HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/07/1963 .....-- -- 154 Proceeoings of the Ci~ Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington FEBRUARY 7 1962.- J,.aHr"INTltfCll.C:~. I'.uz*" ~ The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, counJil- men Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Mc~eece. . It was moved by Councilman Willson that minutes of the previous meeting and the Special meeting Ja~u- I' I ary 25th, be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. II Minutes of the Planning Ccmmission, January 22, 1953, were read. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe 'that the minutes as read, be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. I Planning Commission minutes for February 5, 1963, were read, recommending that the application of i Mr. L. D. Solomonson for vacation of an alley west of Lot 7, Block 2, Bellview Hills Addition be I denied. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Planning Commission minutes be approved and that the application for vacating alley be denied as recom~ended by the Commission. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. Before the bids were opened, Councilman Cornell asked whether the Council was bound to accept the lowest bids on each item. The City Attorney informed that it should be the lowest responsible bid which meets all the specifications as set forth in the Call for Bids, and if the Council does not accept the lowest bid, the reasons for not considering the bid should appear in the minutes of the meeting. The following bids for a new garbage truck for the Sanitation Department were received: Dan Robertson-Ernie Gray Motors, Inc. - GMC Chassis, Model V4008 - 16 yd. Leach Pack- master Body, $11,312.75 less trade in $1115.75, plus sales tax $452.48 - net $10,649.48 Same Chassis - 16 yd. Heil Collectomatic Mark II Packer $11,127.75, less trade in, plus sales tax $441.08 - net $10,453.08 Ruddell Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. - IHC Model 1800 Loactmaster, 16 yd. Leach Packmaster Body, $11,420.44 plus sales tax $455.82 less trade in, $1,200.00, net $10,677.26 Same Chassis - 15 yd. Heil Collectomatic Mark II Body $11,203.44 plus sales tax ' $448.14 less trade in, net $10,451.58 II The Heil Collectomatic being the lower bid, and there being some question as to its meeting all thJ required specifications, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bids be tabled for further stud~ by the City Manager and the Sanitation Superintendent. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried I I The following bids for a new Police car were received: Lannoye Motor Co.- 1963 Plymouth Police Patroller Special - 4 door sedan, $2,499.00 plus sales tax $99.66, less trade in $700.00 - net, $1,898.96 delivery - 30 to 45 days. Anderson Ford Co. - 1963 Ford 300 - 4 door sedan, $2,526.00 plus sales tax $101. 04 less trade in, $600.00 - net, $2,027.04 Murray Motors - 1963 Dodge Police Pursuit 4 door sedan, $2,692.10 plus sales tax $107.68 less trade in $699.78 - net, $2,100.00 :1 It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the low bid of $1,898.96 by Lannoye Motor Co. be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. Bob Bolter Chevrolet Co., Inc. - 1963 Chevrolet 4 door sedan $2,716.90 less excise tax and trade in $901.35, plus sales tax $100.62 - net, $1,916.17 The following bids for a new one-half ton pickup for the Water Department were received: Bob Bolter Chevrolet Co., Inc. - 1963 Chevrolet ~on pickup, $2389.70 less excise tax. and discount, $521.15, less trade in $400.00, plus sales tax $74.74 - net, $1,543.29 Anderson Ford Co. - 1963 Ford FIOO 114" \VB flareside pickup $2,023.66 plus sales tax $80.95 less trade in $200.61 - net, $1,904.00 I Murray Motors - 1963 Dodge Pickup, ~ ton, $2,200.00 plus sales tax, $BB.OO less trade in $40B.00 - net, $l,BBO.OO I lIt be I The was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the low bid of $1,543.29 by Bob Bolter Chevrolet Co., accepted. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. following bids for a new street sweeper for the Street Department were received: Feenaughty Machinery Co. - Model 770 Wayne, 4 C.Y.(6 cyl.) - $10,935.00 plus sales tax $437.40 less trade in $1,500.00, net $9,872.40; 4~ C.Y. (6cy1) $11,335.00 plus sales tax $453.40, less trade in, net $10,2B8.40;.Model BBO Wayne, 4 C.Y. (8cy1) $11,865.00 plus sales tax $474.60, less trade in $1,500.00, net $10,B39.50; 4~ C.Y. (8 cyl) $12,265.00 plus sales tax $490.60, less trade in, net, $11,255.60 Inl Sah1berg Equipment Co. - Model 10004 Mobil, 4 c.y. (5 cy1) $11,555.00 plus sales tax $455.20, less trade in, $2,050.00, net $10,071.20; Model 10003 Mobil 3 c.y. (6 cyl) $10,834.00 plus sales tax $43~..36, ~5 less trade in $2,050.00, net $9,217.36; Model TE4 Mobil 4c. y. (6 cyl) $12,434.00 plus sales tax $497.35 less trade in $2,050.00, net $10,881.36; Model TE 3 3 c.y. (6 cyl) $11,834.00 plus sales tax $473.36 less trade in $2,050.00 net $10,257.36 Totem Equipment Co. Model 475 Elgin 4~ C.Y. (6 cy1.) $12,545.00 plus sales tax $501.80 less trade in $500.00, net $12,546.BO I It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bids for the sweeper be referred to the City Manager and ~ I I I I Proceeoings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 155-' FEBRUARY 7 1962.