HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1980
Port Angeles, Washington
February 5, 1980
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan,
Polhamus, Quast.
Members Absent: Councilman Hordyk.
Staff Present: Acting Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso..
R. Orton, M. Cleland, P. Carr, K. Rodocker, A. Rose, R. Rego,
Guests Present: B. Todd, L. Sunny, J. & E. Swarthe, M. Flodstrom, N. Galloway,
D. Seward, J. Hickerson, C. HiCkerson, R. Rothlein, S. Rothlein,
B. Leach, H. Odell, J. sobieck, S. Hansen, K. Morrison.
Councilman Buck moved the Council suspend the agenda temporarily in order to discuss
the City Manager position. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
councilman Buck then read a letter from absent Councilman John Hordyk in which Mr.
Hordyk made a motion to appoint Mr. David T. Flodstrom as City Manager of the City
of Port Angeles effective immediately. Because a proxy motion could not be accepted,
Councilman Buck moved the Council appoint David T. Flodstrom to the position of City
Manager of the City of Port Angeles effective immediately. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Polhamus and carried unanimously.
Prior to Council action on the minutes, Councilman Quast pointed out the following
corrections: January 15th minutes, page number 310, Item #10, Legislation - Council-
man Quast voted "NO" on the motion instead of Councilman Hordyk; page number 311
Item #13, Legislation and #1, Staff Reports - Mr. Larry Welch's name is misspelled;
and January l6th minutes, page number 314, Item #2, Legislation should read ". .
submission of the library's annual budget to the Council for their review."
Councilman Buck then moved the Council accept and place on file as corrected the
minutes of the January 15, 16, 23 and 30, 1980 meetings. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Mr. Eric Swarthe addressed the Council to read a letter from the Kiwanis Juan
de Fuca Club; the Kiwanis Club has voted to sponsor a fund raising Regatta to
support the "Friends of the Lab," the Marine Interpretive Center proposed for
location on the Municipal Pier. The regatta would be held on May 10, 1980 on
the Municipal Pier and is in coordination with the Friends of the Lab, the
Port Angeles Yacht Club, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and the City Manager. A
fee will be charged the participants in the races, with donations, prizes and
trophies being solicited from the community.
Following the letter, the Council questioned Manager Flodstrom as to the con-
struction completion date for the Municipal Pier and whether it would be com-
pleted in time for the regatta. Manager Flodstrom advised the Council that
there have been construction delays due to bad weather and proposed that he
meet with members of the Kiwanis Club and discuss alternative dates. Council-
man Duncan then moved the Council approve the fund raising project as proposed
by the Kiwanis Club, subject to an acceptable date for the event. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.
February 5, 1980
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Hansen/Morrison request
to vacate a portion of Vine Street located on the west half of Vine be-
tween Whidby Avenue and Vashon Street, and requested questions or comments
from the audience or staff. Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from
the Planning Department informing the Council of the Planning Commission's
approval of the proposed street vacation,.with tQe following findings as
the reasons for their recommendation: (1) the traffic pattern will not be
affected by the vacation because the street is not in to the south and may
not be possible to develop as a result of vacation by non-usage; (2) re-
tention of the utility easements will eliminate any negative impact on
utility services to the area; (3) development patterns will not be affected
because most of the area is currently residentially developed; and (4) there
would be benefit to the general public to place the west half on Vine Street
on the tax rolls. During the public hearing Manager Flodstrom also noted
that there would be no compensation charged since the property was platted
January 2, 1889. There were no further comments and the public hearing was
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance NO. 2064 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2064
AN ORDINANCE of the City of port Angeles vacating
the west half of Vine Street between Whidby Avenue
and Vashon Street.
Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood, because of the above-mentioned findings. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried unanimously.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 4-80 entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City
of Par' Angeles setting 0 I
hearing date for 0 petition to
vacate 0 portio-n of Peabody
Street abutting Lot 20, Block '
B. PSC1:2d.
WHEREAS. the owner of'
in~erest in real estate
abutting upon Peabody Street
abutting lot 20. Block 8. :ilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
Puget Sound Cooperati....e I
Colony's Second Addition to :tle by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of March l8,
the Townsite of Port Angeles. for consider a tion of this petition, and refer the matter to the
has tiled a petition wHh the
Cily Clerk to make vocation t.ng Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by
of 0 porHan of the west half '!man Boardman and carried.
