HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/02/1977 2.34 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 2, 1977 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Olson, ,Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish, Deputy Clerk Ward. D. Frizzell, H. Kochanek, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, P. Carr, p. Lara, R. Parrish, J. Honnold. Guests Present: L. Sunny, J. Haley, D. & D. Perry, E. & J. Main, K. & B. Clark, B. & D. Coler, M. & P. Scarom, Mr. & Mrs. J. Baxter, Mr. & Mrs. D. Adolphson, P. Adams, H. B. Pollard, M. McCormack, D. Batt, L. Switzer, B. Magnuson, K. Davidson, R. J. Kennedy, Jr. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the January 19, 1977 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried . IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. a. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the call for bids on the replacements of 1 each 1970 Cushman Cycle (Police), 2 each 1974 Ford Sedans (Police), I each 1972 Olevrolet Sedan (City Manager), 1 each 1972 Olevrolet Utility Pick-up (Light), 1 each 1971 Ford Van (Water), I each 1966 Chevrolet Pick-up (Park), and 1 each 1969 Plymouth Stationwagon (Fire). Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. All units are budgeted in the 1977 fleet replacement schedule. b. The Department of Public Works request for Council authorization to call for bids 10,000 feet of 8" Asbestos Cement Water Main Pipe was read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Anderson moved to table this request to the February 16, 1977 meeting and to direct Public Works Director Flodstrom to prepare a report on the use of asbestos pipe in water mains. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. A general discussion followed concerning health hazards associated with asbestos, cost factors involved with asbestos pipe versus plastic and cast iron pipe and bid breakage prices. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. c. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids on 131 Distribution Transfomers and 30,000 feet of Bare All-aluminum Conductor. The motion was seconded by.Councilman Wray and carried. 2. Water Supply Consulting. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $381.52 to OI2M/Hill for engineering services from November 25 through December 24, 1976 in connection with water supply consulting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 235 rJ FINANCE 3. Sewerage Facility Plan. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve payment of $2,323.53 to 0l2MjHill for engineering services from August 25 thru December 24, 1976 in connection with Sewerage Facility Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 4. Sewerage Facility Plan - Sewer System Evaluation Survey. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve payment of $8,305.87 to 0l2MjHill from November 25 thru December 24, 1976 for physical survey and rain fall simulation phases of Sewer System Evaluation Survey. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. 5. Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Payroll Transfers of $11 0,792.55. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA L. Sunny addressed the Council regarding a newspaper article which stated that $77,081 was spent last year on Public Transportation and requested an explanation of how the money was spent. City Manager Whorton explained that the report Mr. Sunny was referring to was the published Revenue Sharing Actual Use Report for 1976. The funds expended under Public Transportation were used for Street Projects and the Federal Government has established the category of Public Transportation for reporting this type of expenditure, Manager Whorton stated. . H. Pollard asked the Council for information concerning the control of noise abatement on the Highways and City Streets, specifically on the use of jake brakes by logging trucks on West Boulevard and Highway 112. The Council discussed this problem \1ith Mr. Pollard, Manager Whorton, Public Works Director Flodstrom and Police Chief