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Port Angeles, Washington
February 2, 1993
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent and Councilman
Members Absent: Councilman Wight.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J.
Pittis, B. Titus, B. Coons, K. Ridout, R. Ellsworth and
M. Campbell.
Public Present: S. Oliver, P. Blanehard, K. Olson, J. Glaubert, J.
Koester, G. Austin, M. Petrie, L. Ross, L. deBord, D.
Sands, J. deBord, L. Keire, D. Jacobs, T. Stewart, L.
Interview Applicants Interview Applicants for Boards/Commissions
for Boards/Commissions
The members of the City Council interviewed candidates for the Planning
Commission, as follows: Louise Meyer; Julie R. Bondy; Carl Alexander, Jr.;
Theron "Ted" Borden, EdD; and Ann Gilson.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:17 p.m.
CEREMONIAL Mayor Hallett read a proclamation designating February 2, 1993, Port Angeles Light
MATTERS/ Opera Association Day. He then introduced Mr. Gershowitz, who introduced the
PROCLAMATIONS: PALOA singers and provided a brief background on the Port Angeles Light Opera
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the PALOA singers. Members
ALLEGIANCE: present were: V. Beran, S. Dawson, N. Denhart, S. Frick, M. McGilvra, R.
McHattie, B. Melville, C. Philpott, K. Rumpeltes, G. Scherer, H. Walters and P.
Walters. The singers introduced themselves and then entertained the Council with
a medley of songs.
CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Sargent attended a meeting on growth management, an issue which
COMMITTEE will be discussed later in the agenda.
Councilman Braun commented on his attendance at the City's Safety Award
Councilman Schueler attended a meeting of the VCB; consideration is still being
given to a new executive director. He attended the County Health Advisory meeting,
where efforts are underway to develop a comprehensive health plan for the
community. He also attended a meeting on City employee's insurance.
Councilman Ostrowski attended a legislative luncheon in Olympia, along with several
members of the Clallam and Jefferson Transit staffs/board members. They met with
Evan Jones and Lynn Kessler and discussed some of the local transportation issues.
Councilman Nicholson did not have a committee report, but he did invite people to
stop in and see the new kitchen equipment in the Veto Burton Center.
February 2, 1993
CITY COUNCIl, Mayor Hallett commented on the Safety Awards Program and the awards to City
COMMITTEE employees. The Mayor reported on his meeting in Victoria at which time he met
REPORTS: with the Capitol R~gi6nal District and toured several of their facilities. He had lunch
(Cont'd) with several of the Mayors and shared a number of issues with them. He shared
with them what Port Angeles has done regarding primary and secondary treatment.
He will be providing a written report to the Council members on this trip.
Mayor Hallett noted invitations have been sent to the Council members for a World
Affairs Council function scheduled for the 7th. Councilwoman Sargent indicated
Councilmen Niehedsea.~nd Wight and their wives o~'~
APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the mi ~)f
MINUTES: January 19, 1993. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion, which carried
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Call
for bid for 8th Street bridge repair; (2) Approval of Civil Service Interview Board
members tbr Communication Supervisor; (3) Correspondence from Washington State
Liquor Control Board; (4) Voucher list of January 29, 1993; and (5) Payroll for
January 17, 1993 of $333,240.56. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion.
After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
ITEMS FROM THE Councilwoman Sargent referenced the memorandum from Manager Pomeranz
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ suggesting that it would be appropriate to ask the Planning Commissioners who are
STAFF TO BE resigning to remain on the Commission for the special Planning Commission meeting
CONSIDERED OR in March where a recommendation will be finalized on the Comprehensive Plan.
PLACED ONA Councilwoman Sargent moved to proceed with the City Manager's
FUTURE AGENDA: recommendation. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Councilwoman Sargent explained her concern over the fact that Criminal Justice
funding may be in jeopardy. She thought it appropriate for Council members to call
Olympia and advise our legislators how important the funding is to the City of Port
Angeles. Manager Pomeranz offered to draft a letter for Council members to sign.
One letter has already been sent, but another may prove to be of assistance. Chief
Ilk reported on his plans to attend a committee meeting in Olympia next Tuesday on
this issue.
Councilman Braun asked that a discussion concerning property at 7th & Chase
Streets be added to the agenda as Item F. 10.
