HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1947 P"" 314 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 5. 19..!lL. The City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by /Jayor Epperson. Icall of officers revealed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and JOhnsDn, tllilson and Deputy Clerk Carlson. Roll 'I Attorney' Ii The minutes of the previous session were read and apprDved. Under the head of applications for building permits the following were * lPeters.en & Craver 1/ ,~~D ,H.. T. {{ilson :Jack Del Guzzi Jack Del Guzzi Jack Del Guzzi granted: 1,000.00 900.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 Relay new floor, ceiling i.nterior; Lot 9, Elk. 49 , Townsite Remodel 4-Room House; LO~ ~O, alk. 52, Townsite Build 6-Room Dwelling; S2 Lot 17;tLot 18, Blk. 192, Townsite Build 6-Room Dvrelling; N of Lots 17 and 18, Blk. 192, To~~site Build 5-Room Dwelling; S2 of Lots 8 and 9; Blk. 210, Townsite !~nder the head of Ullfinished:,business Light Supt. Lean presented to the City CDmmission his recDmmendations 'regarding the bids to furnish 12 transformers, opened January 29th. Item 1: Three 50 KVA Distribution Transformers, and Item 2: Tbree 50 KVA Distribution Transformers---'Ilestinghouse Electric Supply Company; Item 5: Three 150 KVA Transformers---Mas-clwell & Hartzell, Inc.; Item 4: Three 333 KVA Transformers-- General Electric Supply Company. Commissioner Steele moved that the bids be awarded as recommended by Supt. Lean. l~otion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. and JDe Ross Mr. R. A. Fleming/of the Walter Akeley Post No. 29, American Legion, presented a petition to the City Government to provide free parking for amputee veterans. PrDvisions being limited to cases where veterans are prDvided with cars at government expense. There are five veterans on the peninsula whD have had Dne or ;both legs amputated, and qualify under the above classification. Roy Welch suggested that the amputee I'veterans be given a card Df identificatiDn. PDlice Chief Ide concurred. Mayor Epperson moved that the !request by Mr. Fleming for free parking fDr amputee veterans be granted. 1!otion secDnded by Commissioner ,'JDhnson. All members voted Aye. Ilotion carried. AttDrney WilsDn was requested to draw up an emergency ordinance for the Park Fund to pay for Lots 9 and 10, Slock 91, Government Tovmsite, Clallam CDunty, Washington, according to the option signed '"ith Lionel J. and Opal Mclaughlin. It was moved by I'aYDr Epperson that the Public Library Statistical Report, submitted by Public Librarian Miss Norris, be approved. ~otiDn seconded by CommissiDner Johnson. All members voted Aye. MotiDn carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following Ordinance passed third and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. 1177 AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requ~nng expenditures I unforseen; prDviding for the issuance of emergency Viarrants; and declaring an emergency, making the ordinanCe immediately effective. II'It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing ordinance fDr purchase Df garhege dump be passed third and, Ifinal reading and adopted. Motion seconded by .commissiDner Steele. All members voted Aye. HDtiDn carried. 1f.I'. T. C. McDDnald, 1\rs. S. R. Hnt, Mrs. Peter I,lcGDff, and Mrs. Fleener came before the City Commission to ~"diSCUSS the proposed Curfew Ordinance No. 1178. Mrs. McGoff requested the use Df a CDPY of the Ordinance tO'1 ,be used at a meeting Df those interested In the curfe". I 'UndeI' the head of introduct~Dn and reading Df Ordieances, the following was lntDduced and passed first and I second I' eadings. I on the city streets, except under I- SecDnded by] l ORDINA N C,; NO. 1178 IIAN :ORDINANCE Relating to minors; prescribing hours 'men they shall not be cer.tain conditicns; fixing penalties; and repealing Ordinance ND. 283. I ,It was mDved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Co~nissiDner JDhnson. All meniliers voted Aye. Motion carried. II -J'r. Phillip Rains came before the City Commission requesting extension of Caroline Street, East of Ennis 'Street fDr the convenience Df residents in four houses there. Commissioner JohnsDn stated the City, if , possible, was planning to extend the street this summer. However, property "'mers generally pay for initial ,cost' olli new street. If property oVlners have street bull dozed, city v/ill provide gravel, and the city engineer will aid in staking out grade. I 'Mr" Andy Caris came before the City CommissiDn regarding building of side' walks betvIeen lat and 2nd streets 'on Chase Street. CommissiDner Johnson said he Vlould investigate the matter and check up on the costs. The serious cDndition of the Spit Road has been discussed by Army