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Port Angeles, Washington
February 2, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker,
S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, L.
Haehnlen, G. Kenworthy, and T. Smith.
Public Present: S. Mathews, L. Lee, L. McHone, B. Riley, and C.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by former Councilman Larry Schueler.
CEREMONIAL Presentation of Key for New Library and Public Works History Book
PROCLAMATIONS: At Mayor Braun's request, Director Pittis introduced Gary McLaughlin, President of the
North Olympic Library System Board; Sally Mathews, member of the Friends of the
Presentation of Key for Library; George Stratton; Larry Haas; and Larry Schueler, who was on the Library
New Library and Public Advisory Committee. Director Pittis presented the library with a copy of the Public
Works History Book Works History Book, which includes some of the history of Port Angeles.
Mayor Braun presented a gold key for the new library to the Library Board, noting the
new library was a facility of which the City could be proud. Mr. McLaughlin thanked
the City and the Friends of the Library for the support given during this project. The
new library would not have happened without the cooperation and team effort of all
three entities. Larry Schueler felt the public received a far better product thanks to the
partnership between the Library and the City. Director Pittis also thanked Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church for the parking lot agreement.
PADA Partner Award Arla Holzschuh, Port Angeles Downtown Association, 105 1/2 E. First Street, and Eileen
Presentation to Tim Smith Knight, Bergsma Showroom, 115 E. Railroad Avenue, introduced themselves to the
Council. Ms. Holzschuh gave a brief presentation on the Port Angeles Downtown
Association and presented Timothy Smith, Economic Development Director, with .the
Partner Award, the highest award given by the Downtown Association.
Mr. Smith thanked the Downtown Association and stated he would share this award
with the City Council, who has supported the downtown revitalization, as well as the
City Manager's office and all the Department Heads.
February 2, 1999
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked that a presentation by the VCB/Chamber of Commerce be
PLACED ON THIS OR scheduled for the next Council meeting, February 16, 1999. He asked that the Lodging
FUTURE AGENDA: Tax Advisory Committee members be invited to attend.
Manager Ibarra asked to add Item H. 2., a resolution regarding declaration of an
emergency for disaster funding and waiving bid laws.
FINANCE: ~lward of Bid for Library Demolition
Library Demolition Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
Director Pittis informed the Council that fourteen bids were submitted. He explained
when and how the demolition will take place. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis
responded to questions posed by the Council.
Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the bid of R. J. Services, Inc., in the
amount of $79,411.70 and authorize the Mayor to execute the demolition contract.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle moved to approve the Consent Agenda, including: 1.) City
Council minutes - January 19, 1999; 2.) Out of State travel request - Chief of Police; 3.)
Contracts for Services: a.) Chamber of Commerce, b.) Clallam County YMCA, c.) P.A.
Boys & Girls Club. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion,.which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Wiggins attended meetings for Public Health, Gateway, and the Elwha
COMMITTEE Committee. At the next Gateway Committee meeting, the consultant will be chosen,
REPORTS: which is of some significance.
change the time of Council meetings from
5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Discussion
followed, and Councilman Doyle pointed out that staff may need time to make this
change official. Manager Ibarra explained an ordinance making this change will need
to be presented to Council at the next meeting. Also, he felt a time delay of 30 days
would be helpful so as to educate the public regarding the change in meeting times. A
vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilmember McKeown and Mayor Braun, attended the Boys & Girls Club Open
House. The children were very happy and excited, and Councilmember McKeown felt
having a safe place for the children would save the City money over the long term.
Councilman Doyle also attended the Open House and felt it was a real asset to the area.
Councilmember McKeown accompanied Planning Director Collins to a Southwest
Puget Sound Endangered Species Act Subregion meeting. She provided a brief history
of how the Subregion came about and described what took place at the meeting.
Councilmember McKeown explained that Port Angeles has five large projects
identified, including the Elwha stock preservation channel and the Morse Creek
acclimation pond. Under the ESA funding process, the cities are going to be
responsible for enforcing the existing regulations, yet have no say in what is happening.
Councilmember McKeown also feared the City's Elwha River water rights may be
diminished under this program. Discussion ensued. Councilmembers McKeown and
Campbell will bring new information to the Council as itis received.
