HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/03/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 9" February 3 193~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins, The minutes of the previous session were read and approved, Under the head of applications for permits and licenses the following were granted: I S. S. Mullen Repairing Olympian Theatre Lot 13 Blook 16 N.R. Smi th Sub Garage Lot 18 Blook 229 Townsite Altering Building Lot 9 Blook 16 N.R. Smith Sub I Luigi Casilio Hay & Davidson John Daugherty Mike Pappas Frank Conella Goneis Cafe Wilburs (3arage W. W. Canon , Eva M. Swanson 1 oard. table 1 restaurant (Loop Cafe) 1 truck 1 restaurant 1 wrecker 1 restaurant (Terminal Lunoh) New Home Rooms $1,000.00 100!00 300100 5.00 15.00 2.50 15.00 2.50 15.00 7.00 Polioe JUdge Thos. Geisness reported 7 cases tried and $48.00 colleoted in fines. The report was ordered filed. Under the head of reports from City Officers the following was read:- Feb. 3, 1932. To the Honorable Mayor and Ci~Comm1ss10ners Gentlemen;- I beg to advise you that it is now time to issue bonds in L. I. D. No. 143 of this city. Total amount of warrants issued -----~-------------------------------------- Interest on above warrants to Feb. 19 '32---------------------------------- , ' Total ----------- $622.75 12.17 ~634. 92 I 199.14 I $435.78 Total oash oolleoted Amount. of bonds to be issued, and to be dated Feb. 19, 1932 ---------------- I It will be neoessary to transfer the item of interest, $12.17, from the L.I.D. General Fund to Dist. No. 143. May I have your order to make this transfer? I Respectfully submi tted, Madge H. Nailor, Ci ty Treasurer. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the foregoing report be accepted and the Treasurer be instruoted to transfer $12~17 from the L.I.D. General Fund to the funds of L.I.D. .no. 1431 to take care of the interest on the warrants issued. Seconded by MB30r Davis. On rol call all members voted aye. The mayor declared the motion carried. Under the Head of Reading and passage of Ordinances the following Ordinance was read by title and placed on its third. reading: . AN ORDINANCE ordering and' providing for the cons truotion of a lateral sewer wi thin the City of Port Angeles desoribed as follows, to wit: A lateral sewer oommencing at the trunk sewer at the interseetion of "H" Street with the alley between Fifth and Sixth Stree ts running easterly along sai d alley to "D" Stree t suffi cien t to drain and sewer , all of Blooks 120 and all of Block 121, the North Half of Blook 113 and the North Half of Blook 114, all in the 6ity of Port AngeleS~,_ Washington, together with,all appurtenanoe~ and eq,uipment neoessary to complete the same land to do suClh other work as may be neoessary , to oomplete the same) and to do suoh other work as ma;y be necessary in oonneotion'therewith; creating Local Improvement Distriot No. 145 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the payment of the oost and expense thereof by special assessments upon the property wi thin said distriot aocording to law by the mode of payment by'bonds in aooordanoe wi th Improvement Resolution No. 145 of the City of Port Angeles and the plans and specifioa~ tions prepared by the Ci ty Engineer and approved and adopted by the City Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the ordinance be plaoed on its final paesage and adopted and that the City Clerk issue a call for bids for the oonstruotion of the improvement, said bids to be opened February 17, 1932, at 10 a.m. Seoonded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. Mayor deolaL"ed the motion oarried. The Commission exam:\!ned and allowed the following'olaims and ordered warran ts drawn for same,- I Current Expense Fund Street Department Pay roll $218.00 Street Department Pay roll 42.00 J. W. Robertson Sani tary Inspector 40.50 Fire .Departmen t Pay roll 228.00 ~James Hardware Co. Supplies 3.70 , The Wenham Press Supplies 4.75 B. H. Young painting Sign 1.50 Howard-Cooper Corp. Supplies 7.27 Bob's Philco Servioe Repairs 26.95 Thos. Soo tt Com. on Licenses Sold 6.00 Thos. Soott KUling Dogs 22.00 Northwest Plumbing & Heating Co. Repair at Jail 3.75 J. E. Pa,tten Wood 6.00 J. E. Patten Wood 6.00 Lee Cafe Meals for Prisoners 32.20 Co-operative Laundry Laundry 4.80 Ulmer Printing Co. SuppiUes J:i~ .J~es Hardware Co. *~~R~ies I Me. ge H. Nailor ....olIIl r"'lO Proceedings of tbe City Commission. of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington ~~oa< . UU"M'. eU'TCI, aT.TlON_.O, ""!Nil"'. .'UI J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ino. Standard 011 Co. Ulmer Printing Co. H. E. DOdge George's Servioe Sta. Evening News Ulmer Printing Co. Zellerbaoh Paper Company K. O. Erickson Standard Oil Co. Madge H. Nailor, Treasurer Harold T. Caven James Hardware Co. Willson Hdw. Co. Lysall Welding Works Port