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Port Angeles, Washington
February 5, 2002
CALL TO ORDER: Members of the City Council departed City Hall at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of touring
various Public Works facilities in the City.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Headrick, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmembers Erickson and Rogers.
StaffPresenr' G. Cutler, G. Kenworthy, D. McGinley, T. McCabe, and J.
Public Present: C. Headdck.
Tour of Public Works Tour of Public Works Facilities: Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler conducted a
Facilities tour of the City's Public Works facilities for any interested Councilmembers,
particularly those recently elected to the Council. Facilities toured were the Ranney
collector, the Landfill, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the area of the Laurel Street
slide repairs.
ADJOURNMENT: The tour was concluded at approximately 12:30 p.m.
f"'~Glenn Wiggins, Mayo{ Be~l~y J. Upt~[, Ci~Clerk- - '
Port Angeles, Washington
February 5, 2002
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziomkowski, S. Evans, T. McCabe, T. Smith, K. Ridout, D.
Miller, G. Kenworthy, K. Loghry, C. Kochanek, and B.
Public Present: J. Mitchel, B. Hester, J. Tiller, R. Womac, E. Sorensen, E.
Dinius, R. Lee, S. Evans and family, F. Steiner, L. Dewitt,
L. Lee, J. Swedstedt, P. Bartholick, M. Bartholick, J.
McDonald, A. Stroup, K. Rickel, K. Spence, T. Price, D.
Kari, M. McCabe, E. Evans, J. Gentry, and T. Lukusa.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop #1191, Leaders Mark Madsen,
ALLEGIANCE: Pat Bartholick, Josh Gentry. Scouts participating were Tyler Madsen, Isaac Madsen,
Ryan Madsen, Max Van Orman, Morgan Bartholick, and Trent Adams.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, Mayor Wiggins introduced Port Townsend Mayor Kees Kolff and City Manager David
PRESENTATIONS AND Timmons, after which Mayor Kolffoffered a few words on having met members of the
PROCLAMATIONS: Port Angeles City Council at meetings held in Tacoma and Olympia. He noted that the
respective cities were indeed sister cities with the same interests and social,
environmental, and economic concerns. He further addressed working together in the
future to explore ways of mutual benefit, such as through the Peninsula Development
Association. Mr. Timmons shared Mayor Kolff's desires and expressed his hopes for
cooperation and collaboration.
Retirement Presentation for Mayor Wiggins read and presented a Proclamation addressing Mr. Evans' career, and
Steve Evans, Solid Waste Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler then presented Mr. Evans with a plaque in
Disposal Supervisor appreciation of his many years of service.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quirm addressed citizen involvement regarding the series of arson fires on
PLACED ON THIS OR Saturday, February 2ha' and thanked the Police and Fire Departments for their
FUTURE AGENDA: professional follow-up work. He publicly thanked Don Cooper, who discovered the fire
at Trinity Lutheran Church and who gave an apt description of the vehicle leaving the
scene of the crime. Manager Quinn also thanked Steve Fay and Jeremy Reeves,
employees at the Roadrunner Food Mart on East Front Street for assisting the police
with identification of the vehicle involved. Because of their assistance, Detective Jesse
February 5, 2002
' LATE ITEMS TO BE Winfield and Corporal Jack Lowell were able to make the arrest. It is this form of
PLACED ON THIS OR involvement from citizens and professionals alike that led to the apprehension of the
FUTURE AGENDA: perpetrator of the crimes.
John Swedstedt, 1746 E. 5th, addressed the history of the sanitary sewer system in the
east part of the City. After reviewing the streets and connections and future possible
annexations, Mr. Swedstedt expressed concern that the citizens will have to pay a
second time for another sewer system, as the existing eight-inch line will not withstand
further development in the Ennis Creek area. He also mentioned that the alley betWeen
5t~ & 6th Street suffers from broken pavement and over-grown vines and asked if the
City would remove the vines and make repairs.
City Engineer Kenworthy responded to Mr. Swedstedt's concerns by stating that the
City would not assess residents a second time for a sewer. He added that all
developments above Penn Street, 'when added to the system, have had engineering
analyses done to check the capacity of the system. Any required upgrades are the
responsibility of the developer. Mr. Kenworthy added that the City would look at the
alley and take care of existing problems.
Ruth Womac, 1432 View Vista Park, representing the residents of View Vista Park,
informed the Council that all residents in the park are opposed to annexation. Ms.
