HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/07/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington Fe bruary 7, 1 ')3.5 193_ 273 ~ I I I I I The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 2 p.m. and was called to order by Commissioner Lutz, acting Mayor., Roll call showed th~ foll:wi?? offIcers presen t: Commissioners Lutz and Masters, 4ttorney Plummer and lerk HawK~ns. The Commission examined and allowed the follovling claims,and ordered vlarrants drawn for same: CURREN'T EXPENSi': Johnson & Bork Ed Faulconer Thos. r. Aldwell Kissner Motol!' Parts Co. Associated Oil Co. Ea:. B. Taylor James HdV/e Co. Union Oil Co. Willson Hdwe Co. Harris & Schuller Ha~ris & Schuller Howard-Cooper Corp. The Pa,: Tel & Tel Co. Automotive Parts Co. P. A. Auto SUpply ~o. UJmer Office Eguipment Co. Packer-Scott Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Uorks Earl Sande~snn Willson Hardware Co. 1. C. Groves The Pao Tel II! Tel Co. The Pao Tel & Tel Co. Byron Hinter J. Llo~'d Aldwcll, Inc. Argus !.lfg . Go. Vlalkling tlotor Co. Glenn's Servic e Sta ti on D. "". Masters K. O. Erickson Harchesi Studi 0 Evening News Ulmer Offfce Eguipment Co. Quick Print The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Trick & Murray H. & W. Specialty vo. Ulmer Offic.e Eguipment Co. J. M. Davis Thos T. fildwell K. O. Erickson LoV/man & Hanford Co. VI. D. Morrissey Walkling Motor Go. Garvin Auto Go. The Eac Tel & Tel Co. J. L~oYd Aldwell, Inc. Mars hall-Wells "0. Superior Blue Print Cpo Port An;eles Iron Vlorks Marshall-Wells Co. P A. Concrete Producta Co. JOhnson.& Bork Thos. H. Guptill Central Machine ~orks Rixon Garage Frank Macdonald & Sons Garvin Auilo Co. Associated Oil Co. City ;!lock Co. J. ~I. Davis Lysa11 Welding & F.orge 'Works F. E. '[IUd er Edgar A. Jacobs State Treasurer Antone 0mihh Grocery WATER FUND J. B. Mathews Sash & Door Fact~ry Central Machine ~ork8 Rixon's Parking & fervice Garage Frank Macdonald & Sons Vlillson Hard\'lar e Co. James Hardware Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Lysall'~eld~ng Works Jolmson &: Eorle IHaugen "heet Metal Vlorks Pine Hill Service tp. A. It on \'Iorks liHooker ELectro Chemical Co. lYlashington State Bank ,[Federal Pipe & Tank Co. l[Federal ?ipe & Tank ~o. lr~merican Water ~orks Ass'n eattle l'lumbing Supply Co. Pain t, etc. pyroil Insurance Supplies Gas Plumbing Hdvle Oil Hdwe Rebottom Battery Boxes Screen Expansion Rings Ser vi ce Repairs Wrench Supv,lie s 9. .50 5.50 23.12 13..';8 67..50 2.00 4.91 1. 33 .5.05 3.85 2.00 3.4.3 7.2 .~ 13.00 .69 7.60 26.2;' 1.25 14.45 ::.95 17.15 3.75 2.30 2.50 5.00 ;~8 .50 21.10 54.01 .50 5.00 2.2~ 73.65 44 .00 2;; .00 1.:!5 28.20 7.50 1.45 45.00 50.00 4fj .00 44.00 9.99 1.50 5.15 9.50 26.73 4.70 4.28 9.30 30;20 119.50 2. .50 .75 4.00 2.30 3.60 55.03 143.72 .80 750.00 :0.20 50.00 ;;..50 41.34 18.60 Repairs Ba tter y Supplie s Meals for prisonelr's Servic e Installir.g Reflector Bond 7 Iron Claws Repa irs n Bond Supplies Publications Supplies License Books Service Card Files Stapler & Staples Suppli es Bond Bond Bond Suppli es Labor Oil Repairs Servi ce Insuran ce Tape Blue Prints Drift Bolts To 01 s Pipe, etc. Enamel Sign HeRa irs Gas Freight Insurance Repairs 200 yds. dirt Suppli es Ind Ins & Med Aid Salt 4~ ~O~. - Door, etc. Repairs Prestone & AV. Gas Material & Labor Supplie s n 3.90 2,35 1.07 36.30 44.29 17.70 45.85 64.47 .85 6.00 1. 72 8.50 14.31 45.00 378.65 102.5:0 10.00 101. 89 Re pa irs Lab or & IlIa terial Paint & Brush Stove Gasolihe Labor Vlelding Pipe Chlorine _ Rent C Pipe, etc. '!load Pipe Membershin Dll.es ToolS., et~. ..... II""" 274 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 7. 1,935_ 193_ l... E. VI. Faulconer State Treasurer LIGHT FillID Associated Oil ~o. J. Lloyd AldV/ell, Inc. V. A. Samuelson & ~o. P. A. Iron "arks Quick Print Washingt on Sta te Bank J. L oyd Aldwell & Go. Rixo~ Parking Service ~ Garage Johnson &llork Blympic Printery Pac Tel & Tel Go. Port Angeles Motors Lysall Wlding & Forge riorks Union Oil Co, of ~alif. Mickey.Radio Service Sta te Treasurer Pyro il Ind Ins & Med Aid Gasolin e Bond & Au to Ins. Repai rs An.de Iron Oifice Supplies Rent Ins. on ranges Prestone Pa int Stationery & Supplies Servxce Tires & Tubes Repairs Motor Oil ,Repa irs to rad io tes ter Ind Ins & MedAid There being nm further business the Commission th~n adjourned. ai ty Cler k. '/J.~-Jl~ ~-.:: qvb OJ +,g (~~ 5.50 3fi.95 91.35 38.9.5 6;05 3.50 15.70 85.00 . 5.69 2.22 2.80 58.50 13.05 2:,.31 27.85 17.79 :5.50 22.83 I I 1Ia.y or . I I I