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Port Angeles, Washington
February 7, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Schermer, Quast, Whidden.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pittis,
S. Hardy, D. Heassler, M. Twitchell, R. Hoeltzel,
G. Booth, R. Morgan, J. Hicks.
Public Present:
D. Price, L. Lee, K. & N. Okamoto, L. Ross, J. Fairchild,
J. Vanoss, M. Fischer, B. Oliver, R. Burwell, J. Spiess,
E. Tinkham, E. McCormick, L. Stovel.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the January 17th and January 19, 1984 meeting. Councilman
Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) payment to Bob Hertel for scrap metal; (2)
request permission to call for bids on hydrants, meters, valves, pipes &
fitting, etc.; (3) request permission to call for bids on power poles,
transformers and 69KV switches; (4) correspondence from Washington State
Liquor Coltrol Board; (5) vouchers of $1,829,175.28 and payroll of
$203,433.26. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Quast added Item No. 21, Report on the Judicial Resolution of
Vandalism Cases. It was determined that this report will be presented at
the February 21, 1984 City Council meeting. Included in the report will be
statistics on restitution made by vandals to victims.
1. Introduction of City's Paramedics - Park Superintendent
Fire Chief Glenn introduced the Paramedic Coordinator, Dan Heassler, who
joined the City January 1, 1984, and Paramedics Melvin Twitchell and Rodney
Hoeltzel who came on board February l, 1984. Chief Glenn noted how fortunate
the City of Port Angeles is to have individuals of this caliber. Mayor
Duncan and the Council welcomed Dan, Rod and Melvin.
Parks and Recreation Director Marsh then introduced John Hicks, Parks
Superintendent, who joined the City January 30, 1984. Mayor Duncan wel-
comed John, who was formerly the superintendent at Peninsula Golf Course.
Port Angeles, Washington
January 19, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the special meeting/work session to order at 7:00 P.M.
The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss concerns of the Restau-
rant Association regarding the Council's support of the issuance of new
Class H liquor licenses, and Council support of private projects.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Schermer,
Quast, Whidden.
Members Absent: Councilman Gerberding.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, P. Carr.
Public Present: L. Lee, R. & B. Marino, J. Fanucchi, J. Willis, c. Clark,
G. Higgerson, G. Olsen, Mrs. G. Higgerson, Mrs. Dickson,
S. Gunderson, Mr. Oliver, B. Levin, J. Goin.
Contents of Work Session
Mayor Duncan explained that this was an informal meeting requested by the
Restaurant Owners' Association to discuss the City's support of the issu-
ance of new liquor licenses (specifically Class H licenses) and to discuss
'the Waterfront Mall project. Jim Willis, President of the Olympic Penin-
sula Chapter of the Association, introduced Claude Clark, Director of the
Washington State Restaurant Owners' Association, Greg Higgerson, spokesman
for the Association, Gene Olson, Mrs. Higgerson, Mrs. Dickson, Sue Gunderson
of Aggie's, Goldie of the Good Times, and Mr. Oliver of the Chinook Cafe.
Mr. Willis stated that the Washington State liquor licensing initiative
states that the State shall issue liquor licenses on a basis of one in
every l,500 population.
Greg Higgerson then addressed the Council, stating that the basic intent of
the Association was to bring some information to the Council regarding the
circumstances that exist in the restaurant industry in Port Angeles and
other outlying areas. He referred the Council to an information packet
presented by the Association. Among other statistics, he noted that Port
Angeles has one Class H license per 690 people. He also stated that the
consumption of alcohol is down 15% Statewide, attributing this to the
stricter drinking and driving laws and poor economic conditions. He stated
that conditions are as eroded as they may be, and that any other businesses
are going to add a further strain.
Mr. Higgerson stated that the second topic was the City's financial involve-
ment in the Waterfront Mall project. He stated that the Association felt
that it would represent a further erosion of the existing businesses'
economic base, and not a wise thing for the City to become involved in.
The Association encourages the City to become involved in the area of
industrial economics.