Angeles Conorete Produots Co. Lumber Supply Co. Lladge H. nallor, Treasurer Street Department Lamoreux Servioe Penn's Garage Dan E. Pearson Light Department-- Sales Light Department City Treasurer Williams Servioe Station Service Eleotrio Co. Pittsburgh Paint Store Chas. Beam Madge NailorL City Treasurer Ulmer Print \;0. Greeley Warner Paoifio Lamp & Supply Co. Wedel Company North Coast Eleotrio Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Domestio Eleotric App. Co. Hunt & Mottet Co. Graybar Eleotrio Co. Fobes Supply Co. Fobes Supply Co. Ed Smith Wilner Ulin Fred Pollow Northwest Plumbing Co. Bob's Philoo Servioe Harris & SOhuller James Hardware Co. Harold T. Caven Ulmer Print Co. Willson Hdw. Co. The Wenham Press .!:Syron Winter Quiak Print Burnett Bros. J. Lloyd Aldwell Co. Clifford Cowling S. T. Eddy J. E. Whetham Standard 011 Co. Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Graybar Eleotrio Co. West. Electrio & Mfg. 00. Atlas Paoking & Rubber Co. E. S. Braymer Lime Material Co. Water Department Water Department Franois Grooery Port AngelesConcrete Produots Co. Ulmer Print Co, Ulmer Print 00. Fred Pollow Evening News Palmer Supply Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Harris & Schuller Willson Hdw. Co. QuiokPrint Co. Willson Hardware Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Lumber Supply Co. Lysall Welding Works Wayne O'Day Na ttinger Bro s Nattinger Bros Willson Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. lI...... _ ~bruary :3. ,.__~_193~ Current Expense Fund (continued) Premium on Bonds ().as and Fue 1 011 Supplies- Auto Lioense Repairs hblioations Supplies Supplies Bond for1932 Gas Truok Licenses Repa ir s Shovels, eto. Shovels, eta. Pioks sharpened, etc. Pipe Lumber Li@:i.t & water Pay roll Repairs Repairs Powder Light :Fund~i',~2.ll Pay roll PB3 roll Filing Fees Gas \1ir ing (nass & Paint Colonial Wood Range Expressage Cards, indexes, eto. Com. on range sales 183# #4 Wir e 1 Filterett Flood Li@lt Supplies, eto. 1 Washer Bel t & Washer Parts 7 Circulating Heaters Porcelain Covers & Speed Units Fuses, oord, ra~es, eta. Range Wood Wood Cement Work at Sub Stn. Material & Labor Batbr~es Labor & Material Wire Repairs File Slips, e to. Hardwar e Supplies Lamps & Material Letter heads, eto. Olook Repairs Surety Bonds Car Hire Jan. 1932 Rent 1 oord wood Gas Water Cro ss Arms Radio Apparatus Voltage regulators 50# Friction Tape Drills Cross Arm Braoes, Fuses, eto. We ter Fund Pay ro 11 Pay roll Oil & Saoks Pipe Meter Sheets, eto. Repair Fund Warrants Cement Work Notioe to Water Consumers Torches Hub & Val ves Hub & Valve Repair Globe & Wiaks Order Blank & Books 1 Ruby LanternGlobe 2 Tees Lumber Picks sharpened, eto. Labor Files Hdw. Hardware Gas ...it 1::'- li-17r.- " q~ 7Z5~ ~ $ 10.00 222.90 26.10 1.25 45.50 7.35 89.70 13.86 5.00 146.36 5.00 1.10 20.80 20.50 5.30 3.75 .95 1284.10 1192.75 203.15 178.56 22.65 I I 215.00 607.80 5.00 1.00 35.00 .70 35.00 .78 14.75 52.38 17.10 21.00 11.70 25.09 ~.38 62.58 15.13 415.85 87.62 3.00 2.50 22.80 13.80 10.80 34.00 5.60 4.00 45.80 8.05 25.00 250.40 16.45 5.75 10.00 35.00 3.00 6.00 36.80 2.05 126.50 '26.76 5119.72 18.62 5.86 388.87 I I 1016.65 5.50. 1.39' 14.75 6.50 15.00 21.50 4.00 17.05 129.50 145.00 .50 .75 4.15 .50 21.63 29.10 22.80 100.00 2.40 58.99 60.30 24.00 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 11" February 3, 193~ I I I I I Bob's Battery ShOP Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Madge H. Nailor, Cit,v Treasurer new Method Book Bindery Co. Mrs. Nina J. Nailor A.D. Matthews ,J. R. MoDonald Wm. J. Ware Chas.H. Stewart Paoker-Scott Co. Murtough-Kinney Co. Ulmer printing Co. J. K. Gill Co. Jennilu Norris Engineer's Department Lowman & Hanford Co. City Treasurer Water Departmen t Water Department Wa ter Department Water Department Evening News Munioipal EPperson & Son Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer Nattinger Bros. Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer James Hardware Co. Water Fund (Continued) .Ha ttery uharge Crosses Cooks Bands for 10" Pipe Material Wood Pipe Wood Pipe Ma ter 1&1 ..3) i-f-lOo- Librar~ Fund Light & ater Binding Extra Help Cleaning & Adj. typewriter Hauling Garbage Insurance Repairs Supplies Jani~or's Supplies Supplies Books Petty Cash L.I.D. General Fund Pay Roll Supplies Stamps & Envelopes /').. I 39 ~ ,. 'I.. oJ Waterworks Repair Fund Pay roll Pay roll Pay roll Pay ro 11 Publications '-f~ I ILl Park Fu.nd Lumber Light Hardware t:5'-~ Li~ Investment Fund oh. Of L.I.>>. Wt. #1373 L.r.D. #142 Cemetery Fund Shovel There being no fUrther business the Commission 77,:?n. "1~ Ci ty Clerk. then adjO~, ; / \',-!J ~ May or . $ 2.00 157.91 103.83 35.69 732.4'1. l53~.~6 58.,72 , '70.29. 19.10, 117.40 2.00 3.50 2.50 21.60 1.80 1.68 5.10 2.55 4.66 7.23 216.25 3.34 22.48 144.00 78.00 153.00 72.00 14.14 2.85 .90 1.45 50.74 3~05 ....olIIl