Mayor Braun.attended earthquake training at the Fire Department, installed new officers
for the Chamber of Commerce, the Annual Downtown Business Association meeting
and the United Way Campaign dinner. Mayor Braun also attended the open house for
the Boys and Girls Club and felt it was doing a f'me job,
February 2, 1999
Moving of Buildings Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Revision to Ordinance Regulating Moving of Buildings
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided. Discussion followed.
Councilman Doyle felt the definition of "building" should be modified and section
14.32.030 C. should be changed to exempt new or used manufactured homes.
Lou Haehnlen, Building Official, explained that the Uniform Building Code defines
anything larger than 120 square feet of floor area requires a building permit. That is
why the definition of building is any structure greater than 120 square feet. Regarding
the initial factory installation, a permit is required to place a manufactured home on
your property. This permit covers the moving of the building onto a lot. A moving
permit would be required to move an existing manufactured home from one lot to
another. Discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle felt clarification was needed
regarding moving of construction trailers.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, regulating the moving of buildings,
repealing Ordinance 1766 as amended, and
codifying this Ordinance as Chapter 14.32 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Further discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins suggested amending section
14.32.030 A. to read "...street, or alley to a location in the City without first...".
Director Collins suggested it read "...or alley to or from a location...". Councilman
Doyle stated this still did not exempt construction trailers or other uses which are not
permanent residences. He suggested staff rework the Ordinance to make it more
understandable. Councilman Doyle moved to table this item to the next Council
meeting. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Supplier for Geographic Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Information System
products Resolution Designating Sole Source Supplier for Geographic Information System (GIS)
Resolution No. 1-99 Products
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Pittis responded to questions posed by the Council and provided clarification.
At Councilman Wiggins's request, Director Pittis described how costs are controlled
when there is a sole source provider. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, designating Environmental
Systems Research Institute, Inc., as the sole source
for acquisition of geographical information
system products.
Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the resolution as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
February 2, 1999
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Consideration of Application for CDBG General Purpose Grant
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
CDBG General Purpose Director Pittis explained the reason for the public hearing. Community Action has been
Grant the City's administrator for these funds, and staffwas present to discuss their role in the
program. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m.
Bill Riley, 910 East Blair, Sequim, Director of the Community Action Council,
encouraged the City to continue the Housing Rehabilitation Program. It is one way for
low income homeowners to protect their assets. Mr. Riley introduced Carolyn
Sparkman, Acting Director of the Rehabilitation Program.
Carolyn Sparkman,. 122 Mt. McDonald Rd., Acting Director of the Housing
Preservation Program, explained the purpose of the public heating. The Department of
Community, Trade, and Economic Development (DCTED) is awarding $8 million in
general purpose block grants in amounts up to $750,000 to eligible municipal
governments. Ms. Sparkman explained how the money could be spent and stated the
City has received four grants .totaling $2.5 million for the Housing Rehabilitation
Program. Ms. Sparkman reviewed the history and past accomplishments of this
Program, as well as what can be accomplished in the future. Ms. Sparkman stated that
grant funding will help pull other funds to the area to improve housing and economic
conditions of our community. Discussion ensued, and Mr. Riley and Ms. Sparkman
responded to questions posed by the Council and provided additional information and
clarification regarding the Rehabilitation Program.
There was no further public testimony, and Councilman Doyle moved to continue the
public hearing to February 16, i999. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Code Amendment 2. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-05 - City of Port Angeles, City-wide,
Ordinance No. 3009 proposal to amend Zoning Code provisions regarding nonconforming
structures and substandard lots
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Director
Collins supplied additional information, responded to questions, and provided
clarification regarding the changes in the Ordinance. Councilmember McKeown
expressed concern regarding section 17.95.030 B.2. of the Ordinance as being unfair to
a small business owner with an old, low valued, nonconforming building. Lengthy
discussion followed regarding the interpretation of this section and possible
amendments. Director Collins explained that the wording refers to the damage
assessment of the existing property and not to the cost of reconstruction.
Regarding section 17.95.030 C, Councilman Doyle asked for a de£mition of "minor
repairs", and Director Collins stated this section had been amended by the Planning
Commission to delete the reference to "nonstmctural repairs". A clef'tuition of"minor
repair" was not provided. At Councilman Williams' request, clarification was provided
regarding the legality of moving nonconforming buildings from one lot to another
within the City limits, without complying with new building codes.
