HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/06/1958 I I 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 579~ Februarv 6. 1958 19_ ,""" """", ,,"... ",,_..., ..,,'""',..... ~ The city Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll carl of officers showed the following present: Councilmen Brown, Matl!ltieu, WOlfe, Me Fadden, Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minutes of the previons meeting be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, fixed estimate claims were approved as follows: L,I.D. No. 173, Peninsula lIerald, publication, $4.68. L.I.D. No. 175, Peninsula Herald, publication, $8.64. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield tha.t fixed estimate claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. : Bids to 'furnish cast iron pipe for the water Department were received from the following companies: I ATLAS FOUNDRY AND MACIIINB CCIlPANY: Item 7, $302.32 I U.S. PIPE AND FOUNDRY: Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, $37.599.60 , Item 7, $410.72 I Pacific States. Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, $37,279.05 Item 6, $765.20 Item 7, $298.60 Item 10, $938.00 PACIFIC NATER SUPPLY: Item 5, $4,680.00; Item 6, $985.10; Item 7, $336.90; Item 8, $78.85; Item 9, $682.20; Item 10, $1,040.00. HALLGREN CO.: Item 6, $960.50; Item 7, $323.15; Item 9, .315.20; Item 10, $1093.50. WESTERN UTILITY SUPPLY CO: Item 6 $524.40; Item 8, $77.44; Item 9, $678.81'> H. D.FOWLBR co: Item 6, $911.20; Item 7, $330.93; Item 8, $56.90; Item 9, $649.57. I After due consideration, it was moved by Counci lman MCFadden that bids be awarded 1lS recoDlII1ended by the I Nater Superintendent. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. WoOdies Cycle Shop having submitted the oniLy bid in amount of $1,509.50 net, for motorcycle to be used by the Police Department, and bid being comparable to prices paid by otber cities, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the cycle be purchased. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. The Planning eo...ission recommended that request for variance be granted ,permitting construction of clinic at Race and Georgiana Streets, due consideration and hearing having revealed no Objections made or filed. It was moved by Councilman ~<Fadden that recommendation be accepted a114 variance approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that applications for sick leave include leave for maternity if requested by City employees. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that claims paid january 17, 23,28, Feb. 4, 5, and 6. in total amoWlt of $74,589,49 be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. The following reports were filed for Council approval: Police Judge for December, Utilities, Police and Fire annual reports. It 'was moved by CouncilmEn Wolfe that all reports be approved and ~laced on file. second_j ed by Councilman Maxfield and carried, Mayor Smith read a letter from Melvin R. Hubbard, Juvenile Control Officer for Division of Children and Youth Service, to Chief "ochanek, commending the Chief and his department for services to children and community, It was moved by Councilman wolfe that Council extend commendations to the Police Departmel1t for services well done. seconded by Councilman Brown and carried, The Mayor also read request from liard Coley, Sekiu, asking Council to consider installation of comfort f" .. stlltions and~inking fOWltains for convenience of visitors and tourists. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that request be referred to Planning Commission for recommendations. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. William H. Smith read a statement making various allegations against IIr. Vergeer and an applicant for the position of poli~e chief. Criticized the manager with the matters relating to chief's appointment, and 9Jspension of a fireman and asked for a public hearing on his charges, Mayor Smith replied all issues re- ferred to are of public record and the matter a closed issue. Attorney Moffett was questioned as to whether Mr. W.H. Smith's statement could be published without making the newsp~er subjectto libel suits. Mr. Moffett stated that unless the paper could prove the allegations published it would constitute libel. Danny Smith read resolution 'passed by Citizens for Better Government requesting that Council purChase and install recorder. Also requested that survey be made to determine traffic hazard at Marine Drive and I st. Hill intersection. l~illiam H. Gwynn appeared and read statements as previously read, al so letter from the Mayor regarding sns- pension of Assistant Fire Chief. It was the opinion of Mr. GWynn that investigation had been held in Grand Jury form and beyond duties of the Council. Mayor Smith r4'lied that hearing was for investigation 'of truck damage and assured that in case of future damage to City equipment, investigations may be expected. 