Gene Olson, an attorney presently in the restaurant business, then ad-
dressed the Council, stating that he is concerned over public monies being
used. These monies are to be used to create jobs he said, and these
businesses feed off of the same economic base and would displace current
A representative of the group inquired as to whether the $400,000 grant to
be received by the City was specifically earmarked for this project or if
it could be withdrawn and used for other projects that might provide more
jobs. Mayor Duncan stated that this money comes from the Federal govern-
ment through the State and is for this project only. If it is turned down
for this project, it will no longer be available. Councilman Quast pointed
January 19, 1984
out that when the $400,000 was loaned out, it would be returned to the City
plus 8~% or 9% ~nterest and would be available to other private parties for
Members of the Association then questioned the economic stability of the
Waterfront Mall project and whether the City could go again on another
project that would be a job creator. Mayor Duncan informed them that there
were 96 grant applications for various programs and Port Angeles was chosen
based on the criteria set up by the Federal and State government on that
very item - because it created jobs. Councilman Quast stated that the
Council's desire is to expand the tourist season. This project was chosen
because it met the criteria of the grant application (blueprints were
ready, etc.). He stated that the Council felt this project would bring
$400,000 into the community which could be used over and over again, and
that the Council had been advised that the tourism industry could be the
replacement for the stablizing timber and lumber use in this area.
Bob Levin of the CCEDC addressed the Council, stating that according to
reports from the Department of Revenue, retail sales had increased every
quarter since 1981 for eating and drinking places. Mr. Higgerson stated
this was due to price increases. Mr. Levin stated that even netting out
the inflation factor, this was still a real increase. Councilman Whidden
asked whether the Association was opposed to any more business.
After further discussion, Councilman Quast stated that letters from the
City had been sent to the Washington State Liquor Control Board on the
basis that the government should not have a monopoly on liquor licenses.
Let there be as many licenses as can be - it's private enterprise.
Bob Levin stated that tourism has perhaps one of the highest multiplier
values of any industry, including manufacturing. Mr. Higgerson stated we
should do everything to attract tourists but not do anything to overtly add
to the existing economic base in these areas.
Jim Goi~addressed the Council and the audience. He stated that out of 96
applications for grants, 25 were approved and that the community is for-
tunate to have received the $400,000. He stated that industrial grants are
difficult to receive in Washington State.
After further discussion, Mayor Duncan asked the Restaurant OWners' Associa-
tion for recommendations on what the City Council should do on the issue of
liquor licenses. The Association requested the Council leave it up to the
State if the Police, Fire and Building Departments have no problems. On
the subject of the Waterfront Mall project, the Association representatives
stated they couldn't tell the Council what to do; they had wished there
were some other project more basic and more job-creative than this one.
Another representative recommended the Council look and see if they've got
enough dollars to make it a go. Mayor Duncan asked if the concern was that
this particular project is specialized subsidization of businesses compet-
ing against them. Representatives stated that this was one of the many
When asked for any further recommendations, a representative stated that
not necessarily with this project, but with any project in the future, a
little bit more in-depth research be done on the particular industry being
Councilman Quast inquired as to the Association's opinion as to whether a
Convention Facility would be a catalyst. They agreed that it would.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M.
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February 7, 1984
2. Recognition Award From Homebuilders' Association
John Key of the North Peninsula Homebuilders' Association presented Mayor
Duncan and the Council with an award from the National Association of
Homebuilders to the City of Port Angeles in cooperation with the North
Peninsula Homebuilders I Association for contribution toward increasing
housing affordability.
Public Hearing
ITT Rayonier Rezone Hearing
ITT Rayonier has applied for a rezone of approximately 7.2 acres from
Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) to Heavy Industrial (M-2) in the area
south of Rayonier Mill in White Creek Ravine. A 40-foot wide strip along
EnI1is Creek on the west side of the property will be retained in PBP
zoning. Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments from
the public. There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Duncan
closed the public hearing. Councilman Quast then moved to concur with the
Planning Commission's recommendation to grant the rezone and adopt the
ordinance as read by title, citing the following findings of fact: (A) The
proximity of the site to the existing Rayonier Mill development and the
Sewage Treatment Plant indicate that there could be a functional relation-
ship between the existing industrial use and any future use of this prop-
erty; thus, rezoning would further the achievement of Land Use Objective
No.2; (B) The proposed site is relatively level, with good access to
transportation facilities, living areas and utilities, and with the reten-
tion of the 40-foot PBP strip would permit preservation of unique environ-
mental features; accordingly, the proposed rezone would comply with Indus-
trial Policy No.2; (C) Rezoning would create another industrial site that
could make this area more attractive to industry; thus, it furthers the
achievement of Economic Objective No.2. Councilman Whidden seconded the
motion. Mayor Duncan then read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
reclassifying approximately 7.2 acres
south of Rayonier Mill in White Creek
Ravine from PBP to M-2.