01 said Peabody Street; and
WHEREAS, said petition
opp" s to hove been s;g', i ING COMMISSION
by the owner ot more thun
two. thirds of the property I
abulting upon the port of said Haguewood read the minutes of
street sought 0 be vocoted:
NOW. THEREfORE, BE IT ry 23, 1980 with the following
ANGELES os follows: nditional Use Permit: Odell
ANGELES os follows:
Section ,. The petition to . .
make such vocation sholl be yor Haguewood opened the publJ.c hearlng on Mr. Odell's request for
heard ,and detemllned by thiS xtension of his conditional use permit to construct two duplexes
Couned on the 18th day of !
March, 1980, which is nof cated on the north side of West 12th Street, 500 feet west of "N"
more than sixty (60) days nor reet, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff.
less than twenty (20) days
he,ealter. ere were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman
Section 2,. The City Cler~ is ardman then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the
hereby directed to give,. '. '. .
twenty (20) days notic.. of the lannl.ng Commlsslon and approve the extenslon for an addl tl.onal six
pende~cy of said .p.etilian bnths, subject to the same conditions as originally attached. The
accordIng to the prOVISions of l
RCW 35.79.020. ption was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
PASSED by the Council of I
the City 01 Port Angeles this.
5thdoyofFebruary, 1980. .
Samuel J. Haguewood .
Mayor I
Mgrian C. Porrid.., CitV Clerk
C.raig L Miller. City Attorney ~
Pub. Feb. 11, 28. \larch 10.
Resolution NO. 4-80
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion
of Peabody Street abutting Lot 20, Block 8, PSCC 2nd.
the planning Commission meeting of
action being taken by the Council:
February 5, 1980
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Hansen/Morrison request
to vacate a portion of Vine Street located on the west half of vine be-
tween Whidby Avenue and vashon Street, and requested questions or comments
from the audience or staff. Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from
the planning Department informing the Council of the Planning Commission's
approval of the proposed street vacation, with the following findings as
the .reasons for their recommendation: (1) the traffic pattern will not be
affected by the vacation because the street is not in to the south and may
---:oN NOllvJllddV-'1I3'Wll~ be possible to develop as a result of vacation by non-usage; (2) re-
1I0~8~1~'ut;8";1':::.:~~~::~:tion of the utility easements will eliminate any negative impact on
~odap puo WoIOI alll '106lllity services to the area; (3) development patterns will not be affected
-sg Js,;~~~ .~~7~:'~~'ause most of the area is currently residentially developed; and (4) there
~~~1!!J8' 'JapJO AeUOW '~ID>S'ld be benefit to the general public to place the west half on Vine Street
10 WJOI "Ill 1.11 OS'~1 81 ",
o I!sodap wnwlulwthe tax rolls. Dur~ng the publ~c hear~ng Manager Flodstrom also noted
~ puo 'u,'W 'ON WJO~ 1.10 Plqt there would be no compensation charged since the property was platted
palO" 0 Ilwqnl Ilnw JOpplq , ,
Il,oa "w'o 00:01 ID 'D861Uary 2, l889. There were no further comments and the publ~c hear1ng was
'st Il:>JoW OJOI"'l JO 1.10 'sed.
p&^owaJ aq Ilnw J"'Iwll" :
'111Dq,r Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2064 entitled,
uOld luawIIDIIU! JO y"" ,
o 1.10 PIO' aq III'''' JaqW!l 1
'OD'S~' 181S
:Plq alqolda,,,,, wnWlUI~ !
'If' pq ODD OU
'10 IDIOI 0 JO 'lpoo"'fIJDIl,
10 'II 'pq ODD'OI puD 'JOpD'
I" 'II 'pq ODD'III' 'JII allll....l
puo >pOlwalllO '1I'pq ODD'Ol'11
'JII 1018noO 10 'II 'pq ODD'DCL j
~1810W!XOJddo 6u!.pd.