- ',"'" .... Street Superintendent for recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. ICertification was received from the City Engineer that notices of Hearing on final assessment roll, L.I.D. No. 180 were mailed February 5, 1963, to each o.mer or reputed owner of the property on the .assessment roll. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the certification of the City Engineer relative to L.I.D. No. 180 assessment roll notices be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. IThe thirty day period since the completion and acceptance of work done and material furnished by Randall Kilmer Construction Co. on alley paving in upper Peabody L.I.D. No. 183 have elapsed, and I~o defective or incomplete work having been discovered, a recommendation was received from the City !Engineer that the retained per cent ($6,093.70) be paid the contractor. It was moved by Councilman I'Thorne that the City Engineer's recommendation be approved and the retained percentage in total amount of $6,093.70 be paid to Randall Kilmer Construction Co. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. 'The fifth (January) estimate of work done and material furnished by J. E. Work, on street improve- I~ent in the Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184 in amount of $12,000.00 was presented for approval. Councllman Cornell'questioned whether there had been any work done in that area the past month. The City Engi~11 neer assured that some ballasting and most of the curbs have been installed during this time. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the fifth (January) estimate, in total amount of $12,000.00 bl paid to J. E. Work, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. I 'lIt was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Council accept the notice from the City Engmeer that Ino protest against the lffiprovement in L.I. D. No. 185, Sanitary Sewers 12th & I Street vicinity hav been received. Seconded by Councilman Wlllson and carrled. :The 1962 Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission was received and read. It was moved by ICOUnCllman Thorne that the report be accepted and placed on flle. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. liThe following reports were presented for approval; The Annual Report of the Fire and Police Depts; Budget Report of Expenditures and Receipts for end of 1962, Fire, Police and Police Judge Reports; Light Dept. Operatlng Statement, Balance Sheet and Comparative Report; Water Dept. Operating State- bent and Balance Sheet and Water Industrlal System Operating Statement. It was moved by Councilman 'IWolfe that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unani- mously carried. IClaimS payable were presented for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $10,484.48, Water Fund $15,861.77 - warrant Nos. 11868, 11870-11882; Pipeline Fund, $1.60 - warrant No. 364; Light Fund, $62,715.95 - Warrant Nos. 11649, 11550, 11652-11680. After discussion it was moved by Councilman Cornell that the claims, as itemized, in total amount of $89,063.80 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the payrollscfor December, 1962 in total amount of $68,152.17 I!be approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. The State Department of Highways requires that their Resolution form be used for authorizing the centerline striping of City streets; therefore, the following resolution, replacing Resolution ,No. 3-63, was introduced and read in full: II, II RESOLUTION NO. 5-63 TRANSFER RESOLUTION and Request For the Director of Highways to Perform Certain Work It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the foregoing resolution be passed. Seconded by Counci1- ~an Cornell and unanimously carried. I:The advisability of the City's joining with the State of Washington, the City of Seattle, and several [County P.U.D. 