HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/06/1950 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 627 February 6. 19~ 1'he Corrunission met in regular se,sion at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by lLayor }'eeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, COQIDissioners Robinson and Taylor and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of neVI business, the Club !:lilliard, filed claim for ;1240.00 damages caused by break in water I,' main January 16th. The claim was referred to Jerry Nelson Agency. Recommendation by the Civil Service CorrJt1ission was presented in which the said Commission recommended that tho City Commission consider construction of a new Police Station at the earliest possible opportunity. , The Commission ordered rec ommendation filed. Mrs. C. N. Webster, manager of Radio Citation K.O'.N.P., requested in writing that a loading zone be I' established at 113 Ylest }'irst Street. Police Chief Ide having recorrunended that the loading zone be per- mitted, it was moved by "layor ,'eeley that the relluest be grented. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission took Wlder consideration, assignment by Crown Zellerbach Corporation. to liayonier, Inc.) existing Franchise, by Ordinance No. 900 01' the City of l'ort.Angeles, granting franchise to maintain power , lines and fixtures on certain streets in the City. It was moved by ]{iByor Feeley tnat transfer of the existing franchise be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Inquiry by Smith Bros. regarding purchase of lot at ,'ront and Oak Streets was discussed bj'the Commission. After due consideration, it was moved by Comrrissioner Robinson that the Cocwission fix appraisal price on the lot and advertise sale of S8me. 5econded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. ]"otion carried. Under the head the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1221 'I AlLOHDINANCE relating to dogs and cats in the City of Port j,ngeles, fixing license fees therefore, declaring a nuisance, providing for a City Pound, providing for the enforcement of this ordinance and for the dis- " bursement of funds therefore, i'ixing penalties, repealing ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict hers"with, and declaring an emergency. ,~ It 'was moved by !!iByor ]<'eeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. I Se~ onded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. : Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced; , ORDINANCE rlo. 1222 :AN:ORDINA~CE vacating a certain alley and portions of certain streets and alleys in dlocks One (1) and I lour (4) of Cain's :>ubdivision of Suburban Lot 1'vlenty-one (21) of the United States Government Townsite of , Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. 