HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1949 rr 518 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Februarv 2. 19---49- iThe City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Robinson, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. 'I Minutes of the 'previous session were read and approved. Officers1 I' I, I I 350.00 2,000.00: 6,000.00 375.00" I Under the head of unfinished business, the bids for 1,000 feet of lead covered cable for the Light Department Iwere opened as follows: Maydwell & l:tartzell, $1,827.00 per M, delivery, seven weeks. Westinghouse Electric 11 Supply Co., ~1,975.00 per M, delivery, one to two weeks. Ueneral Electric Company, tl,828.00 per If., delivery, four weeks. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that t.he bid submitted by r I General Electric Company be accepted. Seconded by lI.8yor Feeley. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I I Under the head of appl~cj'tions for buildine permits, the following were approved: f7;l,5 - Build 1-Car Garage; Lot 3, Elk. 1G8, Townsite . Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 14, JJlk. ;;5, N.R. Smith Add. Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 15, Blk. 273, Tovmsite Remodel Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 106, E.C. 6aker Add. 'Kelly Phillips Ben Mayhak Jack DelGuzzi 1 Hazel L. Wickersham Supt. Lean informed the Commission 'that a petition for a Street light at 6th and ]<' Streets had previously I,been filed and v!ill be installed when material and power are availaole. A letter signed by Melvin ~ichael, Mrs. Macaulay, and Wm. C. Adams, was read before the Commission. The I,request was for use of the present fire hall by the YoM.C.A., after the fire' department moves to new station. This would be without interference to the police department or Commissioners' room. The Commission ordered the letter filed. I, Discussion was again opened regarding appointment of a Cowmissioner to fill the office of Phil. Armstrong, resigned. It was the opinion of Mayor Feeley that petitions being circulated would be used 8S advisory I,capacity in making decision. Frank Christman requested that both candidates in mind be foregone and start over, endeavoring to 8rrange compromise without assistance from Olympia. Co~~issioner Robinson expressed willingness to compromise if an individual can be appointed who will work for the benefit of the City. tir. ~'yler informed that the Businessmen had submitted the name of a prospective appointee to Commissioner I'Robinson and asked Mayor Feeley if he would consider the same or a compromise. Commissioner f,obinson asked the NByor if he would be willing to compromise if they each submitted a list of ten prospective appointees. Mr. Adams requested that circulation of petitions be continued' as he did not consider it fair to persons carrying petitions to call them off. Several others present expressed opinions and offered suggestions, Ilafter which Mayor Feeley informed that the Commission would give further consideration and try to settle I between the two of them by the next session. It was also understood that the petitions will not be binding, I as Attorney Trumbull informed that legality of appointment by this method could be' questioned. ' !!The Commissior. examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in pa;yment of the same,; ~ ~'l" !f CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 'ITressa C. Koch City Street Dept. Wesley Smith ,First National Bank i',City l,ight Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Peter j. Naughton, Jefferson Co. ,Hazel's Cafe I James ltr 4 Gaver. Peninsula flerald City Treasurer I'Jerry Nelson Agency Angeles Building Center 'Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. (J,;' ,CITY STREET FUND: Ii's- "Jerry Nelson Agency WATEH F1JND: (;,;:?o'1! 