HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ 565 February 2, 1938 193_ I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll Call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Hasters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Euilding Permits and Licenses, the following were granted: Wm. Gorsegner, Euild home, Lot 13 Block 4 of Sub Blook 18 of the Townsi te Wm Gorsegner, Build store, Et, Lot 7, Block 32, Townsite C. G. Brown, 2nd hand store, at 230 West 8th Street bOOb,J\ ~2500.00 3500.00 6.25 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduoed: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHAsE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT FOR THE CITY OF PORT AHGELES, WASHINGTON, NAMELY, ONE ( I) TEN TON ROAD ROLLER, ONE (I) TRACTOR WITH POWER BROOM ATTACHMENT AND, THREE (3) AGGREGATE SPREADERS. RESOLVED, That the City of Port Angeles purchase, one 11) ten ton road roller, one (1) tractor with power broom attaohment, and three (3) aggregate spreaders, subject to the approval of the State Department of Highways. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of said equipment be paid out of the City Street Fund, as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1937. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The Commission instruoted the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of the following desoribed districts: DISTRICT NO.1. Improvement of Second Street from the West margin of Linooln to the iiest margin of Oak and Seoond Street from the East margin of Cherry to the West margin of Valley Street; Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh ~treets from the "est margin of Lincoln Street to the break of Valley Street guloh; ,Laurel, Oak and Cherry Streets from the North margin of Eighth to the North margin of Second Street. DISTRICT NO.2. For the improvement of Laurel, Oak, Cherry, Chase and Peabody Streets, from the North margin of the Blvd. to the South margin of Eighth Street; Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Streets from the West margin of peabody Streets to the break in Valley guloh; Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets from their interseotion with the Blvd. to the break in Valley Strest guloh. Under the Head of New Business, trnyor Davis submitted the name of Reuben O. Ide for appointment as Chief of Police. . It was moved by Commissioner Mas~ers that the appointment of Reuben O. Ide as Chief of Polioe be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Olympic Stationers Repairs to Self-inker P. A. Evening Bews Publications Olympic ~tationers Supplies Tidewater Associated Oil Go. Gasoline Olympic Statmoners Blueprint James Hardware Jaa1t~ s ~Iillson Hardware co., OQ....J ~uppl1es Standar4 Oil Co. ~ Gas Walkl1ng Motor (;,0.--- Repairs n ______"-------rl " ~~reasurer Water .-7-6" 42.73 3.50 47.10 2.05 5.69 1.69 39.60 8.15 13.30 360.00 CURRENT EXPENSE FUN D I K. O. Erickson Premium on Bond 45.00 J. M. Davis " " II 45.00 Olympio .rrintery :>Upplies 20.85 Pac Tel & Tel Co. Service- 3.01 Evening News Press Supplies 18.05 Olympio Printery " 1.50 n II " 5.50 Paa Tel & Tel Co. Servioe 1.25 R. L. Jones Speoial Police 20.00 Lawrenoe ~anderob II " 16.00 Ijm. Morrissey 16.00 Cresoent Motors Repairs 17.96 City Treasurer Stamps 1.00 Hoare & Headriok Prestone 2.95 Pac Tel & Tel Co. Servi ce 5.00 Thos. H. Guptill Signal Sign 1.00 Fire Department Pay Roll 78.00 Paris Motor lio. Repairs 3.77 ~ ,.. 566 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 2, 1938 193_ ~ Pao Tel &: Tel Co. Sanderson Safety Supply ~o. City Treasurer 7.15 171. 50 12.70 Servioe q Supplies I..... Firemen's Relief &: Pension ~Und ~q' CITY STREET FUND Fernandes Garage C. L. Sarff d. B, Vail P.A. Conorete Produots Go. Harry Johnson WATER FUND Repairs 28.30 Filing Saws 3.00 Labor *~ 78.00 Pipe -;{, 43.12 Truok Hire 100.00 Chlorine ~ 13.50 Fi ttings ~~ 4.73 Supplies 35.25 Ilateria.ls 164.93 Light Fixtures 57.38 Meters &: Sookets 29.15 Printing 25.60 Servioe 16.30 Painting 376.50 Supplies 37.70 Meter Boxes 39.57 Tills I.J 22.95 Materials :;. 48.1~ Miso. Cash Payments p4 2.46 Supplies 8.98 Lights &: lia ter ft 16.29 Servioe 4.25 ,.. -- I I Hooker Electrochemioal Uo. Palmer Supply Co. Pioneer, lno. LI GHT FUND General Eleotrio Supply vo. Eleotric Supply Co. Westinghouse Eleotrio &: Mfg. Co. Quiok Print Pao Tel &: "Tel Co. Johnson &: Bork Pioneer, Inc. Albert S. Knight Co. O. H. Hemken, Sales ~gent Westinghouse Eleotrio Supply City Treasurer Olympio "'rintery LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer Pao Tel &: Tsl Co. LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND Ci ty Treasurer Warrants Purchased 6485.15 There being no further business the vommission then adjourned. ~ . "!7J?d~;.u /L C,.(J ~ I vi ty Clerk Mayor I I