HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1961 I I I I I ~ I I Proceedings of tne City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington FEBRUA!l.Y 2} 19iL , . . '",...." .., .....M <:!JIo The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. and was called to order by Mayor Maxfield. Other Officers present were: Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thorne and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. ilt was mOved by Councilman Richardson that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on I file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and 6arried. Under the head of unfinish,::;d business, Councilman Smith reported for appraisal committee on request by Glen~ C>' Peters for,minimum price on Lots 1,2)3 and 4, Block 357 and Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and IS, Block 314, Townsite. Committee ~ecomtnendation was minimum of $125.00 for each Lot. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that Committee report be accepted and minimum price be fixed at $125.00 per Lot. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. 'AM \i\o\ol&'llLc.l?R.sIfiR~e~tfe9.'1,~M,tmJJablfalp~s, Tra,nsmission Company of Washington for Franchise toinstall gas wfth~n 't'fie~lh. tile lVl'ayor aav~sei:1't1i~taue ponsideration has been given the Ordinance and requested that it be read in fulll CO,uncllman Thome asked if this Franchise is non~exclusive. The Attorney assured that the Ordinance is in proper form and State statute does not permit exclusive tranchises. ORDINANCE NO. 1467 AN ORDINANCE granting the Natural Gas Transmission Co., a Washington cOrporation, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive franchise and Ir right to construct, operate and maintain a natural and/or artificial gas distribution system in the City of Port Angeles, Washington I lIt was moved by Couneilman Thorne that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by Councilman ~ IRichardson and carried. il Will1am Wall, Company Representative, thanked the Council and Attorney for cooperation, also commended ~ for eonduct in operation of City business and flntmcial affairs pertaining to t1rafting of the Contract-Franchise. Under the h~ad o~'~e~' business, one request' f~r approval of beverage license tr~nsfer w~s received: Harbor I Tavern from Lois Hinkelman and Milo Wetherald to Robert L. Hickam. It was moved by Councllman RichardSo? that trandfer be approved as requested. ' Seconded by Councilman Smith abd carried. Ii In consideration of the recently discontinued bus service by the 10cal'Ilansit System, Clayton Fox reported Ii on meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and Frank Stevens, operator. It has been assured that servire will resume Monday. The Oouncil discussed request for permission to draft plans and publish call for bids to consttuct a r~st room at Lincoln Park. It was moved by COIj:ncilman Richardson that the Manager be authorized to have plans drawn and call for bids published for constructioh of the rest room as prOVided in the current budget. Seconded by Oouncilman Smith and carried. 'I'he Junior Chamber of Commerce requested in writing permission to use the new service garage on West Front Street for the third annual home show i spojlsored by the ,Jaycee, Evening News and Merehants. Proposed dates were Aprll 15 and 16, or 22 and 23. ll.alph Schmitt appeared for the sponsors and cited the need fora downtown location, this building being suitable for the purpose desired. The Manager suggested that having open house for the building at the same time would be in order. When questioned as to entry fee and how the receipts ate spent, Mr. Schmitt replled that money collected is used for Ohristmas projects, Little League Ilteam and other community proJects. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that permission be granted the IIJunlor Chamber of Commerce the privilege of using the new Oity light building on the weekend of April 15th land 16th and for those days necessary prior thereto to set up their displays and anything else necessary to get the show In shape, and that they work with the City on a combination home show and open house so the Ilpublic can view this new faclllty available to them and for use of the cltizehs of Port Angeles. Seconded by ICouncilman Haguewood and carried. IIMaYOr MaBfield announced a special meeting for Monday, February 13th; 7: 00 P:M., at which time bids for I!installatlon of the new Morse Creek Water line will be opened. i ' . ' ",' , , jReports from City Departments were approved as follows: Treasurer's Finandal, Budget Reports of Receipts and Expenditures; Water Operating statement, Balance Sheet and Work Report. Light Operating Statement, ~ork Report and Balance Sheet. 'E1wha Industria:! System Operating statement. "It was' moved by Councilman 'Richardson'that reports, be: accepted ii\senumerated and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and icarrled. " IClaims for payment were approved In amounts of: General.Funds, $4,759.43; Water Fund, $31'8.26; PipeLine IFund, $24.63; Light Fund, $26,903.64. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that all claims be approved and I ~paid as liSled. Seconded by Oouncllman Haguewocd and carried. ' I It was moved by Councilman Smith that payrolls for January in total amount of $59,309.66 be approved as paid,. 'Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. I !other claims were approved fur payment in amounts of: Light Fund, equipment. for servi<:e garage, $8,947.77. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the claims be approved and paid'; Seconded by Councllman Haguewood and carried. 1 \The City Attorney submitted claims for purchase of easements for the Morse Creek pbpeline in amounts of: peorge Rains, $175.00. Earl Sanderson, $200.00. It was moved by Councllman Richardson that the Coundl :approve payments for easements. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. ! I '""'l 61 ...,j ,. ... '62 Proceedings of t~e ~ity Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington (Continued) 19~ FEBRUARY 2, .... H PRUHING co. P.Z4U4 _ ~ The Mayor reported on meeting with the Board of Directors for School District No. 17 concerning plans and sit ,for the proposed swilluninQ pool. Another meeting will be held and Councilman Richardson and Haguewood were named to work with the Mayor as rommlttee. I Councilman Richardson read and requested that the fOllowing be made of record in Council Prooeedings: "I have read' tO~ight's Evening News wherein annexation expert Alfred Goerg has threatened to form a new City. Mr. Goerg's ignorance of the facts is exceeded only by his complete lack of knowledge of every subject he discusses. "His statements are. . . .incoherent and.. .. do not reflect an intelligent analysis of the situation. "HE IS MISINFORMttJ and unwilllng to accept the true facts. He has been trying this issue by inference and innuendo. I am tired of his threats .... and delibetate misncners. "His statements about the swimtning pool obviously show his lack of knOWledge. The bond issue is for $300,000. rather than the careless Goerg $500,000. He doesn't know that you sell bonds after the pro~ Ject is engineered and undelWay. Why pay interest while you are !lreparing your projects? "HE DOBSN'T know that the annexed area will not be liable for any city debts incurred prior to annexation. He doesn't want the truth, the responsibility of citizenship, or the desire to become a part of the com- mUhity where he detives his living. "I think my attitude reflects truthfully the attitude of the City Council. I feel that the city has certain thinQs to offer those citizens in the proposed anneKation area. If they wish to be a part of the City, parti-' cipate in city govarn1'l1ent, and have a vote in their municipal affairs they may taRe advantage of the pro~ posed annexation. ''It rHtY 00 not wish this they can reject it and handle their affairs in any manner they see fit. "HoWever, they are entitled to the truth. My feelings are completely neutral and I am sure the rest of the Council feels the same way. "It is the citiZen's right to petition and his right to decide what he wishes to do. We are only the legiSlative body that puts the legal machinery in action to fOlloWttDugh on the people's mandate. "THEREFORE, IN the interest of fairness, truth and understanding, I am throwing dOW,ln the gauntlet. I herewith Challenge Mr. Goerg or any member of his Suburbanite League to a debate on the issues and fatts. I further extend to him the privilege oi asking an!! questions he Wishes of me regarding annexation. I Will expect to interro<;late him on some of his past statements and his future plans to provitle the necessary facUities for a new city s:outh of the City limits, "I Cia this as a member of the Council, but on my own volition and without any motive in mind but to proVide the truth. "THESt ARE MY own statements and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the City Council. However, since the mayOr has appointed me to the Council cOlllmittee to a ssist in providing infol'n\ation to those I persons wbrkin<;j so hard for annexation, I feel it is my duty to put thi smatter hefore the public on a factual basis. I ;''l'he deCision of the! people afteral! the facts are put before them, will be the ultimate factor." I Mayor Maxfield acknowled~ed receipt of the annual repbrt of Police Departtnent activiUes during the year 1960' knd comlllentled for services rendered. i I.. II' fnna McDoMld appeared on behalf of the GOldenagers and expressed appreciation lor Council assistance in , ~he resumption of Bus service. i ~aino Saari asked if annexation is again voted and approved, would the City be obligated to accept the area? ' il'he answer waS "No". Also, would an increase In taxes be necessary to pay cost of added serviee? It was i flai'ified that forty mills canl1Ct be exceeded without vote of the Electors. ii' t B. Taylor inquired as to increased revetlue due to annexed area and if it wouJj compensate for added expendi~ ~ures. the Mallager replied that estimated valuation is not yet available from the County Asses sot although I revenue from State Funds could be estimated at $13 per capita. II , . llbert Clevenger esked the Council to consider increasing the speed limit on West Fifth Street to 35 miles per Iii bour due to improved street and street lighting. This was referred to the Police Department for recommendatiorJ1s. II ,. . ... . [I ,Councilman Sm,l~h csu.ggeste. d that the CouncU cons.ide,r mOl. king Engineering survey of Valley Street for the pur-II IIPose of extehdinQ culvert and road improvement, thereby affording better dontrol of flood hazard. Possibility lof obtaining assistance from the State Flood Control Fund will also be investigated. I ! r' <rth~ bu,"'" '"'''''''' '''' ..."" w"' ,dj,~,,,,. I I u fI e ~ 9MU/J C Ju ,;; !JLj I'l' j. "~OE O~AL1: I CITY CLERK YOR ~ NOTJC~~h~b~ g~~ tha.t. tbej Cit~. of Port Angeles w1l1 &ell to' the blgl1est a.nd, best bidder the fol- j Ilawing described real property. to. I i'\'~~:owi8ltc.1 3. aDd. ... BLook 357., j ~ L~i, lio:;.i; 14 and 15 Bl~lI:: 1 I Minimum as fixed b:l' tlIl) City CQuncil, $125.ao per 101. NOTICE Is; furtiler "hen lhR.l sealed bUts w1l1 bo recehrcd fQJ' the- same at the CJt7, Hall llnlll 5:00 o'el[}('k P.M., Mo,.rah 2, 19fil. ltn(( not 1:lMI'. Bld mU$l be accomllHT11ed by a deposit of not less than 10% of amount ot bid or the nffer will not be. considered. Tha Cltd Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. M. W. SLA.i'\JJ<ARD, City :.o.11loager Publlsheo: I~'~t"\13ry !l, 16, 1961. I I I