HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/03/1955
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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I.The Ci~y Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by 11a.yor Smith. Roll call
!showed the following officers present: MaY9r Smith, Council.!Jten Brown, Neer"Sandison, Poweel, and Wolfe;
IManager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns an<;l Clerk Law.
l . . .
tIt was moved by Councilman B. rown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded
ty luss Powell and carried.
IMan~ger Vergeer informed the Council th~t Einar Erickson of PenPly Corporation has requ~sted that minutes
fOf the previous meeting be cOrrected to eliminate protest filed. by Thomas Laycock regarding pm;er rate
'schedule, as Mr. Laycock was not authoried to file such protest. It was mCJled by Councilman Bro~m that
'request be approved and protest eliminated from ,ecords. Seconded. by Councilman NeeI'. All voted Aye.
Motion carried.
IUrrler the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish t>lO centrifugal ppmps and starters for the water
department were received as follows:
FAIRBANKS, MORSE AND CO., pumps, $3,800.00 each. Starters, $2,420.00 each.
ALLrS' CiiAUIERS MFG. CO., pumps and starters, $6,070.00
!'EEiu.Ess' P\J!-lP . DIVISION, pUlnps, $1,870.00 each. Starters, $1,355.00 each.
H. D. Fao'lLER 00., INC., pumps, $2,118.00 each. Starters, $1,158.00 each.
INGERSOLL-RAND 00., pumps, $2,206.00 each. Starters, $1,133.00 each.
WORTHiilGTON CORPORATION, pumps $2,282.00 each. Starte~s, $1,080.00 each.
DE LAVAL TURBINE PACIFIC CO., pumps, $2,386.00 each. Starters, $1,081.00 each.
STAR'~jcHmERY COMPANY, -p~ps, $2,415.00 each. Starte~s, $1,165.00 each.
PACIFIC PUMPING Cm{fANY, Pumps,'$2,499.00 each. 'Starters, $1,347.50 each.
KORarS'J!dlCHlNE l'IORiffi; pumps, $3,155.40 each. Starlers, $2,im.80 each.
It wa~ mo~ed - by Councilman Brown that all bids be referred to the Consulting Engineers for recommendations
and bid awarded at the next. meeting. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All VQted Aye. Motion carried.
The Council considered option previousiy arranged for purchas~ of the Schier builcll.ng adjacent to the
City Hall. I.!anager Vergeer cited advantages by Ol;ning the building and possibility to forestall conside~
I able expenditure in the future. Also recommended purilh<:rse of the building as logical investment. It
was moved by Councilman Brown that the City exercise 9P.tii.OD and purchase the building. Seconded by.
Councilman Nolfe and carried.
Council discussed removal of Pilots Station on Ediz Hook and \;Illfs and means to demand removal ss requested
by the Coast Guard. Attorney Severyns advised that Council can take legal action and demand removal.
It ~ras moved by Councilman Brown that the City exercise legal lights and request removal of Pilot Station
barge. Seconded by Councilman NeeI'. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
Manager Vergeer reported that he has compiled information pertinent to sale of bonds and warrants for
L.I.D. No. 167, bids for the same to be considered Februar,y 17. This should assist buyers in submitting
bids, also produce favorable results.
Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman \10lfe that the City I-fanager be authorized to
publish call for bids to furnish one calculator machine for ,the City. Motion aeconded by l1iss P",rell
and c arri ed.
B arull. H Grocery asked the Council to consider installation of parking meters or establish twenty minute
zone on J.larine Drive near Cedar Street. Dorothy Averill ~peared to protest meters, also the parallel
parking now enforced, suggesting. that change to awle parking and traffic signal at Marine Drive and
Cedar Street would solve traffic problem. MIwor Smith cited angle parking so close to corner as traffic
hazard. Dlanager Vergeer infonned t hat he has contacted business operators invo;Lved, but no satisfadL:>ry
analysis as yet, recommending that the matter be tabled for ruther investigation. It was moved by
Councilman Wolfe that the request be tabled and referred to the Police Department for thorough study,
reporting a'l< the next meeting. Hotion seconded by ;,siss POi,ell. All voted A;ye. Motion carried.
