HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/06/2001 4380 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 6, 2001 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, K. Dubuc, J. Mason, T. O'Neill, K. Bogues, Ci Wheeler, R. Johnson, M. Sanders, P. Rose, L. Dunbar, S. McLain, G. Brooks, T. Smith, and G. Darling. Public Present: L. Lee, K. Duncan, V. Duncan, G. Gleason, J. Emery, D. Jacobs, L. Kross, J. Haum, and T. Price. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle, followed by a moment ALLEGIANCE: of silence for Councilman Wiggins' mother who recently passed away. CEREMONIAL Fire Chief McKeen introduced the City's new Fire Marshal, Ken Dubuc, who has over MATTERS/ 12 years experience in the fire service field. In the process of selecting a Fire Marshal, PROCLAMATIONS: Fire Chief McKeen had the Fire Department staff, various members of the community, and the Union President help in the decision making. Fire Marshal Dubuc's wife, Introduction of Fire Teresa, presented Fire Marshal Dubuc with his badge. Marshal WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn added to Public Comment an informational report on the oil spill that PLACED ON THIS OR occurred this past week in the Port Angeles harbor. Various commumty members have A FUTURE AGENDA: assisted with clean up, as have members of the Fire Department, Coast Guard, and Department of Ecology, who were present to address the situation and answer any questions. Fire Chief McKeen informed the Council that the response and recovery time were exceptional for this cleanup effort. An informational memo was provided to the Council with regard to highlights and a critique of the spill. Fire Chief McKeen commended the citizens of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and all others who did an outstanding job of acting quickly in response to the oil spill. Lt. Andrew Tucci of the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in Seattle acted as the Federal Coordinator for the oil spill cleanup, and he summarized for the Council some of the preparations the Department of Ecology, Coast Guard, and oil industry had undertaken for these devastating occurrences. These preparations were a key to the success of the operation. They enabled the varying organizations to become familiar - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4381 February 6, 2001 LATE ITEMS TO BE with each other, identify ecologically sensitive areas, preplan systems to protect the PLACED ON THIS OR ecological areas, and use the command systems. There is still some oil remaining in the A FUTURE AGENDA: Port Angeles harbor, but it is very small. (Cont'd) Eric Heinitz, Department of Ecology, advised the Council that it was his role to protect the interests of the citizens and natural resources of the State. In this instance, the Department of Ecology represents all State agency interests, and some concerns the State had centered around the salmon spawning grounds, migratory fish, birds and other wildlife issues. Mr. Heinitz felt that the success of the operation was due to the familiarity that has been gained between organizations because of the frequent training efforts. John Ripperger, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Alaska Tanker Company, expressed the company's apology for this incident. The incident was avoidable, but the fact remained there was an oil spill in the Port Angeles harbor. Mr. Ripperger relayed the company's immediate response and commitment to implement a structure for cleanup. He thanked Fire Chief McKeen and County Emergency Coordinator Ciarlo for their counsel and response. Mr. Ripperger assured the Council that the Alaska Tanker Company would make certain this situation does not present itself again. Brief discussion followed. On another matter, Councilmember McKeown requested a status report sometime in March on the Francis Street Park Project. Gary Gleason, 2211 East 7th Avenue, Port Angeles, requested the Council's future consideration of the Morse Creek lease for the hydro project. Mr. Gleason noted that water to be used in the project will include a bypass of one mile of spawning habitat for salmon, and he requested that something be written into the contract to prohibit the operator from jeopardizing the salmon spawning beds in this particular habitat. ' FINANCE: 1. Telecommunications Design Consultant Award Telecommunications Mayor Doyle st/mmarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with Consultant Award regard to the telecommunications design award. Director Cutler pointed out that, even with the authorization of this agreement, there would be no action taken until a business plan is completed and approved. Power Resource Manager Dunbar stated that by authorizing this agreement and having the consultants obtained previous to the business plan, it ensures that the plan can be enacted quickly. In response to an inquiry from Councilman Hulett, Resource Manager Dunbar explained the intent of the business plan and what is involved in its preparation. It Will present several different options for the development of a fiber optic network. Once complete, the business plan will be distributed for comment to the Utility Advisory Committee, as well as the Port Angeles Works! Committee. After further brief discussion, Councilmember MeKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the professional services agreement to retain MCC and authorize completion of stage 1.a-e of the scope of work in an amount not to exceed $166,882 if the business plan verifies the overall feasibility of the fiber optic backbone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Tree Trimming Contract 2. Tree Trim Contract Acceptance and Release Final Acceptance Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with regards to the release of the Asplundh Tree Company retainage. Director Cutler indicated this work had been done in various locations throughout the City. