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Port Angeles, Washington
February 4, 1992
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:10 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen
Schueler and Wight.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, M.
Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, G. Kenworthy, B. Jones, R. Ellsworth, K. Ridout,
P. Rasler, B. Becket, B. Coons.
Public Present: J. Michalczik, B. King, L. Beil, G. Pettit, P. Lamoureux,
A. Sorensen, B. Haselton.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Hallett adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:11 p.m. for the
EXECUTIVE SESSION: purpose of discussing personnel and litigation for approximately 30 to 35 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 6:50 p.m.
Interview Candidate The members of the City Council interviewed Joe Michalczik, a candidate as the
for Utility Advisory industrial representative to the Utility Advisory Committee.
CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council was called to order by Mayor
REGULAR MEETING: Hallett at 7:01 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Kris Comell and Donna Bali's
ALLEGIANCE: Camp Fire Groups. Members present: Vanessa Ball, Shannon McWatters,
BreiAnne Richardson, Erika Ralston, Marsha Longmeier, Tiffany Rubright, Jessica
Whittaker, Carrie Dalton, Sarabeth Anderson, Katie Clawson, Nicole Holman.
APPROVAL OF Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: January 21, 1992, as written. Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
After brief discussion concerning the inclusion of the DWI Task Force in the
committee assignments, a vote was taken on the motion which carried
CEREMONIAL Presentation of plaque of appreciation to Daishowa 3Jnerica for its contributions to
MATTERS/ the City of Port Angeles
This item was deferred to the February 18, 1992 meeting of the City Council.
Appointment to Council had interviewed Joe Michalczik as industrial representative to the Utility
Utility Advisory Advisory Committee. Councilman Ostrowsld moved to appoint Joe Michalczik
Committee to the Utility Advisory Committee by a unanimous ballot. Councilwoman
Sargent seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Evaluation of Mayor Hallett reviewed the background regarding the evaluation of the City Manager
City Manager and the question of salary adjustment. He asked members of the Council to voice
February 4, 1992
Evaluation of their opinions.
City Manager
(Cont'd) Councilman Nicholson reviewed the selection of Manager Pomeranz and the present
need to consider an increase in salary. Councilman Nicholson then moved to
award Manager Pomeranz a 5% salary increase. Councilman Wight seconded
the motion. Councilmembers individually spoke to the efforts of Manager
Pomeranz, realizing an improvement in government since he joined the staff. Also
noted were such matters as increased team effort, creativity, innovation, staff
relationships, as well as improved budget presentations, efforts in seeking grants, and
providing assistance to the Councilmembers. A vote was taken on the motion
which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Ostrowski reported that he, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilman
- COMMITTEE Schueler will attend the Legislative session in Olympia on the 5th and 6th.
Councilman Wight reported on a meeting of the Real Estate Committee. The
information will be presented to the Council on February 18th. City-owned property
of no apparent use to the City should be liquidated at the highest and best price.
Certain sensitive pieces of property should be retained forever.
Councilwoman Sargent attended the EDC meeting. The focus will be changing from
timber issues to diversity. She and the other Councilmembers going to Olympia will
be promoting legislation of most interest to our City, as well as others affecting
municipalities in general.
Mayor Hallett reported on a luncheon meeting with Al Swift, as well as a Utility
Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Monday.
FINANCE: 1. Consideration of landfill gravel excavation
Landfill Gravel Mayor Hallett reviewed the report and recommendation on gravel excavation at the
Excavation landfill. Councilman Nicholson moved to reject the bid of DelHur.
Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion.
In response to a question as to the next step to be taken, Director of Public Works
Pittis reported there is not a great deal of interest in the gravel excavation.
However, if professional services at the landfill are approved, new bids may be
prepared. Some of the material could be used in prospective projects for the City.