Womac presented a petition to the Council expressing that opposition and further
expressed three major concems of the residents: sewer LIDs, as they would assess the
park owner and ultimately affect the rents now in place for the 55 existing lots; higher
property taxes, which would also increase the rents and thus the residents' hardship;
and the petition method of annexation approval, which alleviates voting privileges of
non-property owners.
Manager Quirm assured Ms. Womac that the City is only interested in annexation if it
proves to be the right solutiOn, and that the City is also looking into alternative
negotiations with the County. In response to the issue of the petition method, Manager
Quinn explained that the City chose that method because it does not exclude the
businesses in the UGA and added that, ultimatelyi the final recommendations could
include a combination of election and/or petition if multiple annexations become an
issue. He assured the residents that the City is aware of their concerns and that the City
will try to provide answers that are fair to all. Councilman Williams thanked Ms.
Womac for voicing her concerns and addressed title elimination and petition questions
which, he stated, will be investigated. He added that the LIDs in question will not be
coming from the Council.
Francis Cummings, 2574 E. Bay Street, referring to a January 22, 2002 Executive
Session, understood that Councilman Campbell intended to address the discussions held
at that meeting. He referenced a newspaper article and a discussion with reporter Brian
Gawley on the matter and inquired if a report would be forthcoming this evening.
Councilman Campbell clarified that his discussion with Brian Gawley was relative to
the circumstances under which an Executive Session could be conducted and that the
issues addressed in that particular Executive Session may come before the Council at
a furore date. He felt there may have been a mis-communication in this regard.
Mrs. Frank Latson, 473 McCarver Street, referenced her acreage in the View Vista Park
area and expressed concern about the amount of assessment she might be charged if her
property is divided into home lots. Mayor Wiggins responded to her concern, noting
the City's need to clarify matters so that everyone is better informed about all the issues
involved in annexation. Manager Quinn informed Mrs. Latson that annexation does
not necessarily mean that LIDs will follow; he assured her that her word would be heard
on any of these issues when they arise in the future.
February 5, 2002
FINANCE: 1. Laurel Street Slide Repair Project, Change Order No. 1:
Laurel Street Slide Repair With the use of the overhead projector, City Engineer Kenworthy showed the
Project, Change Order engineering changes necessary for the Laurel Street slide repairs. With the assistance
No. 1 of a nationally recognized engineer, it has been determined that excavation
requirements can be reduced. Engineer Kenworthy showed a picture of what is
envisioned once the repair project is complete.
Discussion followed, and Councilman Williams emphasized that the Council and the
City should plan for future problems regarding the entire hillside and possible
landslides. He was reluctant to address piecemeal repairs as they are required, and he
cited previous slides that have occurred, such as at Brickie's and the Red Lion. Further,
Councilman Williams felt that appropriate information should be gathered as relates to
the entire hillside, so that an effort can be commenced to identify funding sources to
protect the slope and possibly convert the area into usable space. Mayor Wiggins and
Engineer Kenworthy both spoke to the issues, mentioning that the Laurel Street repair
is an isolated case, not a part of the larger concern of land erosion that may in the future
affect other sections of the City. Mayor Wiggins felt this is the repair of an existing
slide and, perhaps, a Council/staff committee could look at the entire slope and research
potential erosion problems in the future and the establishment of funding to avoid
repetitive repairs. Councilmen Williams and Braun volunteered to work with staff in
this endeavor. Based on this recommendation, Councilman Williams moved to
approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order No. 1 in
the amount of $56,150.00 for the Laurel Street Slide Repair Project 96-05.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Centennial Trail Contract 2. Centennial Trail Contract Amendment
Director Cutler summarized the amendment to the current contract, which involves
packaging the appropriate documents in the form of easements, surveys, and the like for
certification that precedes the receipt of funding. Councilman Braun moved to
authorize the Mayor to sign a Supplemental Agreement (Agreement No. 2) in the
added amount of $27,000.00 to the current agreement with Zenovic & Associates,
Inc., which increases the total contract to a not to exceed fee of $73,450.00.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Agreement with NTI for 3. Agreement with NTl for Professional Services
Professional Services
Manager Quinn reviewed the need for professional services for engineering, surveying,
and permitting as relates to the DelGuzzi Subdivision, property that was acquired by the
City and must be marketed in order to avoid a large bond payment in September, 2003.