After further discussion, Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. There
was no public testimony; therefore, Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.
February 2, 1999
Code Amendment and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
Ordinance No. 3009
(Cont'd) ORDINANCE NO. 3009
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending provision in the Zoning
Code regarding nonconforming buildings and
substandard lots and amending Ordinance 1709
-as amended and Chapters 17.08, 17.95, and
17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Attorney Knutson noted that on page 91, section 17.96.040 Substandard Lots, the
comma in the first line can be deleted. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the
Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Councilman
Williams expressed concern that if an older home were moved, it would have to be
updated. He felt an allowance should be made in the Ordinance for historical structures
or preservation of existing buildings. Director Collins stated this issue is not addressed
by this Ordinance but would be covered in the ordinance regulating the moving of
buildings. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Attorney Knutson reminded the Council that findings and conclusions were not adopted;
therefore, Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt Findings 1 - 6 and Conclusions A -
D as set forth in Exhibit ,A', which is attached to and becomes a part of these
minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Other Considerations
Annexation Petition - 1. Request to Circulate Annexation Petition - ANX 99-01 - Corbett/Stetson, north
Corbett/Stetson of Highway 1 O1 and east of DelGuzzi Drive
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Using
the overhead projector, Director Collins demonstrated the area under discussion,
responded to questions and provided additional information and clarification regarding
this annexation petition and the annexation process.
Larry McHone, representing the applicants, explained what the owners intend to do with
the property if the annexation is approved. There is only about 30,000 square feet of
usable property, and it would be preferred that this area be zoned commercial to allow
for a low traffic use such as a small office building. Mr. McHone stated his clients are
willing to merge the lots into one, to prevent anyone from attempting to build on small,
narrow lots.
Discussion ensued and Director Collins responded to questions regarding the Findings
and Conclusions. Councilman Doyle moved to allow the circulation of the
annexation petition as conditioned in the Planning Commission's recommendation,
citing Findings 1 - 14 and Conclusions 1, 10 as set forth in Exhibit "B" which is
attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Couneilmember McKeown
seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Declaration of Emergency Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings (Continued)
Resolution No. 2-99 &
Resolution No. 3-99 2. Declaration of Etnergency for Disaster Funding and Waiving Bid Laws
Mayor Braun reviewed the information which had been distributed by Director Pittis.
Director Pittis explained that Clallam County has not yet been declared a disaster area;
however, staff is putting together the documentation to send to the State for that ruling.
February 2, 1999
Declaration of Emergency Two resolutions must be approved by the Council before staff can proceed. The first
Resolution No. 2-99 & resolution declares an emergency and dispenses with bid requirements; the second
Resolution No. 3-99 declares a state of emergency and authorizes a request for emergency relief.
Director Pitris reviewed a map which demonstrated the areas which have received the
greatest damage, gave a general overview of the weather, and described the damage
caused by the rain. He played a video which showed the damage done by the recent
inclement weather and responded to questions posed by the Council. Of particular
concern, was the damage to the industrial waterline and the possible damage to the
exposed waterline from the Ranney Collector at the Elwha River, which would result
in the City losing its potable water.
Mayor Braun stated he had accompanied Director Pittis and Manager Ibarra on a tour
of the damage. This is an extreme emergency, and Mayor Braun urged the Council to
take immediate action. Following further discussion and clarification, Mayor Braun
read the first resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring an
emergency, dispensing with the requirement
of calling for bids for the repair of the broken
industrial watermain and other water utility
facilities, and authorizing the City Manager to
sign the necessary contracts.
Councilman Itulett moved pass the resolution as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Manager Ibarra thanked
Director Pittis and his staff for the countless hours they have spent working in adverse
weather conditions to keep damage at a minimum. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Mayor Braun read the second Resolution by title, entitle
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles declaring a state of emergency
and authorizing the request of state and/or
federal emergency relief and/or assistance.
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Agreement with US Dept. Other Considerations (Continued)
of Wildlife
2. Cooperative Service Agreement with U.S. Department of Wildlife
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Manager Ibarra explained that this is a continuation of a past contract with the U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). He also announced that the Clallam County Department
of Health had just this past week issued the Landfill permit for the operation of Cell 3.
