24, 25, . 26; lots 27 and 2B, except the i South 1-0 feel thereol, lots 29, 'ilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing or;' 30, and 31, except thaI South !' :10 feet the,eol, 1015 32, :1:1, by Mayor Duncan, citing the following findings of fa!. 34, excepl the South 60 feet :ments the policy of concentrating specialized ci ty-wic the,eol in Block 2: except that . port Lon thereof conveyed to ionally near the hospital; (2) the rezone will contribu Stale 01 Washington by deed mmercial activity in conformance with Commercial Polii doled Februo,y. l~, 1956, - recorded In Auditor s Office e will achieve Land Use Objective No.2 by leading tG 01 Clallom Counly, ar and functionally related la~d uses i and (4) achi~ ~~li~I~~I~~bd;~~lionb~~nT~ac~~' ehensive Plan policies and Objectives is in the interes 15 and 16 of C,otls Addition { eneral public. The motion was seconded by Councilman (to Port Angeles, according to ,plot there-of rec.orqed In ssion on the motion, Councilmen Quast and Hordyk voiced 'volume 3 of Plats, page 38, ,0 ling the hospital area bit by bit. On call for the que~cohd. 101 Clallom County ed with Councilman Quast voting "No" because of this urlPuobs.:I~~c:nil, 1982 . ling this area. ~n>n~~~oo no 0 -cn:l n :TLn.....nr-n:o .~~-~o(")~zr~g ~~~~g a'g.~g ~g;:]..~~~~3 s.~ c;: -" .... "'tI - -..j )0- 0 - a - ......)> 0 0 tD <ll It> Q 0 0 0 CD 0 i 0 0 Ui :I ('\ ::0 g - 2::J tlI 0.... - rD rn Q. ~ ... m-< 3 -< -... 3 m 1:&"'tl- OC !=""-< e. --a-< ~ -I -< 0 --n c:: 0 -+ Ln i: :I ~ ~ S. :t 3 - 3 ~ 3 5" ~ -O?J 5. -= .... Z -l c:: ~,"!:'!. 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(/1""0_ ~ -a ~ "0 e ~::r O CD~'-~' :rO~q)~"'S.." -0 .... ::300 .,--, ,. to...... ....~. "':Tn .. ... \ )> ~ -. n ~ <" ~ ~ 0 :T ~ S " :::: 0- =4 ~ ~ g ;- Q..~ 0 ~ 3 ~ st gO'S ~ ~::I . ,.a ;. ltl ~ ~ a.;;. fi 0- In ~ (j);- V;-. 0 0""0 ro CD ti) -' ~ -< n "0 0... n f ~ 5 :J ~ m ~:J a.. 0.."< ~- ,r~. n ' Q.. ~.'!.; ~ ~ tP i- ~ 0- C ==~. ~ 0' ~ ~ ~~,,, 0 ~ m -<~. _: ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ g ~< ~ too ~ i5 t5 ~ ~ . ct ~ Q-. .; ~ 0 ~- ? 5- ~. <'.< TO. . - 'Tl -< ,:J "< :J U'I . -. - VI. -. Tumwater access road, from RS-9 to M-l, and requested comments or questions from the audience. Mr. Tony Sample, representing DelHur, Inc., addressed the Council to explain the reasons behind the proposed rezone, improvements made to the area by OelHur, and the proposed use of the area rezone (storage area for equipment and materials). Following Mr. Sample, Mr. John Tweedale, 4205 South "c" Street, addressed the Council to voice his concerns on the proposed rezone. These concerns include excess noise, reduction in property values, and the tall equipment obstructing his view. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. :ouncil then questioned staff at length concerning the location of the fence ~ed by OelHur; the intent of the rezone; water runoff in the areai the ltion of the "e" Street extension and whether the DelHur trucks use that !t; and why the rezone application is for M-l and not M-2. The Council and ler Carr discussed this last subject at length, with Mr. Carr explaining the ~rence between the two zones and the procedure DelHur would have to follow ere was any change in use of_the rezoned area. ORDINANCE NO. 2248 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property between "c" Street Extension and Newell Road and Tumwater Access Road from RS-9 to M-l. B. Bihler Rezone Request Duncan opened the public hearing on Dr. Bihler's apl square feet located at 908 Georgiana from RS-7 to Of sted any comments or questions from the public. There ublic hearing was closed. ORDINANCE NO. 2249 AN ORDINANCE of the City of reclassifying property at Street from RS-7 to OCr Port Angeles 908 Georgiana gl I 396 AN ( of Pc prop! ExlelO-fOOl DISTf~ and )l DISTRICT N from that on Tue WH ~~:m Counties.,. Corrm the vadou Pori No. 32.3 the! pubtion for the p its approval and" Cit).below. 1 Co"L DISTRICT N( uopition No.1' W~ND EXCESS l~ , 01 :1 No, 323 lev] , Po,chool District ont~e School Dj~ WI In tile Sums I : of"l ill 1984; and' th'l in 1984; the tn cents per one (] ~ vof oatian, till klaol District to n' oll.as more 51' , rBoord of Direc ~ . (y...........yes ~ {y......... No !UIM SCHOOL ' .~SOLlDA TE D AS : SCHOOL GYM I SCHOOL GYM (I J AIRIE GRANGE II , . FRIENDS CHUR ARDINER COMM . R SCHOOL BUilD ,,, he open at 7'00 untjl 8:00 o'cloc-k .1 hour of dosing es ~esirjng to \'OI~ ereln ond who hi "9 ot the- polling p: ept open long end those present at ~ shing.on 'his 4th i I I N NO. 14 19B3 HE BOARD OF . . TY COMMISSIONER WASHINGTON ttJblic Hem-ing ~~ I . aJ'om County Plori 1__ _.