Kochanek. During the discussion it was determined that the Police Department would check on Mr. Pollard's complaint, a reminder letter will be written to the Truckers Association regarding the illegal use of jake brakes, and the State Highway Department will be contacted regarding setting a "brake" sign at both the entrance to the Truck Route and Highway 112. Mrs. E. Main submitted a petition to the Council. The petition was signed by 314 residents of the Pine Hill area who request the Council to consider the need of a stop light at Eighth and Pine Streets or at Eight and Cedar Streets. Mrs. Main briefly explained the traffic conditions that exist at these inter- sections. D. Botts also commented on the hazardous situation in this area. Mayor Olson thanked the residents for their concern. VI LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. NO. 199 GLENBROOK CIRCLE (FINAL HEARING). I Mayor Olson opened the Public Hearing on Glenbrook Circle L.I.D. No. 199 by reading the ''Notice of Hearing" and requested all persons desiring to express their opinion on the Pinal Assessment Roll to speak at this time. There were no comments from the floor. Mayor Olson again asked for comments from the audience on L.I.D. No. 199. As there was no response from those in attendance, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Olson then read the "Certification of Expenses" on L.I.D. No. 199 as established by City Engineer J. B. Warder. It is noted for the record that no written protests were filed with the City Clerk prior to or at the Public Hearing. z36 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. NO. 199 GLENBROOK CIRCLE (FINAL HEARING) (Cont.) Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1903 entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1903 "AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington approving and I confirming the assessments and the assessment roll in Local Improve- ment District No. 199 for the construction of certain improvement within the City and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against certain property thereof against certain property as shown on said assessment roll." Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by ti tle by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously passed by the Council. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION REQUEST OF BEN MAGNUSON. Mayor Olson opened the Public Hearing on Mr. Magnuson's request to annex approximately nine acres located at the south end of Pine Hill to the City of Port Angeles, and read the "Notice of Hearing". Mayor Olson then asked if any members of the audience or of the Council wished to discuss the proposed annexation. Councilman Hordyk questioned if there would be any problems associated with providing utility services to the 'Proposed annexed area, with Public Works Director Flodstrom stating this would not be a prOblem for the City. As there was no further discussion on Mr. Magnuson's request for annexation, Mayor Olson closed the public hearing. It is noted for the record that no written protests were filed with the City Clerk prior to or at the public hearing on the annexation. Mayor Olson then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1904 entitled,1 ORDINANCE NO. 1904 "AN ORDINANCE annexing Block 2 of Cooper's Addition and a portion of vacated Leiser's Addition to the south end of Pine Hill." Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title by Mayor 01 son. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross, and unanimously passed by the Council. 3. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONE REQUEST. Mayor Olson declared the public hearing open on the request of Ben Magnuson for the rezoning of approximately 10J.4 acres from RS-7 and RS-9 to RMF and PBP, and invited any interested persons to speak at this time. Mr. A. Adolphson of South Pine Street protested the rezone of the annexed property from single family to multiple family dwellings, and expressed a concern regarding the additional traffic hazards in the area that would be created by multiple family dwellings. A general discussion followed between the Council, Manager Whorton, Planner Carr and the audience regarding arterial roadways, density of persons in the proposed multiple family dwelling area, high.er costs associated with single .1 family dwellings as opposed to apartments, and the proposed greenbelt area. Mr. K. Davidson commented on the high density of the population in relation to the size of the area involved. Public Works Director Flodstrom stated - that the City has no plans on changing the streets or access ways to accomodate the higher density level of people; any changes in access ways or improvements in streets in the area would be the responsibility of the developer, the City would not give any final inspection until all requirements were met by the developer. The Council noted for the record that the Planning Commission has recommended that the rezone request be approved. Mayor Olson asked for any further comments on the rezone request. As there was no further discussion, the public hearing was declared closed. i.37- CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 3. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONE REQUEST. (Cont.) It is noted for the record that no written protests were filed with the City Clerk prior to the public hearing. Mayor Olson then read by title the Ordinance to effect the rezone entitled, I "AN ORDINANCE: amending Ordinance No. 1709, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles by rezoning part of Block 2 of Cooper's Addition and a portion of vacated Leiser's Addition at the south end of Pine Hill from RS-7 and RS-9 Residential zone, and PBP Public Zone." Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson, as recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On called vote Councilmen Buck, Haguewood and Ross voted "AYE", Councilmen Anderson, Hordyk and Wray voted "NO". Mayor Olson voting to break the tie voted "NO". The motion to adopt the Ordinance was denied. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - ALDERBROOK SUBDIVISION. Mayor Olson read the "Public Hearing" notice on the preliminary plat of Alderbrook Subdivision, located on the southwest corner of Church Street and McDougal Street, and declared the hearing open for discussion. The Council discussed with Planner Carr and Public Works Director Flodstrom the potential drainage and erosion problems existing within the subdivision area. I Following the discussion, Mayor Olson read the Planning Commission's recommendation of January 10, 1977 for approval of the Alderbrook Sub- division preliminary plat with the conditions that all improvements are to the specifications of the Public Works Department with a particular emphasis on alleviating the potential drainage problems so that runoff drains towaro Church Street and the 10 I standard easement per City Light Department requirements. Mayor Olson then asked for any additional comments from the floor. As there was no further discussion, the public hearing was declared closed. It is noted for the record that no written protests were filed with the City Clerk prior to or at the public hearing. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and accept the Preliminary Plat on Alderbrook Subdivision. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood, and passed by the Council. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - COLVIN CONSTRUCrrON REZONE REQUEST. I At the request of Mayor Olson, Planner Carr reported that after the December 13, 1976 Planning Commission public hearing on Colvin Construction's request for a rezone of a part of Block 1, Pennsylvania Park Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles, located at the southwest corner of "e" Street, from Residential Single Family (RS-7) to Residential Multi Family (RM~), the City has received one letter of protest, dated January 27, 1977, and a petition, received on February 2, 1977, signed by eighteen area residents opposing the rezoning of any portion of Block 1 for apartments. After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Council