1 , It .was moved by Commissioner Robinson that tne foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second l'eading. ,I I;econded by Comrrissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , I "Light Supt. Mclean requested that bids be published for purchase of 6,500 feet of bare copper wire. It was' i moved by Comrrissioner ](obin30n that call for bids be published and opened Febr~ary 20th. Seconded by 'i 'Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payn:ent of same: '170 ~o I, CuRRENT EXPENSE FUND: City Treasurer Olo'1l1pic Printery It. O. Ide Clallam Co. Chapter Am. Olympic Stationers Peninsula Plywood Corp. Howard-Cooper Corp. K & K ~~ne Yoods Tower I;uper Service "Sears Roewck & Co. The Texas Co. Peninsula Fuel Co. Ked Cross Fire Hydrants, Light, Water, Envelopes, Date Stamp Car Mileage for Jan. First Aid !:looks Supplies PlyNO od One Smi thway rump Soa p, Purex Carbageu refill, Oxygen Chains Cas fuel Oil Garbage 465.51 15.96 15.58i 4.80 20.04 16.48 175.10 8.24 10.50 7.64 I 151.42 ' 104 .95 j /1 g;(O - I 'I 28.84 581.04 j 5.00 56.14 i 8.24 142.88 I I, CITY STREET FUND: " Port Angeles Motors ! The Texas Co. Tower Super Service I Tower Super Service "Peninsula PIYVlOod Corp. City Treasurer 'fo ,WATEH FUND: I J/rf "" Ulympic Printery' City Light Dept. Puget Sound NaviBation Co. litchard I 5 Ass. Service ,I H. E. Dodge I Automotive ,tlarts Service ,Port j'ngeles Auto Supply Co. D & B Battery & Electric Stn. I Loop Auto 'Ifrecking Co. E. A. Jensen , 1'he Texas Co. City Street Dept. Willson Hardware Go. ! IT. H. Haller Hardware Co. flailor I~umber Co. li~eler Hardware Co. ,I Anti-Freeze Gas, Oil, etc. Demurrage Parts, Acetylene, etc. 1 Load Core Bloc ks Light J Water, .':>ts. & Sewers Supplies Lights at Reservoirs Frt. Chgs. Spark Plugs Car Exp. Supt. Parts Tire Chains Spark Plugs Bar Iron StOYS Oil Casoline Cas and Oil Shovels Blow 'l'orch Handle s ~hov81 9.43, 5.75 25.!:l5, 2.84 14.84 21.19 7.62 4.64 2.06 8.01 22.25 82.37 6.05 9.12 5.46 3.04 628 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ "WATER FUND. continued: Western Utilities Supply Co. ., ltensselaer Valve Co. G. L. Geisinger 2..8 ,LIGHT FUND: g'17- Tower Super Service "}'itcmrd IS J{.ss. :Service "Hooker Storage uarage & Service Stn. ,I City Street Dept. Samuelson Motor Co. loee Hotel Garage Schreiner Chavrolet Co. I City Water Dept. .Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. '~Farmers ~'eed &. Garden "apply Peninsula 'fuel Co. "Clallam Grain Co. l'uget Sound Navigation Co. 'Olympic Sta ti oner s ,. City Treasurer :ili/ens Bros. 1ng. & Constr. Co. [Olympic Electric Co. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Willson Hardware Co. Lina Material CO. I' General Electric Supply Corp. '1.3 I'SAIlITATIOtI FUND: ;( t; 0 - ':Che 'texas Co. IITower Super Service City Street Dept. 'City Trea surer Olympic Stationers "Earl Davidson iif LIBRARY FUND: :< 1-5 - Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. "Olympic Electric Co. Gaylord Bros., Inc. 'Jerry Nelson Agency :Doubleday & Co., Inc. IPaget Sound News Co. ,\Pacific N.V!. [Jibliographic Center Jean Karr & Co. The Personal 300k Shop, Inc. 'New Method !:look Bindery, Inc. "American Library Assn. 