-1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 1983 Tumwater access road, from RS-9 to M-1, and requested comm' the audience. " i I :he t md 1 ~. Mr. Tony Sample, representing DelHur, Inc., addressed the I reasons behind the proposed rezone, improvements made to ti the proposed use of the area rezone (storage area for equ~ Following Mr. Sample, Mr. John Tweedale, 4205 South "c" S' Council to voice his concerns on the proposed rezone. Th excess noise, reduction in property values, and the tall ( his view. There were no further comments and the public hi The Council then questioned staff at length concerning the; erected by DelHur; the intent of the rezone; water runof: condition of the "c" Street extension and whether the De~ ,:saloJs; street; and why the rezone application is for M-l and not ~D 6u!lqwnw WOOJ'l~<nd Planner Carr discussed this last subject at length, with Ml~ difference between the two zones and the procedure DeIHur/~V\ if there was any change in use of. the rezoned area. {J e ,g Jf ORDINANCE NO. 2248 Mayor Duncan then introduced and read by title Ordinance N< . ,~. ~1 \ .~] r-.I ~JO\ \ Councilman Gerberding moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Duncan, citing the following findings of fact: (1) location at the intersection of a highway and a major arterial complies with Industrial Development policy No. 2 and Circulation Policy No.9, (2) the parcel is relatively level, served with utilities and improved roadways, and therefore complies with Industrial Policy No.2, (3) the location, site characteristics, present development and land uses in the area indicate that industrial activity is the most appropriate use in accordance with Land Use Objectives Nos. 1 and 2; and (4) the rezone provides for the expansion of local industry encouraged by Economic Objective No.1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried with Mayor Duncan abstaining. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property between "c" Street Extension and Newell Road and Tumwater Access Road from RS-9 to M-1. B. Bihler Rezone Request Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Dr. Bihler's application to rezone 7,000 square feet located at 908 Georgiana from RS-7 to Office Commercial, and requested any comments or questions from the public. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Duncan then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2249 entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2249 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property at 908 Georgiana Street from RS-7 to OC. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Duncan, citing the following findings of fact:.. (1) the rezone implements the policy of concentrating specialized city-wide medical services functionally near the hospital; (2) the rezone will contribute to the clustering of commercial activity in conformance with commercial Policy No.2; (3) the rezone will achieve Land Use Objective No. 2 by leading to the grouping of similar and functionally related land uses; and (4) achievement of the Comprehensive Plan Policies and Objectives is in the interests of the community and general publiC. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding. During discussion on the motion, Councilmen Quast and Hordyk voiced their objections to rezoning the hospital area bit by bit. On call for the question, the motion carried with Counc.ilIIl1'-!)......Quast voting "No" because of this unorthodox method of rezoning this al ~ 8 ,- .. on ...c... I ~ : I.~ !: ( ~" ~. g ~ ~ i 0;" ~ ~ ~ :; \..~--. 0; > . -5 :i: ~ ~~g~~ ~~~g~ : C C i:: C ~ C ,., ,., 0 i " .~ 'lee I I I I I I j 397 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 1983 Councilman Hordyk then moved that the Office Commercial zoning in the medical center of the City (near the hospital) be the priority of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried with Councilman Polhamus voting "No". C. White Creek PRD Park During the January 18, 1983 regular Council meeting, the Council and staff discussed the Park Board's recommendation on the proposed White Creek PRD park; that recommendation being that the land remain in open space status through a plat covenant and/or any development for a recreation area remain the developer's responsibility. The Council then tabled this issue in order to speak to the property owner, Mr. Bill Huizinga, and get his feelings on the matter. At this meeting, Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the open space requirements for the proposed White Creek PRD park, and requested comments or questions from the audience. Mr. Bill Huizinga then addressed the Council to request this agenda item be tabled in order to give him an opportunity to respond in writing to some of the conditions placed on the preliminary plat approval, and also propose a new use for the proposed park property. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Quast then moved the Council table this agenda item. The motion was seconded by councilman Polhamus and carried. 2. Planning Commission Minutes l Councilman Commission Gerberding Whidden moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning minutes of January 26, 1983. The motion was seconded by Councilman and carried. 3. Resolution: payment to WPPSS x Mayor Duncan introduced and read by title Resolution No. 2-83 entitled RESOLUTION NO. 2-83 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles Authorizing payment into escrow of the City's bill for the City's current obligations for washington Public Power Supply System Projects Nos. 4 and 5. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Duncan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried unanimously. 4. Power Sales Agreement: City/Crown Zellerbach Mayor / Duncan referred to a memorandum from Light Director Lew Cosens reco~ending the City enter into a power sales agreement with Crown Zellerbach for the sale of "non-firm" power. Mr. Cosens explained that BPA has made availaole to northwest utilities from now until June 30th an allocation of power which has historically been marketed to California utilities. During periods of peak water flow conditions in the spring, some power is generated which is in excess of that which can be utilized by regional utilities. Because it is excessive to our normal needs, and because it may be available only on an hourly basis, it is labeled "non-firm" power and is sold at a rate far below the normal firm power rate to only those customers which can qualify. Crown Zellerbach Corporation has expressed interest to utilize the available non-firm power for a particular load at the local mill. The proposed agreement would serve to define the terms and conditions under which the sale of "non-firm" power would occur. councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Light Director Cosens and authorize Mayor Duncan to execute the power sales agreement between the City and Crown Z. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. 398 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 1983 5. Proposed Advanced Life Support System Program Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Fire Chief Larry Glenn which updated the progress of the proposed Advanced Life Support Program. As Fire Chief Glenn pointed out, the only item of disagreement between the members of the Emergency Medical Services Council was which entity would transport the Advanced Life Support patient - the private carrier or the Paramedic unit. Following a January 27th vote, the following proposal was agreed upon: the Fire Department would provide patient transportation to a medical facility for all acute I Advanced Life Support patients that require Paramedic monitoring en route to the . medical facility, as decided by the Emergency Room physician. The private carrier would transport all other cases. The other major item of discussion was the best way to fund the program. It was agreed upon that the most equitable way for Port Angeles and surrounding areas to fund this program would be to levy a utility tax of approximately $1 per month for the provision of a Seattle-type Medic-I Advanced Life Support System for the citizens of Port Angeles. Commercial accounts would be approximately $5 per month. Fire Chief Glenn suggested that a questionnaire be issued with the monthly utility bills inquiring whether or not the utility customer would be willing to assess themselves this utility tax. The Council then questioned Fire Chief Glenn at length regarding several issues, one of which was why the entire Hospital District was not included in this program as originally proposed. Chief Glenn explained that a levy to provide a Medic-I type service by law would have to tax the whole district. That would mean double taxation in the East End where Fire District 3 already provides such a service. Fire Districts 2 and 4 may seek their own levies for the service this fall, which, if approved would extend the advanced life support service Hospital District-wide, through a contract with the City. Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize Finance Director Orton to prepare a random survey questionnaire to be mailed with the monthly utility bills to determine citizen reaction to paying a utility tax for this service. I The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. During discussion on the motion, the Council, Fire Chief Glenn and Manager Flodstrom continued to discuss the district's participation in the proposed program. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 6. Real Estate Committee Reports A. Request to Purchase City Property: G. Priest Mayor Duncan referred to a letter from Glen R. Priest offering to purchase Lots 5 through 9 of Block 133, Thomas W. Carter's Subdivision, Townsite (property between Frist and Front Street to the west of the Bushwhacker Restaurant) which is currently owned by the City. Councilman Quast then informed the Council that the Real Estate Committee was split two to one to deny this request. Councilmen Quast and Polhamus felt the property should either remain as greenbelt or be rezoned and then sold at a higher price as commercial property. Councilman Hordyk felt the property was useless as it now sits and the City is presently unable to fill in the gully and put in a culvert which Mr. Priest could do. These two positions'were discussed at length by the Council and Manager Flodstrom. Councilman Haguewood then moved to table this matter to give the Council an opportunity to look at the property in question and get more information from Manager Flodstrom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". I B. Request to Purchase County Property: DelHur, Inc. Mayor Duncan referred to a letter from the County Commissioner I s office regarding a request from DelHur, Inc., to purchase County property (Lot 12, Block 30, Norman R. Smith's Subdivision, Townsite). The letter stated that the Board will consider DelHur' s application but would like to have the City 1 s opinion as to whether the County should keep the property or sell to DelHur in order for them to extend their present property which is adjacent to the County lot. I I 399 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 1983 Councilman Quast reported that he and Councilman Polhamus felt the Council should concur with County staff on this issue and recommend the County not sell this property (County staff recommended against selling this property as it is a steep lot with Peabody Creek at the east portion, and should remain as greenbelt). Councilman Hordyk expressed his opposition to this recommendation, since the City could receive revenue from this property and the adjoining lot both in property taxes and sales tax if the property becomes operational. These positions were discussed briefly by Councilmen Quast and Hordyk. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the County staff recommendation not to sell this property to DelHur, Inc. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 7. 1983 AWC Legislative Conference Mayor Duncan noted that the 1983 AWC Legislative Conference will be held February 17, 1983 in Olympia. Manager Flodstrom and Mayor Duncan will be attending the Conference; the other Council members will contact Manager Flodstrom if they plan on attending. 8. Proclamation Mayor Duncan read a Proclamation proclaiming the Month of February, 1983 as AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. 9. Schedule Utility Advisory Committee Meeting The Council scheduled February 9, 1983 as a Utility Advisory Committee meeting ~ to discuss BPA wholesale tiered rates, the demand metered program for churches and possibly the Solid Waste bids. lO. Community Relief Fund During the January 18, 1983 Council meeting, the Council authorized the establishment of a special account known as the Utility Relief Fund within the City, and authorized staff to proceed with the implementation of this program which would assist citizens who are having difficulty paying their utility bills. At this meeting, Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom suggesting the program be a joint effort, co-sponsored by the Community Action Council, Operation Bootstrap and the City. Manager Flodstrom then outlined how the