HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'Ill 245 February 5, 1941 _19_ ,.Oo",." "'J"".y.lt.r....l!.luTIQ~'~:I. ,",..fEoa. (IDiOt) I I I I I The Commission r.1et in regular session at 10 .\ .L,. and was called to order by l~aJ'or Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: ~ayor Beetle, Commissioners Eeam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Cle rk Hawkins. The minutes of t h ~ previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Buildin; Permits and Licenses the following were granted: C. A. Hunter, Build garage and woodshed, E. 40' of Lot 7, Block 114, Townsite I.~rs. Eric Anderson, Build I1ouse, Lot 15, Block 527, TOI";nDite Uarion Beatty, Remodel House, Tax No. 606, Sub. l~t 10, Townsite C. h. ~atzke, Addition to Garage for repair "hcp, Lot 1 & E. t Lot 2, Block 25, N. H. 0mith Subd. 500.00 2500.00 500 .OC 850.00 66.66 Elmer Stark, Dance tlall License, (Pa 10"" l' ) Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTICJN WHEREAS, The City of Port k1geles is the owner of the foUowic.1; described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's Deed, dated February 4, 1941, under and by virtue of the authcrity of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws .of 1929, p8ge 565, to-wit: Lot Thirteen (13), Block One HiJldred Twenty-one (121) of Thomas i'. Carter I s Subdivision of Suburban Lots 11 and 16, Port J..ngeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, Earl F. /.:cLane has offered to purchase the above described re81 property from t he City of Port Ahgeles, for the sum of tlSO .00, and "~EREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and i5 of the op~n~on that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for soid property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, including interest and other charges ~gainst th~ s8ffie, NOW, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Earl F. ~cLane for the sum hereinabove set :orth, subject to any other valid liens against the S'mej.that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said prope:-ty to tho ;ourchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port jlngeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Meyor of the City of Port Aneeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Uayor Beetle. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION 'mIEREAS, The City of Port A.ngeles is the owner of the fol1owing described property in the City of Port ,Ingeles, to-wit: Lot Fifteen (15), lllock Four Hundred Thirty-one (431) of the Townsite of Port Angel es, Vie shine ton , which said property has been acquired by the City of Port Angeles on foreclosure of delinquent local improvement assessments under Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1907, and iVUEREAS, Marvin Huitt, the former owner, "~thout having an entry made on the assessment rolls in the City Treasurer's office of the transaction, transferred the above described property to James W. Carter. The City Treasurer having no knowledge of the transfer continued to send notices of L.I.D. assessments due to the former owner, ~~arion Huitt. lIo furtt,r L.LD. aesessments were paid and later the City Treasurer foreclosed on the said property for delinquent assessment of L.I.D. No. 10~ and deeded it to the City of Port Angeles on March 25, 194C, and WHEREAS, JBJlles ~V. Carter Viho purchased the said property without any knowledge of the delinquent local im- pro',em"nt assessments against the same, now offers to purohase the said property from the City of Port Angeles for the full amount of the said L.I.D. assessments, plus interest and other charges against the same, amou.r tin!; to the sum of $11.09, and WHEREAS, The City Comission, after due consideration, are of the opinion that the offer is fair and shoul be accepted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the offer be accepted and that the City of Port .Pngeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Jemes W. Carter for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any valid liens agalllst the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a deed conveyinc said property to the purchaser, and that the City Treasurer of the City of Port .