Preliminary information must be developed so that the Real Estate Committee and the
City Council can make an informed decision. Discussion ensued, and Councilman
Williams suggested inclusion of language in the agreement to the extent a buyer could
purchase the entire property even during this particular phase of planning. Manager
Quinn responded to a question from Mayor Wiggins in that t-mai authorization has not
yet been granted for the sale of the property. It is, however, well known in the
community that the City is interested in marketing the property. Councilman Braun
moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an engineering services agreement with NTI
to provide engineering, surveying, and permitting services for the DelGuzzi
Subdivision, Project 22-05, in the initial phase amount not to exceed $3,500.00.
Following a second by Councilmember Rogers, the motion carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Braun requested a status report on Consent Agenda Item No. 6 regarding
the 8th Street Bridge Repairs Project. That particular item was, therefore, pulled from
the Consent Agenda. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda
with the exception of Item 6, to include: 1) City Council Minutes - regular meeting
February 5, 2002
CONSENT AGENDA: of January 15, 2002 and special meeting of January 22, 2002; 2) Payroll Information -
(Cont'd) January 20, 2002 - $444,883.08; 3) Electronic Payments - January 5, 2002 -
$1,760,690.80; 4) Check Register - January 26, 2002 - $698,083.66; 5) 'T' Street
Substation Project Acceptance; 7) 2001 Paving Project Acceptance; and 8) Annual
contract renewals with EDC and PADA. Councilman Braun seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Director Cutler advised the Council that recent repairs to the 8th Street bridges were
accomplished as a follow-up to recommendations submitted by WSDOT this past year.
The bridges have been downrated in terms of capacity, which allows the City to
continue operation of the bridges for the near future. Director Cutler summarized the
need to move forward in seeking bridge replacement and the necessary funding. After
further brief discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the 2001 Eighth
Street Bridge Repair Project 21-16 and authorize release of the retainage bond
upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor &
Industries. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Rogers reported on the legislative tour of Magna Force and thanked
COMMITTEE Council and staff members for their involvement. The technology is being presented
REPORTS: tomorrow in the vicinity of the State Capitol. She also met with Director Collins
regarding community and economic development issues.
Councilman Williams attended a closure mitigation plan meeting regarding the Hood
Canal Bridge repairs in 2006 which will impact commuters, emergency medical
procedures, and tourism. He will attend future meetings and keep the Council informed
of the progress.
Mayor Wiggins mentioned an earlier memo on the 1-695 backfill and possible City
budget reductions to encompass loss of dollars in 2003. Manager Quinn responded by
explaining the absorption of loss into the budget in the areas of the community services
budget, efficiencies in street lighting, sidewalk and pavement restoration projects, and
floating staff positions.
Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:00 p.m., at which time Mayor Wiggins expressed appreciation to Director Cutler
for the tour conducted earlier in the day of Public Works facilities.
ORDINANCES NOT Amendment to Civil Service Ordinance and Civil Service Rules:
HEARINGS: Human Resources Manager Coons presented background information on the Civil
Service laws governing employees of the Police and Fire Departments, followed by a
Amendment to Civil review and summary of the amendments and major changes to the Civil Service Rules
Service Ordinance and and to Ordinance #2410. Following Manager Coons' summary, Mayor Wiggins read
Civil Service Rules the Ordinance by title, entitled
Ordinance No. 3108
Resolution No. 2-02 ORDINANCE NO. 3108
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the
City's Civil Service ordinance with regard to definitions, the Civil
Service Commission, the Interview Board, qualifications of
applicants, probationary period, and approval of payrolls and
amending Ordinance 2410, as amended, and Chapter 2.22 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
February 5, 2002
ORDINANCES NOT Mayor Wiggins then read the Resolution by title, entitled
Amendment to Civil A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Service Ordinance and Washington, amending the rules of the Civil Service
Civil Service Rules Commission.
Ordinance No. 3108
Resolution No. 2-02 Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilmember
(Cont'd) Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
INFORMATION:. Councilmember Rogers offered an addition to the calendar in that the February 21,
2002, meeting of the EDC is being hosted by Magna Force, 18th & "N" Streets, 11:30
a.m. City Council and Department Heads are invited and RSVPs are requested.
Manager Quinn drew attention to the contracts on page 119 that are under $15,000, the
2002 Community Work Plan priorities, about which Councilmembers Williams and
Rogers will study possible changes and additions. Following a question from
Councilmember Rogers, Manager Quinn also addressed the status of major consultant
contracts and the relationship of contract amounts to budget.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:20 p.m. for 20-30 minutes to discuss
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Operi Session at 8:50 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Wiggins, Mayor BeCky JYUpto~it~ - -