,'wo' '..al JO aJOW '.anD cilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
~a:~~~I~~u:~N'~~'~y:~=ftle by Mayor Haguewood, because of the above-mentioned findings. The
'01 uOll>>S 10 '/,3S\1,M on was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried unanimously.
!Jod "/,MS \1.3 !Jod 1.10 ....n i
^IJ8doJ<! puo ....JO p&66ol,
papunoq JaqwlI 110 10 pas '1
-wo, " aiDS Olll 'saI86u'9'
IJOd 10 IS081llno. pOO'r Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution NO. 4-80 entitled,
^q 1811W o;z; ~IOIDW!.oJddD;
palD,ol Isa^-,DH SOX81
IOSDl' 'ON UD!lD'!IddV
AJ.NnOJ WV,,...,J ,
:11'" 01 ',apPiQ II.y8IY
aql 01 uOII,nD )!Iqnd 10 PloS \
aq III'" poDI 81DIS paq!J>lap
61.11"'01\01 "Ill uo JaqwII "Yl
, 0
Ordinance No. 2064
AN ORDINANCE of the City of port Angeles vacating
the west half of Vine Street between Whidby Avenue
and Vashon Street.
Resolution NO, 4-80
A RESOLUTION of the City of port Angeles setting
a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion
of peabody Street abutting Lot 20, Block 8, PSCC 2nd.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of March 18,
1980 for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the
Planning commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of
January 23, 1980 with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Conditional Use Permit: Odell
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Odell's request for
extension of his conditional use permit to construct two duplexes I
located on the north side of West 12th Street, 500 feet west of "N"
Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff.
There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman
Boardman then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and approve the extension for an additional six
months, subject to the same conditions as originally attached. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
February 5, 1980
3. Cont.
Conditional Use Permit: Peninsula Children's Clinic
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on peninsula Children's
Clinic's request for extension of a conditional use permit for re-
duction in parking requirements for an addition to medical offices
at 902 East CarOline, and requested comments or questions from the
audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing
was closed. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with
the recommendation ,of the Planning Commission and approve the ex-
tension for an additional six months, subject to the original con-
ditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.
Conditional Use Permit: Vandelac
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing' on Mr. vandelac's request
for extension 'of a conditional use permit to construct a duplex on
the south of Ah1vers Road, north of 213 Hawthorn Place and west of
219 Hawthorn place, and requested comments or questions from the
audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing
was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the extension
for an additional six momth period, subject to the original conditions.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on
the motion, the Council, planner Carr, and Manager Flodstrom discussed
the aesthetic appearance of the various duplexes being built recently
and whether the City has received many objections from abutting property
owners. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council.
D. Conditional Use Permit: Heartso & Todd
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Heartso and Todd re-
quest for extension of a conditional use permit to construct a duplex
on the north side of Lopez Street, approximately 200 feet west of
Eunice Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience
or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with the recommenda-
tion of the Planning commission and approve the extension for an addi-
tional six month period, subject to the original conditions. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried.
E. Rezone Request: First Christian Church
Councilman Buck moved the Council schedule a public hearing date of
February 19, 1980 for consideration of this request. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
F. Crown Z Shoreline Management permit
Councilman Buck moved the Council continue the public hearing on this
matter until the February 19, 1980 meeting. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
G. Preliminary Plat: villa Vista
Councilman Buck moved the Council schedule a public hearing date of
February 19, 1980 for consideration of this preliminary plat. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Plan-
ning Commission minutes of January 23, 1980. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Boardman and carried.
February 5, 1980
Mayor Haguewood read the Planning commission minutes of January 30, 1980
with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Shoreline Management Program Amendment
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on amendments to the Shore- I
line Management Program (Ordinance 2033) proposing (1) requirements
regarding clam harvesting; and (2) regulations regarding siting of
major energy facilities, and requested comments or questions from the
audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Polhamus then moved the Council concur with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve amendment No.
2 to the City's Shoreline Master Program. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Buck and carried. Councilman Quast then moved the Council
concur with the Planning Commission and take no action on the clam
harvesting amendment at this time. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Polhamus and carried.
B. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the planning
Commission minutes of January 30, 1980. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
A presentation was made to the Council by Mr. Steve Rothlein, Chairman of
the Franklin School PTA Safety Committee, on the hazardous pedestrian crossing
at the intersection of Boulevard and Race Streets. Mr. Rothlein explained
that the Safety Committee has ruled out a stop light at the intersection
but did suggest better marking of the school crossing to make motorists
more aware, and perhaps a pedestrian overpass. A petition containing 504
signatures supporting a pedestrian overpass was 'also presented to the I
Council, as well as letters from 5th graders on what they feel is needed
at the intersection.
The following Subjects were discussed following Mr. Rothlein's presentation:
the current City project to straighten out the blind curve on Race Street
above the Boulevard; the feasibility of a pedestrian overpass or underpass
at the intersection; short term solutions i.e. a flashing yellow light,
repainting the yellow snake line on Race Street, and advance warning signals
which could be activated for certain periods during the day; and the pos-
sibility of obtaining slope rights from property owners on Race Street.
Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to
negotiate the acquisition of slope rights and possibly additional prop-
erties for the purpose of straightening the Race Street curve between
Laurisden Boulevard and Bryson Street, and instruct the Public Works
Department to install a yellow flashing light at or near the intersection
of Boulevard and Race Streets as soon as possible as an interim measure.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the
motion, Councilmen Buck and Quast discussed the effectivness of a flashing
yellow light at the intersection, and other interim SOlutions were suggested
such as traffic buttons near Bryson street, repainting the crosswalk at
Boulevard, and placing a Patrolman near the intersection to deter speeders.
On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2065 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2065
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending
Ordinance No. 2033, Shoreline Master Program, and
adopting Clallam County Resolution No. 215 of 1979.
February 5, 1980
Councilman Boardman moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Quast. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller pointed out to
the Council that this ordinance is not an outright prohibition of energy
facilities; rather, they will not be permitted unless it is demonstrated
to the satisfaction of the City that local economic, social and environ-
mental resources and conditions will be adequately protected from sub-
stantial adverse effects. On call for the question, the motion was passed
unanimously by the Council.
Mayor iiaguewood introduced and read i'n full Resolution No. 5-80 entitled,
Resolution No. 5-80
A RESOLUTION of the city of Port Angeles authorizing
an inter fund loan from the Firemen's Pension Fund to
the Equipment Rental Fund.
Councilman Buck moved the
full by Mayor Haguewood.
carried unanimously.
Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read In
The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance'No. 2066 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2066
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles estab-
lishing a fee for certain service charges on
electrical services, and amending Ordinance No.
Councilman Polhamus moved the
by title by Mayor Haguewood.
and carried unanimously.
Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. James Humfleet, Temporary Chairman
of the Port Angeles Cooperative Enterprises, requesting the City's assis-
tance in locating a one to five acre plat of land for a proposed community
garden for those people who do not have access to garden plots. Dut~ng
discussion on this request, Manager Flodstrom suggested staff look into
possible garden sites i.e. the Tumwater or Valley Creek areas.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council encourage Manager Flodstrom to ex-
plore this ,possibility with Mr. Humfleet and bring a recommendation back
to the Council. The motioTI'was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public works Department concerning
items to be determined when considering a request from the Port of Port Angeles
to purchase and gain an easement, to a portion of the Port Angeles Landfill
site, and a letter from Mr. Paul Vick, Director of Airports and Port Develop-
ment, offering the City $22,450 to purchase all the property rights of the
City in a described fee parcel and an avigation easement. Referring to a
map of the area in question, Manager Flodstrom explained the Port's proposal
which is to take in fee the land south of the old railroad right-of-way
(Milwaukee Drive) and to take an avigation easement o"er,~the old right-of-
way and a portion of City property lyinb north of the old railroad right-
February 5, 1980
10. Cont.
Councilmen Quast and Polhamus then gave the Real Estate Committee's
report and recommendation to accept the Port's offer with a 25% in-
crease in the acreage price of the land south of the old railroad right-
of-way, bringing the Port's offer to approximately $25,000. CoUncil-
man Polhamus also suggested that language be included in the easement
agreement which would give the City full rights to use the property I
along the easement itself, in addition to outlining what the City .
could not do in regard to the easement.
