HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1953 I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington February 5 19~ 303 '"", . ""'''". """'. ...,....... '"""" mOO .... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith.. Roll call of officers revealed the following present: Mayor. Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe, and Y~Fadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman NeeI'. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business, request of Emil Schilke to purchase Suburban Lot 47, was considered. Manager Vergeer advised. that selling the property is not in best interest of the City and recommended that the request not be considered. The Engineer concurred with the same. It was then moved by Councilman Neer that the request for sale of property be denied. Seconded byCouncilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion car ded. . iBids for instsllation of lateral sanitary sewer in L.I.D. No. 162, being portions of Columbia and Chambers Streets, were opened as. follows: Milone and Tucci, Inc., $1,736.26. It was moved by Councilman Brawn that the bid be accepted as submitted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and Unanimously carried. Attorney TrWiibull was questioned regarding legaUty of awarding contract, the amount being $37.00 more than Engineer'S estimate. The Attorney advised that the City is not bound by Statute of Limitation in case of sanitary sew- er installation. ~ Bids submitted for purchase of real property from the City were submitted as follows: Elmer A. Johnson, Lot 10, Block 440 $150.00 INo other bids having been submitted, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the offer be accepted. Seccnded IlbY Councilman Wolfe. All v.oted Aye. V"'tion carried. The following bids were received for purchase of Lots 14 and 15, Block 395, Townsite: George G. Sather, $250.00; F. C. Vlaldron, '$210.00; W. F. Hartwich, $264.00; William Picca, $500.00. It was moved by Council- man 11cFadden that the bid by .'.1'. Picca in amount of $590.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Powell. IAll voted Aye. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer reported regarding replacement of stairway at 1st and Laurel Streets. It appears that Irequests have been filed for survey to determine possibility of opening Laurel Street from Istto 2d sts., 'also the grade obtainable and cost of the project. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the survey be made 'regarding grade required and cost of same. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. IMr. Vergeer also reminded that the Jurist has submitted opinion on recent. court hearing between the City 'and FOD No.1. The Attorney was questioned as to what to do regarding opinion filed. Mr. Trumbull replied :,that the City could only appeal or stand, and will have 30 days after judgment is entered. The Council . 'decided to takeno formal action at this time without first consulting Seattle attorneys. I . ,Pursuant to Resolution previously adopted fixing time of hearing on petition requesting vacation of the alley 'in Block 190, the said hearing was opened. There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by I,Councilman Brown that the hearing be closed and the Attorney instructed to prepare an Ordinance vacating '.the alley as petitioned. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I 'W. F. Phillips, property owner, requested postponement of the hearing as set by Resolution previously 'adopted, providing for construction of sidewalks and curbs on Euni:e Street north of 1st. It was moved by ,Councilman Brown that the request be granted and hearing postponed to February 19. Motion seconded by CounciLman Fowell and carried. I )The City-Engineer filed second and final estimate for labor and material furnished by Burrows, Milone and l.:TUCCi' Inc., on Lincoln neights Sewer Construction as follows: I February 5, 1953 ,To the Honorable l'Jayor and Ci ty Council ,13ort Angeles, Washington I Gentlemen: I '1 hereby submit the second (January) and final estimate of work done and material furnished by Burrows, Milone and.Tucci Inc., Contractors, on the construction of Lateral Sewers and appurtenances on Vlest Lincoln Heights (L.I.D. No. 161), the contract dated November 6, 1952, as follows: Clearing and Grubbing Lump Sum $ 1,250.00 7 - Standard Manholes to connect @ $50.00 each 350.CO 1 - Drop Manhole to connect @ $100.00 each 100.CO 31 - ~tandard Manholes, complete, in place @ $185.00 5,735.00 2 - 10 inch manhole stubs with stoppers, in place @ $10.00 20.00 1 - 6 inch manhole stubs, with stoppers, in place @ 5.00 5.00 548 Lin. Ft. 12 inch Sewer ripe, in place @.$1.50 per lin. ft. 822.00 169 Lin. Ft. 10 inch Sewer Pipe, in place @ 1.10 per lin. ft. 185.90 lq979 Lin. Ft. 8 inch Sewer Pipe, in place @ .75 per lin. ft. 8,234.25 3,927 Lin. Ft. 6 inch Sewer Pipe, in place @ .65 per lin. ft. 2,552.55 20 12 inch x 6 inch Wyes, in place, @ $7.00 each 140.00 183 8 inch x 6 inch Wyes, in place, @ 4.50 each 823.50 73 6 inch x 6 inch \'iyes, in place, @ 3. 75 ~'lch 273.75 284 6 inch Sewer Pipe Stoppers, in place, @ $ .50 each 142.00 2 6 inch 45 Degree Bends, inplace, @ $2.00 each 4.00 25 Cubic Yards Extra Excavation @ $3.00 per cu. yd. 75.00 2 Lamp Hole Cases @ $35.00 per each 70.00 750 Lin. ft. 4 ft. deep trench excav. & backfill @ $ .50 per lin. ft.375.00 642 Lin. ft. 5 ft. deep trench excav. & backfill @ .75 per lin. ft. 481. 50 1,815 Lin. ft. 6 ft. deeptrench excav. and backfill @ .90 per lin. ft. 1,633.50 4,080 Lin. ft. 7 ft. deep trench excav. and backfill @ .95 per lin. ft. 3,876.00 3,458 Lin. ft. 8 ft. deep trench excav. & backfill @ 1.00 per Un. ft. 3,458.00 2,347 Lin. ft. 9 ft. deep trench excav. & backfill @ 1.10 per lin. ft. 2,581. 70 844 Lin. ft. 10 ft. deep trench excav. & backfill @ 1. 75 per lin. ft. 1,477.00 ft.975.00 ft. 688.00 ft.435.00 ft.875.00 .... ATTENTION: Ik. G. S. Vergeer, City ~lanager 500 Lin. 344 Lin. 145 Lin. 250 Lin. & backfill @ 1.95 per lin. & backfill @ 2.00 per lin. & backfill @ 3.00 per lin. & backfill @ 3.50 per lin. ft. ft. ft. ft. 11 ft. 12 ft. 13 ft. 1.4 ft. deep trench excav. deep trench excav. deep trench excav. deep trench excav. ,.. 304 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington February 5 continued 19~ '"<< . "~". ."... "'"~~'. ....".....oo .... I \ '* I '* ~} '* 250 Lin. ft. 15 ft. deep trench excav. ! backfill @ $4.00 per lin. ft. 25 Lin. ft. 16 ft. deep trench excav. &Jbackfill @ 4.50 per lin. ft. 29 M. Gals. Water in place @ 12.00 173 Lin. ft. over 16 ft. deep trench excav. & backfill @ $6.00 per lin. 1,000.00 112.50 348.00 4 Lin. ft. Extra Depth Manhole @ $20.00 per lin. ft. 6 Risers 25 Cu. Yds. Bank Run Gravel for Trench ft. 1,038.00 80.00 75.00 yd. 50.00 40,342.15 .6.051. 32 34,290.83 21.606.27 12,684.56 Es timate 2.891. 67 15,576.23 @ 12.50 each @ 2.00 Per cu. Total Estimate Less 15% Retained Less Frevious Estimate Amount Due Contractor Plus Balance of Fixed Amount Due Very truly yours, Herman Ahl vel's, Ci ty Engineer HA:eb I Date 1/2/53 1st Est. 21,606.27 Previous Amount Retained 3,812.87 I * Denotes items covered by special letters on file. I . It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the second and final Estimate be approved and W~rrant issued in payment of the same. Also that the contract be accepted as completed. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~nder' the head of new business, the following reports were filed for approval by the Council: Statement of Claims paid January 26, 30, and February 2, in amount of $49,342.24. Treasurer's report for December. 