Engineers to Mr. Henry Davies of the Port 'Commission. eomniissiDner Jolmson reported he just received a phone call from Mr. Davies stating an Army ,Engineer man frDlY. Seattle v(ould be in Port Angeles 'this Friday, February 7th, at 11:00 A.M. to discuss the 'matter. Commissioner Steele and Supt. I,ean emphasized that the Light Department is in a serious condition regarding current over loads during peak hours. New sub-station equipment has been Drdered, and a bid accepted; rot :the delivery date is so long, that it is imperative to secure carrier current CDntrol equipment to relieve ,light peak loads. Supt. Lean requested that bids be called for light equipment tD relieve present sub station. Commissioner Steele moved that bids be called for equipment for the Light Department, bids to be opened February 26, 1947. 1!otion seconded by lCayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. llotion carried. "Police Chief Ide presented Mr. LiDnel S. LennDx Df the Washington State Traffic Commission. A meeting to 1'ldiSCUSS the traffic safety program will be held Thursday, February l3~h, in Judge Smythe's cDurt rDDm. All ,organizations and people interested are invited. Representatives from Sequim and Forks will be present. The office of the Traffic Safety Commission is located in Tacoma. The next regular meeting being February 12th, it was moved by Con~issioner Steele that the meeting be held Tuesday, February Ilth. Seconded by!.layor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approvGd the fDllowing cilaims and Drdered warrants issued in payment of the samet I I I I :i ..... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Februar\' 5. (continued) 19S!..... I Ind. Ins. & ~led. Aid , Pos tage Filing Cabinet Office Supplies, Warrants, Merit Cert. Gasoline City Car Repairs Meals for Pri soners Insulation Board Car Expense for January Light Globes & Silex Rods Tires and Tubes I Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Shovels Sewer Pipe Spark Plugs GasO"line,; Oil, Stove Oil, Kerosene Sacks of Salt Tools & Hardware Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Gas & Oil Engine Assembly Parts Office Supplies Rent & Lights Pipe Service Bo:ltes Tools &. Fittings Erooms Repair I Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Shop work on trucks January Power Inspectors Dues E. W. Lean, Supt. Expense Car Expens e Gasoline Parts Supplies Supplie s Printing Ylater at Store Tools Shop Vlork Cemerull & Sand Decorations King & Occidental Batteries, Transf. Hangers Crossarms Cash Payments Lamps Light Standards Transf. Hangers Pipe File Cabinet I Ind. Ins. & Bed. Aid Car Mileage for January, Expense Trip Gas, Oil, Anti-Freeze Welding on Garbage Truck Call for Bids :1 Extra Labor Extra Labor Extra Labor One Door Che ck Service 467 Insurance calendars Cash Pao'lllents Electrolux Cleaner Lamps Office Supplies Office Supplies Insti tutiona1 Dues Books Eooks Eook of Blueprints Membership Magazine Subscription Subscription Books 315~ 32.57 6.00 91.62 ' 44.61 : 74.26 50.00 91.50 ll1.81 I .49 17.15 ' 18.701 196 . 531 24.39 10.55 9.01 ' 20.08 288.68 115.80 ,I 2.59 I 20.59 i 57.18 228.58 I 2.56 72.851 32.15 29.42 16.07 50.45 18.79 5.15 I I I 50.58 14.00 : 19,282.50 i 4.00 I 29.4 7 ~ 61.46 I 58.611 9.24 1.151' 116.40 17.25 1.90 .95 1.55 1.55 154.50 16.69 55.17 282.55 121. 73 52.84 103.00 : 9.64 9.58 91.62 12.53 50.1511 83.28 I 10.91'1 10.80 24.38 'I 21.00 . 12.00,1 22.20 Ii 4.25 ! 10.80 ' 1.50 3.74, 61.8411 7.10, 10.30 ' 17.10 : 12.50 II 6.25 I 13.12, 10.92 25.00 1.50 14.90 17.51 " ...... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Fe bruary S. continued 19-.R ... 'PARK RiND: /1'1. /7 Dept. of Labor & Industries City Street Dept. School Dis,trict #7 Willson Hardware Co. Builders Supply Stores Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. WkR LIQUOR TAX FUND: /...2 d City Treasurer CEMETERY FUND: /11. 53 Epperson & Sons City Street Dept. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Willson Hardvrare Co. Felix Gail.lacci The OlY@pic Printery I)ept. Qf ~bor & InQustries ~:. 'R. <(no es", Inc. ~ 7/~ ". U.S. INDO;E lAX FUI'ffi: -<"-,,,""l I,City Treasurer CUMUIATIVE RESERVE FUNDHCURRENl' Florence Pickford Ind. Ins. & !Cad. Aid Gas, Oil, Anti-Freeze Recreation Program Payroll Valve Lumber Service 1051 Recording of Deeds Lumber Gas 1fJ'~ s ~ Parts for Street Signs Car. Mileage for January We:rrants; PaEer and Padding for Meter Warnings Ind. Ins. & ded. Aid CO .IS Share of Jan. Collections' in thhold ing Tax for January s: n~411. EXPENSE: ,T/ Lot .7, Blk. 167, Uovt. Townsite There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. 0, t. ;L~. (J Clerk ~ ..~ ...0 ~\- '-'-"-_____ ],.ayor 2.76 18.20 I 12.62 1.59 ' 450.35 I 2,515.00 5,990.00 i I I 3.34 II 12.16 90.00 5.78 2.89 5.00 1.20 6.93 3.60 I I I I I