program could be implemented under this joint sponsorship. The Council and Manager Flodstrom discussed this implementation briefly and then Councilman Quast moved the Council proceed with the program as outlined in Manager Flodstrom I s memorandum of January 28, 1983 and appoint Councilman Gerberding to work with the Community Action Council and Operation Bootstrap to begin the process of immediate implementation of this program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. Board of Adjustment Vacancy I Manager F1odstrom informed the Council that an "eligibility list" had been established following the last Board of Adjustment appointment. Mr. Robert B. Hill was one of the previous applicants interviewed by the Council and he has informed Manager Flodstrom that he is still interested in the position. Following a brief discussion, the Council instructed Manager Flodstrom to advertise the Board of Adjustment vacancy and any other upcoming vacancy on the various Boards and Commissions. 2. Public Health Advisory Board Councilman Councilman January 1, Polhamus moved the Council recommend to the County Commissioners that Quast be reappointed to the Public Health Advisory Board effective 1983. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. 400 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 1983 3. Draft Harbor Use Ordinance Manager Flodstrom referred to a draft ordinance in the Informational Agenda for flammable liquids within Port Angeles Harbor. This ordinance was submitted for the Council's review and any comments/suggestions for the next draft. Mayor Duncan then suggested staff look into whether the City could require an inert gas system on all ships which come into the Harbor and Councilman Gerberding suggested the City contact Portland, Maine in regard to their harbor safety regulations and perhaps get comments from the Port of Port Angeles on the I proposed ordinance. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Del Price questioned whether the City's $250 payment to Rainier National Bank for handling the WPPSS escrow account was a one-time payment or an on-going charge every time the City makes a payment. Manager Flodstrom responded that the $250 was a one-time charge. Councilman Gerberding questioned Finance Director Orton in regard to information contained in his memo on data processing and utility billing status and requested additional information on delinquent utility accounts. Mayor Duncan also requested suggestions from staff on "tightening up" the City's credit policy in the spring. Councilman Hordyk thanked Manager Flodstrom for the copy of the City's lease with Crown Z for a portion of City property on Ediz Hook, and questioned whether this lease would have to be renegotiated if Crown Z changes the land use of the property. Manager Flodstrom responded that the lease would have to be renegotiated and also discussed whether a franchise would be required if the new use of the property involved resulted in a pipeline crossing the roadway. Mayor Duncan requested a verbal report from Manager Flodstrom on the Convention Center Committee's meeting with the County Commissioners. Manager Flodstrom reported on the issues discussed during the meeting, some of which included I funding and ownership of the facility, Commissioner Gaydeski's feelings towards the proposed facility, and the County I s Resolution detailing the County I s support for the proposed Center. Mayor Duncan then suggested several uses for the City funds, i.e., local promotion, while this proposal is being put together. Reminded the Council of the February lOth special meeting with the Park Board and asked if the Council wanted to include any other agenda items. Councilman Quast: Questioned Finance Director Orton about the breakdown of the air conditioner for the computer room. Questioned Manager Flodstrom about the redraft of the Peninsula Tourism Council agreement which was submitted at the last Council meeting. Manager Flodstrom responded that the agreement was redrafted by Attorney Miller and Mayor Duncan has signed it. Referred to Item #3 in the Informational Agenda - USA Today's Sidewalk Obstruction Permit and asked whether other paperstands were being charged for this permit also. Noted the letter of appreciation from Sheriff Kernes to Sgt. Mike Grooms and a thank you letter to the Fire Department from Airlift Northwest. X ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 9:05 P.M. ~(!J.~ . City Clerk ~~vJkMA- I