'Police Department. Special report of cash b51ances as of Dec. 31. Annual report of Police Court. Light Department. Domestic Water System. Industrial ~]ater System. Parking Keter and Traffic Control. J.t was ~oved by Councilman. Brawn that all reports be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~e following agreement between the City and School District No. 17 was submitted for approval by the Council: I AGREllIENT THIS AGRlliMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of December, 1952, by and between the City of Port ..ngeles, hereinafter called the City, and School District No. 17, hereinafter called the District, each of ~aid parties being a municipal corporation, l'iITNESSETH: that, 1 WHEREAS, the District is now engaged in building a new highschool in the area immediately adjoining the City to the south; an." I WHEREAS, it is necessary that such ~gh school have an adequate and safe supply of water; and, j'IHEREAS, the City has available such water wupply, the District is desirous of purchasing water from !the City, and the City is willing and able to sell and supply water to the District; now, therefore, the premises considered, the parties do agree as follows. J The City agrees to lay, construct and install a six (6) inch or larger water main, adequate to supply water to the District's highschool buildings, from a point connecting with the City's water system, such I point to be selected by the City, along a public street or alley abutting upon the District's property, and to !' point convenient to serve the District's pnijLdJing;l,awllitlh water line shall include the furnishing and inst..l. !,llation of two hydrants at points selected by the City. A service pipe shall be installed by the City from such water main to a point just inside the sidewalk line on the District '5 property, at which point the same shall connect to a meter furnished and installed by the District, which meter shall become and remain the property of the City and shall be read and maintained by it. The City sh51l iupply and install a shut-off valve between the meter and the water main, and theDistrict shall supply ~nd install a shut-off valve between the meter and the District's buildings. Such valves shall be installed !..ccording to instructions of the City's Water Department, and as close as practicable to the meter. The shut-off valve supplied by the District shall be and remain the property of the District. I The construction, laying and installation of such water line and accessory equipment is estimated to I:ost approximately Five Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($5,100.00) and except as otherwise specified herein shall be at the expense of and under the supervision ,and control of the City, and shall be and remain the property of the City. The .City shall proceed immediately ldth such construction and installation and shall have such water line installed and ready to connect with the District '5 premises by the time the District shall be ready to .occupy such school buildings. Irl..-- AS reimbursement to the City for the cost of such water line and equipment, the District shall pay to the City the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (2,000.00) upon the execution of this Agreement, and, upon the commencement of the deli very of water through saidline to the District , shall pay for 511 water furnished through said line at the regular metered rates of the City under arw applicable schedule and according to the reading of the meter herein provided to be installed: .Provided, however, that the District shall pay to the City a minimum monthly charge of Forty Dollars ($40.00) until a sum equal to the difference between Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) and the actual cost of constructing, laying and irs taIlIng such water line and equipment shall have been paid, not to exceed $5,100.00. I Such water line and equipment up to the valve located between the water meter and the District's buildings shall be under the sole and exclusive control of the City and shall be maintained at the sole cost and expense of