~ngeles be authorized to execute the said deed in accordance with the provisions of this resolution. It was moved by Commissione:- Beam that the foregoing resoluticn be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Beetle. On roll call all members voted aye. lhe M3yar declared the motion cerried. RESOLUTION BE IT RESJtVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, that the !~ayor and the City 81erk of the City of Port Angeles be, and they are hereby authorized to execute the contract batween Rayonier, Incorporated, Port Angeles Division, and th0 City of Port Angeles, which said contract is inoorporated in the letter dated J3nua~' 27, 1941, from Rayonier, Inoorporated, Port AngelES Division, to the City of Port Aneeles, which is as follows: RAYONIER INCORPORATED, PORT fl.NGELES !JIVISION Port Angeles, Washington Januar;r 27, 1941 City of Port Angeles Port A!'lgeles, V1ashin<;ton GentlEllllen: ~ ".. 246 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 5, 1941 19_ lIII.. This letter enbodies our agreement with you whereby we will ~dvance to you the necessary funds to cover the acquisition by you ~s a part of your Elwha River Water Ext.ension Project (as extended by Ordinance No. 888) of the following described propert.y in Clallam County: 1. NW~ of SE~ of NE~, and that pa rt of the NE~ of SE~" of NE! lyL>lg vlest of tho Elvrha River, all in Sec. 10, Twp. 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., subject to existing ease- ment for pole lb. and to the reservation of a ri"ht of way for road pt:rposes across a 14' strip of land along the westerly line of the ~~~ of SEl of NEi. 2. A 400' strip of land, being 200' on each side of the center line of the pipe line across Sec. 36,<1\'1p. 31 North, Ralge 7 west, ,f.ll. I 1. You will acquire the above 'property as a part of your Elwha River Wat.er Extension Project (as extended! by Ordinance No. 888) and will retain the same in its entirety as a part of the project. I I 2. The amoud to be paid by you for the property shall ba the sum of ~801 ($750. for the property descril>- ed under 1 above, and $51 for the property described under 2 above). The purchase price will be turned over to you when needed for closing the transactions. It is understood that you will secure an o.ner's policy of title insurance covering the property described under 1 abo\"e. 3. The amount so advanced by us with interest at the rate of three per cent per annum, shall constitute a credit to us, our successors or assigns, payment of said advancs, howevar, to be deferred until the ex- piration of the pr.Jsent contrect, and at. that time to be paid in water furnishad by tha City at a price to be agreed upon at that time, 'or to be applied on the first pa>'l!lent or payments due upon any extension or renewal of the present oontract. Please note your acceptance upo~ one copy of this letter, which is addressed to you in duplicate, and return such copy to us, whereupon the foregoing vnll oonstitute an agreement batween us to the above effeot. Yours respectfully, RAYONIER INCORPORATED (Port Angeles Division) By A. W. Berggren Accepted January 29, 1941 CITY O? PORT ANJi'-'LES I By H. H. Beetle, Mayor Attest: N. M. Hawkins, City Clerk BE I~ FURTHER IlESOEVED that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, are hereby authorized and instructed to do whatever is le;ally necessary to consumata the transaction or transactions referred tc in said contraot to tho end that the City of Port Angeles shall becoffie the holder of the legal title to the real property referred to in said contract. Beetle It was movad by Mayor/that the goregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Comlnissioner BeaLl. On roll call all members voted eye. The I.!ayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTICN 1'0 CAP.FiY FORWARD BUDGET IT];}! WHEREAS, In the budget for the yep.r 1939, an itl3ltl of $20,000.00 was provided to purchase material for the construotion of an Athletic Fiald at the corner of Race and Fourth Streets, the WPA to :urnish the labor for the construction~ and WHERt:AS, th"l unexpended balance of the 1959 Budget item, amounting to $13,842.72, w"s carried forward to the 1940 budget, and t.here now remains unexpended of said item, the sum of $2,451.80 which said amount will be needed for the purchase of material to complet"l the construction of the said Athletio Field. 