'A. C. McClurg & Co. ;;J..J" "PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL 'FUND: City Street Dept. "Fitchard 18 Ass. Service ONens dros. tug. & Constr. Co. February 6th, continued, Pipe Hydrant Bot tom .h:ngineer Services Ga,; and Parts Ges Storage Uasoline Hepairs, etc. (jasoline Repairs Water at Sub-stn. . Sand Sa cks Fuel Sa cks 'rt. Bill '80 oks Express Chgs. Handling Chgs. Heater lleals for Crew Tools, etc. Hardvra re Hardware Vala r Oil Truck Tubes Gas and Oil Water OUice Supplies Car Mileage for Jan. Pnone 7244 fulbs, ,'lour. Lamps ~upplies Insurance Books Books 1950 Membership Hooks Books Hooks, Periodicals Institutional Membership Books Servic es 5288-3851 .(;< ~p Gas Cha ins Sharpening Gads " There baing no further business, the meeting "as then adjourned. o 2 :Levu-. tf City ~lerk ~Otil'(' 'J'() Hidd('l'." :S-ot.kc i:'l l1el.{~h~'- G:i\"fP that bhl~ will Iw ac(:cpl(>d h'-\fh('..Cl.lY Ckrk ('If' the City -of P....n: '..-\.n~ll"'j. l,Vlllih- ~~f):~';iot~\\ t~~(' t h~~t~IJt:I~~l;'%~ rtlalT ::1\, 1:1;,('1, lv"(UI'T1ISli-rof"\l'l.c I ~~~7~1~~i~~:~~~'~~gf~~;;i;~~.0i~:T10i j,,:.jeet nnr or :\.11 ~itl~.~ ' . J, ". r,:!'(,~-, CI v CloJr],. Puhll~'h~(l: Ff'hl'lt;ll'~I lO, 17, 19;;0, ~ I 479.32 'I 56.60 :1 550.001 17.35 7.80 . .50 'I 66.89, 77.541 4.45 . 168.91 1.75 20.08 .62 , 46.19 I 4.94 i 1.25 i 2.93 I 1.20 ' 7.72 5.48 26.33 50.92 70.35 , 296.28 7.!:l5 44.17 147.45 1.60 , 7.81 " 42.07 12.47 'I 19.081 9.89 10.80 ' 4.40 86.06 50.00 17.97 16.26 15.79 5.00 18.12 11.28 9.56 10.56 2.58 >fr-/ t/ L-t Mayor ,...-.-....- :\OIJl'I' '1n IIldl'r... I !\-oUpp i:-; ]Icro.hy ,:-jvell that ~('al~r1 t~~~;]{~~}lll::~ DiT:i~)r'lJ'::;:t t'~~Ki~;i,:~: '"\Vfl~lltllg-t(Jn fl.t thO' City 1I!l1I of !in.!\! : ~~ ~~j.r 1r ; :~il~:t~[';~ll~t~,ltl .ll::I; ~t~~;::J~:~:~I~: ~ lrooo t')n!i He llilllrTlhlO\I:l C"nl!:l1t Plant :-'1Ix, 'l'~'P(; - ('In,,/; F. .\11 _I'ldf1 'Hhflll h" l1(~'-'lJlIlpillll(',1 hy Il \'f'I'tlfll',1 [i:hef:k In 1IH.~ MUlTI of not 1('.'11< i h:1n f!% of. thp 1l.mllunl hill :lJl'lllIlHl(. ]lilY. nl)lc tn thl' ('lly '1,'l'l'l\i'lUI'[W flf t~(' City of PUl't An,q-"le"l, or fllt' hIli Will )lot lie' ('lln!lld"H'il. '1'11(> r'ornmlssl()ll r('!;prV('!l {lH' dg-hl I t~ J:~~::I'~~11 :'!I:~ ;~'I:I;~i,:I'_~~I~~.:I\:~ ~ y ~~'.]" r~:~o, I ="oli('~f:~'~l\'''I::(,;~~) ~:~}~2~1~~1~ flerll"dl jhld!i will Ill,' 1'('\'1'[\'1.:11 hy thr.. (.lty Cl"rk lIf the Cll~' (Or 1',,,.t ,'ngtl"", l j~;a!~:I~~.P;~~~I' 1;1~lt"llnf~.;:.l";~\ 1~'h;'J;:~f'~,: ~'~Iidh;':}:',\:f'~~~/ ~!G~: ;:\h'?'\(;~il :';~:\:"1~~~1;~" 'c{'lit{>1nIII:lII'd j" fOI' 11](' ('''lll'tl'lI('jjOll ':nf JL Irllllk HIIC} ]ul'-ral ~"Wl'r 1>11 J'ill<' : lIltl fnllrl Lh,~ alln' 1":0' W"!'11 ] Uh '~~;~Ll~~:l t~\~~'s:;~t\~ ~{;~~~.1l;:~'('~I.~:;\JI~lrl~ V:dl,'y <hlkh (III tll" \':ilf1t. t.. III" brca]{ III Tumwate]' (;ukh (HI t11f~ I \VL'St. .\11 hltl;> E<hnll 110' SU'('llmp{llll"d i g ~I,~':,~'l~j;, ~ :~';\~'~: ;;: ~~}~; ~~(;( rl ~ ~'~':; ::;l~ i' ~ ~~:~~:I~;':';I) l.\'a~hll1~tlJl1. [lJ" LII!' 1:1,1 will lIot he ~~~~\~":ll:l(t;~~' u~, 1~:\;,I::l T'~ ~'l} (~l(:.r~(,o ;n~l~~ he fl,ll'nl:ilw.d hr th" :>uc<:('l-ll-lful IJld-~ tiCI', J'lan~ :111,1 ~11....('iri(,~LtilJnJ; lllll.\-' hI' ()btnin~d from lh~ City Cl('l'!( :u]l(ln ,lupm,jUng LllP ~Ll1l1 of ~~.If<l, whkj\ Hum Will 1)(' rl'fllllllf.d Ir ttl<'- Illal1~ ~1;1;1 c1~~~! ~l rlIJf:,Jg/J~ ;:1 ~] I,;~r]~ 1f11~ (> ;1\:.1;\ '~(Ilw l~(; ::~ilt : ~ [},~: j l~j~,~ (Pt; '~~.:I i~'~f~fr F;:'~'I{I,i ;-,., :I, ~~I,~JA,ish('<I: February 17, :.;~, C\bn~hl I I I