A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Underground Storage 2. Consideration of underground storage tank bids for fuel at the corporation
Tank Bids yard
Mayor Hallett reviewed the report and recommendation on underground storage tank
bids for fuel at the corporation yard. Councilman Ostrowski moved to award the
low bid to O'Sullivan Construction Co. in the amount of $130,736.61.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wight moved to accept the items on the Consent Agenda, including:
(1) November and December payments to R.W. Beck for bluff erosion design of
$13,241.98 and landfill construction support of $10,598.23, for a total of
$23,840.21; (2) Request to dispose of surplus transformers; (3) Correspondence from
Washington State Liquor Control Board; (4) Vouchers of $1,885,200.44; and (5)
Payroll ending 1/19/92 of $296,448.93. Councilman Schueler seconded the
Following a brief discussion of some of the items on the Consent Agenda, a vote
was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
February 4, 1992
ITEMS FROM THE There were no comments from the audience or the Council.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Public Hearings Consideration of revisions to water rates
Water Rates - Director of Public Works Pittis introduced John Maxwell from EES who, together
Ordinance No. 2673 with Director Pittis, presented a summary of the steps taken during the cost-of-
service-study. The number and type of tests required on potable water have
increased since the mid 1980's. Additionally, funding for replacement of outdated
water mains should be provided. Director Pittis pointed out a typographical error
in the ordinance wherein the wholesale water rate should reflect 42.8 cents.
John Maxwell, Engineering & Economic Services, provided a brief overview of the
cost-of-service and rate-setting process. After determining the revenue requirements,
the costs are allocated to the various customer classes. To determine the percentage
of increase required to bring revenues equal to requirements, the current revenue is
deducted from the revenue requirements.
In responding to an inquiry on the current water system, Director Pittis explained the
change-over in 1978 from Morse Creek water to Elwha water. The Ranney system
is a caisson sunk into the gravels of the Elwha River with perforated lateral pipes
extending from the caisson. The water which is pumped out of the caisson is
essentially filtered.
Mayor Hallett opened the public heating at 8:02 p.m.
Leonard Bell, 3721 Park Knoll Drive, asked for an explanation of water rates and
sewer rates. He asked if using large quantities of water for irrigation purposes
would reflect in increased sewer rates. Director Pittis indicated there is a cap of
1,500 cubic feet of water which is the maximum amount figured into the sewer rate.
Paul Lamoureux, 122 West Boulevard, suggested that the senior citizens in the City
are more conservative in water usage than the average resident, possibly due to
economics. He brought up the amount of water necessary to rinse the cans and
bottles for recycling. He relayed the difficulty in understanding the rate increase
when there appears to be an abundance of water in the area.
George Dollar, 314 East Front, commented on a recent renewal of a water sale
contract to ITT Rayonier at the same annual rate as fifty years ago. He suggested
consideration might be given to ask the industrial users to pay a more reasonable
Councilman Wight commented on the industrial water contract renewal. The
industrial users remove water from the Elwha under the City's license. They also
maintain the system at no cost to the City and use a portion of the City's allocation.
The industrial water is raw water.
There being no further comments, Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 8:20
p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
revising water rates and related fees
and amending Ordinance No. 2181 as
amended and Chapters 13.36, 13.40,
and 13.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Councilman Wight moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Schueler seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight noted this proposal appears to be reasonably aligned with state
and federal policies over the use of resources, which makes it a prudent action.
Councilman Schueler noted his concern with the water rates, inasmuch as there is
T~ ~T
~ ~ . . February 4, 1992
LEGISLATION: apparently so much available in nature; however, it requires money to move the
(Cont'd) water from the river to the desired location.
Public Hearings Councilwoman Sargent appreciated the presentation on the cost of service; she found
it very understandable. She suggested lowering the cap on water usage as related to
Water Rates - sewer charges in order to provide some relief.
Ordinance No. 2673
(Cont'd) Director Pittis explained that, although the City has a license to remove water from
the Elwha River, there are times when due to the water level pumping must be
curtailed. Pumping is primarily done during night-time hours to reduce the cost of
electricity. The City is not the only one using the Elwha River for water. It is
important to manage the water we have and not waste it.
