HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1962
1- ~
Procee~ings of the City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. The following officers were present: Mayor
Maxfield, Councilmen Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorne
Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed
on file, Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the following bids for motor grader were received:
Cox Machinery Co" 1757 First Ave. So" Seattle, Galion Model 303, f.o,b. Port Angeles,
$14,,904,00, less trade-in $3,000.00, plus Washington Sales Tax - Total $12,500.16. Al-
ternate: Galion Model. 104, $17,095.00 less trade-in, plus sales tax - Total $14,778.80.
Caldwell Machinery Company, Inc" Seattle, Bid No, 1: New Huber-Warco Diesel Motor Gra-
der Model 9D-A, f,o.b. Port Angeles, $17,894.00 less trade-in, $4,000.00 plus sales tax -
total $14,449.76, Bid No.2: Used Caterpillar Model 212 Diesel motor grader, less trade
in, $4,154,80.
Toole Corporation, Seattle, LeTourneau-Westinghouse (Adams) Model 220 motor grader, net
less trade-in $12,407.00 plus sales tax - Total $12,903.28
N. C. Machinery Co., Seattle, Caterpillar No. 112 motor grader, Series F, $20,809.00 less
trade-in $1,500,00 plus sales tax - total $20,081.36.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the bid of Cox Machinery Co, for Galion Model 303, at
$12,500.16 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and unanimously carried,
'A petition signed by ten people living south of Highway 101 making application to connect with City~
water lines and asking permission to install two fire hydrants was discussed, In view of the report
of the Consulting engineers, that to serve water to the areas outside the City would ultimately mea~
installingwater meters to all customers, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the petition be
tabled at this time. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the applications of Jack Del Guzzi, Lee Hotel, 112 West
First Street and Hughie Kim Mar, Mar's Restaurant, lll~ North Laurel Street, be approved, Seconded
by Councilman Caldwell and carried,
Minutes of the special meeting of the Planning Commission, January 30th, were read. Mr. Kittselman
and Mr, Key having applied for approval of their plan to replatt Lots ~3, 24 and 25 of Alderwood
Acre Tracts, submitted preliminary plan showing division 'of tracts into ten lots of 7,000 square
feet or more, It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Planning Commission minutes be ap-
proved; also, that tenative approval be given to the preliminary plan of Mr, Kittselman and Mr. Key"
subject to approval of final plan. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. !
The Mayor appointed Mr. Donald H. Judd, 224 North Washington Street, to serve a six year term on
the Civil Service Commission. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the appointment be approved..
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried, II
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that permission be granted to call for bids for a 6 cylinder
sedan delivery for the Water Department, trade-in to be a 1956 sedan delivery. Seconded by councilt-I
man Caldwell and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that permission to call for bids for a 6 cylinder flat bed truc
for the Water Department, trade-in to be a 1949 flat bed truck, be granted, Seconded by Councilmanl:
Richardson and carried. I
The estimated cost of 500 tons of rip-rap for Ediz Hook being less than the $2,000.00 which wouldN ~
require a call for bids, the matter was referred to~e City Manager to purchase the rip-rap if sui,,-
,able, ~
I'The following reports were presented for approval: Budget Report of Receipts and Expenditures, 'i
Police Dept, Annual Report, Fire Dept. Annual Report, Light Dept. Operating Statement, Balance Sheet
and Work Report; Water Dept. Operating Statement, Balance Sheet and work Report. It was moved by
Councilman Richardson that all reports be approved as enumerated and placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Thorne and carried.
[Claims payable were presented in amounts of: General Funds, $53,940.33; Water Fund, $14,108,36;
Pipeline Fund, $14,874,41; Light Fund, $22,176,53. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that claims
as enumerated be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, Section 2 of the following Ordinance was I
read, having been amended and clarified, as requested in a previous meeting:
AN ORDINANCE adopting a Fire Prevention Code prescribing
regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and
property from fire or explosion, and establishing a
Bureau of Fire Prevention and providing officers there-
for and defining their powers and duties, and repealing
sections of the City Code.
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that, the foregoing ordinance as amended be adopted. Seconded by
,Councilman Randall and unanimously carried,
Under the head of introduction and reading of Resolutions the following Resolution was introduced
and read in full:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles declaring that certain portions of the side-
walk in Block 14, Townsite of Port Angeles, fronting
on First Street have become unfit and unsafe for pur-
poses of public travel and finding that the recon-
struction of the sidewalk thereon is necessary for
the publiC safety and convenience.
Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
I. 6_H P"'NTINg co, P_!U3~_'-~
The City Manager read a letter from the Junior Chamber of Commerce requestlng permlSSlon cO use cllei
City Light Garage for the Centennial Home Show, April 6th, 7th and 8th. It was moved by Councilmart
Richardson that permission be granted. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried.
Mayor Maxfield gave a resume' of
very favorable condition of City
I Finance Committee for their work
City surplus funds.
the City's investment program for 1962, The Mayor spoke on the
funds past and present. Councilman James Caldwellafommended the
in investing City funds to secure as much interest/possible from
The City Manager reported that the Municipal Swimming Pool will be in operation sometime in Mayas I
planned and that construction was up to ,schedule at the present time.
As a matter of record the City Manager informed the City Council that there were 625 lineal feet
of curb in the Pine Hill Local Improvement District to maintain the 40 foot width of streets as
directed previously by the Council. The cost of replacing the curbs would be made part of the
overall improvement,
Councilman Caldwell explained the need for repairs to the old part of the City Library after -the I
new Library addition has been constructed. After considerable discussion on various ways in Which\j
the rehabilitation could be accomplished, the mayor asked that the matter be studied by Council ~,
members for two weeks and that the matter would be considered further at the next meeting, The I
City Manager informed the Council that he had previously informed the Council of three methods by
which the work could be accomplished and that in no case could the City spend over $20,000 for re-
newing the old part of the Library.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
- . -"'"-- ------- -'- ---
J\"OTlCE IS HE}{El:l Y G1 V}o;'\: thut
sl'alec1 bJds will be J'cceivcd by tlle
~~tJ'Cl(OfC~~~~!,.~\lD1~I:s B~~h Ob~ ~~~~ I
mitt(;d the City :Mal1ager, 140 'West
~ront Sln'(.t, Pon Anr;€les, \','~!;h-
IJlgLrm, untU 7:30 1'. M. March 16,
J~62. All bid:,; will be upened hy tho
Clt~. Council in rc,,"ular se:<sioli to
be held In the CUlIllr11! chambel's fl.t
7:80 P,:'\-f. on rl1l:! same date.
lI.:HNIMYM Rl":QUIHl~MgN'l'S 'to BE:
C-cylmuer engine
261 cubic lndl di:oplacement
4-speecl LI"an:.>mi8sion
2-!lpc('d reRl' ~Ie.
Hea.vy duty springi'l
f2;e:r 20 tlrll.'; - lritction type on
heavy lluty ~eneratlJr
hl'3vy duty 1\e.l.to7lr and defrOster
hMvy duty bntter.,' I
two I:lpecd s1\'lpt::i
twin vi!illr~
twu truck t~;pc ,j," x 8" mirrors
alr10nm l't>at
turn Signals
yellow in colol" . cab a.nd fender!'!
lengt]l from l"r~<lr of cab to axle
8' 6"'
Trade-In shall be one HHI Dodge
flat bed trucl[, Motol' No, T 14S-lJ21G3
Truck may be viewr-d by appoint-
ment with the \Talcr SuperlntenCient.
The ~lhoVQ !lllf'cifleatlons are oon-
Rl(lerl'c! minimum [\.nd bids othcr than
the above wlll be cOll;$ldereCi The
City ot Port Angel('s reserve's t.he
rf!::lIt tu accept or rejc('t Rny or all
bids and purchase truck chassiS on
the open mttrket.
Clt)' Mnnagcl'
PubllshNl: March 1 and 8, 1962.
sealed bids will be I'ecelved nt the
office of the City Mnnfil':'er 140
\Vest Front Street, Port Angel!"!;,
\Vashlngton, until 7:~O n'r:lnck P. M.,
March 15. I!Hl~, for turnlshlng the
:rollowln~ work and materials:
3tOO '1'OM of Blttuninous PlMlt
Mix - 5 Tona., of 7a.ck Coa.t~
The tack ("oat shall be heated and
llRPrl wllere the Cll,)" (leems It neccs.