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the project and authorize the release of -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4382 February 6, 2001 Tree Trimming Contract Asplundh Tree Expert Co. retainage in the amount of $2,749.68 upon receipt of Final Acceptance (Cont'd) clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. Lease with Olypen for 3. Lease with Olypen for I'Vireless Communications Tower Wireless Communications Tower Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Information Technology Manager O'Neill, who reviewed the proposed lease agreement with Olypen for the use of a City-owned 110 foot light pole to install a whip-antenna to deploy wireless Intemet access to various locations. The antenna will provide a section of Port Angeles with high speed Interact access, and in conjunction with providing Olypen with use and service of the pole, Olypen has agreed to provide City Hall and the City's remote locations with high speed Internet services at no extra charge. In addition to this, the City will be receiving a tower from Olypen that will provide Intemet access and wide area network services from the Corp Yard facilities to City Hall. Ms. O'Neill summarized the benefits of the lease agreement to the City, and Jared Emery, Olypen, expanded on what this project would do for the community in that anyone who can see the tower can access this high speed Interact. Discussion followed, and Attorney Knutson pointed out a correction to Page 2 of the lease agreement in the last sentence of Section 6 which states, "except that, at the City's option, ownership of the pole Or tower shall transfer to the City", and should be replaced with, "unless otherwise authorized by the City". Councilman Campbell moved to authorize Mayor Doyle to sign the lease agreement as modified with Olypen for the use of the City-owned 110 foot light pole located at the southwest corner of Civic Field for the purpose of installing a whip-antenna to deploy wireless Internet access to certain areas of Port Angeles and for the City of Port Angeles to accept Internet services at the rate described and accept the donated 68 foot tower with extensions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Carnegie Library 4. Carnegie Library Restoration/Renovation Project 97-08 Phase #2 Restoration/Renovation Project Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with regard to the proposed agreement with Olympic Design Works. Director Cutler stated the plan being presented is an effort to move forward with plans and specifications for the Carnegie building. Once plans have reached the 35 percent stage, then information will be returned to the Council as pertains to the cost of renovation versus restoration. The City is awaiting a proposal from a Seattle firm for value engineering. After bridf discussion, Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the negotiated agreement with Olympic Design Works Inc. to provide architectural and engineering services for Part Two of Phase Two of the Carnegie Library Building Restoration/Renovation Project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City Council minutes of the January 16, 2001 regular meeting; and 2) Out-of-State Travel for Assistant Civil Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Availability and Potential for Submission of CDBG Planning Only Grant OTHER: Mayor Doyle reminded the Council that this was a public hearing continued from the Availability and Potential January 16, 2001 City Council meeting. He reviewed the information provided by for Submission of CDBG Economic Development Director Smith on the CDBG Planning Only Grant. Mayor Planning Only Grant Doyle continued the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. There being no public testimony, Resolution No. 3-01 Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. -3- CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 PUBLIC HEARINGS - Mayor Doyle then summarized the information provided on the proposed resolution OTHER: authorizing submission of an application for a Planning Only Community Development Block Grant application researchingthe feasibility of building a new facility to replace Availability and Potential the existing adult homeless shelter. Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled for Submission of CDBG Planning Only Grant RESOLUTION NO. 3-01 Resolution No. 3-01 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the application for a planning only Community Development Block Grant to research the feasibility of building a new facility to replace an existing adult homeless shelter. Councilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett. Councilman Wiggins asked if a new homeless shelter would be in the same location, and Mr. Smith indicated that particular matter would be addressed in the planning process if funded by this grant. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell had no reports. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilmember McKeown attended a Gateway Committee meeting, at which time approval was given for additional money to be spent on better site renderings. These renderings will help by allowing better visualization of the proposed project. Councilman Williams indicated the Downtown Forward Executive Committee is still reviewing ideas for the Transit portion of the project, and Manager Quinn stated the new drawings should be available by March 5, 2001. There is an attempt to involve other community groups during the presentation of the drawings. Councilmember McKeown also reported on her helicopter tour of the recent oil spill. Councilman Hulett attended various annual meetings and dinner events. Councilman Williams accompanied the Director of Clallam Transit to a meeting with Pierce Transit, during which they spoke on the tax passed in Clallam County to benefit Transit. Mayor Doyle also attended annual meetings. He participated in the annual meeting of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for the installation of officers. On February 2, 2001, Mayor Doyle attended the Cascadia Mayors Conference', the agenda included discussions on salmon recovery, climate change and global warming, the 4(d) Rule, as well as regional energy in the West Coast electric market. Mayor Doyle offered the Victoria City Council the opportunity to visit Port Angeles and meet with this City Council. Mayor Doyle referenced a draft discussion paper with regard to developing a program to address regional substance abuse problems. ORDINANCES NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: None. OTHER 1. Bilateral Compliance Agreement CONSIDERATIONS: Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities on the matter of the Bilateral Compliance Agreement. Director Cutler introduced Mr. John Ryding, Regional Engineer with the Department of Health, who was present this evening. Director Cutler reviewed the agreement, which he indicated he will be signing on behalf of the City. He