'Dobson .,uto Electric union Drue Co. City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone &. Telegraph Co. liHersey Mfg. Co. Ed' Hettman H. D. Fowler Co. ,Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Epperson t< Sons 'Alian Dist. Co. ,City Street Dept. Refund for Return of Lot 6, Blk. 40, Sec. J. and bur. Chg. Gasoline, Oil, Labor State Auditor Salary and Expense Income Tax Withheld Office Rent Phone Services Sheriff Meals for Prisoner Meals for Prisoners Repair flushometer--Jail Legal P~blications Light, Vlater, Garbage, Sts. & Sew., Fire Hyd., St. Lites Insurance Adjustment Paint Gas 17.50 8.35/ 439.15, 35.65 50.00 65.0511 28.00' 198.171 31.10 39.58'1 1,554.75 410.321 9.06 3.81 Insurance Aajustment 185.05 Parts Vlater-glass Rent and Lights Phone Meter Pipe Pipe Pipe LlL~ber Ga sand 8il was and Oil 8.23] 1.70, 30.75 ' 3.751 102.531 135.62 103.07'1 122.501 13.521 32.10', 67.21" 28.041 25.761 2.70 103.691 84.26 566.921 2.06, 2.80 34.11/ 50.83 7.54 100.88~ 3.501 1.49, 570.97, , .5''5 LIGHT FUND: /SRt:- jMontgomery Ward &0 Co. City Street Dept. Clallam Adjustment Corp. llcl.!ahan Fuel Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. "Jerry Nelson Agency Schreiner 8hevrolet Co. Janish Motor Co. Little-Holm Tire Co. Allan Dist. Co. Peninsula rterald City Water Dept. Willson Hardware Co. ,Port Tie & Lbr. Co. 'General Electric Supply Corp. 'I . c:> v FIREMEN'S PENSION FUNll: 3:3 - Clallam County Uedical Service Corp. Battery Service on Trucks Collection Fuel Phone Service Ins. Premium Audit Oil Change Parts Tire Hepa irs Jasoline Adv. ,Vater Su pplie s Lumber Trans formers Februa~ Medical Fees--Firemen , 33.00, ~ I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ISANITATION ]<1JIID: ~~3 J I Jerry Nelson Agency , Addressograph !.lultigraph Corp. Earl Davidson Lincoln Welding City Street Dept. City Treasurer jo'ebruary 2. continued, 19~ Insurance Adjustment Platex, Hepelex Car Mileage for ,Jan., 1949 'fruck lie pairs Gas and Oil '1later II LIBRARY FUND: 11.0 S '!! I City Treasurer , Jerry Nelson Agency I' United Janitor Supply Go. l'Antioch Bookplate Co. Ol,'lIlpic Electric Co. i Stuart Filion II Gaylord Bros., Inc. Lee Hodson 'Olyn:pic Stationers. Newsweek Magazine Port Angeles Evening News II New Method Book iJindery, Inc. , Pacific II.W. Bibliographic center Mary Lee Hall, Trees., Pacific lI.i'l. Doubleday & Co., Inc. , Imperia 1 Book Co. i,A. C. McClurg 8" Co. PAHK FUND: /73!'" I Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co. Lumber, Spikes Angeles Building center One Crescent 11rench City Street Dept. Gas and Oil, Labor Recreation Revolving I'd., School Dist. No.7 Payroll for Jan. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Phone Services , City Treasurer Light, Water, Uarbage gj' PARKING METER & TRAl1'IC CONTROL FUND: 7i8- ~. H. Rhodes, Inc. Balance Owine on Parking Meters Citr Street Dept. Gas and Oil LlffiAHY J.'EJ.~ORIP,L FUlJll: t:' ~S Puget Sound News Co. Light, Water, Garbage Insurance 1-1-49 to 1-1-50 Supplie s Bockpla te s Flourescent Lamps, etc. Soap, Cleanser S~pplics Subscription, Supplies Adding ~achine, Office Supplies Indexes 2 Subscriptions, 1949 Binding, Books h~embership Library 'P.ssn. Books Books Books ],~embership i 1'here being no further business the session was then adjourned. Books o'c,~~ # City Clerk k4~ 519 67.00 I 5.56 'i 27.93 I 8.761 112.86 1.60 '9.91 i 11. 20 II 42.89 .,75 10.82 3.25 10.95 8.21 169.90 4.50 24.00 59.23 o~:gg I 7.10 15.40 ' 351.34,' 3.241 1.85 21. 75 I,' 88.00, 10.571 48.45 I, 780.08 8.50 5.15 Mayor