the City. All pipe lines and equipment necessary or convenient to serve the District's buildings and running from such valve to the District's buildings shall be furnished, laid and installed by the District at its own cost and expense and shall be and remain the property of the District and shall be under the exclusive control of the District, and shall be operated and maintained at the ~pense of the District. If the District shall fail or neglect to perform arw of the terms and conditions hereof the City may immediately discontinue the supplying of water to the District and its buildings and refuse to resume the supplying .of water until all conditions of this Agreement shall have been met by the District and the cost of shutting off such water supply and turning the same on shall have been fully paid. Such remedies shall be in addition to and not exclusive of any ani all other r.emedies available to the City under the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinanoes of the City. I 'the City may supply such other .consumers of water ,as it may deem desirable anfroamdeSquuachtweastueprpliy'noe~ i,ft.r;ded however, that it shall be ~~cumbent upon the City to maintain in such line lv L ito supply the needs of the llistriot as the same now exists. I I I ,I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 5 continued 19~ 305 ., ,,,,, . om... "..... nn".... ..""" ..... ~ ! The term of this Agreement shall be indefinite and shall continue for such time as the ,need of the Dis trict to consume and the ability cf the City to supply shall continue to exist, pro- :vided, however, that in the event that the area in which the District t 5 buildings are located shall be annexed to or incorporated within the City of Fort Angeles, then this Agreement shall immediately terminate. I EXECUTED at Port An~eles, Washington, the dq and year first above written. ,It was moved by Councilman ~owell that the foregoing agreement be approved and the "~Iqor and Cl erk ~thorized to execute the same. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimously carried. I 'IThe Council considered purchase of two cars for the Police Department. l<1anager Vergeer informed that Ithe Pontiac patrol car and a panel truck now used by the Parking Meter Dept. could be used as trade- in 'Ithe Farking Met!,r Dept. taking over panel from the Police Dept., thereby complying with budget provisions. Mr. Vergeer then reconnnended that the City purchase two light patrol cars for the Police Department land the Parking Meter Dept. take over panel truck now used by the Police Dept. It was moved by Councilman ,Br?wn that call for bids be published as recommended am opened February 19. Seconded by Councilman IWolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . "Establishment and existence of trailer houses in first and second residence districts of the C~ was 'discussed. Also provisions of Ordinance No. 1167. Manager Vergeer explained how permits are requested jto set up the trailer houses. The same are blocked up, wheels removed and application made for utility ,service. It was the opinion of Mr. Vergeerthat a permit should not be issued. Don Morrison of the Health Department informed that State Board of Health rules and regulations prohibit removal of wheels "and building thereto, thereby becoming a permanent residence. Attorney Trumbull advised that the I'zoning Ordinance does not specifically prohibit. After further discussion the Iliatter was tabled until the next meeting, in the meantime no permits to be issued. . [APFroval for purchase of County property for right-of-~aY replacing Eight and Francis bridge by fill was requested. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the City J1anager be authorized to purchase at tax cost :from Clallam County the property required. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IAlSo requested was approval for acquiring right-of-wq on "orth Ennis Street fo~ a~terial project. Manager Vergeer recommended that a City Official negotiate with the owners and try to acquire right-of- ,w"<1 at price' not to exceed a certain amount, thereby eliminating condemnation proceedings. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the City ManegeI' be authorized to proceed with negotiations and report :back, the amount of purchase price limited to $1,000.00. Motion seconded by Councilman ~~Fadden and 'unanimously carried. !A petition signed by property owners was filed with the ~ouncil requesting improvement of RR Ave., Lincoln, Laurel and Oak Streets North of Front Street, crt establishing a Local Improvemcnt District for thc same. t :Pursuant to the above petition the following resolution was introduced fixing date of hearing: I IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 164 I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'lY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES: I FIRST: That the public health, safety, and convenience of the people of the Ci.ty of Port Angeles require, and it is the intention of the City Council of .the City of Fort Angeles to order, the following ~mprovements in the following described portions of the City of Port Angeles, to wit: The improvemed !'of Railroad Avenue from the We st Line of Oak Street to a point onehundred fifty (150) feet East of the 'East Line of Lincoln Street; Oak Street from the North Line of Front Street to the ';outh Line of Railroad 'Avenue; Laurel Street from a point one hulidred (100) feet North of the North Line of Front Street to 'the South Line of Railraod Avenue; Lincoln Street from the North Line of Front Street to the South Line of Railroad Avenue; by the construction therein of all hecessary storm sewers, concrete pavement and 'integral curbs where required, all in the City of Port Angeles. ~ SECCND: It is the presnet intention of the City Council that the entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefore as provided by law, and that a Local Improvement Di strict shall be created for such purpose. It is proposed that the ordinance providing for said improvement and ordering same shall provide that assessment shall be made 'by the termini and zone method. I THIRD: All persons who mq desire to object to the proposed improvement are hereby notified to ,appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles to I' be held on ThurSday, the 2d day of April, 1953, at the hour of 7:30 P.M., at the Council Room of the City of Port Angeles at 120 North Oak Street in said City, which time and,.place is hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to such proposed improvement, and all additions thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said ilIlprovement. I FOURTH: The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the date hereby fixed for such hearing, the estimated cost and expense for such improvement, a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed ilIlprovement district, a statement of the aggregate assessed and actual valuation of all real estate, exclusive of improvements, within such proposed district according to the valuation placed thoreon for the purpose of general taxation, together with diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts and parcels of ;Land and other property which shall be specially benefitted thereby, and the estimated amount of the 'cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each such lot, tract or pm::el of land or other property. i FIFTH: The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing by publication of this resolution in the manner required by law, and by mailing a notice of such hearing as required by law,t01C< ~ach owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, or pacel of land or other property specially benefitted by the proposed improvement, and to specify in such notices the nature of the proposed ilIlprovement, the total estimated cost thereof ani the estimated benefit to the particular lot, tract or parcel of land owned by each such person. [ Unanimously adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved by the M"<1or this 5th dq of February, 1953. i It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconied by Councilman Sandison. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. " The City Treasurer filed the following depositories for approval by the Council during the year 1953. ! February 5, 1953 '1'0 the Honorable Mayor and City Counci 1, Port Angele s, Washington \ Gentlemen: I As required by statutes governing, I hereby designate the First Nation51 Bank and the Olympic State Bank, both of this city as depositories for all city mOnies, subject to your approval. I ..... 306 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February S continued 1933_ "., . '0,"". ."'" ""'_", """....... .... Respectfully , Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurer It was moved by Councilman Brown that the vouncil approve the First National Bank and Olympic State'Bank for depositories as ~esignated. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Black Ball Lines requested renewal of lease and privilege of improving Laurel Street North of RR Avenue for the purpose of enlarged and better' ferry service. Mayor Smith reported on meeting and read letter from Captain Alex M. Peabody regarding above request. Also read was request from the Olympic Health District urging that trunk sewer be extended on "orth Laurel Street to full length of fill to be made. Manager Vergeer recommended that the lease renewal be approved and the Attorney insbueted to prepare agreement with proviso that sewer be extended' to full length of fill. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Attorney be instructed to prepare agreement as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. 14otion carried. ~'The term of Donald Lutz, Lutz be re-appointed for , Il\oti on carri ed. Manager Vergeer informed of a meeting for City Ymnagers of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, to be held at · Portland, Oregon, February 27, 28, and March 1,' at which the National Executive Director of City Managers Association will be present. Also requested the p~easure of ' the ~ouncil regarding his attendance at said meeting. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Council approve attendance of the !4anager at said meeting. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Library Board member, having expired, it was moved qy Councilman McFadden that Mr. I another five year term. Notion seconded byGouncilman NeeI'. All members voted Aye. The Council approved transfer of beverage lIcenses as follows: , Chinook Tavern from W. H. Wwynn' and J\.enneth R. .'ason to Kenneth R. j~ason Palace,Tavern, from Gordon and Helmi S. Mc60rmick to Fred and Pauline Curry Construction of arterial streets by installation of concrete cement and asphalt paving,as per L.I.D. No. 163, was discussed: Preliminary surveys and arrangements having been completed, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that calls for bids for the improvement be published, bids to be opened at a special meeting to be held February 26. Motion seconded by Councilman l~olfe and unanimously carried. No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. (] &, :t:..~, {I City Clerk w-:~~ Mayor Jl.EGAL PUBLICATION ~ ~ ." !\"01'1(~)~ 'J'O I-! IlI.m!O , .;":"ll~'~' II' h,":C;-',!~: gIven thllt SC,llrr] Hhlg ~~;rl~~\':~;~~l~~!.(~)~t:~\;". orne-I; , ~~:I~~~{ ~11) ~ J;~~t T~~~l~~. ~'~fll<tIIJ\~lg~i~~{ I rf lll(~ l'~t~. ci'-'I'l~ III the Clt~.c I:ulld- ~I~~~ 110.r .~;;~~~.}' ~~' ~g~\'fii~/~/\~~" IIg. at ,J'I"Ont :lllj Oa.lt l:;t1'('t't:" PI'I't ellY' (:If>rlqTor 'flit. !)