advised the Council that the City had asked if the agreement -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 4384 OTHER could be slid back depending on funding available from grant sources, but this could CONSIDERATIONS: not be allowed in view of current WACs. The Department of Health will, however, (Cont'd) support the City's request for funds for design and construction. Lengthy discussion followed on the matter of construction of the filtration system, associated costs, and Bilateral Compliance how the timing will relate to the removal of the Elwha Dams. This item was submitted Agreement (Cont'd) for informational purposes; no action was taken. Human Services Funds 2. Human Services Funds Mayor Doyle inquired of Councilmember McKeown as to whether she had any commentaries regarding the contract with United Way. Councilmember McKeown directed kudos to United Way for their ongoing assistance in the administration of the Human Services fimds, as well as assistance in a current situation about which reports are being sought. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with United Way for the administration of the City's 2001 Human Services funds. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. Carnegie Library Historic 3. Declaration of Historic and Cultural Significance for Carnegie Library Declaration Building Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with regard to the designation of the Carnegie Library building as "historically significant" to the City of Port Angeles. Director Cutler stated that, by dedicating the building as "historically significant", the City could apply less stringent energy codes and have greater flexibility when working on the building. Brief discussion ensued, after which Councilmember Wiggins moved to designate the Carnegie Library building as "historically significant" to the City of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. Fair Board Representation 4. Fair Board Representation Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Parks & Recreation Director Connelly in regard to the vacancy for the City's representative to the Clallam County Fair Board. Director Connelly advised the Council that Ann Leonard had submitted an application to fill the position. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend to the Clallam County Commissioners that Ann Leonard be appointed as the City representative to the Fair Board. The motion was seconded by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously. AWC Shoreline Master 5. A WC Shoreline Master Program Unfunded Mandate Claim Program Unfunded Mandate Claim Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Community Development Director Collins with regard to submitting an unfunded mandate claim form, based on the modification made by the Community Development Director to the AWC/Department of Ecology estimate. The estimate the City has given is lower than the Department of Ecology's estimate, and Director Collins stated that the primary costs consist of hiring a consultant for providing draft language that would satisfy the update requirements. The Shoreline Master Program was updated in 1995 which adopted many of the current regulations of the Shoreline Master Program. This claim form does not involve a lawsuit, but rather is a way of working with other cities and counties to send a message about unfunded mandates to the Legislature. Councilmember McKeown departed the Council meeting at 7:50 p.m. After further discussion and clarification, Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the claim form for an amount of $50,000.00 based on the -5- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4385 February 6, 2001 AWC Shoreline Master modification by the Community Development Director of the AWC/Department Program Unfunded of Ecology estimate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and Mandate Claim (Cont'd) carried unanimously. PIRA Contract 6. Peninsula International Relations Association Contract Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Manager Quinn regarding the proposal to designate the Peninsula International Relations Association as the City's coordinator for the Official Mutsu City Visit in May, 200i. Manager Quinn briefly discussed the contract and summarized the official visit being planned from Port Angeles to Mutsu City. He noted the community's economic interests and schools would be involved in this exchange. After brief discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to approve the contract with PIRA and designate PIRA as the City's eoordihator of the Official City Visit in May, 2001, in accordance with the contract terms. The motion was seconded by Councilmen Wiggins and carried unanimously. Manager Quinn noted that he had distributed to the Council information about PIRA, as well as a report on PIRA's 1999-2000 accomplishments. INFORMATION: City Manager's Report: Manager Quinn advised the Council that, at its February 20, 2001, meeting, there is a tentative workshop slated with the Commissioners of the Port of Port Angeles to discuss such items as the downtown area, the Oak Street property, the Rayonier property, the Waterfront Vision, development of Ediz Hook, and shoreline mitigation. In addition, Manager Quiun reviewed the Community Work Plan, as well as project 'status reports included in the Information Agenda. He advised the Council of an appreciation letter from the Salvation Army for the Angel Tree program, as well as a letter regarding the City's possible participation in the earthquake/tsunami study. Brief discussions were held concerning the memorandum on the property tax levy, the Ben and Myrtle Walkling Memorial Trust request, and Governor Locke's order to conserve energy. Director Cutler identified methods by which the City plans to reduce its power consumption by 10%. Discussion followed concerning power rates and the potential impact on City customers. It was suggested that City staffmeet with the larger power consumers to discuss conservation measures. Brief discussion was then held regarding the annexation brochure available to the public. Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:25 p.m: The meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:35 p.m to discuss potential litigation for approximately 15 minutes. RETURN TO OPEN This meeting was returned to Open Session at 9:00 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Becky J. UP~, C-~ Clerk -- ' -6-