A gentleman (later identified as Bill Shimasaki) from Habitat for Humanity asked to
make a five-minute presentation with a video to follow concerning the Habitat's
request, as part of the discussion on requests for donated property.
Jack Glaubert requested to speak on the Austin/Glaubert property purchase. This
will be under agenda Item F.7.
Manager Pomeranz indicated he expected a gentleman from the Miller Peninsula to
speak this evening. Since no one is present for this purpose, he indicated the
presentation can be cancelled. In addition, Manager Pomeranz advised the Council
of the need for an Executive Session to discuss a matter of potential litigation.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Whistle. blowing B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings
Protection Policy -
Resolution No. 8-93 1. Establishing a whistle blowing protection policy.
Mayor Hallett reviewed the inforn~ation provided by the Human Resources Manager.
February 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: He then read the Res~luti°n by title, entitled
Protection Policy - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Resolution No. 8-93 Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City
(Cont'd) Personnel Policy and Procedures for City
employees by adopting a policy and
establishing procedures for disclosure by
City of Port Angeles employees of improper
governmental actions and protection for City
of Port Angeles employees from retaliation
for having made such reports.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Attorney Knutson responded to an
inquiry from Councilman Schueler as to possible redundancy. Attorney Knutson
indicated that a new State statute mandates that a policy protecting whistleblowers
be adopted by municipal governments. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
System Development 2. Establish system development charge for water and sewer connections.
Charge for Water and
Sewer Connections - Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by Public Works and read the
Ordinance No. 2746 ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, creating a system development
charge upon owners of property newly
connected to the City's water and sewer
systems and creating a new Chapter 13.68
to the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Nicholson moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by rifle.
Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Director Pittis pointed out an error
in that the new Chapter should be established as 13.69, because 13.68 already exists.
The correction has been noted in the Ordinance. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
C. Resolutions requiring public comment
Declaring Emergency D. Resolutions not requiring public comment
and Waiving Bid
Requirements for 1. Declaring an emergency ami waiving bid requirements for water main
Water Main Repair - repair.
Resolution No. 9-93
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information supplied by the Department of Public
Works. He then read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
declaring an emergency, dispensing with
the requirement of calling for bids for
the repair of a broken main, and authorizing
the City Manager to sign the necessary
Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, and
authorize the City Manager to sign the necessary contracts. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion. Director Pittis, in response to an inquiry from Councilwoman
Sargent, indicated a report will be submitted to the Council as to costs involved in
the project, specifically relating to time and materials. This contract will be handled
much the same as other contracts; the only difference is that bid requirements will
February 2, 1993
have been waived. Funding for the project will come from water utility account
reserves. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission E. Planning Commission Minutes/AcIion Items
Minutes/Action Items
Planning Director Collins reported there was a Planning Commission meeting this
past Wednesday night, but there was no action required. The minutes will be on the
next agenda.
Fire Station F. Other Considerations
Construction Update
1. Fire Station Construction update
Fire Chief Glenn provided an update on the construction of the Fire Station. The
Advisory Committee is in the process of final design and getting the plans drawn.
Chief Glenn noted his commitment to bringing the project in on schedule and at or
under budget.
The original plans involved saving as much of the present station as possible. It was
intended that the existing pillars would be saved; however, it has been determined
the pillars cannot be saved without incurring more expense. Chief Glenn displayed
an overhead drawing of the station and explained that the pillars did not have the
steel necessary in the footings to appropriately support the structure and meet
regulations. Saving the present pillars would involve an expense of $70,000. Chief
Glenn indicated it was originally intended to retain the current station in order to
save money and because it was a pre-existing, non-conforming use. The Fire Station
Design Committee has recommended proceeding with disposing of the pillars and
retaining the west wall. A request will be submitted concerning the zoning in order
to allow the station to stay at its present location.
By moving out of the station temporarily, the Fire Department would be able to save
60 - 90 days in construction time. Consideration is being given to temporary
quarters for the department. Councilman Braun moved to make the changes as
recommended. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried
Removal of City-owned 2. Rentoval of City owned buiMings
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Real Estate Committee.
Councilman Nicholson moved that, concerning the property located at 416 S.
