HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/08/1933 ~ 92 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington February 8,1933 193~ The Commission met in Regular Session at 10 a.m.and was called to order by Nayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Hayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for licenses the following were granted,- Olympic Laundry & Cleaners R.A.Galloway & Ruby Galloway Cleaning & Pressing ~ Coffee shop [Resturant) ~ $6.25 2.50 Under the head of reports from City Offioers the following was read,- February 8,1933 I 'Honorable City Commission, Port Angeles,Washington. Gentlemen,- I hereby report that, there is no sidewalk in fron]r of the following property. Lot 4, Blook 30, Thompson & Goodwins Sub. I further report that this property is in an unfit condition for public travel and that the sidewalks adjoining this area are in first class condition and of permanent concrete construction. I recommend that the owner of this property be re~uired to put in a sidewalk or that it be constructed by the city in accordance with the provisions of state law and city . ordinances and oharged to the property. 'I further recommend that in the event that the work shall be done by the City, the same be done by City employees without contract. 1 Yours very truly, The report was ordered filed. lrhos.W.Owen, City Engineer. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following Resolution was introduoed. RESOLUTION FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C01~~ISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Section 1. That the sidewalks in front of the property hereinafter described have become unfit and unsafe for publio travel; that the contiguous portions of sidewalks in said condition are in each case less than a block in length along the street and the sidewalks at each end of and adjacent to said portions are improved with permanent con- orete sidewalks in good condition. I Section 2. That the improvement of the said portions of streets by the construction of.permanent sidewalks in front of the property described, is necessary for the public safety and convenience. That the following is a description of the lots and tracts of land in the City of Port Angeles in front of whioh said lots and tracts such reconstruction is re~uired: . LOT 4,BLOCK 30, THOA~SON AlfD GOODWIN SUBDIVISION OF THE TO~nfSITE OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON. Seot~on 3. That it is the intention of the City Commission to re~uire the Construction, of the sidewalks in front of sa~d property by the property' owners in accordance with the specifications prepared by the vity Engineer and approved by the City Commission and that on failure of the property owner to so construct said sidewalks,the City shall proceed to oonstruct the same and charge the cost thereof to the abutting property in accordanoe wi th the laws of the State oce Washington ,and particularly Chap .203, SessHm"Laws of Washington,1927, and Ordinanoe No.958 of the City of Port Angeles. Section 4. That the City Clerk and the City Engineer are hereby instructed to prepare and serve the necessary noti~e and specifications for construction in the manner provided by law and the said ordinance,and to proceed with and Oarry out the further provisionsl1 of said laws and ordinallce,to secure the construction of sidewalks and to charge the cost thereof, if necessary, to the property abut~ng thereon. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the above resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. I The Commission examined and allowed the fol~owing claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Current Expense Fund 1 J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc., City Treasurer r.l. R.Allemen M.R.Allemen G.E.Coolidge C.LeRoy Sarff J.B.Mathews Lysall Welding & Forge Works E.A.Thomas Wm.Schrader Johnson & Eork James Hardware Co. Family Shoe Store Laura Burns Insurance Water Lumber Lumber Repairs Filing saws Lumber Repairs Repairs Filing Saws Stain, etc. Hardware & Tools Rubber Boots Rent ~ 7- C-f $ 773.78 720.00 70.62 31.88 26.90 1.50 7.80 4.30 20.00 1.75 