HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1944 ,.. 606 Febru&ry-b~4~ Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. The CoIIlm1ssion met in regular session at 10 A.M. and WIlS called to order by lIsyor Robinson. Roll call slwwed too following officers present: l1ayor Robinson, Conmissioners Beam and Masters and Clerk Hawkins. Under the head of Applications for Bailding Permits the following were granted: Thomas A. llurray, Closing in Porch, lot 3, Block 2B3, l'ownsite Ken E. Rudolph, Remodel House, lot 23, Blocl( 5,Cain's eubd. Under the hesd of Nu Businsss: 200.00' 200.00 I IIuff and Hobson having disposed of their Second Hand Store to CllveButtemere, requested the Collllll1ssion in lITitir.g ttIet their license No. 5228 be transferred to the said Clive Bnttemere. There being no object- ions the requ.est was granted. The Coll1JJlission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered ll'arr8llts' dre1ll1 for same: CURRENT EIPENSE reND W. I. Nattinger Tri ck &: IIurra;y Bancroft-Whitney Co. Trick &: Murray City Light Dept. · TreallUrer . Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Official Bond Monthl!" Report Book tall' Book Budget Forms Hall Rent tigl1t &: Water " " II Service CITY STREET FUND D. A. ),lAsters, Sr. S. A. llasters Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Hll1l'llrd-COoper Corp. Car Mileage InSlll'llllCll Pipe , Parts WATER FUND City Light Dept. jJ. A. Masters Ol1mpic Sbipbuilders Samuelson I!otor Co. Rent &: Light Insursnce Equipnent, Briok, etc. Car Repairs LIGHT FUND City Treasurer City Water Dept. Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. A. W. Ward D. A. llastere Postaga Water at Substation Service Car Expense Insurance LIBRARY :MID City TreallUrer Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Ttle l!acm1llan Co. Gaylord Eros. R8IIlington Rend Inc. DoubledAY, Doran &: Co. The Puget Sound Nus Co. H. S. Hirshberg Light &: Water Service Book SUppliea if Books n Calendara PARK FUND Pacific Tel &: Tsl Co. City Treasurer n II Service Ligbt & Water n II n ST,&.'I'E AID FUJlD \,.;,. ",'" -vi 1.'1 v1,~ J,\ -~,,\-I /' ?'~ S' ~ '1~ Ib~ D. A. lIaetera Pacifio Tel &: Tel Co. Reyonier Inc. Sanderson Safety SUpplyCC. fl n ft " Insurance Servioe Labor Repairing )lotor C)'lindllr rufill8d witb Carbogen, etc. Fog Applicaton Light & Water if City Treasurer II . Pacifio Tel &: Tel Co. .1 rt n " Service " WAR LIQUOR TAX FUJlD City treAsurer Ligbt at "o11ce Station Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Service D. A. IIasters Insurance Orval Roberts Expenae ACCQunt I O. R. Pettengill · " There being no further b1~inees the Commission then adj ourned . 7J ,mdc>M!1~ City Clerk ~ .,.t 'Y~ \ '1/ ,1/ I-\'{ 68.10 122.04 10.56 13.21 50.00 1651. 5B 207.42 4.75 I 24.95 126.54 114.54 4.06 31.87 240.98 96.56 5.18 5.90 1.9J 57.50 12.40 485.58 I 11.16 4.25 2.49 154.28 4.69 2.27 46.59 1.00 ," 6' /' 2.75 24.58 154.04 BO.BO 6.75 6.6l5 10.155 25.75 33.06 5.58 18.50 45.82 I I 14.43 9.2B 75.76 17.70 28.155 U}YlMJrn/ t ot~ llayar