Peabody, the recommendation be accepted and the Fire Department be
authorized to remove the asbestos in the least expensive manner that meets legal
requirements and exercise a practice burn. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the
motion on the condition that she be notified of the burn date due to sentimental
reasons. Public Works Director Pittis noted this should be subject to the City Clerk
finding an alternative location for the storage of City records. Councilman
Nicholson accepted this as an amendment to the motion, to which Councilwoman
Sargent agreed. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Nicholson moved that any action on the old Hospice (331 E. Fifth
Street) structure be tabled, until such time as there is a concrete proposal made
as to whether it can be moved, where it can be moved, and a number of other
things. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. In the discussion that
followed, it was felt there may be a very good use for the building if it can be _
moved. In addition, in view of the request to be considered on the donation of City
property for similar uses, it was felt more information needs to be gathered before
a final decision can be made. Hopefully, the needs of all entities can be considered
and met with a concrete proposal before the Council which encompasses all of the
details. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITT Rayonier Leases 3. ITT Rayonier leases on Ediz Hook
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information from the Real Estate Committee. It is the
recommendation of the committee that Council accept partial payment on the ITT
Rayonier lease in the amount of $10,000.00 with the understanding that after
negotiations are completed the balance due, if any, will be paid on or after February
28, 1993.
Councilman Braun moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Real
~ ..... .;' February 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: Estate Committee and accept partial payment of $10,000.00. Councilman
(Cont'd) Schuder seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on
the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITT Rayonier Lease~
Coast Guard Lease 4. Coast Guard lease at City Pier
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Real Estate Committee, who
has submitted the recommendation that the Property Manager be authorized to
proceed with negotiations for a new contract with the Coast Guard for moorage at
the City Pier.
Councilwoman Sargent moved that the Property Manager be authorized to
proceed with the negotiations for a new contract based on the updated lease
amounts. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. In responding to an
inquiry from Councilwoman Sargent, Property Manager Ridout explained how the
costs of dredging have been calculated in conjunction with the contract. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Old City Hall Status 5. Old City Hall Status
Mayor Hallett reviewed the status of the old City Hall, as submitted by the Real
Estate Committee. The Real Estate Committee and the Property Manager
recommend that the building be removed from the market and the exterior be
maintained until the marketability of the property increases or the property is in
demand and further that charitable organizations and others be advised that this
building is not available.
A question was raised as to the status of the Food Bank. Property Manager Ridout
indicated it is intended that the Food Bank stay in place until the time something is
done with the building. The remainder of the structure would not be available.
Councilman Nicholson moved to accept the recommendation of the Real Estate
Committee and remove the building from the market, maintain the exterior in
a reasonably presentable manner until marketability increases, and that the
Property Manager be directed to advise anyone that the building is not available.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilwoman Sargent requested that
motion be amended to add that the Food Bank be allowed to stay. The
amendment was acceptable to Councilmen Nicholson and Braun. The question was
raised as to whether consideration could be given to a reasonable offer if one were
to be submitted. Councilman Ostrowski indicated it was the feeling of the Real
Estate Committee that offers could still be considered. Lengthy discussion followed,
and Councilman Schueler indicated he would like to see the building. He expressed
his lack of comfort as to whether everything possible has been done in terms of
doing something with the structure which would be valuable to the community, such
as creating a shelter.
Linda deBord, President of the Food Bank, thanked Council for the use of the
building and expressed concern over its future. The Food Bank is serving 700 - 900
people per month. In response to a question from Mayor Hallett as to the Food
Bank's plans for permanent quarters, Ms. deBord reviewed the Food Bank's receipt
of grant funds which are intended for the purchase of a building or a long-term lease.
In terms of who should take a leadership role for the Food Bank, Ms. deBord would
- like to see the City and County get together to help the Food Bank obtain a
permanent home.
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, disagreed with the Property Manager's proposal to
take the old City Hall off the market. He indicated the building has not been listed
with a broker and further, he did not believe that the building has been aggressively
marketed. Mr. Leonard felt waiting for the market to get better is a poor way of
doing business. Councilwoman Sargent noted the Council has considered offers in
the past, and felt serious efforts have been made to market the building.
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with
Councilman Schueler voting in opposition.
February 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: 6. Request to donate property and infrastructure to Serenity House and/or
(Cont'd) Habitat for Humanity
Property Donation Mayor Hallett reviewed information pertinent to two non-profit agencies which have
Request (Cont'd) submitted requests for the City to donate property and utility improvements. If
granted, the requests would provide emergency shelters and/or affordable housing
within the City of Port Angeles.
