HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/07/1940 ,.... 132 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 7, 1910 19_ The Commission oet in regular session at 10 A.~. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commiss'ioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawk ins. The minutes of lbe previous session were read and approved. under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were granted: i M. D. Osboume, Addition to home, Lot 5, Block 14, P.S.C.C. Subd. T. T. Aldwell, Build Platform, Lot 11, Bleck 14, Townsite James W. Caven, Master Plumber 2400.00 600.00 25.00 I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: i i : WHEREAS, The City of Port Ac,geles is the owner of the follewing described real property, having acquired I the same by Treasurer's deed dated February 5, 1940, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 I of R~mington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: RESOLuTICN Lot Three (5), Block Two Hundred Fifty-five (255), Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and I WHEREAS, Lmvrence E. ~allory has offered to purchase the above described real property' from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $60.00, payable as follOlVs: tlO.oo as a down payment and $5.00 on or before the 1st' day of March, 1940, and $5.00 on or before the 1st day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Interest to be computed monthly on the balance due at the rate of 7% per annum and paid with. the monthly installments, and WHEREAS, The City Comission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the' offer is fair' value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, including interest and other charges against the same, NOW, THEREFffiE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the Cit~. of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale tothe said Lav~ence E. Mallory for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City IAttorney be instructed to prepare a quit cleim deed conv..."..ing said property to the purchaser, and that the "ity Clerk of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was IT.oved by COlllllliss ioner Lind that the foregoing resol'ltion be approved and adopted. Seconded by COllnnissioner Beam. On roll call all members vcted aye. lhe Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business,- I A communication from the Port ~eles Recreational Council was read recommending That the names of E. C. Lemley and Pete Johnson be removed from membership on said Council and further recommending that Oscar Nelson, H. W. Norton and Mrs. Will II. Taylor be appointed to membership on said Council.' It was 1T.0ved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing recommendations of the Port Angeles Recreational Council be approved and that the City Clerk be instructed to remove the names of E. C. Lemley and Pete Johnson on the records as members of the sai6 Council and place on record as members of said Council the names of Osc~r Nelson, H. W. Norton and Mrs. Will Taylor. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The M~yor declared the motion carried. w. F. Phillips, Police Judge, reported 51 cases tried and $720.00 collected in fines for the month of January, 1940. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Unfinished business ,- Bids were opened for the Plumbing Proposal for the City Athletic Field. Bids made by Master Plumbers having Master. Plumbers LicenseB permitting them to work in the City of Port ~ngeles, according to the City Plumbine Code being as follows: J'ames W. Cav('n Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Co. $1634 .00 1850.00 It vres moved by Q:lIllllissioner Lind that the bid of James W. Caven be accepted and that the contract be mvarded to him. Seconded by Co~ssioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion c~Tri~d. I The Commission appointed City Clerk, N. M. HavrJ<ins, Office "'anager over all employees at the Vity Hall, includine Light Department Meter Readers. The COlmnission examined and allovred t.he following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND l Evening ~lews Press I ~licl, Print Evening ~reT'!s 1t 11 Press City Light Dept. Evening l'feTi"s Press City Treasurer " 11 Supplies Parts Meals for Prisoners Gas 9.74 16.57 19.18 14.54 50.00 5 .25 24.84 1020.80 8.52 156.10 .76 20.45 1.55 52.66 2.13 15.31 29.05 54.76 I Supplies n Olympic PrinterJ Thos. T. Aldwell The Fixit Shop The Fehly Studio Hooker S~Drage Garage PeninsulA !:.otor Co. Ol~lIlpic Printery D.