Mayor Hallett asked Director Pittis to prepare information for a future Utility
- Advisory Committee meeting related to the tie-in between sewer rates and the current
cap on water consumption. Director Pittis indicated this is scheduled for March.
A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Repeal of Private B. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Security License
Requirements - Ordinance Repealing Chapter 5.60 PAMC, Private security firms
Ordinance No. 2674
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, repealing Chapter 15,
Sections 1-30, of Ordinance 2050,
Section 2 of Ordinance 2429, and
Chapter 5.60 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Ostrowski moved that the Ordinance be adopted as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
In responding to an inquiry from Councilman Schueler, Attorney Knutson explained
that, although the City of Port Angeles has broad powers, it cannot pass a law where
the State has pre-empted the field. After further discussion, a vote was taken on
the motion which carried unanimously.
Minority Owned C. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Business Participation -
Resolution No. 4-92 1. Resolution establishing policy for pursuing minority-owned business
participation in City's bid process
Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles adopting a policy
of actively pursuing women-owned and
minority-owned business in all future
requests for qualifications or proposals
and in all bid solicitations.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion.
In the discussion that ensued, it was noted passage of such a resolution is a
requirement in conjunction with the Community Block Grant, even though the City
has been abiding by such a policy for a period of time. A vote was taken on the
motion which carried unanimously.
Recess Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 8:45 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
February 4, 1992
LEGISLATION: 2. Resolution revising City Council's rules of procedure to allow flexibility in
(Cont'd) filling board and commission vacancies
Council's Rules of Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled
Procedure -
Resolution No. 5-92 RESOLUTION NO. 5-92
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles revising the
Council's Rules of Procedure to allow
flexibility in filling vacancies on
boards and commissions and amending
Section 12 of the Council Rules of
Procedure as adopted in Resolution 2-88.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by rifle.
Councilman Schueler seconded the morion.
Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried
Planning D. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action 1. Planning Commission Minutes, regular meeting of January 22, 1992
Councilman Nicholson moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of the regular meeting of January 22, 1992. Councilman
Schueler seconded the morion.
Councilman Schueler emphasized the need for the community to be made aware of
the neighborhood meetings scheduled for February 24th, 25th and 27th, regarding
the Growth Management Advisory Committee's activities. Planning Director Collins
indicated the meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers and will be
publicized. No specific neighborhoods will be scheduled on either of the dates; any
community resident is welcome at any or all of the meetings.
A vote was taken on the morion which carried unanimously.
E. Other Considerations
Agreement for 1. Lease and indenture agreement with Richard Elliott for construction of motel
Construction of Motel
Tim Haley, representing Richard Elliott, displayed maps illustrating the area as it
presently exists; illustrating the air rights area proposed to be leased; and indicating
easements in the air on three sides of the building to allow windows in the exterior
walls. He also illustrated a final concept of the building to be constructed on Mr.
Elliott's land and the leased air rights.
Questions regarding parking, loading zones, and approval of the PADA were asked
by various Councilmembers. Alexis Sorenson, representing the Port Angeles
Downtown Association, reported the PADA has written a letter clarifying its position
on certain issues relating to this project. Attorney Knutson pointed out the rental will
have to be fair and equitable under Department of Revenue standards as it relates to
leasehold tax requirements. Bid laws will have to be complied with in the
construction of the retaining wall.
Staff will proce~! to work on the remaining unresolved issues, and when resolution
is attained, documents will be presented to Council, hopefully at the February 18th
meeting, to finalize this proposal.