Sandy Oliver, speaking on behalf of Serenity House, thanked the Council and staff
for the many kindnesses and courtesies to her in her years of working with them on
behalf of Serenity House. Serenity House is seeking to build a facility to house
seven families with on-site day care. Also located on this property would be low-
income, affordable housing. The property on 18th St. is exactly what is needed.
Serenity House went to the Port to ask for the land behind Serenity House; the
request was denied. The request is for the donation of the property, the
infrastructure and to put the street through. Funding is coming from private
contributions, and grants and profits from their thrift store.
A question was raised as to the zoning of the property on 18th Street, to which
Planning Director Collins responded Block 451 is immediately adjacent to current LI
zoning and RHD zoning. The type of uses which normally would be associated with
this type of housing would benefit from a rezone to Multi-Family.
Councilman Nicholson raised the issue as to why other shelter providers weren't
made a part of this request. Ms. Oliver explained the relationships and noted
Clallam County funding stays in Clallam County and is administered by Serenity
House. Councilman Nicholson pointed out that a piece of land this large should
house more than seven families, and he would like to see better utilization of the
available space. He urged the involvement of other grant monies to be used for low-
income housing in order to assure the maximum use of the property in a
comprehensive package.
Lengthy discussion followed and Property Manager Ridout indicated the portion
referring to utilities also includes streets. In reviewing the figures submitted, the
Council considered property values, which Planning Director Collins indicated would
increase if zoned Multi-Family. The question was raised as to whether a PRD would
be suitable in this instance, and Director Collins indicated it might be very
Ann Murray, 306 Lopez, is the proposal writer tbr Serenity House. She explained
they are expecting one-third of the funding to come from the housing trust fund,
which is State money. The maximum grant is $500,000.00. They had hoped to
build without Federal funds and to have the facility constructed by the end of
December. She offered clarification in that this would be a congregate care facility,
to include housing and shelter. Councilman Nicholson reiterated his hope for better
utilization of the property in terms of the amount of housing constructed.
Patsy Blanchard, P. O. Box 1551, Port Angeles, spoke in support of the Serenity
House request and the need for the facilities they desire to build.
Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 9:10 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:28 p.m.
Bill Shimasaki, Habitat for Hmnanity, 553 Grant Road, Sequim, indicated the group
is interested in the same piece of land as Serenity House. They do not, however, _
wish to compete with Serenity House. They are also interested in Lots 1-5, Block
307, at 9th and I Streets. His group would like to work with Serenity House toward
obtain the same goals. Habitat for Humanity builds aftbrdable housing, and does not
accept funding from Federal or County sources. Mr. Shimasaki explained the
process of funding and home construction. In order to build one of these homes,
volunteer labor is obtained, as well as 'sweat equity" from the buyer.
Mr. Shimasaki was asked if he would consider property outside the City limits, to
which Mr. Shimasaki answered affirmatively. In the ensuing discussion, it was noted
that 10% of Habitat's donations are directed to the international office.
Councilwoman Sargent noted them are a number of projects on which information
must be gained. She asked for a status report on the Campbell Avenue project.
Manager Pomeranz reported that a $250,000 grant application was submitted to the
Housing Assistance Program. That request was denied, but an application will be
submitted for technical assistance in refining the application for resubmission in the
spring. It will not, therefore, be in competitton with the grant request of Serenity
~ ?, ~ : ~.. ~ February 2, 1993
Councilman Nicholson foresees a project much larger than that which is being
Property Donation considered at this time. He explained the need to create a type of coalition which
Request (Cont'd) could address the overall needs of the community in a comprehensive package. He
asked the Planning Department to prepare a conceptual site plan for up to 20 units
on the six lots at 18th Street. Perhaps Serenity House could proceed with building
what could be considered a portion of a larger project.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to hold these items over until the City has more
information on other City commitments, the affect they would have on the City
budget, the possible need for a rezone, any other properties which might be
available, and the possible disposition of a Hospice House for low-income rental,
with all of this information brought back to the Council for consideration.
Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. Mayor Hallett summarized the
discussion on these requests and advised everyone involved that the Council must
seek a solution which is in the community's best interest. This is not a denial; it is
an affirmation of the Council's commitment to help solve the problem. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carded unanimously.