& B Battery & Electric Stat.ion Larricks Cafe Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Publications Supplies Ofn ce li.ent Let ter heads Light & Water IVPA Projects Strest tights Supplies Insurance Duplicete Keys Supplies Repairs " .... FebrUary 7, 1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ 2'7.29 1.33 343.00 360.00 5.01 5.10 61.06 10.95 8.65 26.40 1.17 100.00 2.69 S4.71 ~).. 9.64 40.55 },<ll., 173.59 489 .60 142.80 138.03 .75 1.06 2.74 22.90 24.10 11.22 152.51 5.00 74.65 34.27 3.32 20.47 12.57 \;'" 12.55 zioo 529.41 14.79 3.72 136.98 14.03 6.00 10.51 .51 40.00 31.90 2.5.00 6.00 13 .65 1.02 6.40 ~). 12.79 ?1~ 18.05 11. 75 102.08 2.01 3.67 14.50 34.05 f). 2.00 4.90 :1>0 37 .27 y 30.03 10.00 4.41 115.45 10.60 7.11 1.59 3.50 3.83 '7.50 6.66 5.10 ., 6.70 ..y/ 8.29 :17 13.3'7 17.07 y 20.25 10.08 11.55 11.3'7 UI.': . ~uM.-. ,""UTUC .TOT'''''".... "'M'U' !:la.or> I I I I I Evening News Press Walkline ~otor Co. Voluntee--r Fir m~e:1 City Trea surer Willson Hardware Co. The Fehly Studio S~hreiner-Kylc Chevrolet Co. Tidewater Associated Oil ~o. D & B Battery " Electric Station City Treasurer Olympic Printer.! City Trea surer 11 II Supplies Dimmer S~vit:::h.l ate. Pay Roll Fire Hydrants Hardware Supplies Part s Gas Battery Light & Water Supplies Flush Tanks Light & Water City darL Tile Paint, etc. Lumber, etc. n It fire Hose " Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Johnson & 80rk Angeles Gravsl & Supply Co. Epperso01 & Sons Howard-Cooper Corp. n II 11 CITY STREET FlJND Frank Macdonald & Sons Angeles Millwork Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Port Angeles Iron Worlcs Cha rles Lind H. H. Van Brocklin Antone Smith Grocery Tidewater Associated OilCo. L. McGoff, Jr. AllGele s Gravel & Supply Co. Charles R. Watts & Co. Willson Hardware Co. Peninsula l.~otors Co. Uarshall Wells Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. n 11 11 Shop Worl<: Uolding Veneer Steel Ba r Ca r Expense Insurance Salt Gasoline, etc. Wood LUlnber, etc. Signs Yellow Sanding Primer Parts Sheave Parts WATER FlJI.'D Frank M;cdonald & Sons Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Port Hlngeles Concrete Products filion Lumber Co. Olympic Printery Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Purmaid Dairy Seattle Plurr.bing Supply Co. City Light Dept. Pac Tei & Tel Co. Harold;Hi~)s PlUIT~ing & Heating Co. Todd Cycle Shop Dempsey's Service Staticn Port Angeles Iron Wcrks Frank !.Ia odonald & Sons Willson Hardware Co. Shop Worl<: Pipe Service Boxes Lumber Office Supplies Sand Rent Valve Parts, etc. Rent Service Pipe Repai r I'ul'lp Gas ~ tmtifreeze Shop Work Sharpen Picks Supplics LIGHT fUND The Electric Co. City Water Dept. OlY"'pic Printery Montgornery Ward & Co. S. H. White Evening News, rnc. Port iAngeles Iron Works Portable Light Co. Qu.ick Print !;arnps Water at Store Supplies Wire & Fittings Car Expense Advertisement Shop Worl<: Light & Assessories Printing LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer Puget Sound News Co. " "fr n Light & Water Books Harlem Book Co. Inc. The Jc!.aclnillan Co. City Electric Co. Filion Jewelry Store United Janitor Supply Co. Port Angeles Eveni.ng News J ennilu Norris Remington Rand, Inc. The Ilookfinders The Union L:brary Assln Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. n D n 11 II Lamps Repair Clock Supplies Subscription Petty Cash Supplies Books Lumber D. A. Masters 'Thos. T. Aldwell K. O. Erickson Liability Insurance Immrance n 133~ ~ "-134 February 7, 1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ / Ilo... PARK FUND C. LeRoy Sarff City Treasurer Filing Saws Light & Water L. I. D. GUARANTY FUND City Treasure l' i CITYWIDE SIDE'NALK CONSTRUCTIO;1 F11lD Taxes Willson Hsrdware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. II II IT " 11 Hardware Cement, etc. Veneer & Nails There being no further business the C01".J::ission then adjourned. 7J (n1~~ City Clerk f -V 1.53 )] ~ 13.99 280.05 "- 1.20 .1 il...... 531.29 f'<.f-, 11.85 I 7d1~ 1~yor I I I I