HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/03/1937 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington February 3. 1937 193_ ., 463 I I I 1 'I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and 61erk Hawkins. The'minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Leon Dupuis, Remodel Home, Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 95, Townsite Polioe Judge Pro Tempore, Ralph Smythe, reported 1 case tried and ~10.00 collected in fines for the month of January, 1937. Report ordered filed. ~500.00 G. L. Sundberg having sold his restaurant, The Blue Moon, to, Leland d. Larric~, sub- mitted in writing a request to have his restaurant License, No. 4007, and Soft Drink License, No. 4008, transferred to the said Leland S. Larrick, and there appearing to be no objections, the Commission instructed the ~ity Clerk to make said transfers as relJ.uested. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following ordinance was read by ti tIe and placed on its second and third read ings. AN ORDINANCE supplementing Ordinance No. 900 of the City of Port Angeles by granting to Crown uellerbach Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate electric power lines by means of poles and wires to be erected in oertain streets, alleys and publio plaoes in the City of Port An~les, for the purpose of furnishing electric current to certain corporations. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The matter of the disposal of ~ity Garbage came up for consideration and it was moved by Commissiuner Masters that the present contract with J. n. McUonald he continued for a period of three years, beginning February 2,1937 and ending February i::, 1940, and that his bond be renewed to cover the same period. A petition by George 1. Adams, et als, asking the ";ity Commission to create a Local I~provement District to construct a Trunk and Lateral Sewer to cerve the property immediately west of Tumwater Street and south of 12th Street, was read and referred to th City Engineer for checking and report to the ~ommission. The Commission authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of, Agriculture for the purpose of conserving and protecting the water supply of the ~ity of Port Angeles. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fire Department Kaufman- Leonard Pac 'rel & 're 1 ";0. Thos, T. Aldwell Par is 1\0 tor ":0. James Hardware 90. n " Pay Roll Linoleum, etc. Service Insurance T1i:re Chains Supplies " Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Willson Hardware Co. Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Paris Motor ~o. City Treasurer Hugo Olson J. M. Davis Pac Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer City Treasurer Martin J. Schnuriger K. O. Et'icksoJn J. M. Davis J. R. McDonald Pac Tel & Tel ":0. Servic e Hardware Service ~ire aha ins Cash Advanced Extra Fireman Premium on Bond Service Cash .'dvanced Water Salary as Milk Inspector Premium on Bond Insurance Services as dog catcher Service 1'"3 :.-- jqoo WATER FUND Purmaid Dairy Graham W. Ralston City Light Dept. Paris Motor Co. Standard Stations, Inc. Store "ent Insuranc e Lights at Reservoir Truck Repairs Kerosene 'LIGHT FUND Automotive ~arts Service Graham ~. Ralston City Treasurer City Water Dept. Quick Print A. S. Keys Lamps Insurance Misc. Payments Water at Store Room Printing Pole ~c 120.00 10.35 6.75 23.12 14.90 4.88 6.40 4.00 4.95 1.40 6.3;~ 1.75 15.00 45.00 .\/0 1.15 840.00 75.00 45.00 647.00 25.00 1.25 ,). 40.00 23.95 5.87 9.31 1.00 l;i l' 58.51 5.99 .95 2.01 24.53 5.20 ~ "... 464 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 3. 1937 193_ LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer J. VI. Hooker J. Lloyd ~ldwell Inc. K. O. ~rickson Washington Bindery Jennilu Norris The Library of Congress Boy Soouts of ~merica Pao Tel & Tel Co. ~Ia ter & Light Insurance Insuranoe Insuranoe Binding Petty cash Supplies " Service J~ tft -- 14.94 11. 37 11.37 11. 37 24.87 1. 50 8.42 7.04 4.25 I Under the head of New Business,the following JGint resolution by ,the Board of ~ounty Commissioners and the ";ity Commission was introduced. RESOLUTION 'IWHEREAS, under the laws of the citate of "ashin~ton, the Board of County Commissioners constitutes a County Board of Health, and the ~ity Commission constitutes a ";ity Board of Heal th; ani, WHEREAS, the duplication of work by two Boards of Health in Claliam County does not create the greatest effioiency and there is not suffioient funds available for either the county or the oity to maintain a first-class health department as required by the IU' S. Public Health Service and the State Department of Health; and, IWHEREAS, in the event a proper health department is operated in Clallam Oounty the U. S. ~ublic Health Service and the ~tate Department of health may pay one-half of the costs (thereof, and it is advantageous to the ";ity of Port Angeles and the ~ounty of ";lallam, rand to 8;11 the residents thereof, thatthere be maintained one proper health department tin the "ounty and that the most sui table and desirable method is for the creation of a ~onsolidated county-city health department under the joint supervision of the County 'Commissioners and the "i ty ()ommission of the ~i ty of Port Angeles. ~~ OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CLALLAM COUnTY, VIASHINGTON, .iND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, '/iASHINGTON, at their ~espective meetings at which all members of said commissions are present, that there be land there herehy is created a "ounty-Ci ty Health Department under the joint supervision ~nd control of the City ";ommission of Port Angeles and the ~ounty Commissioners of :Clallam ~ounty, and that all of the funqs of said city and county devoted to health work Ibe paid for the support of said County-uity Health ))epartment, and that a department of ~Sufficient standard shall be maintained as provided by the U. ci. Public Health Service a, nd the ;;lta te Departmen t of iieal th and in conformity therewi th, tha t approximately one-half the cost of said department may be borne by said U. ci. Public Health ~ervice so long as said U. S. Publio Health Servioe si willing to do so. I ,.. ffiE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a meeting of said uounty-City Board of ~ealth, comp9sed of ~he six oommissio~ers herein ,referred to, be held on the second Monday of each and every ~onth, at the offiee of the ~ounty-City Health ~epartment in the basement of the Court House in Port Angeles, and that at the first meeting ~f said health commission one member thereof be chosen as chairman for a period of one year, and that at the first meeting in January of eaoh year a member of said oommission be chosen as chairman of said health commission. ! ~t was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded ~y Mayor ))avis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion , arr i ed . I I here being no further business the ~ommission then adjourned. ?7:n!~ ~, /(:; Aj~ City Clerk Mayor I I ll..