RJ].ry to pl'epar", the old surtfLce be_
fore the bitumInous plant mix is
laid. The bidder shall furnish a plant
tully operated for mll\lng plant mix
11f....jng miuedal, TIle hillder shall
t'urnlsh poWel' and labor for Ia.)'lng j
a. pavement In a Jev<ll nej\t manner I
to a thlcknesfl <1lrcctc(\ b)' the City
sultable to wlthsta.nd traffic,
TIle City of Pol't Angeles will fur-
l1h;h nil aggl'egate and deliver to
mlxln~ bunl\er, gal('! delivery not to I
exceed 216 mllus from the City grav.
cl pit at Morse Creek, Tile- elt)' wlll
use as many trucks: as posslhle to
haul the plant mix to the paying
The City rescrVeB the rlgl1 t to ae-
.ecpt or I'eject any or all bids or n.n~'
portion thereof, and to use quantities ,
I~~t~:;. mOl'e or IfS.s ,than set forth I
, Bids will be opened by the City
ICOllncn In rEgUlar, :session to .be held
In. the COllI1C]} Ch:trnl,erfl or the Pn_
l1ee BuiIdlng n.t- 7:~O o'clocl!- P. M.,
~(arch 1&, 1~62.
City Manager
,Published: March 1 and 8, 19112, P
~ k~trw
- -- -------. .......
I Notle~I~Eh:;'~~ ~~~:;~~:t tienled'
~;1~a~~~1l ofb~ ]l~e~~ll~e~f bl~or~h~ni~ll: I
es, \Vashillgton, unrll March 16, ad
Zi'~~ Ji'~h~ t~~y nll~~n]:~:~' o~t t~~CC?~~j
of Port Angeles, \\'ashington, for the 1
lllll"ch~e of r.ast irOJl or asbestos
~f~C~~ ~~atG~ ~1~eel1 a~~l J~~~~'\vir~~J
~~m~:~~1. ~i~t P;is~h~e'do~~~sU~i1!\'lL~;; II
system 01 the City of Port Angele!l.
All pipe must be apP~o\'ed by the)
Underwriters Ln.b<lratorles, Inc., for'
use In publie water ftnd fire servJce
SY8tems, "
P'I C;~t~d If?t;jn;~~h~jjb~Sc~tS St~6i~JI
~P~Ci"i~c~ti~~CC{{iC!w~n~_4o{l ~ld~il~~j
III test issue, 11Icludlnl':" amendments,
I All b1ds to be freight allowed to.
Port Angeles,
i, A certified check .or blcl bond fori
5% of the amount bid must accom-
I puny tOach llld.
Ite-m I
5000 1111. ft. 6", Cla-ss 150 ea..-t iron
pipe, "l'ytOIl. :roint or equal,
5000 Un. ft. 6", Class 160 At!:bestoJl~.
Dem.ent pipe.
Ham II
1000 l1n. ft. 2", Cla.n 150 oaat iron
pipe, '1Tton JoLDt or eo.ua-l.
The City Council resen'cs the rlghl
to reject ally ur RII bid".
City Ma.nager
PublISheD: March 1 & 8, UUi2.
thl~ Cily of Port Angeles, \Vasblngton
wll1 recelve sealed bIDS :Lor furnl.'3h-
log n 1962 (me.half (1,/,,) ton Panel
Truck. Bids shall be submitted t11(1
City :Manager, 140 'West Front Street,
Port Angeles, Wnshjngton, until 7:3(1
o'clock p, M, March Hi, 19(12. All bids
will 00 opened by the City Council
In regular session to be held In the
Council chamber... at 7 :30 o'clock
p, M. on the same date.
~ . I
l.i-L-'}'jjndlr en~inc
I ~:Jfi - cubic inch ill~]llacement
oil rilter
116 illCll whe81 hnse ,
atnndard traosmlbHion I
~ ~~:~~;~ ~~~; ]~Cl~~~:a~~d ul,rro~ler
two i'i]lIlEKl sWllk'S
~ twln vi~ors
! fll~llC:~?t~ ai~~~I~d SNt 01' two
> }l~~~'Y !;~f~L~'\atte,'y
li75.15 lil'I!S - rl'llr w be traction
1 l:JTIJe
'.p:l:l'C wheel alll! tire
(ll'lvN' C1111c mil'l'or
Color !'!11Ull lie Gre~'
'l'l'ade.in ~'hall be VIII" 1 gS6 sedan
d("]jyery which may he \"1('IIi'ed at the
CIty Hall hy ap1)olntment,
F "I.'Ili-' al)()ve <>!wC'ICic:uiolll'l are con-
~",hl('l'ed minimum and bldll other than
';il,ovc will be (:un:,idacd. TIle City
of Port AngeleH 1"('~eI"Yt:s the l'fght
to fLCCe]Jt or l-ekn illl.V Lid Rllhmllt<:>(l
anJ. j)urclla.>;e I:'ant>l "I'nJ<,k: on the
(Ip("n lllarlu,l.
)oJ. W, SLA.'!KAHD
City :'lIanag<'"r
Published: Murch 1 and S, 1 ~G3.