1101'1, TlIER2liORE, BE IT R:3S0LVED by the City Commission that the unexpended portion of the item of" I $13,842.72 provided for in the 1940 budget for the purchase of material for the construction of the I Athletic field amoulltin;:; to $?,451.80 ba tr:<nsfarred from the 1940 budget to tho 1941 budget, and that I the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to make all necessary entries to make said transfer in order that warrants may be drAwn against the SAme in payrr,ent for material to complete the constructicn of the said the ~thletic Field. It was noved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoin; l' esolution be approved and adoptzd. Secon:le~ by I'ayor beetle. On roll call all members voted aye. The !.layor declarsd the motion carried. Under the head of New Business: The City Clerk was instructed to issue a call for bids for the purchase of one truck with dump body for the Street Department as provided for in the budget. Bids to be recaived up to and not later than 10 ~.JL I February 19, 1941, at the City Clerk's office. The Commission examined and allowed the following clair..s and ordered warrants dra~'ll for same: CURRE~T EIPEW'E FUID H. H. Beetle J."Lyle Beam Charles Lind Western Union Port Angeles Eveninl; News /.!iddleton Motor Parts Ci ty Light Department City Treasurer T1 !I 32.02 15.07 5.75 1,20 47.60 1,75 50.00 816.48 45.08 15.]6 5.U 9.79 Expense lc::::ount " " WAlklir~ ~otcr Co. !.!ir... ,letoa l~otor P~rts Willson. Hardware Co. Telel;ram PIlblications Parts Office Rent Street Lights Light & Water Repeirs Parts Laraps I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 5, 1941 19_ 2.05 25.25 29.36 26.62 29.50 13.21 5.94 111.00 ." 2.64 ./ ~( .69 I.... 2.79 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.06 7.55 5.87 44.89 )oJ- 19.58 4--9~ 247.25 140.25 32.43 17.95 1.53 5.47 18.35 5.28 4.08 t" 10.97 / 32.91 (ria 1.87 1.90 45.15 2.79 24.46 2.00 .72 r' .61 . , ~./ 62.70 <;'lct- 33.55 582.65 9.83 2.26 340.29 4.55 13.31 5.2C vir 102.50 5.10 ./ 17.59 $<(0 80.02 76.00 240.00 ~o 100.00 23.99 el,<I ,- 54.81 ,{" 20.55 )IJ ,- 219.54 115.41 72.00 ..;';.-; ~",;;.~..-...."",,, 'uT'O"',,". r.....<~.. ~O"..<> I I I I I The Fohly Stu>lio EveninG News Press City Traasurer Evening News P~ess Orville Hag;ur.an Keufman-Miller Co. Sanderscn Safety Supply Co. Fire Department City Treasurer ~ngeles Gravel & Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. CITY STREET F;;:ID Sen ,'foods Louis Uona Fred ?nderson Washington Saw Filing Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. V. 1. Samuelson & Co. Tidewater Associated Oil Co. luadleton Motor Parts Co. Port ~ngeles Concrete PrGducts Co. Angeles Foundry Co. '1i~.TER FUND City Light Dept. Dan Hurley Loop Auto Wreekinb Co. Olympic Printery Associated Oil Co. V. A .Samuelson & Co. Willson Hardware Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. P. R. Vallory Co. LIGHT FUND City Water Department Chas. E. Bea'll lj.ddleton Motor Parts Associated Oil Co. Evening News, Inc. V. A. Samuelson & Co. The Electric Co. Willson Hardware General Electric " II Ce. Co. Supply Co. " LIBRARY HJlW City Trea sur er Jennilu Norris Johnson Tug & Barge Co. Gaylord Bros. Inc. Uni ted. v Miter Supply ";0. Washir~ton State Historical Society ~ueric;na Corporation Remincton Rand, Inc. E&Nin Allen Company . The Puget Sound News Co. PARK FUND Fa rk Department It tI City Trea surer n 1. 1.D. GUARANTY fUND Cit~r Treasurer n Angele. Gravel & Supply Co. Supplies Printing, ete. Light and Water Printing Extinguishers Mattress Cylinders Refilled Volunteer DepartJnent Pay Ilcll Light and Water At City Barn Lwnber Oil Can, etc. Balance of Jan. Salary " "11 II Filing Saws Pomler Carburetor Diesel Oil, etc. Parts & Supplies Pipe, etc. CUrb Inlets, ete. Ilent & Lights Car Expense Ila-silver Head Light Binders Gasoline Truck Parts Supplie s Car Parts, etc. Hydrant Parts Vibrator Tube Water at store Ex-pense Sup-L. Truok Parts Gasuline Adv. Truck Parts Covers Lamps :luy Wire Viir e Li/;ht & Water Patty C8sh Coal Supplies Janitor's Supplies Book II Supplies Books Pe;,. Roll II " Light and Water at Parks . Playfie1d Taxes JsseGsment.s The Commission then adjourned to meet on Tuesday, February 11, 1941, at 10 A.~. Cement, Sand, etc. 17~ City Clerk dzm~ Uayor """Ill 247 ~