HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/06/1935 ,... 272 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 6, 1935. 193__ '""'~ .. "'IJ'~.Y ...n" .TH."...... ~..YT... ...... The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Commissioner Lutz, acting Mayor. ROll call showed the fOllowinB officers present: Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the preyious session were read and approved, Under the head of Application for Building Permits, the following were granted: Port Angeles Iron \Iorks, Addition to house, Lot 2, Blk. 97, ~wnsi te Angelo Gallacci, Addition to GaraBe, Lot 15, Blk. 5, P.S.C.C. Sub. C. C. Breiland, Remodel House, Lot 5, Blk. 86, To\msite 0150.00 150.00 100.00 Under the head of Introduc tion of Heso lutions, th e following rie solution was in tro- duced: RESOLUT ION WHEREAS IT AB?EARS T)1at the allocation of revenue from the gasoline taxes, fixed by the Legislature of 1933, will terminate on the 31st day of March, 19:~5, reCluirine; further legislation for the proper and equi table distribution of said funds, and, VIHER:!:AS a substantiBl portion of this revenue is derived fromthe car owners residing within the towns and cities, and, VlHEREAS recen t legislative re s tric tio ns have made it difficult and often impossi ble for the oi ty officials to properly repair and maintain the streets of the towns and cities with the funds available from general property taxation, THER3:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CITY COMMISSIOll OF '!HE CITY OF P6RT ANGELES, that the attention of the legislature of the dtate of Washington be respectfully directed to the requirements of the towns and cities, relative to street repairs and improvements, and that appropria te legisla tion be and is hereby urged provid ing too t a. substantial proportion of the revenue from gasoline taxation be paid directly to the tuwns and cities for use in and improvement of streets. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED 'rln t a copy of this resolution be directed to each of the mem- bers of the Legislature representing the Jenatorial and Legislative Districts, in which the City of Port "'ngeles is situated. I t was moved by Commiss ioner Mas ter G tha t t he for egoing Res olu ti on be approved and adopted. Seconded by CommissioneJr' Lutz. On roll call all manbers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried, The Commission examined and allov",d the following claims and ordered warrants draVln for same: 'CURRENT EXPENSE Fire Department If " Fir emen I swages II 11 11 7 , 00 41. 00 18.00 18.00 7. :50 12.00 3.00 1.00 2.50 4.~O 1. <:5 25.00 Oscar Ullstrbm Hugo Ols on Oscar Ulls trom J. R. Mclionald W. D. ),lor::-issey Ci ty Treasurer ;-Im. Schrader H. "'. Dodge City Treasurer J. R. McDona Id Extra Fireman F1 11 Recharger Hau ling gal' bage Special Police Stamps Shar pen ing saws Expense ~ccount License Plates Killing and disposing dogs "..j ,10 I"IATER FUN]) Vlater Department Crane Company Clay "olver twn Ci ty Treasurer Renneselaer V!lLve Co. Paul rtoberts Vim. Brennand Pac Tel & Tel Co. Marshall-Wells Co. Ci ty Treasurer Vlallace Tiernan Sales Corp. Pas roll '(II' en ches Meals for crew Gas oline Val ve s Meals for crew Rent Service Supplies " 80.78 5.41 7.60 66.60 159.58 8.00 1<: .00 4. ~O ,3.9<: 1.41 867 .00 ,.:; I" ,'1 Chlorinator LIGHT FUND O. -". Ed.dy ~~rshall-~ells ~o. WestinghousB Electric Supply Co. City Treasm.rer L. T. ~y Ci ty ita ter Dept. S. H. ,Ihi te Kissner Motor Co. Frank L. Plummer Helen Linde 3.00 16.3,5 25,23 1::0.73 5.00 1. 9.5 35.00 ?7 .2.7 23.10 2.50 Rent Padlocks Supplie s " Jani tor :Io.ter Car Hire Lamps Tra vel ing llixpemse 7100d ': 1-,0 LIGH T INYEST1~rtL":UND Ci ty Treasurer ~arrants Purchased 874.84 ... Under the head of New Business,- The matter of the disposal of Ci ty Garbage came up for consideration by the Com- mission and the present contract with J. R. McDonald was continued for the period begin- ning February 3, 1935, and ending February 2, 1937. !I . 'J'here being no further )(3;lAsjpess the Commission therf 1l.djourned to meet at 2;00 p.m. on February 7th. n'tfI'Y~ / " t:::,~ , 'City Clerk. ~_":::J Mayor. r ''-.., I I I I I