Phil Volk was just named the new Airport Manager, and Manager Ibarra noted how
important the Port is to the operation of this plan with the USDA.
Director Pittis explained that the agreement is a continuation of the wildlife services by
February 2, 1999
Agreement with US Dept. the USDA for hazing of wildlife. This fulfills a requirement of the permit, and the work
of Wildlife (Cont'd) that has been performed to date has been excellent. Councilman Doyle noted that a
correction was needed to the Work Plan, the contact person should read Patrick Ibarra.
Discussion followed, and Director Pittis responded to questions and provided
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Work
Plan/Financial Plan with the United States Department of Agriculture.
Couneilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra noted a correction to the calendar in that the City Breakfast will be held
City Breakfast Friday, March 19, 1999.
Annual Reports Manager Ibarra encouraged Council to read the Fire and Police Department annual ·
Council Retreat Discussion was held regarding an acceptable date for the Council Retreat. It was the
general consensus of the Council to hold the Retreat on Saturday, February 20, 1999,
from 8:00 a.m. until noon, and Monday, February 22, 1999, from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00
p.m. Manager Ibarra stated he would reserve a meeting room and inform the Council
of where the Retreat will be held.
Joint Meeting with the Port Manager Ibarra stated that with Council's approval, a meeting was set with the Port for
Monday, March 15, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. Once a meeting place has been selected, Council
will be so notified.
Meeting with County Manager Foarra stated he had invited the County Commissioners to the March 16, 1999,
Commissioners Council meeting for a work session.
Soroptimist Gift The Soroptimist Jet-Set Group donated $5,000 to fund the development of an octopus
topiary to be placed at City Pier. Scott Brodhun defined topiary and estimated a time
frame for the completion of this project. Councilmember McKeown stated the Home
Builders Association's gift to this project is as big as the Soroptimists', as they are
hauling an eight foot rock to the pier to be used as the base of the topiary.
Grant Award At Manager Ibarra's request, Police Chief Ilk gave a brief presentation on the $100,000
grant awarded by the Department of Justice for the purchase of software that will benefit
law enforcement agencies in Clallam County. Brief discussion followed, and Chief Ilk
responded to questions.
Landfill Permit Councilman Campbell asked if the hold harmless agreement contained in the County
Compliance Order for the landfill permit was now moot. Attorney Knutson responded
affirmatively, it was only in effect until the permit was issued.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun 'adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. for
EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately one-half hour to discuss items of litigation, potential litigation, and union
· RETURN TO · The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
B~c-ky J. Uptc(~ ~ff~ Clefk \ Gary~l~raun, Mayor
Exhibit "A"
1. The annexed area shall bear the pro rata share of the City's general obligation
indebtedness existing as of the date of the annexation.
2. City Comprehensive Plan land use designations and zoning shall be consistent with
the County's Comprehensive Plan land use designations and the City's
Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element policies.
3. An annexation agreement and master plan shall be prepared and signed by the
4. Lots 1 - 8 and Lots 16 - 24, Block 7, Nob Hill Addition shall be merged into a
single parcel.
5. Non-protest agreements shall be signed by a minimum of 60% of the property
owners for the formation of separate L.I.D.'s for roadway and storm
improvements, water extensions, and sewer extensions.
6. The proposed annexation area shall be expanded to include US Highway 101
connecting south to the city limits.
1. On December 14, 1998, the Planning Department received an annexation request
from Betty J. Corbett and Catherine N. Stetson for a 1.51 acre area located north
of US Highway 101 and east of the city limits (Harding Ave.).
2. On January 5, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission
for review and a recommendation and set a public meeting to discuss the request
with the applicants for the City Council February 2, 1999, meeting.
3. The legal description of the subject area is Lots 1-8 and Lots 16-24, Block 7, Nob
Hill Addition (see Attachment A), and the applicants own the adjacent property to
the west described as Lots 8-13, Block C, Puget Sound Co-op Colony's 1st
Addition to Port Angeles, which is inside the city limits.
4. The area is subdivided into 17 individual lots under one ownership; the annexation
request petition is made by this one property owner with 100% of the assessed
valuation of the area.
5. The area of annexation is undeveloped. The topography of the area slopes to the
north and forms the ravine adjacent to Ennis Creek which runs south to north.
6. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area.
7. The proposed annexation area is contiguous on its west side to the established City
8. The petitioners are selling a small tract of land made up of all the lots in two blocks
as commercially zoned property; to facilitate this sale, they are seeking annexation
' to Port Angeles for the purposes of rezoning the property to commercial arterial
and making urban services from the City available for future development of the
9. The nearest City water and sewer are located along US Highway 101. Although
the subject property fronts on US Highway 101, only a small section is accessible
from the highway, and, as proposed, no streets could access the lower portion of
the site.
10. The topography of the proposed annexation area creates an "island" that would be
accessible only through unincorporated area and makes servicing the area
awkward, if not difficult.
11. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals
include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the
likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and
unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of
community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal
or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the
effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas."
12. The area of annexation includes areas likely to be classified by the City's
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance as environmentally sensitive
areas and as such will be subject to the regulations of that ordinance.
13. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997 contains 10 policies
(Growth Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations and
2 goals, 8 policies, and 1 objective (Conservation Element Goals A-B, Policies Al-
2, B1-2, B4-6, B16, and Objective B3) related to unique physical features.
14. The proposed promotional annexation must comply with the City's annexation
policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78.
~ 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's annexation
policies as established in the Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element
(Policies B 1-10) and Conservation Element Goals A-B, Policies A 1-2, B 1-2, B4-6,
B 16, and Objective B3 and Resolution 18-78.
2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth
Area, which was established to accommodate growth which is expected to occur
over the next ten years.
3. There is poor access to the site for urban services, and there are significant
topographical features (steep slopes and a stream) on or adjacent to the site.
4. As reviewed by the Planning Department, the area of annexation may propose a
challenge to servicing.
5. Due to the topography of the proposed annexation area and because of Ennis
Creek, there is limited development opportunities for the area, and the proposed
annexation would likely result in a relatively high cost for urban services.
6. Protection of Ennis Creek and its ravine in the annexation area would be facilitated
by an open space Comprehensive Plan land use designation and by a Public
Buildings and Parks (PBP) zoning designation for most of the annexation area.
7. As conditioned, necessary rights-of-way will be obtained by the City.
8. A subject area is for sale, and the proposal is, therefore, promotional in nature.
9. As conditioned, the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning,
the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and
unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of
community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal
or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the
effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas are found to be
adequately addressed. The topographical difficulties in providing urban services
and the protection of environmentally sensitive areas can be provided by the City
of Port Angeles per the Comprehensive Plan as annexation in the larger Urban
Growth Area occurs.
10. As conditioned, the annexation is in the public interest.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of February 2, 1999.
Gary~raut~-~r -
B~cky J. ~Jl~,, ~ty C~-erl~--- --
Exhibit "B"
MCA 98-05 - Non Conforming Structures and Buildings:
1. The City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policy A 2 states:
"AH land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council
and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees
shouM be consistent with the Comprehensive _Plan and its land use
2. An Adoption of an Existing Environmental Document and Determination of Non
Significance was issued for the proposal on December 8, 1998.
3. The purpose of a typical nonconforming code section is to provide a way for owners
of legal nonconforming structures to use their buildings for the normal expected
service life of the building while protecting the integrity of the property's zone and
insuring eventual compliance with its regulations.
4. Section 17.95.030 permits, rather than prohibits the perpetual reconstruction of a
legal nonconforming building unless it is damaged to an extent that is valued greater
than 75% of its assessed value.
5. Section 17.96.040 recognizes lots as legal that were created prior to adoption of the
City's Zoning Code and do not meet the Code's area or width requirements. It
further states that a legal building may be permitted on such a lot if it meets the
required front, side, and rear yard setbacks.
6. As the Code is worded, it exempts a building on a substandard lot from height and lot
coverage requirements.
A. The proposed amendments are general in nature and benefit the public as a whole
rather than a single property owner.
B. The proposed amendments are necessary to protect the integrity of the City's Zoning
Ordinance, particularly the area and dimensional requirements of its various zones.
C. The proposed amendments are consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policy
D. The proposed Municipal Code amendments are in the public use and interest.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of February 2, 1999.
Gary l~raun, (~yor-
B~ck~ J.'U-~, (~ C~rk/