Austin/Glaubert 7. Austin/Glaubert letter on property purchase east of Red Lion
Property Purchase
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Real Estate Committee.
Jack Glaubert, East Sequim Bay, requested that he and Mr. Austin be allowed to sit
with the Real Estate Committee to discuss their proposal, before the letter is sent to
them, thereby possibly ending negotiations. The members of the Real Estate
Committee who were present agreed; by consensus the Council agreed to the
Final Subdivision - Petree 8. Approval of Phase I of Final Subdivision - Petree, between Butler and ~0"
and Eighteenth and Sixteenth Streets
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided and noted the Planning
Commission's recommendation that the Council approve Phase I of the Final
Councilwoman Sargent moved to concur with the recommendation of the
Planning Commission to approve Phase I of the Petree Estates Subdivision as
shown on the drawing, citing the following Findings and Conclusions: Findings:
(1) The City Council approved the preliminary plat of the 32 lot "Peach Tree
Subdivision" on November 3, 1992; (2) The Planning Commission and City Council
made conclusions that the plat was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance; (3) The applicant submitted for final plat
approval on December 14, 1992; (4) A bond in lieu of roadway and utility
improvements has been provided. Those improvements to be bonded for .... Those
improvements that have been completed prior to the City Council approval include...;
and (5) The final plat has been reviewed with respect to conformance with the
preliminary plat approval and the subdivision ordinance; and Conclusions: (A) As
conditioned, the final plat is in conformance with the preliminary plat approval; (B)
The final plat has not changed in any manner so as to result in inconsistencies with
the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance; and (C) As conditioned, the final
plat is in conformance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Councilman
Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Urban Growth Area 9. Urban Growth Area update
Mayor Hallett reviewed information provided by the Planning Department, and
Councilwoman Sargent reported on several meetings between she, Councilmen Wight
and Nicholson, and Commissioner Duncan concerning the City's proposed urban
growth area. At the first meeting, it was indicated there was still information needed
from the City's Planning Department. Therefore, a second meeting was held a week
later, and it was determined that the County was not in need of any more City data.
The City representatives received a map depicting the large industrial area on the
west side of the City's urban growth boundary as having been deleted. Another
document was submitted to the City representatives explaining the County Planning
Commission recommendation, made with no public input, to change the City's
proposed urban growth area. Further examination of their proposal indicates it is
inconsistent with the planning policies. In addition, the question was asked of the
February 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: County that, if this industrial area were to be deleted from the City's UGA, would
(Cont'd) it be downzoned, since it is inappropriate to have an industrial area adjacent to the
Urban Growth Area
Update (Cont'd) Councilwoman Sargent moved that the City of Port Angeles go on record at the
County's scheduled meeting of February 9, 1993, as being opposed to the
County's recommendation for the urban growth area boundary and we offer to
continue to work with the County to arrive at an acceptable boundary.
Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and
Councilwoman Sargent requested that City staff prepare a map of the proposed UGA,
showing the present uses in that particular area. Planning Director Collins indicated
that the City could go along with this particular area not being included in the UGA,
if it was not zoned for urban uses. Councilwoman Sargent reported she had inquired
as to whether the area would be downzoned if the City agreed to it being deleted _
from the UGA. Commissioner Duncan's answer was negative. A vote was then
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
7th and Chase Property 10. 7th and Chase property
Councilman Braun asked Director Brodhun tbr an update on the status of the
property located at 7th & Chas~. Director Brodhun reported the Parks staff and the
Parks Board had done some investigation to try to ascertain the feasibility of the City
obtaining this property. Subsequently, Director Brodhun was contacted by a private
citizen who expressed interest in purchasing the property in order to continue
operating as a skating rink, only if the City did not sincerely wish to do so. Director
Brodhun advised the individual that the City Council would prefer it be retained as
a privately owned ~heility. However, if no one else were to purchase the property,
the City might pursue opportunities in order to keep it open for the youth of Port
Angeles. The Council was in agreement.
Property Manager Ridout distributed information pertinent to old City Hall, inclusive
of a legal description, building layout, a description of recommended repairs, and a
delineation of costs involved in bring the building to code for purposes of usability.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:25 p.m. to discuss a matter of
EXECUTIVE SESSION: potential litigation for approximately 10 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 10:40 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.