's in their action agalnst a number of suppllers of electrical equipment for violation~ of Federal anti-trust legislation was discussed at length. The Clty Attorney pOlnted out that it IWill cost the City approximately $2,000.00 to $2,500.00, through 1964, to enter thls litigation, an IPoSSibly $500.00 each year for the next two years. Also, that there is the possibl1lty of recoverihg up to $300,000.00. The following resolution was then lntroduced and read in full: II RESOLUTION NO. 6-63 ~ A RESOLUTION authorizing the commencement, investigation and prosecution of damage action for violation of anti-trust statutes and principles, employing counsel therefor, authorizing joinder with others, and the payment of a proportionate share of the costs of such litigation. Res, ffc ' 7-'.3 It was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Council- r:;man Thorne and unanimously carried. IjA letter from Donald A. Morrison, District Sanitarian, was read citing legislation being considered which would open all watersheds for any and all outdoor recreational use. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that a resolution be prepared and presented to the legislators 'opposing the opening of the City of Port Angeles watershed for recreational purposes. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. After considerable discussion on whether to print the annual Report for 1962 in the newspaper or in booklet form, and it being the general opinion that the booklet gives a better permanent record, itl was moved by Councilman Cornell that the City continue their annual reporting in booklet form. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. ...... P'" 156 Proceedings of the City Commission of the Cily of Port Angeles, Washington FEBRUARY 7 19~ L III " "'tlNTINCi co. 1'.i'.~;,G ~ [t was moved by Councilman Willson that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids for water pipe, copper tubing, fire hydrants and fittings as requested by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. ~e Mayor reported on the Finance Committee meeting held January 28, 1963, to decide on the 1963 ~nvestment of surplus and/or unbudgeted reserve funds and reinvestment of short term investments which will be coming due this year. With the added investments of $240,000.00 the City will have fotal investments of ~1,B15,685.47. The Electrical Superintendent suggested a raise in the amount of deposits required for service with ~he Light Department. After discussion, it was decided to study the matter further until a future Ineetlng. . ~he Mayor requested that the Police Department make a survey and study of the accidents at Fourth I~nd Washington Streets and make report on same. I Lr. Al Haley, speaking for the Park Board, creported that after meeting with the coaches of the ,'[, Little League Baseball teams, it is recommended that the Little League Baseball field be moved to ~Ithe east end of Lincoln Park where there is ample room and conditions are very favorable for such I, ~ field. The fence from Erickson field can be moved to Lincoln Park; there is facilities for ,6toring equipment, etc. The Little League Football is to be played at Erickson Playfield. There I I~s sufficient area at Lincoln Park to expand the Playfield in the future if needed. After consid- brable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that the Park Board's recommendation be ,~pproved and an all-purpose p1ayfield be constructed at Lincoln Park. Seconded by Councilman Hague: ~ood and unanimously carried. I Mr. John Woodcock requested that the City Council consider passage of an ordinance regulating the ~e11ing of BB guns and CO 2's to boys under lBcyears of age. During the discussion which followed, ~the City Attorney pointed out that cities are limited by State legislation on what they can do about this kind of problem. I ' '~e double payment of Change Order No.5 on Construction of Domestic Water Pipeline was discussed. I ~e City Manager pointed out that it is not known just how this happened, as the City Water Super- j; ~ntendent was on the project full time and viewed the progress payments after being submitted by ii fhe Consulting Engineers with their approval before payment. After receipt of the progress payment i 0"'''' request, the City Accountant made up the warrant for payment by the City Council. The City Attorne : C":".' is attempting to recover the amount from the Harbert Construction Co.-the contractor involved. I ,y~~;~'1"'" ',io, '0 '0,,"" "0'","', ", m,,'in, w., "'0000", ~ U m / '7J~ ~~ ~ 'vv- fY./ &<, Q~! 'I CITY CLERK \J IDr.YOR I - - NOTICD OF CALL FOR BIDS 1 XIlTlqF. IR IHmJUJ'{ GIVEN thatr "~1.IC(l hld:_ will be rtll'<:,h'C'd hy Iha,j Clty "b.lla~('I- of the City (If Port ,\llf.:"clcs, 1Ynt<htnr;to\;, lln1il JLlnreh 7 19ii3 at 5:00 P.M., nnri nflt later at thl" [)~fice of Un' Clly Mal1a~er' of the qll)" or Port, Angeles, ":nshlng-j ~~n /~~e:~:;:' ]l~:;~h;~"r ~\~p~HS~()l~:;~~! i~r~lt~il)~I~'= :~Y~r;ln\~:ed'Cnt~ ';;~~~~~~;1 water at 131) pountls pres:<ure {lnd will b(TUme n ]lflrt of the lJOIllf'I;til' 1"l\;~i:ll~F:SYstem of the City {)f Port1l ! S]lf',C'!tlcatioll!l and hid l'hef'tf' may Lhr> ohtaln('d at the City P.ngine~r":'.i offll"r. elt)' Hall, 140 IVol!;t Front~ I Street, Port Angeleg, \Vnf-:hin~ton.. I l\f. ,y, RLAN1\:ARD' Clt" ManaJ:"ef Cit)' or" Port Angeles PuhJlsMd: PI~~t A2l!:f:~f!'~~1 'i'~S~I~(G~lJn~ L I I I I