HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/04/1952 I 'I I I " Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 221 February 4 19~ """'"""."""'."'''''''''''"'''' "''' ".. The Connnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by ~or Feeley. Officers present were: ~or Feeley, Connnissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and spproved. I Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the followir.g were granted: BUILDI NG PERJ:.ITS: Mrs. L. G. Billings Remodel back porch, enclose same, Lot - N. 40' of 1, Blk. 202, TO>m5ite $150.00 LICENSES : A. H. Moffit Journeyman plumber 2.50 Under the head of unfini.shed business, the Park Board re-submitted recommendation of August 15, 1951, requesting that Eunice Street from Second to Fourth Street be increased to standard width. It was moved by JlJSyor Feeley that the request be filed and Park Board informed that the request is referred to :the City Council. Motion seconded b.i Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .Einerson ~wrence appeared regarding appointment of Civil Defense Co-Ordinator, informing that recommendaticm wi~l soon be 7'ead;y. ilio advised that first six months should be full time. Under the head of new business, W. A. Taylor of 207 E. 9th Street requested that the Commission consider re':zoning Lincoln Street South of the alley between Eighth and Ninth from first residence districtt'O. firnt business dirstrict. The request was referred to the Planning Board. Cominissioner Robinson infonned of necessity for employing a groundmen in the Light Department and moved th..t Kenneth McLennan be employed. Motion seconded by ~or Feeley. All voted '""e. Hotion carded. I Lig~t Supt. McLennan requested that calls for bids be published to furnish light globes for City d!,pa,m,ents. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the call for bids be published ana opened February 18. Seconded by ~ommissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr.' McLennan also requested that the fOllO\<ing transfers be made in the 1951 Light Budget: FROM: Electrl cal Inspector TO: Building JI.aintenance " Overtillle Line Crew & Elec. Extra Labor State Auditor Advertising St. Light Maintenance Meter Parts St. Light Fixtures Sub-Station Equipment Office Supplies ' $ 34.45 40.23 130.80 22.91 300.05 .55 86.55 945.40 973 . 64 New Street Lights i OIl II II I Carrier Current Equip. I :~tching Contribution lIt was moved by Mayor Feeley that the t~ansfers be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted 1 Aye~ Motion carried. , Tbe Commission discuBsed propesed leasing of a portion of the west section of Lincoln 'Park. The proposed leaSe was questioned by the Park Board as to possible reversion of title to the U. S. GC1'IBrnment. The Bcai-d. also suggested certain provisions be included in the lease. Attorney Trumbull advised that granting of lease will not revert Grant to City. It was moved by COlll!llissioner Taylor that a lease be pre~ared. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Ray 'Fuassett requested that Radio Gab licenses be transferred to him as he has purchased the cabs. The mat~er was postponed for one week. Under the head of reading and passagecdf Ordinances, the following were placed on Third and final readings: ORDIN ANCE NO. 1273 AN ORDINANCE Gf the City sf Port Angeles regulating the installation and use of radio antenna and similar devices, providing a penalty and declaring an emergency: It was moved bY. Commissioner Taylo.I: that the foregoing Ordinance be PcaarSSr:l!,dedt.hird and final reading and adopted. Seconaed by Commissioner llobinson. All voted Aye. Motion I ORDINANCE NO. 1274 I' AN ORDINANCE iiJIlending Ordinance No. 1167 of the City of Port Angeles entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings and the use of land within the City of Port Angeles; to limit the height of buildings; to preseribe building lines and the size of yards; "-nd f orthese purposes tG divide the City into districts; providing penalties and repealing aru ordinance in conflict herewith".. lIt was moved by Commissioner Taylorlhrl the foregoi~ Ordinance be passed third and final reading an:! adopted. Seconded by Comnissioner Robinson. All votea~. Motion carded. Under the head of introduction of Ordinances, the following ~ read by title and placed on first and second reading: I'" 7 "" ~ . ORDINANCE NO. N v IAN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors 'of said City at a special election of the proposition authorizing the construction and installation of \Certain storm sewers and the paving of certain streets, all within said City, and providing further that the City issued general obligation bonds to be paid by annual tax levies in the principal amount of not ,to exceed $400'iooo.OO for the purpose of providing funds to pay part of the cost of said improvements. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by .'ayor Feeley. Fred Strange, Iver Smith, Emory Stewart, and Al Lamoureux spoke regardil'€ improvements and tenns of Ordinance providing for same. Informed that the Street budget is not sufficient for extensive improvements, the only alternative being a5 provided by the Ordinance and the electors should have privilege of voting on the ~l!lIle. Conmissl. ,>ner Taylor advised that he does not want to hold up progress, but the program as outlined, does not meet with his entire apprOYal' Alse that the people are entitled te their rights but should Virst be thoroughly informed. Mr. TaylGr cited the Tumwater road JprGj~:~, )~ine Drive fill, and possibility of the State improving Peabody Street and that the program as P'" . 222 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington F~bruary 4, (continued) 19~ ,.",. A MV~'''. _'''n.., ...,,""'.... P""H'. "$~n ..... enlarged district includ~s all taxable city property. v~. Strange favored construction of streets that all can use as weel as log trucks and the City will accept aid for improvement of Peabody Street if considered by the State. When questioned regarding changes in the program, the Attorney advised that changes are possible in details or construction and that Peabody Street could be eliminated if the State considers this improvement. After further discussion, the l\ue~tion was requested. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The ~yor decle-red the motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of si.me: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .:{. 1'3' ..2.fl staii1~i~flf!lHffilin~d A~gnwaph Co. Tide Water Associated Ed. B. Taybr . Railway EKpress Agency City Treasurer 'I MIOnree Calculati ng "Jachine Co. . Pioneer, Inc. I Hazel's Cafe 1 City Tre..surer Willson Hardware Ca. I Olympic Stationers :Pearson Music Co. Eastmi.n Kooak Ce. . Samuelson Motor Ce. Lunt' s Battery Service Ruddell Oldsmobile Cadillac Inc. J obnson and' Bork Wheeler Hardware and Funniture J. B. J'lathews Glass Co. The Texas Compal\Y Bussing Office SuPPlY City Fuel CGmpa~ Olympic Electric Ce. Rand K Fine Foods State Treasurer .... CITY STREET FUND: 'f In. 1./3 Luvaas Port Angeles Conerete Pr~ducts ,1I'heeler Hardware an:! Furniture Ceo ~chfield Oil Corp0ration ,Washington Saw Filing Preist Logging Cempanf !Renshaw' s Service (aterworks Suppli~s Co. ,Tide Water Associated Oil C"mpal\Y Shoe Tax CommissiGn ICity Shop Fund Eklund Lumber Co. ;Western Tractor and Equipment Co. E. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber 'Randall Kilmer Censtructien Ce. Syd Tozier Insurance Agency ., I ,WATER DPEARTMENT: / / I~' '1-<. Syd Tozier Insurance Agency 'City Light Department Sparling Meter Ce. 'Sehreiner Chevrol~t Cs. Fredericks Electric !The Tomas Company Paditic Telephone and Telegraph Co. I~illson Hard....are Company Olympic Foundry Compal\Y .CMS & p & P RR C"mpal\Y I LIGIlI' DEPARTMENT: /5.1.y,</t:. ~. L._ Halstead Olympic Stationers Syd Tozier Agency F & L Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Tbe Electric Company City Water Dept. Willson Hardware Co. ,Iestingbouse "'lectric SupplY Co. fort Angeles Auto SUPPlY Co. Line Material Company R. E. Uptegraff Mfg. Company Demick Eleetric SupplY Co. I . SANITATION FUND: Syd Tozier Insurance Agency lIBRARY FUND: j 57. 