HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1951 I I i I I I I I I I 1 , I I .1 I I I I I I ') Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 93 ., February 5 , 192L ."'_ , ">,n. ..",. ....".... ....,,", "'.. ..... 'The Commission met in regular session at 10:00-A,M., and was called to order by l-1ayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Rbbinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. I Minutes of the previous session were, read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses, the following were granted: Building Pennits: Wm. D. Grant Move Present Dwelling & Build Addition to Same; Lot 1, Blk. 290, Townsite Jack Mooney Move Service Stn. Roof; Lot 20, Blk. 312, Townsite Sig Larson Build Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 37, Townsite 4,000.00 100.00 2,000.00 Licenses: Frederick's Electric Pershing Hotel The Hut Master Electrician Hotel Operator Automatic Music Machine 10.00 19.00 5.50 Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish Multiple l~azda Lamps for City Departments were submitted as follows: The Olympic Electric Company, 28% off list price. Willson Hardware Company, all purchases ~cept broken packages of less than $15.00 ~ist value, 28% discount. Broken packages of less than $15.00 list value, 23% discount. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Light Superintendent to ascertain quantity Willson Hardware Company now have in stock, the City purchasing the same, and that tl'1e bid be awarded to The Olympic Electric Company. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. One bid was submitted for 1,480 feet extension of pile and timber bulkhead on Ediz Hook by Owens Bros. Co. in amount of $6,993.00. It was moved b.r Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor requested that bid call for 6 inch cast iron or transite pipe be published for opening February 26th, insteild of February 19th, as previously set. The request was approved. Emerson Lawrence, Civil Defense Co-ordinator, filed with the Commission a budget showing estimated expendi- tures for Civilian defense. The budget was referred to Mayor Feeley, the Commissioner of Safety, who moved that the Attorney be instructed to draft an Ordinance setting up the said budget. Motion s~conded i by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the head of new business, Mr. Carroll appeared on behalf of Puget Sounders, Inc., and informed regarding scenic attractions in the State, improvement of highways, and publicity of the same. Also requested that the Commission join in the advertising program and attend a banquet' February 20th at the Lee Cafe for that purpose. The Commission agreed to do all in their power to make the banquet a success. Bill Gellor, Commander of the American Legion, requested permission for the \'lestern Shows to conduct their carnival on the Port Fill in May, the same being sponsored by his organization. Chief Ide recommended that the carnival be pennitted to show and the request was approved by the Commission. The bond for City employees by National Security Corporation was approved by the Attorney and it was moved b.r Mayor Feeley that bond be accepted and premiums paid. Seconded b.r Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Engineer filed thii:d and 'final estimate of work done.aildiil!!terial furnished' by OWenS Brothers on con- struction'of 'channel'and..jetty' at the Elwha River: February 5, 1951 To the Honorable Mayor and Ci~ Commission, Port Angeles, Washington. Gentlemen: I herewith subm,it the third and final estimate of work done and material furnished by Owens. Bros. Engr. & Const. Co., contractor on the construction of a channel and jetty with rock riprap at the Elwha River. Total Value of Completed Work 6 Acres Clearing @ $75.00 33,714 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excavation @ $.20 Additional "Cat" time Clearing Additional "Cat"& Carryall" Time for Fill 2,677.53 Tons of Rock Riprap @ $6.00 1,000 Cu. Yds. Embankment @ $.30 Engineering and Supervisio.n Total Value of Work Completed Less November 1950 Estimate Less December 1950 Estimate Total January 1951 Est. Less 15% Retained Total Due Contractor 450.00 6,742.80 130.00 408.00 16,065.18 300.00 644.73 24,740.71 6,988.00 14.056.80 3,695.91 554. 