4.35 39.30 21.00 10.00 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 8,1933 193~ 1'-1- @~ I 1 1 I 1 Olympic Electric Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc. Evening News C.Edwards W.W.Ebbett Blackburn Printing Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Central Service Station McDonald & Nailor Gehrke & Johnson Willson Hardware Co. , Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. " " If Commission Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co., 11 IT If ". Rensselaer Valve Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. G.E.Coolidge Lake & Boye Ida J.Morse Jennilu Norris Vim. J . \7are Packer-Scott Co. 'I Demeo Library Supplies New.York Times Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer G.E.Coolidge G.e.Coolidge City Treasurer C.LeRoy Sarff Commission Co. Willson Hardware Co. P.A.Concrete Products Co. Lysal1 Welding & Forge Ylorks James Hardware Co. City Treasurer Wiring for range Insurance Advertising Advertising Car hire SUpplies Water Fund Service Tires Repairs Gas Hardware Meter parts If If Kerosene Lumber Lumber Lumber Hydrants Shingles Repairs Metal Signs Rent Library Fund Petty Cash Insurance SUpplies Supplies Periodicals Service Light & I'later Park Fund Repairs Repairs Light Filing Saws Zalo HardVlare Pipe Repairs Hardware & tools Guaranty Fund Taxes ?J,?J1,~~ There being No further business the Commission then adjourned. ;r:/)~ /";/ Ci ty Clerk llayor '~ 14 ;2.11'1-- ),.7"1 ~, 7)-tJ. ./f .~? (...:.. :p 1tf 30.00 3.35 43.05, 2.00 15.00 9.00 5.40 12.50 2.65 32.40 21. 63 19.08 31.07 1.15 3.75 1. 90 .58 107.80 8.40 6.95 9.60 10.00 5.58 23.04 3.65 4.00 12.75 4.25 18.84 5.00 5.85 1.42 1. 75 1.35 4.02 200.00 4.30 2.50 119.24 ... "'" @ cr5 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 8,1933 193~ "to' ~ .ru""....UTno: ....TOaH.......R'''T.... .'O>B J.R.Eldridge Caven Motor Co. n n " V.A.Samuelson & Co. MCHugh & Peterson Gehrke & Johnson Standard Station Inc. No.1199 Mook's Auto Eleotric Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Ulmer Office 3quipment Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Quiak Print Burroughs Adding Machine Co. J.B.Mathews Burroughs Adding Maahine Co. Trick & Murray City Treasurer Washington state Bank J.Lloyd Aldwell,Ina., S.T.Eddy Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clifford Cowling F.H.Palmer ITestinghouse Electric & Mfg.Co. Graybar Electric Co, Pacific Lamp & Supply Co., J.R.Bartlett Line Material Co. 1f II n If Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. n " Ir " Fobes Supply Co. n Willson Hardware Co. G.E~Supp}.y Co. City Treasurer J.Lloyd Aldwel1,Inc. Tf n Taylor & Caven R.D.Foster Graybar Electric ijo. Seattle Hardware Co. Fobes Supply Co. , II II G.E;,Supply ca;;p. " ~ (1)", "iJ Light Globes Pipe etc Repairs Repairs Hardware Time Book Gas Gas Wood Wood 17aod Wood Lamps Supplies Supplies Service Gaskets Supplies Wood Repair Basin Bond Service Meals for Prisoners Repairs Repairs Service Publications Supplies Rent Supplies Janitor's Supplies Supplies Bonds Service Killing & despasing dogs Bond Light Fund Clerk hire Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Gas Repairs Repairs Gravel Supplies Sweeping Compound Supplies Coupon Books Lumber ,Etc. Repairs to adding Uachine Bill filing Case ria ter Rent Rent Rent Serviae Service Car hire Filing Saws Transformers Lead Cable Vlire Poles Line material Fuses Line material Lumber Lumber Cross bars Lumber Machine bolts Insulators Hardware Air heater Federal Tax Bond Bond Plumbing Heater Range part Range part Percolator uuit Range unit Coils,etc Percolator Mdse Heater unit Range COils,etc. Coils, etc. r1 2-t.f1' - .80 16.40 11.65 33.74 84.53 1.00 158.45 76.23 12.00 38.75 21.00 8.65 10.70 1.35 3.60 6.95 .90 3.89 4.50 1.35 5.00 10.00 24.15 32.00 2.80 2.75 36.05 .75 45.00 .79 2.73 1.00 75.00 4.25 20.00 5.00 35.00 55.88 11.97 .40 2.50 7.00 41.58 5.70 2.75 2.00 8.55 9.00 4.85 32.50 6.80 4.50 140.63 1.95 45.00 50.00 3.00 8.25 5.75 25.00 1.75 84.00 563.75 81. 80 20.80 25.90 110.00 8.04 2.60 6.85 115.00 .75 19.38 11.68 6.29 7.84 230.88 5.00 5.00 10.99 4.00 .61 4.38 3.06 6.91 13;84' 6.47 1.40 3.81 172.20 10.07 14.13 I. I I I I