The Council discussed with staff the proposed rezone. Randall Starr,
Engineering Supervisor for ITT Rayonier, addressed the Council, stating
that the property in question, if rezoned, would be available for future
environmental protection measures if deemed necessary. On call for the
question, the motion carried and the rezone ordinance was adopted.
4. Planning Commission Minutes of January 25, 1984 - Zoning Code
Amendment AC Zone - CAD and CAD-R Districts
Consideration of the proposed Arterial Commercial District was tabled
January 3, 1984. Mayor Duncan reviewed a background memo from the Planning
Department regarding the proposed Zoning Code amendment. Councilman Quast
moved to remove the item from the table; Councilman Whidden seconded, and
the motion carried.
After discussion, Councilman Quast moved that changes regarding visual
screening between residentially-zoned and commercially-zoned property and
changes in conditional uses be incorporated into the proposed ordinance and
that a public hearing be scheduled for February 2l, 1984. Councilman
Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer then moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of January 25, 1984. Councilman Gerberding seconded and
the motion carried.
5. Status Report on Port Angeles Urban Waterfront Trail System
Ken Sweeney addressed the Council, representing a number of service clubs,
organizations, businesses and individuals interested in pursuing the de-
velopment of the Port Angeles Waterfront Trail System. The Soroptimists
Jet Set, the Kiwanis, the Port of Port Angeles, ITT Rayonier, Crown
Zellerbach, Port Angeles Runners' Club, Nova, Klahanie, Business and
February 7, 1984
Professional Women, Rotary, Port Angeles Downtown Association, Venture
Club, and other interested citizens have established committees and a
budget of $50,000 to complete the first two phases of the Port Angeles
Urban Waterfront Trail System. Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize
these groups to proceed with plans for construction of the Waterfront Trail
as a community service project and to authorize City staff involvement,
contingent upon Park Board and City Council approval of any construction
activities. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan commended these groups for their fine contribution.
6. Status Report on Activities of Recently Formed Recreation Advisory
Dr. M. Fisher informed the Council that a citizens' advisory group had been
formed consisting of individuals interested specifically in the formation
of a covered racquet facility in Port Angeles. Dr. Fisher informed the
Council that donations have already begun toward the development of such a
facility and that hopes for a future citizens' fund drive are underway.
One idea of the group is the renovation of the existing tennis court
facilities at Erickson Playfield through the use of a State or Federal
grant. Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Director of Parks and
Recreation to submit an lAC grant application late in 1984 specifically for
the expansion of the Erickson tennis facilities and to update the Park and
Recreation Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion
carried. Councilman Quast then moved to establish a City of Port Angeles-
Erickson Tennis Facility Fund deSignated for the expansion and improvement
of that facility. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
7. Request from City of Sequim for Proposal for Police and Fire
Dispatching Services.
After discussion at length with staff, Councilman Haguewood moved to table
the matter, to allow staff to obtain further information, with Councilman
Schermer seconding. After further discussion, on call for the question, I
the motion carried.
8. Renewal of Switchboard Contract with Executive Answering Service
Councilman Whidden moved to authorize Mayor Duncan to execute the contract
with Executive Answering Service. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the
motion carried.
9. Resolution Authorizing Invesment Authority for the City
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing certain individuals to open
and maintain investment accounts for the
City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Hordyk moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, with
Councilman Whidden seconding. After discussion, Councilman Schermer moved
to amend the Resolution, striking "individually or collectively" from the
body of the Resolution, and striking the wording "of any". Councilman
Whidden seconded and the motion to amend the Resolution carried. On call
for the question, the motion to pass the amended Resolution carried, with
Councilman Haguewood voting "No".
lO. Consideration of Contract for Technical Assistance Study for
Additional Public Facilities
Mayor Duncan reviewed a background memo from Light Director Cosens. Coun-
cilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for
engineering services with Seton Johnson & Odell, consulting engineers, for
the purpose of conducting rBP Technical Assistance Studies for eight City
buildings. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
February 7, 1984
ll. Senior Utility/Energy Credit Ordinance (Amended)
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
revising the energy credit program for
low-income senior citizens of Port
Angeles and amending Sections 3 and 4
of ordinance 2206 and Sections 13.20.060
and l3.20.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Councilman Whidden moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, with
Councilman Hordyk seconding. The motion carried.