The Port's proposal was discussed at length between the Council, Manager
Flodstrom and Mr. Vick. Subjects discussed included value of the prop-
erty which the Port is proposing to purchase, in addition to the value
of the sellable gravel in that area; the FAA's requirements in regard
to :clear zones'; how the Port's proposal will affect the landfill
operation; and the factors considered by the Real Estate Committee in
determining their recommendation. Councilman Buck then moved the City
firm up their assessment of the value of the land in question, parti-
cularly the question of sellable gravel, and try to recoup the City's
value and loss in entering into this sale. The motion died for lack
of a second. Councilman Quast then moved the Council refer the matter
to the City Attorney in order to correct the language in the easement
agreement, and accept the offer of the Port including the 25% increase.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Council-
man Buck voting "NO."
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom concerning
renovation requirements pertaining to the existing Roosevelt gym
facility. In his memo, Manager Flodstrom suggested a request for
proposal be sent to at least six architectural/engineering firms
who have had some experience with projects of this type. One firm
would then be selected to proceed with an evaluation of the facility
and what costs would be required to upgrade the facility to an ac-
ceptable level.
During discussion on Manager Flodstrom's memo, Councilman Duncan pointed
out that a final decision has not been made as to the location of the
proposed convention center. Councilman Buck then moved the Council table
this agenda item until after a work session on the City's long range
plans. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried.
The Council directed Manager Flodstrom to consider Wednesday, February
20th or Wednesday, February 27th as a meeting date to discuss the City's
future needs, and report back to the Council.
The following appointments will be exp~r~ng in March, 1980: Park Board
J. Ralston and J. Gain; Planning Commission - C. Whidden; Board of Ad-
justment - E. Tinkham; Civil Service Commission - D. Judd; and Senior
Center Advisory Board - P. Devine, C. Rivetts, M. Cole, and V. Basom.
Mayor Haguewood directed Manager Flodstrom to contact these members I
to see if they are interested in reappOintment, 'and report back to i
the Council.
February 5, 1980
') ') 3
,; '-'
1. Cont.
A. Reconductoring Marine Drive
Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
the Light Department and award the bid for reconductoring of one cir-
cut mile on Marine DRive to the sole bidder, Henkles and McCoy, with a
cost plus fixed fee contract bid of $33,590.70. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, the Council,
Attorney Miller, and Acting Light Director Robin Rego discussed the
cost plus fixed fee contract and whether Henkles and McCoy could com-
plete the work in three weeks instead of four. On call for the question,
the motion was passed by the Council. 0122--"
NOTICE is he,eby given Ihal
se,l1ed bids will be recei....ed
by .he City Cle,k, City 01 Port
bid for pur4Angeles, I~O W. F,anl Slreel,
. !P.O. Box 1150. PorI Angeles,
p1tney-Bowes WA 96352, unli1 2:00 p,m"
Counc ilman p'February~, 1980, and lhe Ci.y
will reject 011 bids received
ofter the scheduled clo~ing
time and dote, and will be
opened publicly a. .hal lime
10r furn.shing the ioUow~ng
equipment and/or mate;iol:
C. , 1 k d h '1 h' $6 ITEM . Aulama.ic Moiling
ouncl. man Buc move t e Councl aut. or1ze payment of ,389. Machine
and Associates for preliminary engineering services on the DOWIMinimum Capabilities:
. . .! Address cnd dote controls
PrO] ect No. 203. The mot1on was seconded by Counc11man Quast. Eas Thickness adjus.ment
discussion on the motion, Manager Flodstrom informed the Counc' Adi~s.able envelope width
approximately 50% of the previous ~LID preliminary engineering !gu~~~al power slocke,
by Kramer, Chin and Mayo had been used by Clark and Associates I Visiblepas.oge value
study and therefore 50% of the cost of the Kramer, Chin and Mal' ~~~:i~~~~i~i~;ey
is reimbursable through the LID and should be charged against t: shows pasloge used and
b 1 . d' t' h b' d h' I b d Ibalance
a ver a l.n 1ca l.on as een rece1ve from t l.S LID s on courl No longe, lhan eo" nO'
the entire cost of the Kramer t Chin and Mayo study is reimbUr5highe,.han~5" .