2. Contracts
Special Agency and a. Consideration of special agency atgl tourist promotion contracts
Tourist Promotion
Contracts Councilman Wight moved to approve the spedal agency contracts for Clullam
County Human Services and Clallam County Health Services and authorize the
Mayor to execute the contracts. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
:, : '~ ,'~ February 4, 1992
LEGISLATION: Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the tourist promotion contracts for
(Cont'd) Friends of the Fine Arts Center; Derby Days, Inc.; Peninsula College; Olympic
Peninsula Travel Association; Clallam County Historical Society; Port Angeles
Special Agency and Symphony Orchestra; and North Olympic Peninsula Visitors & Convention
Tourist Promotion Bureau and authorize the Mayor to execute the contracts. Councihnan Wight
Contracts (Cont'd) seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Intergovernmental b. Amendment to intergovernmental agreement between City, County,
Agreement and Port for economic development planning
Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the amendment to the
intergovernmental agreement between the City, County, and Port for economic
development planning, with the expiration date corrected from June 31st to June
- 30th, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Councilman Schueler
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Interview Date for 3. Set date to interview applicants for Boards/Commissions
Applicants Mayor Hallett noted one of the applicants for the Parks, Recreation & Beautification
Commission, Parker Smith, would be considered ineligible in that he is not a City
resident. Attorney Knutson concurred.
Councilman Braun moved to set the date to interview applicants for Boards/
Commissions at 5:30 P.M. on February 18, 1992. Councilman Schueler
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Senior Center Contract 4. Consideration of Senior Center contract with Department of Community
with Department of Development
Community Development
Councilwoman Sargent moved to enter into the contract with the Department of
Community Development, accept the funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract. Councilman Wight seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Landfill Cell Design 5. Consideration of recommendation for consultant to design next landfill cell
Councilman Braun inquired as to why the consultant and the design for the first cell
could not be used for the second cell. Director of Public Works Pittis expressed
dissatisfaction with the firm which designed the first cell and would like to change
to a firm which the City feels will give us a better product. Standards are also
changing almost daily and must be adhered to throughout the process.
Councilwoman Sargent asked if the first cell lasted as long as originally planned.
Director Pittis responded the opinion of the Public Works Department is that the cell
did not last as long as hoped, and they will look into possible reasons for the
shortened life. If it is a result of inaccuracies on the part of the firm which did the
design work, final payment will be withheld pending determination of that fact.
Councilman Wight moved to negotiate with Parametrix, Inc., for design services
on the next landfill cell. Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
Councilwoman Sargent offered an amendment to the motion to include the
lang,mge that, if negotiations with Parametrix are not satisfactory, to consider
other consultants in order of preference as listed. Councilmen Wight and Braun
-- agreed. A vote was then taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett offered to entertain a motion to continue action beyond the hour of
10:00 P.M. Councilwoman Sargent moved to continue with the items on the
agenda. Councilman Wight seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Vehicle Use Policy - 6. Consideration of Vehicle Use Policy
Resolution No. 6-92
Mayor Hallett reviewed information pertinent to the proposed vehicle use policy.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution. Councilman Schueler
seconded the motion, with reservations.
Councilman Schueler considered the necessity for this Resolution reflected the
increased regulation from outside the immediate community.
February 4, 1992
LEGISLATION: Attorney Knutson advised the Council the Resolution they would be considering was
(Cont'd) the one distributed this evening, not the one received in the packet.
Vehicle Use Policy - Mayor Hallett then read the Resolution by title, entitled
Resolution No. 6-92
(Cont'd) RESOLUTION NO. 6-92
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
amending the City Personnel Policy and
Procedures for City employees.
A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Recycling 7. Discussion on recycling
Councilwoman Sargent reviewed the recycling program in terms of what has been
accomplished and what remains to be done to meet the Council's goal of 50%
recycling. She proposed a revitalization of the Recycling Committee to consider
incentives to increase participation, to make recommendations to the Council on the
best way to increase participation by the public and propose improvements or
changes to the present system, and have the Committee include in its agenda the
following items: (1) more innovative advertising and public education; (2) methods
to deal with yard waste, which comprises anywhere from 20% to 30% of the total
waste should be looked at; (3) to consider perhaps a contract with a private
contractor to chip and compost the garden waste, when needed, as compared with
the purchase and operation of equipment by City personnel; (4) look at the tire
situation; (5) re-evaluate the success and/or problems with the garbage containers;
(6) look at the glut of recyclables on the market; i.e., monitor and make
recomdations regarding the legislation on marketing recycling and reduce
packaging. There are several bills before the Legislature on those items at this time.