. -
The cancellation of contract for purchase of Lots 11 and'12, Blk. 152,' was requested by the City Treasurer,
purchaser Alden T. lIelson being delinquent >lith payments. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the
I contract be cancelled. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and. carried.
Claims paid January 17, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, and February 3, ,;ere approved in total amount of $61,832.92.
It was moved. by Councilman POVlell that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman VI olfe. All
,voted Aye. Motion 'carrie&.
1, Requests for approval of beverage license" were received as foHows:
Samuel J. and Hubert R. Haguewood, Haguel-TOod I a Restaurant. It was moved by Councilman Br01<D that
the request .be approved. Seconded by Councilman..Neer and carried.
Aggie I s Dog House, Cafe. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that t he request be approved. Sllconded
by C<:>uncilman Bro>m. All voted A,ye. Hotion carried.
After inspection of th~ annual operating reports of the Light and ':;ater Departments, it '''as moved by
Qouncilman lfolfe that said reports be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.
, -
It >laa moved by Councilman 81'01"" that monthly report of the Police Dept. for Jamary be accepted. Seconded
by Councilman Ivolfe. All voted Aye. Notion carried.
. -
It was moved by Councilman Powell that report of the Police Judge for January, showing ~~1,831.00 fines
collected, be approved. Seconded by C"ouncilman B rmm. and carried.
The City Engineer filed for payment, the first estimates (January) for work done and material furnished
in L.I.D. No. 167 as follows: c r
,Pieler Construction Co.,.$6,582.13 O~berg Construction Co., ~~1,700.00
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washingt~n
Fphl"11,qlj' 3
cnnt; nued
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lIt was moved by'C~unci1man NeeI' that estimates be ~pproved'and warrants issued in payment 'of the same. I
Seconded by Councllman Sand:i:son. All voted Aye. ~i()tion carried.
JI>ayo: Smith read a letter from the Trustees of Erickson Children Trust Fund expressing appreciation for ex-
:tenslon of the'fence at Erickson Playfield, thie improvement having b "en installed by the City. The Itwor I
also reported on Puget Sound 'Hayors meeting in Olympia at ,;hich time all 'lent on record as. favoring retention
'of C.oast Guard Ba~e in present location, including the Seattle mayor. All agreed to contact legislators I
regarding the matter.
Councilman 1'101fe requested clarification regardLng power rates as provided in Ordinance recently adopted. I
'Manager Vergeer complied ~ath very enlightening explanation.
I Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following 1;ere introduced and read in full for consider-
ation by the Council: I
A lliSOLUTIOI, authot'izing and confirming t he temporary ,loan by the Current illltpense Fund to the 1954
IStreet Bong. Fund.. of. the Sum of $568.02 and for the replacement thereof upon the receipt of taxes. I
. .' WHEREAS, there was provided in the budget 'for'the year 1954-55 sufficient funds for the payment
of the amol!llts necessary to retire the annual payments on the 1954 Street Bond Fund, which payment was due
Ion the 31st day of January, 1955, and'
WHEREAS, by reason of the fact that the taxes have not yet been sufficiently paid, s aid bond fund j
is not suf:(icient to make the payment,' and '
1VHEREAS, there is in the Current Expense Fund sllfficient monies to make said payment so that said I
Bond Fund will not be delinquent, and upon'the payment of taxlls, said' Current E>cpense 'Fund can be immediatelY
reimbursed; now, therefore, .. . _ J
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF' PORT AMGELES at its regular meeting held this day!
that .
1. That the City Trea~urer 'of the City of Port Angeles be a";thorized and directed to loan to the
1954 Street Bond Fund from the Current Expense Fund Of the, City of Port Angeles the sum of $568.02, and to
utilize the same for the Eayment of the installment on said Street Bond fund. .
2. 1"nat upo,;,,111eeipt of taxes that the City Treasurer be, directed to reimburse said Current ~
ense Fund for the amount of sa;d loan 'in order that said'1954 Street Bond Fund be placed upon its original
. basis.
iIt was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted, Seconded by Council-
'man Sandison and carried.