11 h . h . . . rA ce,.ilied check 0' bid bond
ca for t e questl.on, t e motl.on was passed by the Councl.l Wl tlar,5 percent at Ihe amaunl of
Duncan abstaining in the appearance of fairness. Ilhe bid sholl accompany each
I bid. All bid. '0 include
[delivery F.O.B. Port Angele..
i~~; will be opened and
j.abula.e<llar .he Cily Council
Councilman Duncan moved the Council approve the items listed under lIar canside,alion by said
. . I 8Countil is session February 5.
Agenda 1ncludl.ng Vouchers Payable of $48,290.98 and LID s of $199. 11980.
expenses) t Vouchers payable of $215,967.75 and Payroll of $151,927 .TheCouncil reserves the right
. , -, 1'0 consider deU...-ery time and
$l44,719.63 (1980). The motl.on was seconded by Councl.lman Quast a to a<<epl 0' 10 'eject any 0'
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows: aU bids 0' any port thereof. .
The Lln~t price sholl prevoll
and the City reserve'S. the
1. Authorize payment of $27,110.34 to Henkles & l1cCoy as the secon,ighl to carrecl any ex.
.' I tens.ion$ or improper soles-
payment on the 12.5 converS10n of peabody Street area between Rr"la..s. ~
Pub.: Jo~~5. 27, 28.1980
2. Authorize payment of $25,054.20 to URS consulting Engineers for _.."1".I"',,J.-.L1iY
services and~final design work on the Tumwater Bridge project.
Automatic Mailing Machine
Councilman Duncan
automatic mailing
bid of $5,870.48.
moved the Council award the
machine to the sole bidder,
The motion was seconded by
L.I.D. NO 203
3. Authorize payment of $l93.50 to Cohen, Andrews and Keegan for legal services
involving the EFSEC hearings.
4. Authorize payment of $48,042.42 to General Construction Co. for construction
work on the Municipal pier - progress payment No.9.
'5. Authorize payment of $83.21 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services and data
preparation assistance relatihg to the unresolved DelGuzzi Contract on the
Elwha River Water System.
6. Authorize payment of $1,200.02 to J.B. Excavating as the second and final
payment on the Corporation Yard project, phase II.
7. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board
of a transfer of license from Rodney Miles, Michelle McMicken, Roland McMicken
and Marian McMicken to Rodney Miles and Michelle McMicken, dba the Harbor
Tavern; a transfer of license from the Sandwich Mill and Beverage Company
06 D PUD 'NJJ '.In...Dd
06 D tnjd s6u!PllnQJno
Y DIN A "YI'14n
February 5, 1980
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Reconductoring Marine Drive . 'IYloq unit '.WOO'P....
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Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recomme~t:~~AWp~NZu~~:~
the Light Department and award the bid for reconductoringlOUNYM1.NOOIM
cut mile on Marine DRive to the sole bidder, Henkles and n .000'6... ..Yloq
cost plus fixed fee contract bid of $33,590.70. The moticl 8uIPuol.....'1 '8ul^o'
b C . 1 d . d . . h . 1M woo, 8u'^1I .noIODdS
y Qunc~ man Boar man. Dur~ng ~scuss~on on t e mot~on, \ .e~ow DejD uoq'nqnl
Attorney Miller, and Acting Light Director Robin Rego disc;\nNncn.u1 l111n"
cost plus fixed fee contract and whether Henkles and MCCO}! 'S66'O..,
plete the work in three weeks instead of four. On call faUllDe e8'DI puo ueY)I!~
. , rd fO SIOI SI 8J8LU .101
the mot~on was passed by the Counc~l. '0 UI peIO";, It le~ow
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Automatic Mailing Machine ,ed.pu,I..'.lIo,,'D
Councilman Duncan
automatic mailing
bid of $5,870.48.