Additionally, ask Jerry Comell to head up and reconstitute the Recycling Committee,
as he has expressed an interest in this program and is willing to handle this job.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to follow the course of action as set forth.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight pointed out that the first reason the City went into the recycling
business was cost-avoidance - extending the life of the landfill cells - and economy.
Secondly, it was necessary to meet applicable standards set out by the State.
Thirdly, recycling is doing the 'right thing~ environmentally. The big problem is
no matter how good a job the citizens of Port Angeles do, the largest deposition into
the landfill comes from outside the City. The other jurisdictions must be persuaded
to enter the recycling business.
Councilman Braun pointed out there is no market for many of the recycled items at
the present time. However, Councilman Schueler noted that until somebody says
there's a problem with the materials stacking up at the recycle center, it's better to
leave them there than place them in the landfill. One way to get people to reduce
filling the landfill is to make it a little more difficult for the community to throw
their garbage in the garbage pail is to reduce the frequency of pick-up. If containers
to manage the yard waste were provided, it would be practical to start composting
the yard waste and make a market for it.
A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Timber Communities 8. Participation in Timber Communities Assistance Program
Assistance Program
Mayor Hallett reported results of searches for funding sources where the City will
receive $30,000 to develop a marketing plan for the Veto Burton Community/
Convention Center. Council was pleased with the efforts and expressed appreciation
to the application's author, Tim Smith.
Civil Service Rules 9. Amendtnent to the Civil Service Ordinance at~t Civil Service rules and
and Regulations - regulations
Resolution No. 7-92
Ordinance No. 2675 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided regarding the proposed amendments
and read the Resolution by title, entitled
February 4, 1992
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
Civil Service Rules City of Port Angeles amending the
and Regulations - roles of the Civil Service Commission.
Resolution No. 7-92
Ordinance No. 2675 Councilman Nicholson moved to pass the Resolution by title. Councilwoman
(Cont'd) Sargent seconded the motion.
Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising the process for filling
a vacancy in the position of Police Chief
and amending Ordinance 2410 and Chapter 2.22
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Sehueler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilwoman Sargent thanked the Police Department for the reports contained in
the Information Agenda.
Councilman Ostrowski said he would be unable to attend the Wednesday meeting of
the Timber Task Force and asked if another Councilmember would attend.
Mayor Hallett called the Council's attention to several items contained in the
Information Agenda, including information on the City's fire insurance rating and a
proposal from the Fire Department regarding a home safety survey.
Fire Marshal Becket reported the proposal was to select a portion of the City and
ask the residents/home owners if they would like to have their homes checked for
fire safety during the month of March. Fire Department personnel would offer
suggestions for correction of hazardous conditions.
Councilman Braun moved to concur with the Fire Deparh~ent's
recommendation for a home safety survey. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the
motion. Mayor Hallett asked Chief Glenn for a report on the proposed legislation
banning polyurethane foam in the construction of furniture sold in Washington.
Chief Glenn said the legislation is out of the Rules Committee and on the floor of the
House and will come up for vote either late today or tomorrow. From there it will
go to the Senate. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Manager Pomeranz announced a reception will be held for members of the City's
Boards and Commissions on the evening of February 21st. After consideration, it
was agreed the reception should be moved to February 28, 1992.
Recess Mayor Hailer recessed the meeting for a short break at 10:35 p.m. He inquired as
to the need for Executive Session, to which Attorney Knutson responded there is a
need to discuss litigation for approximately ten minutes.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Hallett adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 10:50 p.m.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 11:25 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m.