that the rezone request should be referred back to the Planning Commission for further consideration and recommendation. Since the Planning Commission did not have the benefit of the discussion of the people protesting the rezone, that in order to insure that their recommendation was based on all the available data, it would be better to refer it back to the Planning Commission. Z38 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 5. PUBLIC HEARING - COLVIN CONSTRUCrION REZONE REQUEST. (Cont.) Councilman Wray moved the Council refer back to the Planning Commission Colvin Construction's request for a rezone of a portion of Block 1, Pennsylvania Park Addition from RS-7 to RMF. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Mayor Olson informed the audience that the Planning Commission will meet I on Monday, February 14, 1977. 6. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1977. The Planning Commission minutes of January 24, 1977 were read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Anderson moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission January 24, 1977 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 7. VACATION OF PARK AVENUE WITHIN THE COLLEGE BOUNDARIES. Item No.7, Vacation of Park Avenue within the College Boundaries, was passed over since insufficient time had not elapsed to meet all of the advertising requirements. 8. STREET VACATION ORDINANCES. Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinances No. 1905 and 1906 approving the vacation of certain streets' and alleys at the Hamil ton School site and the Stevens Jr. High School site. ORDINANCE NO. 1905 "AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Ninth Street adjacent to Hamilton School site." I ORDINANCE NO. 1906 "AN ORDINANCE vacating streets and alleys in the vicinity of Stevens Junior High School in the City of Port Angeles." Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinances as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and unanimously passed by the Council. It is noted that the City Council approved the aforementioned street vacations at their January 19, 1977 Council meeting. 9. RESOLUTION - PEABODY HEIGHTS L.I.D. NO. 198. Mayor Olson read Resolution No. 4-77 entitled: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington fiXing the time and place for hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 198. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously passed by the Council. I Resolution No. 4-77 sets the hearing date as Wednesday, February 16, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. I 11. I I ~l~ -roftl CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 10. PARK AVENUE GUARDRAIL REPORT. Mayor Olson read in :full a memorandum from the Department of Public Works informing the Council that a request has been received for the installation of a guardrail on Park Avenue near Eunice Street. The request was prompted by a recent automobile accident at this location in which the car traveled down the embankment and located at the bottom of the embankment is a private driveway and several houses. After reviewing the accident area, the Public Works Department estimate that approximately 300 feet of guardrail would be required at an estimated cost of $2,040. As an alternate solution to the problem, the Public Works Department recommend the Council may wish to consider installation of a series of reflectorized delineators spaced every 25 feet which would make drivers more aware of the hazardous condition at this location. The C01.U'lcil discussed this problem at length with M. McCormack of 631 East Park Avenue and Public Works Director Flodstrom. During the discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that installation of a guardrail with additional extensions to the center posts and minor improvement to the roadway would be the best procedure to follow in this situation. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize the installation of a guardrail on Park Avenue near Eunice Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. During discussion on the motion. Manager Whorton recommended that this project be charged to the Contingency Reserve Fund, which was established for situations such as this, rather than an expend- iture to the Street Department Budget. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. SHORELrnE MANAGEMENT Acr EXEMPTION. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize a Letter of Exemption from the Shoreline Management Act to Crown Zellerbach Corporation for the modernization and modification of an existing obsolete system by replacement with a system performing essentially the same bleaching function, all within an existing facility in a properly zoned and fully developed industrial area. The motion was' seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. City Engineer J. B. Warder recommends the Letter of Exemption be approved as the planned work is to an existing system within an existing facility. 12. PUBLICITY BOARD MEMBERS. Councilman Ross moved the Council appoint JacJc Rabourn, Dorothy Munkeby and DicJc McLean to the Publicity and Promotion Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman BucJc and passed by the Council. 13. PROCLAMATION. Mayor Olson read in full the PROCLAMATION proclaming the month of February as "American History Month". Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the Proclamation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 14. LIQUOR LICENSE. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of application for E, F License by George G. Williams, dba B & M Grocery, 534 West Marine Drive, Port Angeles, Washington, is noted for the record. 15. LATE ITEMS Department of Game. Manager Whorton reported that the Department of Game has received approval for their proposed public fishing project on the Elwha River and have forwarded to the City for execution the pertinent documents necessary to put the fishing project in motion. Mr. Whorton requested the Council to authorize an appropriate Resolution to be drawn up authorizing Mayor Olson to sign the dOOlments. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize a Resolution as requested by Manager Whorton. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the Council. 239 ~ g.!: c.a .JJ .' :J "':::i: - :z: a..!!! . ~ .. .. - o a.. 0.. .:: I!! a::: -0<11 co. ~ 'Uc(")... .. 0.9-..:,: g . .c.!:1 ... 'a ::z: -C"'u.. t: -=:;:)c... a ~ ~ :::i: CX) ::: .. a ~CD:;:~ . - co. -II c.;- "" co. a:a 5~ tO~ a .. ~ uo__ a a.. .?: S, >- ~ E 0';;; C t .. .... .....: <II..g 2.JJ oa c= .... ..0 01 .JJ E . co. -Q1CDO "'0 ..... 01 J:: u... J:: .. ~ g>- -v -.;0 co. :~ - <( c ~ :.. ...... +- 0-0 ~ .. .. c= L.. Q) VI :JI .0 OcQlo -;.. z: Q. .;: {i v .- 0 010 CD 01 >-:5 ;!:1~-;: Cco. <0 240 .c II) "E o Q.. .~ UL.. c:.! .~U L.. >.. o+- ~a ~ ~ 15. ~~~'~~:Eg:2::~F; ij"l:;-::- ~__ 1 W_Q..&:rtI 'Ooi:c'. Q.I--iC5 ..:M::c~ EeIl.. ~~j ~~o~~~~~ ~U~a ~eE et~ ~~~~gi~cJCDU: ~~~~ 6; ~~ om E.. Q~~-3~~ ~-0: ~Q~ o~ ~w~ ~N~O~~~~u~ o;-~c~~~ ~~- ~~~~~~~!~g~~~~ ~~:~~~;_~~l~ ~~~ ~~~~o~~~~6 ~~~~~e~~~~!~ 2~~~ -~E~~:~g ~~o~~~6E:~2~ U~;~~E~~:~~5 ~:f~~~~ro~ ~: OW~~ oE~mU U~~~~~~~~ O~ L Z~~€f~~W~~~~~~~~wm~:E . (!:II... u.. - oll0'~ ~ Q.I - U) ~ l:: 0 01<( V 0 . -f Capital Improvements Proiects. Managerwn~r\tI~-..<;":,<::'_EW.:!-L~~o ~ ~~thoriza- tion to expend funds to obtain additional data on two capital rmprCN~ment projects. It is Mr. Whorton's recommendation to the Council that the City hire Bennett, Johnson, Slenes & Smith to do a preliminary feasibility study on a Multi-purpose Center at a cost of $350, and additionally authorize up to $3,000 for a feasibility study on a Bypass RQute down White's Creek. CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 LATE ITEMS (Cont. ) Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Mr. Whorton to expend $3,350 I for the two studies. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During , . discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck expressed his disapproval of expending $3,000 on the Bypass Route. On call for the question Councilman Hordyk and Ross voted "AYE", all other Council members voted "NO". The motion was denied. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the $350 expenditure for a preliminary feasibility study on a Multi-purpose Center by Bennett, JOhnson, Slenes & Smith. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion Councilman Haguewood expressed the opinion that this study is premature and recommended a work session be scheduled on Capital Improvements. On call for the question, the motion was denied with Councilman Ross voting "AYE", and all other Council members voting "NO". Councilman Buck also requested a work session be arranged in the immediate future on Capital Improvements. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. The Department of Public Works report on City-owned property subject to future sale is noted for the record. 2. Councilman Ross: Commented on the Council's action denying B. Magnuson's apartment rezone request and recommended the Council give serious considera- tion to where apartments are to be located in Port Angeles. -I 3. Requested the Fire Department investigate an old building in the 600 Block of 8th Street, namely Woodies Cafe. Councilman Hordyk: 4. Councilman Wray: Commented also on the condition of the building on 8th Street. 5. Works Director Flodstrom about the ~~~i11ijijF ~;~~~:;o; ~~O~Sj;r)om ~~~ ~b~_~O; ~ z~ ~~E ;5M u.e~:2gti~s...Jo::~~ ~E~i ~~ ~~cX... om ~N ~~~~~~~g ~_u~ .~~~ E=~J ~w~ ~ ~ ~~~~uE ~~__C~LD~~D~ ~~~~~~~~~~~e~~ ~g::~~;-~~~~ ~~ ~e~=o<~~>u ~E~cEw~5n>o~ OJ -~~~~t~0n= o~~f~~~O~~aM Z~W~ =o~~uu ~EO~~~uE~c-~ u~=~t~k~~~~5 ~or_~5Em~ ~~ ~Z>IIJ.co....lo. ...0 -cuQ,tUl ..co:= III _c oW~c:;Q2i;~ ~n~~~~t~Q o~ j. z~ufEm~G.t~m~~n~a ~m~_E .. ~~~u~~~E~~E~~l<~~~ €~ 1- ... ---- - -. O~!~___c:.::_~ Councilman Hague\'lOod: Asked Public traffi said a be sub I 1977 C' I c r~ ] Z " .. , - a co . ........ '- I ADJOURNME:NT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ~e.~ ~~~~~ Mayor '--=-~d:~Q1~o~ ~ N a (J) '1l ~-. ~ ~~E:gll Q.'r:g~n~~';-<:Z 6=~ ~~i~~:~~~ gfSQ~~~ '~lJl- t!),5t~:v a.~go~Q~103_~,j \-:,g:.: ~/~mo:1 g(n ....~-~ !!,;mn n~.~ u..~'3ln~f; =::i'"g !!.Q;;-o-_ m g~~o<t:';~m-:::. !~d~-Q/~~~:; 0;; ~o wW~n~< ~~~'1lo3~ =~~~W ~%~~~~a!2 E~~ 8~~~gJ I~ I g-o~~5~Q/ ~~~~~:~g~~z~ \ z~~:~~ ~~....OQ:~;Q/~m~ o -~o~~ 3~'~~~~~~~~z :l 0. :;.:~o3.A'~5-~mGl ~ '<", 3tQQj.~5.,:,~:r~ I L.~- ~~~ ~~~~a~~9~;Q~ ~~~~~n~(nBr~~r~~Q~n~~!~~~3!.S~~a~S~~~w~~~<z . ~~=~-~a5~~~~~3~Sg~~g~~g5~R3~~&~~~~a3 5nm~ ~ ~~~__~~n4~~'~~-~n~~~~n~~~~m~~a~_g~~oz_~ ~ ~_~ 0 ~ ~_,~mm~ ~< ;(J)-~~ ~~~ ~o~ C_nC ~ oro~;(J)~~~~(J)~~~~~~~~~_~~~~g~~ 5g~~~8~~g~;m~z !ag3~~i~~lg~!:~~(J)~!~:m~~~~~ i!aag~~_~;: ~S~ ;+ o~g~~ ~- ;~o~~ ~~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~~=~~In~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~3~~-~~~~-~~~~~ ~~~~O~h_~~ mmn ~ n2~~<~ o_~_g~ '~ o~o~_~m ~~~m~~~~~o: ~o ~~ om~~~~~~~~~ ~~~o~~~~~>n5 ~~ n~'~~<n~%~~ ~4 c;~ ~=gm~~;6o~<~~~~~;~8~ ~~;~5~~n~~ m2 ~a ~~~~o~~~ ~~~~~O~_~~~~~~~ g~~;~;~g~u~>>o ~~ ~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :~~ig.;g~~g~~ ~~ ~~~~~~___n~~ g. c~:r'~~ :. c<'rl/1l33rD"""'~rtll1l~ '- ~-"033~~-ii :=f!I:;1 111 ~~~-.~ ~3'n~~/1l ~ ..,.,.,-:::'!:!'!,V,I_Itl",<Ot2.~ ~: g(J)~'B-g!~u~~Q~~f~ ~q ~I-~~~~~~;Oto~t. ~~z3~l'~ '8~o~5n- :j~~Yl-. 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It is Mr. Whorton's recollUllendation to the Council that the City hire Bennett, Johnson, Slenes & Smith to do a preliminary feasibility study on a Multi-purpose Center at a cost of $350, and additionally authorize up to $3,000 for a feasibility study on a Bypass Route down White's Creek. 240 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 15. . LATE ITEMS (Cont. ) Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Mr. Whorton to expend $3,350 I. - , for the two studies. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck expressed his disapproval of expending $3,000 on the Bypass Route. On call for the question Councilman Hordyk and Ross voted "AYE", all other Council members voted "NO". The motion was denied. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the $350 expenditure for a preliminary feasibility study on a Multi-purpose Center by Bennett, Johnson, Slenes & Smith. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion Councilman Haguewood expressed the opinion that this study is premature and recommended a work session be scheduled on Capital Improvements. On call for the question, the motion was denied with Councilman Ross voting "AYE", and all other Council members voting "NO". Councilman Buck also requested a work session be arranged in the illUllediate future on Capital Improvements. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. The Department of Public Works report on City-owned property subject to future sale is noted for t.l-Je record. t{1%~\l).tmm~ A/}' 1/ C.~ ~ Clerk ~ ~ 8~~ ~~~>:.S~fOaEu)>-_' 1Il~! W~.g~:;"'L'=O~.- ;cn__..... T -~"fC_.~O - L ~lt) CJ~c:O';:Q..~g~.:;:~ "C~o!Eo ro~oltl!'c:...;-~....'D . 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Q.I a, ......'..t:::. ::J ItJ ~ zO~~LLu~g~~Qa~g~t~~~~_F~~~EW~E ~~~~~w~E2wE~St o~g~g~~~u~V:~~eM- !~L~~ l~ __~DWON~~_~~_~ou~o~~o-_~~v>~ ~~~~c-E ~~-DCJbL~~~~VlQ.l ~ C'-C~CM ~ ~-N ~0~~S~~~&_~~m<~f~~~I~~~~~x~~~~~:g~&~g;~~EE~m~~e~~!fJ~~~~~~::I~o~t~~e ~ ~- L c>wu~~~~i~8CQ ~=~;gtE~8c~~~~~..S~;:--~-~-~~ -~ ~ <t>I-->l'Oo"OmCttJM~Q.I-Q.l.-~Stc-c:_~ ....:1....::10 c:.-lt..~Ql L- -' - ~ r: III" CIJ :E E ~ E.s:' E (11 E ~ E t -- ~.5 't .s t .ri_ ttI ~ ~ ~-~.__~__ .... - ....E~E.fE~~~~~~ ----- o.XL "'''0. 2. :;:I' 0 0 I~ -' - 3 ;tl~ Ul CD It) -' ="".0 <.a~ CD -+ n' a.c: iii'o o ~. :r -+ - ... :::I .., ., C C III 310 0 _lIl 0::- 3 -.It) a. CD o III CD CD (I) :J-... .:,.,., ... 0 o CD a It) ., . .., .0'0 o 0 a.. 3 (/I =.0 CD -' - .,,, ... ,., ~. It) n oiD a..(ll ... Ul 0- le. ~. en c: ,.,0 - :J -:::I 0 CD <II <II . .., o :J C ::::mcilman Hordyk: Q ~1 ~l . ~ nCl.lman Wray: 01 .." .(ll J "'tIncilman Haguewood: c: 5i -+ lIll ~ (/'I CI :g~NT ~1ng adjourned at 9:00 P.M. I Councilman Ross: -n o C :J 004 CollUllented on the Council's action denying B. Magnuson t s apartment rezone request and recommended the Council give serious considera- tion to where apartments are to be located in Port Angeles. I Requested the Fire Department investigate an old building in the 600 Block of 8th Street, namely Woodies Cafe. Commented also on the condition of the building on 8th Street. Asked Public Works Director Flodstrom about the traffi >- ....~~! ~,::~->>i.r:e.&;to~ X;Lggsj;rom said a :;~i~:~j3~r: i5g~ ~S~ ~~~ ) be subt o~~o+-~o~o:Ea~ ~4J;... D~E ;~~ 1977 C' u..-:t:2cIDQ.l5 _""r ~S::'t U'JQ. 'ocJ;... om n. ~-ID-::J-~ ~ UW ~~~ ~-~ 'r: ::::w~ ~~~:~a;:g~uE "DiD;;;;i~5:C.~~~.Q I -;! CClUOCl)--o...c 11.1 ~&aJ 111 I'D C"C _-c_ .oil-a. lb ] ~~a-:~--~~~~~6 :~~E~5~c~~o~ ~ ~j~~~i~~tl1l~~: ~~5E~~~~~:S~ . ~ 5UE~~~+-~=~~~ ~~~~~g~~:oE~ ~ ~z:~~~~~~Eo ;~~a~m~ ~ ~c i oW~2:;02i;~ .~n~~~~t~a o~ _ ..J z~ ~~ E /U~~,g tt1E~ 0.;>.'0 ~CQ OJ_ 8 :. -~~L~~u~~~S~~Em~~~~_~ ~~ .... -- .- __O~lIllI 0..2:..-- ~_~-~~i;:ldl(-;?~ ~ Mayor I 240 1 ~~~~P~~~=ug ~~~- ~-- W-a..r;1'I:I "DO~C:' Q1'-i;~ .Je"c...., E""" ~~j ~~o~~~g~ ~uz~ ~3E et~ ~e~~g;~g~o3~; ~~~~ 6~ ~~1 o~ ~. ~-~-3-v ~-~~ ~n~ o~ ~~~ ~~~O~~~=G~ ~;_~ct~~ .[~~ C~~~~~=~~~~ge~~ ~~:~~~~ ~~~: -s~ ~~~~:~~~:6 ~.~~i~~~~fi~~~ z...JWttl .-:=.c....lII ..0;:: .Ql'Dol.."" ....cOltll'OaM < c:{ ~ <p-o..c:'lt1-n;U -..... .LLn:J"DUEQ.lO'" .. I uu_~~~ ~-~~~ ~g~ ~c~ ~ u~ ;zQl~~~_L~E~ ~ ~; s~~c f. o w ~ ;:, - - 0 0 . l'IJ U '- IV (I.l <:l';; _ 1'0 '- c:: I Z~~~WU~-~~W ~~~~~~t~E c~ i3~(f'~:S3.~;:~~~~g;o~.c{(Ij-o " 'f Capital Improvements Proiects. Managerwn';r~'tX)~---".L..o..:;~~_ao~ l~thoriza- tion to expend funds to obtain additional data on two capitai-irnpr6~ement projects. It is Mr. Whorton's recommendation to the Council that the City hire Bennett, Johnson, Slenes & Smith to do a preliminary feasibility study on a Multi-purpose Center at a cost of $350, and additionally authorize up to $3,000 for a feasibility study on a Bypass Route down White's Creek. CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 2, 1977 15. LATE ITEMS (Cont.) Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Mr. Whorton to expend $3,350 1- . for the two studies. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck expressed his disapproval of expending $3,000 on the Bypass Route. On call for the question Councilman Hordyk and Ross voted "AYE", all other Council members voted "NO". The motion was denied. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the $350 expenditure for a preliminary feasibility study on a Multi-purpose Center by Bennett, Johnson, Slenes & Smith. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion Councilman Haguewood expressed the opinion that this study is premature and recommended a work session be scheduled on Capital Improvements. On call for the question, the motion was denied with Councilman Ross voting "AYE", and all other Council members voting "NOtt. Councilman Buck also requested a work session be arranged in the immediate future on Capital Improvements. VII STAFF REPORTS 5' 0 (ii' it =S-.o <D _ o..c: o :l. .... :J 3(0 o~ 0.. ell <D ell ~r'> o <D , .... o 0 a.. 3 Cl) -' .... r'> om .... '" ~.Cf1 r'> 0 -:J ell '" '" - 1. The Department of Public Works report on City-owned property subject to future sale is noted for the record. o 3 n :r ., o 3 m o (/I - ~. a- c: - o ., 16- ^'~ III -. tOe... jjj'o -- .., 0 o VI _ VI -'lD o VI ::l_ ., 0 III .., .!)-o =.0 .., .., lD n a.lD I ~. ::J at 9:00 P.M. 2. Councilman Ross: d c: ::J ... o ::J ~ncilman Hordyk: G) ~, '1 ~ ncl. man Wray: 01 ..,1 !Ill -ohcilman Hague\lJOod: 01 ::Jl iifj Qo, (J'J Cl :g~ m\ng adjourned i I ~f(!.!i1\.t~~:~;~ (3,~ cnv"c 'CIJo.::l':ijJ:.5:t: ~~ ~~:g ;.--:~:= ~'"O ~Qi~ f C!)WC;)~~(")...J)~.J:~... 1ft ~o::~a.GJo..:-8~Gu-:i ~ c:W _ "'~~ ~'(;;~BO~~ e:t: L"5x 5~~r:. ~ 5~."2 ~ ~~2~ :I: n..c, 1O.ov~-5~~~~ lL~(lJ'= ~ ;.2~:cu v~-.c! o :~.g~~5tJ~~~~~:g~ w cO'ij C'ol-I1I1...5~"OlI'l~" uWc-c. >u~rn,-s:.C::"""c ~~... E c;JI'io 5cn.~.~;: c.~'- 0..- ~u.~ ~8~~:c ~ t.g ~= z~>tlO.glVee.g~;~c<t 5v~Ll.~u. Q,tf)SV)\I)<! ~ ~.Q]~ '~:NatDfl)~ "_ .I:.~ 5..qg~n~~-<C:;;::Z i~ ~~ g~~~i~!Q~~~ ~g ~~ .no~2~ ~-~~ E . ~~;)~og!mmn .-c vU ~_ ~~"::;_ _ :~~ .~~ g~o3~ =;?c;;~~ gg.~:o ~ ~ n~::;~5"O J:~ ~~~~ ~ r~~:~~~3I~ ~~t ~ ,~~:~~~~m~ ~:.~ " !~~~~~~~~ ~~~ .ci ~g,~3'~~~~ 0. Q.QI ::I ~~~ Q. g. C:~~OO...,.,C: . c~~33(D~-,g$Q./:;--1~'ca"" :S~o"O~o' - I .... ~ o:3~"I'D.......~ =:<'r)::r _ _'sL.o";:::"C"CJ g tJ~fZ.u;i: 3.g~()51Jro:E:g f:.s.s~Q"C c: ~ d -, -, tn - VI 01_0" ~ ~ ~ I"'C ... 0 0 t.,)'" C"f\'In'o'oQj~'O~"'Q._-. .....0 ""C=lVo..~ ~ q ;0 ::r ~ ~ ~ 0. ~ ~ ~ g Q; 0 ~ -; SO Go) ..a '6 ~ ~"t;S J.:: :> -. :;;zz3e!.l"" "g-o~on.!:l:':-5 ... 8~ c._ ;> ~ :::j ~ 2 .VI -. ~ ~ 3 g VJ :eJ ~ ~ 0:+->0 8 = ~ ~ ~ ca rn (/) '-<QJ Ofo.:l3~/'tIo_CD......, lii'0331~':.lQ,;l 'O;--og"..:!g 0 0 T1Vl QI _CD :Q.I __. ..!:I: VJ~ _ ~C'IS -0& ~-'-::~~ag-2T3~~ 'o.Oc.:~J.LSE2)~:UE ...,... o~ ~:;~;;-LQC: '"';I;jjl'Dno' s::~ :E:...::: ts:..B m ~ '-' E ~g ~~~~ g.~g ~-;j"~;~ ~.9="d tU ~.5 ~~ o~o:t;:~?"c.xI,Q~~ 'L:1-t.;:;~.S(,)1-< ~ ~ :J '< _ ([J tto !'l ~,~ ~ OJ' 0 ~ 1:) ~ p..2 ~ ~ c.E Iil.. L.. -"w_ a.JoC.5 ~ '0.0"'0 'S~ 0 '- Q) ~ "5 ~.5'~ a B:~ ~ :: -----.-~ ..o!""'!,~'~ m ~."____~_L!"'LEL~~~-- ~-' -~~ J Commented on the Council's action denying B. Magnuson's apartment rezone request and recommended the Council give serious considera- tion to where apartments are to be located in Port Angeles. I Requested the Fire Department investigate an old building in the 600 Block of 8th Street, namely Woodies Cafe. Commented also on the condition of the building on 8th Street. Asked Public Works Director Flodstrom about the traffic >- Q::~-~(1 R"ce.-.-P~~ctor..-1'-19_ds_trorn said a ",.c~&gE~~2'i:ig ~::...:t: --- '" '] w=i~~ ~O~C' ~-~o ~C~ E~~ be sub I CI? Cl'~ ~ l:l "0 ~ rn"O g ~ ~ u:r Q.. ~ e; E ~ ~ M I ClUCIlO_~ ...J'b:Quilll v,lQ.l>... ut Ul~~ 1977 C LL--:r.'20tDClJg _>~ ,~f:~'t 1IIQ, "Q~~ om .0" Q.'-~-:li-aJ m UQ.I .....,'tJ .E-=~ = ~W~ ~N~~~~~~u.cE ~;ro~g~s~~~~~ ~ muO~-_~~Q.loR~~~ c _._ ~~~Q.I J ~~u."" ~E- - g.~:6 ~=D :~.f:c ~5~c.c''Eo ~ ~ ~jwi~t~~t~~~= ji~ei..~g~~~~ ~ 5u;~~~-~~~~~ ~~lII~~~~~~cMre & ~Z~~.6_L~Eo .~t~..m~ ~ =c i & OUl'~2:"'O.Ei~~ '~.c~~~:2~Q.la. a~ i..j z~~.gE~~.f:Sro;~C.>-'ci_ ~mt;LIt~ -:. -. --......-- -.'" ...~ eu~~z.::a.:(I) EtTI!i;c{~..... ~ .g~ - -" o~_~_~~. ~~~ar9~~ Mayor I