HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1956 ,..-- 482 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. February 2 19~ "," . .0..... MM. ....".". "'"'' ..... ..,.. The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.H. and was called to order by ~la;y-or Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: M~or Smith, Councilmen Brown, Near, Sandison, Hatthieu, Wolfe and }o!-eFadden, City Manager Vergeer, Atto~ey Sevezyns and Clerk Law. It was mwed by Councilman Brown that min\rl;es of the previous lOOeting be approved. Secomed by <Council- man Matthieu and carried. . Urder the head of unfinished business! Council discussed proposed Ordinance pro\'iding for "licensing am cont,'ol of certain dance halls and pUblic places where dancing is permitted, It W!!S tl:1e opinion of Mr. Vergeer that minimum floor area should be specified and by Council suggestion read proposed Ordinance which was discussed by sections. The insf'ector for the 'State Liquor Board assured of cooperation by his department; and Council agreed that superVlsion and control is most improtant, the licenae fee not tc be exorbitant. After considerable discussion, it was decided that Ordinance should provide for licease feesto conform with type of beverage dispensing license. The Ordinance as revised will be presented at the next meeting. The City Engineer sul:mitted the following p~ estimates for Council approval: F. H. Jarnagin, Penn St. Area Seuer, L.I.D. No. 169, 15% retained, $8,583.:I3 By r.ecommendation of ~lr. Vergeer due to lack of remwal of IlBterial on East 4th Street, it was moved by. Cou.rrilman Near that this claim be denied. Secorded by Councilman McFadden ard carried. :~ < (. Del Guzzi ConstructionCo" Timbered trestle, Penn St. Area Sewer Trunk Line, L.I,D. No, 169, 15% retained, $1,490.86 ,It WB8" moved by Councilman Sandison that the 15% retained be apjroved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 169 '.Construction Furd in payment of S!mle. Seconded by Councilman '''olfe and carried. I F. H. Jarnagin, Front Street end Alley, L.I.D. No. 167, Sixth Estimate, December $8,526.33. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that tlhe pay estillBte be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 167 ,construction Fund in payment of same, Secorded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. I ,Fixed estimate claims against L.I.D.'s were approved as follCMS: L.I.D. No. 167 P'lYroll, Jan. 1 - 15J 1956 P'lYroll, Jan. 16- 31, 1956 F. H. Jarnagin, install lamp base Robert Clawson, car mileage-Jan. $907.58 785.75 85.88 , 14.84 L.I.ll.. No. 169: Ol3mPic Tribune, publication 4.4l It was moved by Councilman McFadden th3.t the foregoin d"ixed estirnate claill5 be approved ard:warrants issued on respective L.I.D. Construction Funds in payment of same. Motion secorded by Councilman Sardison ard Carried. 1 UrdElr the head of new business, claims paid January ;;0, 27, Februar-,f 2, were approved in total amount of $67,236.94. It w1\S'moved by Councilman ~Tolfe that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carti ed. I Mr. Hassell and other property ol'mers appeared before the Council requesting that ,'rater nain be replaced !md lowered in the 1100 Block, East Ejghth Street, 11r. VergeBr advised that since street grade has been i-e-established, the water main iw very shallOYT and the Ci1;y- plans to renew and lCMer in the near future. I IrOIfillY' Thompson, 520 East Secord St., asked the Council to discontinue blockade of Secord Street bet\'leen Vine ard Peabod;r, which is done for protection of school children. Also cited hazard of cars driving thz>ough' parrow alley between Secord and Third Streets. The Mayor also had two petitions regardin the same. It I was decided that solution would be installation of fence with proper patrol for crossings, this being a problem of the School Board. It wall moved by Councilman '''olfe that the liameer be authorized to notify I School Board of Council action. Seconded by Councilman I1cFadden and carried. I jMr. 1W1l0 informed the Council that the County I s protion of the Tunwater Access Road has elirninated water suppl,y from his well. Mr. Vergeer .advised him the Ci1;y- will cooperate wi. th the County in providing \-/Water j 'at the City"s \-Tater main at which point.th~ will be pennitted to exterdlheir service. . ~ IThe following reports were filed fOI: Council approval: 110nthly reports of receijt s ard experditures of I City DepartlOOnts, Police Departnent, Fire Department, Street Department, Annual report of Police Department,: jreport of Park Board meetings, and special reporty by the i1anager of department operations. By request I \of Councilman Neer, Mr. Vergeer made oral sunrrnary and explanatiom of special report. Council cOl1llrended I ithe manager for performance of duties during the past year. It was moved lu Councilman Neer that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman HcFadden and carried. I Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the follCMing was introduced and read in full: , RFBOLUTION 00. 7-56 ! A RESOLUTION directing the issuance of a municipal warra.'1t of the City of Port Angeles payable to the Chief of Police of said city in the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to be utilized as a permanent furd 'for change. I ..... .It was moved by Cound.lman l'Tolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved ard adopted. Secorded by Councilman Hatthieu and carried. I Umer the head of introduction ani reading of Ordinances, the following was intl1oduced, read in full, ard discussed by Council: I O~I~mEOO.~~ " A11 ORDINAlOC:E appropriating necessary furds for the acquisition of rights of wa:y for relocation of the 'tl'lenty (20) inch water main f/leding the City's Reservoir ani for the acquisition of a portion of a lot for the location of a pumping station frOOl the unappropriated reserves of the Water Department ard declaring I an erne rgency . ' L I .~t ":'~":."V .'rl '-y .0' ""('-;' "~l t~:..:lt :. Mr Ver ~Il~ c~~ed ~e;gency exiting with main water line east of reservoir, caused by sliding condi ~ion of earlh f~rmation. Also opportunity to acquire right-of-way to relocate pipeline. Mr.. Vergecr then infonned S th 40 f t f Lot 1 Block 2 P S C C is available to purchase for loc ab.on of emergency that the ou ee 0 , " . .. , . "t as moVed b CounCilman IccFadden that pumping station on No::thedJtones Streedt~t~ter :~~<~~~fdt::~t~~~{h\OWFeet of r.J 1, Block 2, of P.S.C.C. ~he manager be authonz 0 procee acqUJ. - " rd . d It was for installation of emergency pumping unit. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison a carne. ~oved by. Councilman :1eer tint Ordinance No. 1364 be approved and adopted. Seconied by~Councilman s~son a:B\14 ~ou:':J.r~a~~~erther business, the meeting was declared adjourned. (il, ~v-- ~'../!J, d; to- ~ ~ 1'1.",. I I I I ,