12. Renewal of Non-Firm Power Purchase Agreement with BPA
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute an interim contract for
non-firm energy between the City of Port
Angeles and the Bonneville Power
Councilman Hordyk moved to pass the Resolution authorizing Mayor Duncan to
execute the contract for non-firm energy with BPA. Councilman Gerberding
seconded, and the motion carried.
13. Scope of Work and Contract Documents with williams Kubelbeck on
Waterfront Destination Development Feasibility Study
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that an agreement has not yet been
completed for exclusive land use with Riverpark Associates and the Port of
Port Angeles. Councilman Whidden moved to table decision on the matter,
with Councilman Schermer seconding. The motion carried.
14. AWC Legislative Conference
Manager Flodstrom inquired as to who would be attending the legislative
conference to be held February 16, 1984. Mayor Duncan, Councilman Whidden
and Councilman Haguewood stated that they would be attending the confer-
ence. Several other Councilmembers indicated their desire to attend.
l5. Request for UAC Meeting Regarding Morse Creek, Industrial
Pretreatment, and Mechanized Solid Waste Collection
Councilman Quast added another topic to be discussed: Power supply for the
proposed DelHur annexation east of the City limits.
The UAC meeting was then scheduled for February 15, 1984 at 4:30 P.M. in
the City Light Conference Room.
16. American History Month proclamation
Mayor Duncan proclaimed February American History Month.
17. Information Regarding Reappointments on Various Commissions and Boards
A number of terms on various boards and Commissions will expire March l,
1984. Manager F10dstrom announced that the vacancies will be advertised
and requested that interested individuals submit a letter of interest to
February 7, 1984
18. Consideration of Setting Dates for City Council Work sessions
The Council set February l5, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. as the date and time for a
City Council work session on the City's current policy on utility exten-
sions outside the City. This work session will be at City Light Conference
Room following a Utility Advisory Committee meeting.
The Council also set March 3, 1984 as the date for a work session to review
all of the City's Comprehensive Plans; i.e., Comprehensive Land Use Plan,
Comprehensive Water/Sewer Plan, Comprehensive Solid Waste Plan, Comprehen- I
sive Parks & Recreation Plan, Comprehensive Waterfront Trail System Plan.
19. Selection/Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem
AS senior member of the Council, Sam Haguewood was appointed to the
20. Resolution Setting Public Hearing to Declare property at Seventh and
Valley Streets Surplus and Available for Sale
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of
the City of Port Angeles calling
for a public hearing pertaining
to the disposal of surplus City
Councilman Hordyk moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, setting
the date of public hearing at February 21, 1984. Councilman Gerberding
seconded, and the motion carried.
21. Report on Judicial Resolution of Vandalism Cases
To be heard February 21, 1984.
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that they had been invited to attend
a one-day retreat with officials from the YMCA February 11, 1984 to input
ideas into their capital improvement projects.
Evelyn Tinkham addressed the Council on the mechanized collection pilot
program, noting concern over the long-term effects of the program. The
Council informed Mrs. Tinkham that there will be a public hearing on
mechanized collection after the Pilot Project has been completed.
The Council discussed with staff the following: Proposed bus loading
locations; the marking of handicapped parking stalls; a report of the
Federally-appointed Grace commission recommending the purchase of BPA power
at market rates, which would result in the doubling or tripling of electric
rates in this area; annexation of the Harbor boundaries; public inquiries
as to the mechanized collection pilot program; the grant application con-
tract for the recent grant received by the City which may be available at
the February 21, 1984 Council meeting; a problem with a large number of
vehicles going through the red light on Fifth and Lincoln; the good work of
the Light Department on the landscaping in the Laurel Street substation;
possible commendations for businesses who drastically improve or beautify
their place of business; a recent meeting with the Citizens for a Community
Convention Center Committee; a meeting of the Pacers to be held February 8,
1984 at which a presentation will be made on the Junior Achievers Program;
the possibility of the Public Works Director contacting the State request-
ing they cut back the bank to allow better visibility where the Truck Route
meets Highway 101; the recent approval by the Clallam County Commissioners
of an appropriation of $llO,OOO for grandstand improvements at the Fair-
grounds; and a meeting with the Fair Board scheduled for February 9, 1984;
the resolution of the Olympic Peninsula Chapter of the Washington State
Restaurant Association; the Attorney General's opinion regarding the use of
Federal funds; and an invitation to welcome the new director of the North
Olympic Library System Sunday February 12th at 2 P.M.
February 7, 1984
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session at 9:25 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:00 P.M.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately lO:15 P.M.
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