HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1959 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 61~ FEBRUARY:', 19~ I 1 I I ,,,.. ...- """,,",.,,.,~., ............ ~ IThe Port Angeles City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to orde11 I. by Mayor Richardson. Other Officers present were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall, and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. I It was moved by Councilman Sandison that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved I and accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids for installation of bases for the Eighth Street , Lighting system were received as follows: I Wilson and Simpson Co. V. J. Neale City Manager's Estimate $4,616,00 $3,376.00 $3,951.15 $3,402.04 $2,865.00 Albino Casilio av/ens Brothers General Contr. ,It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the bid by Owens Brothers be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Bids to furnish material for the Light Department as provided in the current budget: Trans- formers, etc., . Graybar Electric $12,5B5.48 General Electric Supply Westinghouse Elect:SuPP'. 12~835.00 Line Material Maydwell-Hartzell 12,492.00 Demick Electric Supply Love Electric Co. 11,2B5.77 and $11,952.77 Federal Pacific Co., Items one through,five $12,100.00 12,759.10 12,162.70 9,366.00 The City Manager recommended that the bid by Love Electric Co. for items 1 to 4 in- clusive at $9,607.00, and the offer by General Electric Supply Co. for items 5 through 14 at $2,105.10, be accepted. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that bids be accepted as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. , Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Thorne that the City Manager be , authorized to publiSh call for bids to furnish a new billing and bookkeeping machinecfor I the Utilities Departments, as provided in the current budget. Motion seconded by council-, man Caldwell and carried. The Council considered complaints of log trucks traveling through the business district on First Street when entering the City from the East. It appears that the Ordinance provid- ing for truck route through the City does not specify route when entering from the East. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the existing Ordinance be amended to define truck route for trucks entering the Citi from both East and West, and designating Front Street as the route through the City. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. An opinion having been requested concerning operation and control of gravel pits, the City I Attorney informed that he has requested opinion and information from the Attorney General! the City Attorney of Tacoma, and the Association of Washington Cities. To date, only th~ Association of Washington Cities has replied. When other information is availabae, the I Attorney will submfrt substantial report. Albino Casilio filed application for a City License to operate three taxicabs in the City, also request for cab stand at Front and Laurel Streets. Also received was license appli- cation for Red's Taxi by George Wells to operate three cabs. Chief Kochanek stated that Wells has been operating two cabs, and upon inspection said cabs are unfit for service; recommending that they be replaced. Councilman Randall questioned location of a cab stand in front of a Tavern. Mr. Casilio assured that calls would not be taken from the Tavern. It was moved by Councilman Randall that approval of application be postponed until the next meeting after cab stand location has been inspected. Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Council received complaint of interference from Ham Radio tower at 521 West 11th Street. Attorney Moffett advised that if an existing Ordinance does not provide for control, an Ordinance controlling can be adopted. The Manager reported on progress of proposed water system improvement, stating that ten I,r W' i property owners have been contacted regarding easements, also, over four miles surveyed ' I for main line. Completion date could not be expected until 1961. I Communication was received from the Association of Washington Cities requesting that two Officials be appointed to represent this City and work in conjunction with the Association in preparation for the scheduled Convention. Councilmen Thorne and Randall suggested I Councilman Smith and the Manager serve as representatives. The Mayor appointed as suggested. Councilman Sandison informed that Herman Swanson has questioned as to when the Oak Street zig-zag will be removed from his property. The Manager will report at the next meeting. Departmental Reports of City Departments for Council approval: Police Judge for November and December. Annual Reports of Street Department, Police and Parking Meter. Receipts for December. Budget reports of receipts and expenditures. Water and Light operating reports for November. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that all reports be approved and placed on file with special commendation to the Police Department for fine report submitted. Motion seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Claims payable WEre approved in total amounts as foliows: General Funds, $3,319.54. Light Fund, $22,976.76; Water Fund, $208.25. It was moved by Councilman Randall that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Mr. Vodman, representing Wm. P. Harper and sons and other investment companies, appeared concerning agreement entered into for financing cost of proposed sewer outfall. He 1 suggested that the Council consider co~ordination of financing this project with the pro- posed water system. improvement and presented plan for the same. The Mayor assured that ~ the proper time for financing program will be indicated by the Manager. ~ ,.. 620 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles," Washington FEBRUARY ~, HP-L '""""'"""""'"',m"~'",,'",m,","'" _ , Councilman Caldwell cited the need for adequate Ordinance governing construction and installation of display signs on City streets. It was moved by "Councilman Caldwell that the Manager and Attorney be directed to investigate possibility of such an Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Frank Bowden complained of monopoly' by taxicabs in Clallam County and rates charged. Mayor advised that Ordinance places responsibility with the Police Department. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read: I The I RESOLUTION NO. 1 - 59 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles urging the con- struction of a highway bridge across the waters of Puget Sound. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the foregoing be adopted, manrThorne and carried, Seconded by Council- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. y, {/ G" ~aur- City Clerk ~. ~f2. ~~ Layor I I ----.-....---~-------]~ CALL FOB :BIDS '~ CALL J'OB BIDS ' Sl'!'l.led"blds will he receivoo in the Blcls wlll be rece1\'ecl at the Office ,i;,l,ffiCe of City Clerk of ,port AnSdcc', I or the City Manager, 140_ ~'est Frontl"ilY Hall, I'~rt Angcks, 'Wn.thington, I~~~~ge~,~~~t :~1~eiieSbr~::J12~.ur95~~'1 d~u~l~f l~~~~:<~~ ~&~~, Ji~'~" th~ i~;n~~~~ lJl.lHl will be considered for award _by 1. ing 01" (;'d:torial antl t'N:!Earch serY!(:- ',the City COunell In -regula.!: se~slOn l ~~, nrindn~ ~no binoillg, i!mdtrfi .and ,to be ~hel()_ a~ 7:l0 ~ O'CIO,ck ,P.M. lr.dex tab sheet!>, for th': codificl1tion !MarC!l ~, 19,,9, In tlle COUllCII Cham- af the genera: ordhl;uH.:eo; (If the 'hers, elt)'. 0.', P~rt Angeles, .Wash" City o~ PQrt A llgeleo;. \Y<i,shingtoJ': . on tilE) (ollowt:ng.~. Dl.:l<>d~ a.nd gen~ral lIlforlll3.tWr, Onc~Natjonnl Cash Reglster Mo- wLll I:e fUrlli"Il{~d by tIH" office of Ide! 2lJOQ UtLIJty BH1ing MaollJne or ("i'y :L\f;mager". . &PI)rnvclt .eqUJvalent of {I,thar mallu-, T\ll" ("n1J!l(:il llf 111", Cil\ {If Por"!. 'Cuct.Ur,e, J~ollowjng Jrtinlmu~ mach:no (Angel",' n"'l'I-Yl" l.h~ rigllt tll n~j~,d BpcclfH:atlOllS and eondttlOns shv,ll relY amI :1.11 bld~. ap!lly:.' I fl.'L \.... SL.\NKAHD, at \e~~~C~]~~e my~~ b~c~~~n~~ ~~~: 1 PUllll'''h_~d' MaT"-]] ~ an~ili'fi, :'1jl~~~_';L:r. antee. :!. Price quotM shaH be F.o.B.1 ,- Port .Angdes, tVnsh., and must In- cl udc completn in st....ltatiull nnd .op- crator l.I'Elining. ca~. ~~'e~~fitai~UToU;t~tj~~t~ot~~ tl~~i l I' hund ba.nln. Il~cllmu]ating r:QnfllHllp- ~ tion anlountf!. This docs not inClude i cross afldJn~ totals. 1. Eighteen item counters to count ~ nlJ",l"'r of each type of transaction I 'Posted, I :;, No moyinJ':: cCl,nie.g-e. G. At'Jiltlv, to po:ot CQlumnar led~er card now In use, ",tub Dost cara blll. , a.:l{l .iournal, all in original, simu1- t taneouE'ly. I I. Ahility to post credits without baT, lHl.Ilel, or wifing lluan'l clllwgeEi, ~ :'\. Au I.OmatJc hin ejection alaI MacI,ing. Tnl,lle-ln B1111W1lJH:e fUl' foll()'\vlllg l'l'T'a oUipe C(1.11ipmF3nt aVflflahle for im'lmction at the City's Utility or- t t"':f1 will hR. [JOnSic!t;'red:, O. '''.~N,'l1lin,''" ,. HI en....,l. Rp.gl~ter, Olle_H:emingl,m"- Rann hiEIng machtn<>, Two-(lnsolete Remington~Rrrnd blll1ng ml3.chlnes h)O~~C~ J~~~f~~ds~hha~~k ~~b~~;~O~lil~1 Ii-of Ii % .of the Bid "no state date of r~omplete Insta.llation at Port Angel. I!M," WMlljngton. ..'. - ~ I" M. w. Sr~ANKARb, I City Malla.gel' ,~PlJbIJ8hed: Febl'uar)' 12 alld 19, '1959.. l I I 1 I