HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "lIl ,361 February 5. 193('>____ 193_ ,:1 J J I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. '!he minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 16 cases tried and ~134.50 collected in fines for the month of January, 1936. Report ordered filed. Application was made to use certain lots owned by the City,for gardening purposes for the year 1936, as follows; Frank Burgess, Lots 4, 5 and 6, Blk. 239, Townsite; F. ~. C. Brauer, Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 320, Townsite; and Geo. E. Vannatter, south half of Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 295, Townsite. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the above named parties be p;ranted per- mission to use the lots asked for, for gardening purpo~es for the year 1936; provided, however, that in case 0 f a aa le of any or all of said lots by the City, or that any or all of said lots should be needed for City purposes, then this grant shall be void, and the said lot or lots be relinQuished to the City. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion car"'ied. Under the head of "'eports from Ci ty Offic ers the following was read: Office of 0ity Engineer February 5, 1936 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, Vashington. Gen tl emen ; I herewith submit the seoondmonth+y estimate (January) of work done and material fur- nished by the Angeles Gravel & Supply Company, Contractors, on the Eighth Street Bridgos, P.TI.A. Project Docket No. Rash. 1245R. Item " 300 Cu. yds. Footing Exc. ~ $3.00 per cu. yd. 90 Cu. yds. Abutment Exc.@ 6.00 " " " 1,485 lin, ft. removel old pipe @ .40 per lin. ft. 1,585 lin. ft. 3' Trench @ .50 per lin. ft. 148 cu. yds. Class B. Cone. Footings @ ~23.00 per 7 cu. vds. Class B. Cone. Abutment ~ $26.50 per 12 M.B.M. Erection Creo. Timber @ ~37.50 per MBM Removing Existing Structures @ $8,000.00 lump sum cu. cu. yd. yd. $ 90r. 00 540.00 594.00 792.50 3,404.00 18.5.50 450.00 $8,000.00 $14,866.00 2,229.90 1. 2. 4. 5. 10. 11. 12. 25. Total Less 15% retained Amount due Contractor ~12,636.10 Very truly yours, H. E. .lJodge, Gi t;y ""ngineer. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the City ~ngineer'ssecond Eatimate on the Eighth Street Bridges, P.W.A. Project, Docket No. Wash. 1245R. be. approved and ordered paid and the City Clerk be instructed to prepare n voucher for the estimate and forward .. to the State Department of Public Welfare, Division of Finance and "'ccounte far Payment out of State Grant-in-Aid, Project No.' C-5-1 provided for same.. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for sam e: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Fire .1Jepartment Hugo Ols on L. Howard ueevers Pine Hill dervice .T. H. Thornton I. C. Groves J. R. McDonald R. L. Fernandes VI. H. dodgers Nettleton Lumber woo Clay A. '/olverton LIGHT FUl'ill: PaJ' Roll 1;;3.00 Extra .l!'ireman 1<::.00 Pyrene 11.05 Wood 4;<.00 Special Police 48.37 Meals for Prisoners 21. 35 Services as dog catcher 25.00 Repairs G4.95 Expense ~ccount '-), 7.50 Lumber - ~ '6. 191. 45 Firemen's Relief & Xompensation .und 3G.00 City Treasurer Misc. Cash ;Payments 5.80 There being no further business the Commission February 13, 1936, at 10 A.M. ."our",~~d'" ??,In1~ Ci ty Glerk Mayor .....