75 Jerry Nelson Agency City Treasurer Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Johnson and Bork Demco Library Supplies I I~~llrai{m!Ci3~~:a. p~mefo~93~1~lriM 1l!:i$ Mil!!". $ 33.87 Engineers Gas 180.58 p..lice, fire 186.40 Traveli'llg Expense Express chg. pntectograph restage, etc. Service Maintenance Registration cl'lM.ce11at1ens Meals for prisioners 4 MX plates-poliee Switl::h - police Rubber stamp, pen set, police Service on cODmunication calls and intercom radies - poliee 4 boxes film - police New tire and tube - bire and valve, fire 4 b..tteries Rebuild sprip.gs Paint, sl'fpaper, blackbeard- fire Knives, Il~s, etc., ladder, fire 3 panels of glass instdled, 30 glasses fer wllIlmboxes 30 gal. cyl. en - fire Office chair " 1050 gill.ns fuel "il - fi re Ligh t globes -Eire 1 carton Vel sGap, 1 gal. Purex, fire Velunteer Firemen's fees Tire, tube and repairs Pipe, catch basin covers, etc. Shovels, chalk, etc. Met<lr ..il 1 - 6~ I crosscut saw Belti ng . Tire, tube, hil<ay PlY 1 Standard City Set Sewer Cle..ning rods, accessories as per bid November 19, 1951 Gas, sdvent, diesel Compensating tax on sewer cle..ning rods and accessories Inventory LUIIlber" Spindle Grease ~Asphalt mix Insurance premiwns Insurance premiwils Office rent, electrical service Charts - Inv. SE 1233 Parts Wiring Oil and Gr.ease Phone Supplies Heter Boxes Freight charges Travel expense Maps Insurance premiwn Repair and service Repairs Signals Water rent Supplies i.Dd tools Light Fixture, stubbing bands Tolls Bolts Line Transformer Tape Insuranc e pre:l!liums Bond "rater La cal 5 ern ce Shell..c Paste, cleaner 72.76 932.07 366.98 19.51 1.72 I 27.02 J 311.08 2.95 95.74 6.00 .41 7.21. 247.20 14.~ . 24.73 127.78 55.56 9.88 35.00 21.58 24.26 123.60 88,47 22.37 8.74 63.00 164.61 84.51 18.78 42.86 2.58 15.45 135;1l 1,692.32 676.17 50.77 291.97 58.09 63.30 6.76 179.10 1,097.53 776.70 116.30 59.53 .42 35.86 .17. 36 4.50 3.89 90.16 11.20 18.85 2.03 1,197.68 4.13 7.38 2.37 1.90 $.69 61.16 5.25 47.69 153.00 25.33 174.00 5.00 2.30 22.08 4.25 30.30 I I: ' I I I: '. 'I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 4, (c$ntinued) 19~ ..... "om, ...no ""'_._ ",,,,,. "'.' ~ LIBRARY FUND: '~Con 't) H. S. Hirs'hberg Simmons Carbon Co. Port Angeles Public Library Personal Book Shop Doubleday & Co. A. C. McClurg and CompaIIV Harp~r & Brothers Virginia Kirkus p. 'N.' Bibliographic Center Port' Angeles Evening ews American Library Association Fine computers Stencils Stamps, book Books Books Books Books Subscription for service Services Subsc1'iption Membership , PARK'FUND: .14'1.'13 Angeles Millwork ani Luinber Co. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph ~d Tozier Insurance Agency Nails, coating and metal Service 5288 and 3851 Insruance prell'iums PARKING METER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Jj~ ,() :3 Syd Tozier Insurance Agency Insurance premiums Puget Sound Navigation Co. Freight City'Treasurer Postage CEHETERY FUND: Syd Tozier Insurance Agency Insurance premiums FI~(EN'S PIDiSION FUND: Cla11am County Medical Co. Premium on 11 firemen LIBRARY HEHORIAL FUND: A. C. McClurg Books There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Q.G. ~.~ () City Clerk 223' $ 1. 50 2.01 3.44 3.16 12.06 163.69 13.21 21.25 35.00 30.00 9.50 4.69 U.19 127.55 39.92 5.42 .69 9.09 33.00 12.17 -I-L& ~o/ . ~la;yor j FEBRUARY 4, 1952 The Commission met in special session at 7:30 P. M. Officers present were Mayor Feeley and COhmUssioner Robinson. The Light Superintendent infonned of necessity to replace certain power lines with heavier wire and that the size required is *vailable. The Commission instructed that bids be published for approximat- ely 5,000 pounds of No. 2/0. wire as required, bids to be opened February 18. The meeting then adjourned. ~. c, :i~. City erk -~~4L7 NH'I'lO'; 111<' '(':\ 1.1. l"on THIJS hlc%U I ~~:fllj s h~('rr~~J~i~~;jl.1I:J~~11:~~~';(1;'/i ~.~ 'l~I'K 0[' tlle City ,.r PurL '.An~l']f.'!o;. \'R..hJnglun, IIOL lah'l' (1111[1 .1H:flO ..M.. FclJ1'ual'~',l:-i, 1~1,,~.:1t lilH C;L,\ 11:\11 or ~HI,l ("ltL lil r(JI'!li~:ll rot' t'he ::~hlj (I ,l~r~:n;~llll/"ij ~ nl ~'i~~i~ w~bT "il)I"~ Braid \VC<\tl'i.'eI"' l'I'""r t~()I)lh'r Win', J)ellvcl'Y rluLe ,"'Pt>dril"ll.' 'fh(l CHllI- nhll;iun l'('fl",I'V~5 UlO l'lJ.{I,t Lv ICjOt,t UIlY \1]' nil \'Id", ,1. I':. I..\\\-", Cll~' C!l'~'I<, l'ulJlh::l1ed: j<'l:'b]'l..Illl',<' )S. 1~. 1!1,:,2, ~(l'I'l('I': IlF ('.\1.1, "'/IIt IlJl):-; SoUcc is tlt11Tb~' Kivell tlHlt ~clIl\'11 hidll will lie rl'l'ciw:d h~' the rll'? !IIe"J{ of t11{',{jiC... or l";rt Aa,l;'ch's, \~::~i~~;l('il~~'il~~a\~\ ',l t:~)I~.~c;~~ "a t'rll;,: 'Crlcu'\I! tlle,('tty l~!'k. tu furnl<;tl for the JA~ht 'lICIJai'~I)l. :-t"i!.1foi :lnrl J\~ U 1 L IJ~I_blJ ~~~ :;(1 ~~:I : ~t~ n U ~ /i~l ~~1'};'L' ,~r ~~: ~ ~\\~.i I:JI~ ~~'~1l1;' (:~ I{ ~lil r .~ c lEi u lj ::-~ ~nY;I~~ '~. j'l j l.c :;(,'d,('d in J'o!"1 .\'I,~pl~~ it! ,'Ill tl1ll\'1<. The ('ity ('tll"mllll;ioll 1'('- Str"'~'1l lllt ri"ht L', rl'jl',.t Hay ()l' ail bhl~, l'u bllo;jll'elt;, 1,'~~i~I~~a ri: ill l(~,I,~\lil :,~ ~............, ( ~