I A RESOLUTION fixing the time for hearing on, the vacation of portions of Eighth Street, "L" Street,
j1and portions of the.alleys in Bl.OCk 1\;0 Hundred Forty-eight (248), Block Two Hundred Forty-nine (249) .and
Two Hundred Fifty (250) of the. City of Port Angeles. .. .' .' -
. lJllEREAspScl1001 District 110' ;1.7 of, Clallam County has filed with the City of Port Angalcs a petit-
lion praying. for. the vacation of certain portions of Eighth and "L" Streets and tile alleys in. Blocks 1\;0
IHundred Forty-eight (248), Two Hundred Forty-nine (249) and Two.Hundred Fifty (250), and I;hereas said petit-I
ion has been filed, and . ' ," ,,'
. ,lmEREAS, said petition has been signed by' more than two-thirds (2/3) of the owr:ers of private pro~
j1erty abutting upon the parts of the Streets and alleys sought to be vacated; now, therefore, I
petition for the vacation of . . ' . ' '. .'. . .' '
, That portion of Eighth Street from the Easterly line of ").," Street to the Easterly line of Lot r
'Sixteen (16) in Block Two Hundred Forty"nine (249) and the Easterly.line of Lot Five (5) in Block 1'1<0.
'Hundred Fifty (250), being. that portion of Eighth.Street abutting upon Lots Eleven (11). to Sixteen. (16) ':in
Block 1'1<0 Hundred Forty-nine (249) and Five (5) to Ten. (10) in Block TWo Hundred Fifty, (~O); "L" Street
from the southerlyline of Seventh,Street.to the Northerly line of Eighth Street; that portion oLthe alley
in Block 1'1;0 Hundred Forty-eight (R48) .extending from the Easterly line of Lots Seven (7) and Fourteen (14)
fum said llJ'ck 1'1<0 Hundred Forty-eight (248) j'lesterly to "L" Street, being that portion of_the alley abutting
upon Lots Seven (7) to Fourteen (14) inclusive in Block.Two Hundred Forty-eight (248); the alley'in Block
ITwo Hundred Forty-. nine .(249) extending from the 1'!esterJ;y line of "L" Street to. the..Easterly line of "W'
IStreet, being the whole of the alley in said Block.T>lo Hundred Forty~nine (249); that portion of the alley
in Block Two Hundred Fifty (250) extending from the. Basterly line of Lots Five.(5) and Sixteen (16) in
said Block Two Hundred Fifty (~O) Uesterly to "M" Street, being that. portion of saLd alley abutting upon
iLots Five (5) to Sixteen (l~~ inclu~ive in said, Block Two Hundred Fifty (250).
I, , It.being further resolved that said hearing be held before the.City Council of the City of Port
,Angeles at. the Council Chambers on Thursday the 24th day of Harch, 1955, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M.
~Qf said date. and that notice, of such hearing, shall be given by posting thereof in three (3) of the most
,public places in the City of Port Angeles and a like notice in a conspicuous p),ace on each of the alleys
! and lots to be ilacated.
IHayor Sr.dth read a letter of pilOt est frojD. Harry Lycll.ard wherein he cited.possible future eI:fect on western
part ~f the City and suggested that traffic survey be conducted. Councilman Sandison also informed of pro-
I tests r.eceived and Councilman NeeI' reminded that the Planning Commission had very reluctantly approved
: vacation. Attorney.Severyns advised that :the Resolution only provides:lbr date'of hearing on petition and
no action can be taken until after notices have been posted and hearing conducted. It 1;as then moved by
Hiss Po",ell that the Resolution be passed and adopted setting date of hearing as 'of March 24, Motlon
seconded by Councilman lvolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of reading and passage of ~.rdiz{ances, the follo\ung was rend .in full and placed on second
and final reading:
. AN OJUJINANCE granting to Cr01'm Zellerbach .Corporation, its suc'cessors and assigns th~ right to
construct, ,maintain and operate electric plJW'er lines by means of poles and "ires or other means of con-
ducting electrical energy to be erected on certain ,streets, alleys, and public places in the City of Port
It ",as moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing Ordi,nance be passed s.econd' and final .reading
I Second.ed by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. lfution carried.
and adopted.!
I There being no further business the meeting "'as adjourned.
0, G. ;e~
. :;h-~ s1:'ht
City Clerk