39 $3,141.52 Very truly yours, I I Herman Ahl vers I Ci~ Engineer Also filed by the Engineer was estimate for December 1950 and January 1951, for work done and material furnished by Owens Brothers on pile and timber bulkhead on Ediz Hook: February 5th, 1951 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, Washington. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the second (December 1950 and January 1951) for work done and material ~ I ~ 94 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Februarv 5th. continued, 19..5L ..., . ""''''. ...." "''''''',. ........ ..... .... furnished by Owens Bros. Engineering & Construction Co., contractor on the construction of pile and timber plank bulkhead on the northerly side of Ediz Hook. 3,472 Lin. Ft. Piling on Job @ $.40. 23l Piling Driven @ $10.00 47,250 Fill!. Timber Flank in Place @ $124.00 Total Value of Work Completed Less Previous Estimate Total of this Estima te Less 15% Retained Total !\mount Due Contractor $ 1,388.80 $ 2,310.00 $~ $ 9,557.80 $ 3.017.60 $ 6,540.20 $~ $ 5,559.l7 Yours very truly, Herman Ahlvers City Engine er. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the estimate for the Elwha project be paid, and that the payment of estimate on Ediz Hook project be postponed for one week to ascertain if this should be paid from Street Fund or b,r special fund set up by Emergency Ordinance. Notion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All Voted Aye. Motion carried. . The report of Police Judge for the year 1950 was approved and ordered filed. ! U~der_ the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: I IMPROVEMENT ~OLUTION NO. 154 . I A RESOLUTION of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles declaring it I S intention to improve First Street from Race Street to Alder Street by the construction of Curbs and Gutters and to improve alleys; to create a Local Improvement District and to provide for the payment of such improvement. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, to order the improvement of First Street from the easterly side of Race Street; easterly to,the westerly margin of Alder Street on the northerly and southerly side of said First Street; by the construction of curbs, gutters and driveways wherever said curbs cross over platted public alleys; and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, all in accordance with plans to be prepared by the City Engineer. Soction 2. That all persons who may desire to object thereto are hereb,r notified to appear and present such. objections at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, to be held the 26th day of I February, 1951 at the hour of lO:OO o'clock A.M. at the commission room of the City of Port Angeles at 215 South Lincoln Street, in'said city, which time and place is hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed improvements and. all additions thereto and for detennining the method of payment for said improvements. Section 3. That the City Engineer shall submit to the City Commission at or prior to said date, all data and information required by law, to be submitted. Section 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing, by publication of this resolution, in the manner required b,r law and b,r mailing a notice of such hearing, as required by law, to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, or parcel of land or other property especially benefited by the improvement and to specify in said notices, the nature of the proposed improvement; the total estimated cost thereof and the estimated benefit to the particular lot, tract or parcel cif land owned b,r such person. Section 5. That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution fixing time of hearing as February 26th, be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. JIll voted Aye. ~Iotion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was re'ad b,r title and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1242 I AN ORDINANCE setting forth an Emergency affecting the public health and safety; requiring expenditures unforeseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted AYe. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved ;;1.<5' CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: ;2.17.5 - City Treasurer Jerry Nelson Agency Underwood Corp. City Shop Dept. Taper Oil Burner Co. Fitchard I s Ass. Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Harry Kochanek Hazel's Cafe C. A. \101 verton Samuelson Motor Co. Consolidated Burner Co. United Janitor Supply Co. Evening News Press Smith Ice & Bottling Works Port Angeles Evening News Schreiner Chevrolet Co. the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: Light, Water, Garbage, License & Title Bond Premi urns, City Employees One Underwood Standard Typewriter Gas J Repairs Furnace Repair Car R epai r One 1951 Chev. Coupe, per bid Auto Repair Meals for Prisoners Licenses and Stamps Fan Pulley Assembly Services Brooms, Mops, Disenfectants 2-Side Fire Reports Toilet Suppli es Adv. Car Repair 491. 3l 194.70 146.21 88.13 19.37 18.13 1,675.19 54.20 133.23 27.03 14.98 9.27 ' 57.32 23.28 5.67 15.41 a..82 I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington CITY STREET FUND: .;{0.21:' Olympic Salvage City Shop Dept. Allan Dist. Co. Woodie's Harley Davidson Antone Smith I S Grocery City Treasurer D. D; Landru Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Port Tie & Lumber Co. Puget Sound Nav. Co'. A. H. Cox & Co. Washington Machinery & Storage Co. 1.3 . CITY SHOP FUND: Iff-, r - Port Angeles Upholstering & Furn. Samuelson Motor Co. Luvaas Tire-Retread Service Tower Super Service J~ddleton Motor Parts Co. Automotive Parts Service 31" WATER FUND: 'J,/-Stf- Jerry Nelson Agency City Light Dept. H. E. Dodge City Shop,Dept. Nailor Lumber Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Automotive Parts Service I Union Oil Co. of California J Rensselaer Valve Co. I Willson Hardware Co. Karl H. Nor by sf I LIGHT FUND: ;11'1- HOlfard E. Yarbrough First National Bank Remington Rand, Inc. City Treasurer Jerry Nelson Agency F,& L Service City Shop Dept. City Water Dept. Willson Hardware Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. The Electric Co. Demick Electric Supply Co. R. E. Uptegraff Mfg. Co. Line :L.iaterial Co. Line Jl,atorial Co. (;,;3 101 - I SANITATION FUND: Earl Davidson I J. J. Dailey I G & L Paint Supplies I Middleton Motor Parts Co. City Shop Dept. .51 LIBRARY FUND: ...2. ~ tJ I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. I Syd Tozier Ins. Agency H. S. Hirshberg 'I Port Angeles Public Library Puget Sound News Co. I Personal Book Shop Doubleday & Co., Inc. A. C. McClurg & Co. , Port Aneeles Evening News I Virginia Kirkus' Bookshop Service Pacific N.W. Bib. Center I Wilcox & Follett ___ f!:J PARK FUND: :] 35 ~ City Shop Dept. City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. S.yd Tozier Ins. Agency Jerry Nelson Agency Angeles Pittsburgh Paints PARKII~ METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Jerry Nelson Agency City Shop Dept. Graybar' Electri c Co. I ~lheeler Hdwe. & Furn. Co. 17 70 - CEMETERY FUND: City Shop Dept. City Treasurer Syd Tozier Ins. Agency There being no further business, /J G, {J X n./,u-' City Clerk P':l:I-\'l"nJ:l7 5+h, I'"nn+; 'P"'IllA.-11 Flex Set Line Gas, Oil, Diesel Fuel, Repairs Truck & Bus Tires Flashlight, Duplicate Key Towels, Toilet Paper Light, Water Dis carded Iron Sewer Pipe. Lumber Frt. 2 Butler Bin Gate Screen Cloth, per bid; Extr~ for eutting Co. Rebuild Cushions; Canvas Auto Top Voltage Regulator, Oil Line Retreads, etc. Acetylene; Parts Parts Parts, Tools &. Hdwe. Bond Premium Ligh ts at Res. & Chlo r. Car Expense Gas, Oil and Repairs. Glass Pipe Tap Flashlights Stove Oil Hyd. Parts Supplies Chlorinator & Meter, per bid State Examiner Income Tax Withheld Billing Machi ne Parts Envelope s Bond Premium Wash Car Gas & Repairs Water at Sub-stn. Lamps and Flashlight Meters Condo Fittings Tape Line Transf. Insula tors Kick Arms Car Mileage for Jan. Tires and Tubes Spray Rental, Enamel, etc. Parts Gas, Oil, Grease, Repairs Telephone Service Insurance Fino Computers Petty Cash Books Books Books Books Sub. Book Reviews Membership for 1951 Books Gas, Oil, Repairs Light, Water, Garbage Phone Servic es Ins. Bond I'.ari ne Black Enamel If'f ! 1 Bond for Parking Meter Collector Gas Reflectors, Lens Bolts Gas, Oil, Repairs ~'ater Insurance the meeting was then adjourned. 19~ ~~/~~ 95' 13.72 935.01 3l3.33 2.16 13.39 151.90 5.67 36.05 88.99 125.72 110.28 228.15 69.38 7.25 125.45 16.22 77.20 173.33 25.00 5.70 13.30 1,056.97 3.30 9.61 2.18 8.27 10.70 11.63 6,307.72 .281.20 3.10 9.53 61. 60 25.00 2.06 208.67 3.00 66.04 194.48 2.78 45.67 459.00 54.84 72.62 32.62 160.68 41.34 11. 52 162.47 9.01 9.22 1.50 8.12 9.64 14.04 4.53 64.22 24.00, 20.00 30.00' 26.29 55.81 62.31 16.22 195.02 5.00 1.59 ;1.0.90 5.15 29.48, .36 . I 37.171 20.00 13.00' I Mayor i