moved the Council award the bid for purchase of an
machine to the sole bidder, Pitney-Bowes, with a
The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and
L.LD. NO 203
Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize payment of $6,389.39 to Clark
and Associates for preliminary engineering services on the Downtown LID
Project No. 203. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During
discussion on the motion, Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that
approximately 50% of the previous.LID preliminary engineering study done
by Kramer, Chin and Mayo had been used by Clark and Associates in their
study and therefore 50% of the cost of the Kramer, Chin and Mayo study
is reimbursable through the LID and should be charged against the LID;
a verbal indication has been received from this LID's bond counsel that
the entire cost of the Kramer, Chin and Mayo study is reimbursable. On
call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilman
Duncan abstaining in the appearance of fairness.
Councilman Duncan moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $48,290.98 and LID's of $199.81 (1979'
expenses), vouchers payable of $215,967.75 and Payroll of $151,927.51 and
$144,719.63 (1980}. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $27,110.34 to Henk1es & McCoy as the second progress
payment on the 12.5 conversion of Peabody Street area between Park and Blvd.
2. Authorize payment of $25,054.20 to URS Consulting Engineers for engineering
services and,";final design work on the Tumwater Bridge Project.
3. Authorize payment of $193.50 to Cohen, Andrews and Keegan for legal services
involving the EFSEC hearings.
4. Authorize payment of $48,042.42 to General Construction Co. for construction
work on the Municipal pier - progress payment No.9.
'\ S. Authorize payment of $83.21 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services and data
preparation assistance relating to the unresolved DelGuzzi Contract on the
Elwha River Water System.
6. Authorize payment of $1,200.02 to J.B. Excavating as the second and final
payment on the Corporation Yard project, phase II.
7. Notification has been received from the washington State Liquor Control Board
of a transfer of license from Rodney Miles, Michelle McMicken, Roland McMicken
and Marian McMicken to Rodney Miles and Michelle McMicken, dba the Harbor
Tavern; a transfer of license from the Sandwich Mill and Beverage Company
February 5, 1980
7. Cont.
to Ronald T. Marino; and a class E,F license renewal for the Tourist Trap,
217 North Laurel street.
Mayor Haguewood informed the Council that the City has been invited to
submit a final application in the amount of $415,000 in conjunction with
Clallam County and Jefferson County for refunding of the Housing Rehabili-
tation Program; a joint public hearing with the Clallam County Commissioners
is needed as preparation of the final application. Councilman Buck then
moved the Council schedule a joint public hearing with the Clallam County
Commissioners on March 4, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried.
1. Mayor Haguewood: Reminded the COllncil of the meeting February 6th with
officials from Grays Harbor County at the Clallam County Courthouse.
2. Manager Flodstrom: Informed the Council that the County Commissioners are
sending a letter to the Department of Ecology regarding CZM grant monies
and to reaffirm the County and City's position concerning the Northern Tier
Pipeline proposal. Manager Flodstrom requested authorization to write a
similar letter to the DOE emphasizing the importance of the CZM grant monies.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the City Manager to write
the above-mentioned letter to the DOE. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried. Requested authorization to write a letter to Senators
Magnuson and Jackson and Representative Bonker encouraging the expediting I
of appropriations to EDA for the Downtown LID. Councilman Quast moved the
Council authorize the City Manager to write a letter to Senators Magnuson
and Jackson and Representative Bonker stating the City's concern regarding
the appropriations to EDA and the expediting of funds for the Downtown LID.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Informed the
Council that they have been invited to attend a city Legislative Action Con-
ference in Olympia on February 15th to discuss pending legislation. An-
nounced that Councilman Buck will report on the status of the Clallam County
Public Transportation Benefit Authority at the next regular Council meeting.
3. Attorney Miller: Informed the Council that Oilport attorney John Keegan
will be available to speak to the County and City on the status of the
EFSEC hearings during a regular Council meeting in February. Briefly ex-
plained Northern Tier's 'Enilnent ' Domain bill currently before the Legislature.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
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City Clerk