\lI'{'hm-H1 of :FO~ l'l'OTICE TO CONTRACTORS ,,^:~1S'('1~~, ull. to .,:ijl) 1'.:11... I"ch]'UIIl'~- _ !in. _'1. or Sff, CM~s ];",It, eUl't ]I~')ll Notlc~ Is hereby given tha.t Ilea.leu.. I t'~1l11~~;: (01 ,uw r~II()Wll1g :l-l0LlJl" r Pi:':" ik~'lf,~::r~~{~(~~'-'I:;~IlI~i%il~~;Hl frJl" 3\~~kWdPtg: CTr}~I~idp~rt l),:~g-;i~t% II';~Jr;~'l~. sland,lfd t)'lHl fOlll' (100) _~vIJ:~;III.t'tJ~~(IUl.it bin must l\CC"11l1J~ t~~;~b~~~~)' 2G~tn5l;~~dO~~~1~te~: tln~;l~\?lJILaf;C IllJt 1(>~;lO Ihan ]1:; frJJ~d~l~g("a~.t:~:t'kl1\<l~' he obtained hat th.e City Hall at 140 "'est Front. ~l..,tO~'---:~IX ,:;vIIrHlcr, II,-,th's~ than 11.,. {'i1;t-D,t1n(Jil rE'l<en'eH tM ! ~i~~e~~a'1d ~tll1:roe ~~ro~~ ~.n~~ug~ . lO~~.~~;;~.U:I~~\I~~~~tnlldlll 01 till (, (:) right ill r~r~~_ ~:~i ~~.~ ~:II~\~ig~crJ{. that date at the City Council Cham- IfJPl:'Cd 1\ Ilh IlIlIIU,ll?:. ,11 shllt J'ul,.: Fel,ruar-i. 11, lj, 19;;3, K bel'S g..t 12f1 North Oak St.reet. for llr,ltlr-:,;t.llHIIl'1 fuctol,\ 1\11\' . tile following Improvement:;; ,llunllJcl g-unr('~-rl(Jnt .\IHI It I pa~~:;;:~~ng[t~~lthty~ee0eI~i (!~~~~e~~1 ~ ~,lr~~~~~~I~'JI1,,~~III\I~~f!.:u~lf'lUI 1,Ig'hl;! ~~~t'r:;~:::tr~gt~{,lr~tel toShOU]d:r:~j IC(11~~~UJ;;:t!'I~i';h~I"I~:;:;;,~~./.t 11 a I t\'I'IlHtL' ers ani! HPIJUrtanceaS CmS~;~~t' . tJ('lh.'~r~' d~t('_to hn withlll fvl"lr- !rom EI'ghth Street' to Ftrth !r\.~ rhl~'~ ~flp~' Cfllltral't is ;lw:ll'tlNI. ~;re.f~~~!I\.~~rSt~et~,~:{OT\?m~~~:~' rIJ~~.11Ir'1~~~;rf,:II~ri'J/~,rl~:'i:, Yilr:l~r!('I)t. :IS l'lll't ~i~~:t fC~:rat~i~le;ttr~reotmtoF.Th~~~ ,::se~~;l~;'I\ai,l\~)~ V~W;it'-' 1 ~i~"f.r100' m~::~ f~6mS~I~hdth SM;:~i ~h~~~: : Ih!l~~_~~~'i~:iq~{JI. IH~f,~~T .,<,.,1:111 Ih'~ C~~rr~trs1~ee~ei~n~:Xi~U;;Ct ~~~:- Ulll~rl~~~~Il~i~:~~ JllIl~l'" !'IlUJPffll:nt 1"'\\ mcnt, Valley Street from g S~cond I Hl'Pt'1 n1c~ hl.d . Will Lrt'. 1"l""'I'::"ll ()Ir Stroet tc First Street Peabody one "Illy. I Ollec ;"[(lt~rC.\Tlr' d"i'WI'lIJ- ~t;oe:: l{.rOc~t, ~ifieths:~:~:e1ro~ eUl~/:~.]ll~~~\llJlh-" ~jlw lIloinrn,'k Lauridsen BoulC\'ard to Carollne r cOIll])lclc wit II. l'OV;l. '-'ol'J~., I'l'lice ~~~~:~, t~a~T~ Sf{rOcr::t RE~: 1 ~1l;1~)~i~~~'~~I~~1~:~.I~~~: ,~:~\~iJ~~\"~; nls Street fr t Stre~t to' Tille N'll, H::Ll;~G, ( ~t~I~~ra ~~%t t~rI3g~ ~~N~}~I~'o, t:,1) .1:/~I~;;~.rd~ wlLhlll t{.;ll,- nl! Street an.:! Streot from llay:; aCtcl'. {'(tntm~.t 1:< awarded, . Lincoln Street to Rn.ec Stroet. ;,'a'l'ulJ('o~~dLil~t ill:,i~~~~1:~~~~' l~~'~~l\~t~;~.:~ I .The following prlnclpal Quantlttes of lu.:->i.'~ not IlppLleabl,' in 1:1>\'('1'11. , gl\'('! a general idea. of the :scope of m('l1lal .\g,'!lC!c:-:. tllX lxcmlltlllll ("('1'- r w4~~:00 cu. y{JrJ~ unclassified exea- g~i~~~ri~(" \t.1i]t\. 1;'~R~l~\I:~~~f!:ll~[rt l'\~'hltl~~ vatlon, reJ('ct any 01" HIl birIl'. 1,180 cu. yds, structure e:xca"l'a,- ,J. I.:. I..\\\", CicI' Ch'l'],. tlon, Pul}.: Jo'e-lorunr.\' 10, ]i, 1\1:;~, X 268 eu. yds. channel change ex- l:'avntion, 10,036 cu. l'ds, bank run gravel, 2,425 l:'U. yds. % Inch. mInuEl crll!lhed ,o;t()nc top course 79.B2:\ WI. ydll. 8 .Inc.h cement con- crete IlFlvement, . 2,U5 ~q. yds. 8 1nch cement con- crete paVfjment % willith .,OriS ton~ type 1-1 Class C: wear_ Ing counm R~phalt pavement. 34,6i2 linear teet storm sewers 'I 53~n~1~~i:,rtt~~atnc72' Inch extra , strength concrete- culvert plpc. I An bidS, s'lPall b1! accompanled by tL cerllfled check (lr BId Bona ln the 8um or not 10815 than Ii'll of the I amount bId and mado pn~'nble to 'the CIty 'r...e.asurer of the City of }.'()rt Angeles, \Vashlngton, or the Bld will not bG,consldered. A pl;!rformance pond of l()O% of the amount ot the contract price .muRl be ftlrnl.~l1ed by the succeSful bldder. Plans and specifications fCt~~k b~Poo:t~g~gsit1~~m $i~.oo cn~ I '~r~ l~e~aa-:~lb~n:~\~eb~lOl'f:':~~~ I nd the documents returned. The 'it:).' Council rC'~cr\'cs the rl8,'ht to :reject an~r or aU bids. Prequallfiea- oj Ion of bldders ls required. I .d. E. I~AW, I City Clerk. Published February 9, H, 1953. (6-t2~-B) City of Pori Angeles Paving and Sewers Date of Bid Opening, Feb. 26 I I I I ....