'Mr. GWyn n then read statement concerning appointment of Rev. Lieby to Civil Service Commission and suggest-' I ed that the Reverend resign, thereby doing the Community and all concerned a favor. I An employee of Rayonier, Inc. complained of damage to his car during construction of Ennis Street paving in 1953, lilso of car damage by Ilaseball at Civic Field. The Mayor assured that if proper claim had been i filed at time of damage and found justified, claim would hve been paid by insurance companies. 'Under head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read: I RESOLUTION NO. 3 - 58 I A RESOLUTION a\)proving and a uthorizing the execution of power sales contract for the purchase and resale of 'electric power with the Bonneville Power Administration by contract No. 14-03-001-13601, and approving and authorizing the exectuion of resale agreement between the City of Port Angeles, and Rayonier Illcorporated under said purc.hase" and resale agreement, said purchase aDd resale agreement being companion contracts. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brown and. carried. Under head of introduction and reading of Ordinances. the following was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1413 AN ORDINANCE creating and providing for the Eoard of Park COlDlllissioners of the City of Port Angeles, provi- ding for the appointment of the members of such Board, mid prescribing the powers and duties thereof under council-manage r form of government and repealing Ordinance no. 777. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that Ordinance be approved, and adopted. I Seconded by Councilman Brown, I ~ 580 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington r~br1!!l1'J 6 19~ GeR tinre d I . 1 .' d unanlmous y carrie . I No other business appearing, the meet~ng was declared adjourned. I (j . C. rf :f:.-aur .city Clerk i:~~, /ol~or FEBRIlARY 29, 1958. Primary Election of the City of Port A.ngele1l, Washington, held and conducted February 11, 1958, as shown by the canvass of Poll Books and Absentee Ballots: rompl~te Unofficial-. Returns of Tuesda(s P~ary I ;o~ YEA_,,~.. ,RM ~ II' :NEiP;E: ~R~f> -- .~u~.- 11I-- <1 f~ ~.g ~ ii ~ ii: ~ ~ ~ .:i ~ c .J ~ ~ , I I I I I From the results of said Election it appears that Joseph W. Wolfe, Nathan G. Richardson, LawTence E. Winter~, Murray F. Randall, James G. Caldwell, am R. Scott Marshall were nominated for Councilmen for four ~ar I tem, and Margaret E. Matthieu and Dalton W. Thorne were nominated for unexp#lred tem. Therefore, the names of the nominated will he placed upon the Ballot at the General City Election to be held March 11, 1958. I James G. Caldwell Ih Scott Marshall Al.hert C. Milliken Bill L. Owens Murray F. Randall Nathan G. Richardson John P. Wagner Lawrence E. Winters Joseph W. Wolfe Margaret E. lIatthieu . Martin J. Prasalowicz Daniel P. Smith Leola L. smith Dalton W. Thorne , .... .. .. .. ,. .... ~~lli ~ EI~fl' E! HI Ell~i i! ~i ~4:11 li:1 ~Ii E :~i 29 21 32 24 50145 28140 .6 40' 18 IB ,0 113 ,...............', :~' 1:\ : :~, ;; .;~ ; ;;r ~ ~i :1 :~ ~~\ ;~ m 20' ~ ~ ::: ~, ~II ~;I ~I:: :;f ~) 1~1 ~~J ~ 1~ ~! '8\11 271 22'1 33 15 39, im 38l 3 15, 8 77 1'1 10 7 10, 9 13 14 22' 1B 20 1/ 81 5 44 25, :J2 19 2'[ 2'1 2' 15 3011.2 291 21 191 11 13 80 321 29 12 16 23' .9 171 56 00 55 l' 9 10 25 107 18116 12 7 14 16 18'1 19 1. l' l' 8 5' 19 . .9 51 24 13 12 25 49 14 63, 541 70 21 7 141 16 112 65 39 18 26 32 72 16 641 941801 2' S g: 461 146 11\ 20 2' 19 35 20 181 211 3. 28 11 16 '71171 74 23110 24 20 .7 411321 39 SI '": llf 20 1~ 121 1~2 10 15 9 9 24 27 12 19 20 221 51 Zi ' 131 50 311 26' 32 30 '1['" 301 44, 62 I 531 21 ~31 171 211 118 HH""'::': I ~! ;~\ ~ ~il :~ ~ ~l ;;1 ~l ;~I ~~::i :~:\ ~~l : ,: 141 11 12 13 25 131 20 21 241 17. 31 'I 16 81 55 '\ 22 ~. 25 2.1 50 25 26 14 361 16' W 28, 9 181 9(J I" 21 2'114\ 31 3.5 321 29 321 19' 21 26 19 131 81 22\ 191 18 11 37 28 23 38 351 29 3, 151 10 18 77 )'0 18 191 . 33 371 13 331 341 30 1 8 171 151 73 7391 649J.~~:d!!!1 ~t 621110321221 1034 10 382l40.j 53912559 1. 2. , 3 _ .. ' 4. 5 _ 6, 7 H . 8, 9 10. 11, 12, 13 ]4. _ . 15 16 , 17 ..".... 18 19" ...."... :20.....:.-'.. 21 . .. _~ .".It.. . " 22 ...'f.H' 23 24 25 26 27.... Total.... ..... Absentee: 4 4 3 3 3 8 5 15 11 Results, including Bbsentee: 743 653 610 450 963 1059 626 104'7 1242 12 o 3 3 1 1046 103 385 407 540 WITNESS my hand this 20th day of FebIWlry, 1958. ~ , La..-uY' 1 1 1 I