HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/1938 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 9, 1938 193_ '""'. ~ .."""......A............TIONl<.... '''H'C''. .,n. """IIIl 567 The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll. call showed tJ:e following ,officers presen t: May or .lJavis, Commissioners Henson and Mast~rs, Attorney Gonniff and vlerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Building Permits the following were granted: Harry Andrews, Addition to BUilding, Lot 1 Blk. 167 "'ownsi te W. Hendrickson, Yloodshed & Garage,; st Lots '11 & 12, Blk. 246, Townsite RObert,Baker, Addition to Home, Lot 4, Blk. 257, ~ownsite Harry.Amundson, Build Home & ~tore, Tax Lot 296 of Suburban Lot 10, TownsIte T. T.Aldwell, Build Home, Nt Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 378, ~ownsite 400.00 175.00 400.00 5000.00 2000.00 RESOLUTION Under.the head of ln~roduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: ~ERE~S, on the 26th day of ~anuary, 1938, R. Sorensen filed an application with the City vlerk of Port Angeles, Washington, reQuesting a permit to construct a stare building an all or a portion of the suuth half (t) of Lots 'Ten (10) and Eleven (11)', Block Two Hundred Sixty-nine (269), Government Towneite of Port Angeles, Clallam Oounty, Washington" am . WHEREAS, said lots are within the zone established by Ordinance No. 911, as amended by Ordinanoe No. 987 of the vity of Port Angeles, prohibiting the construotion of buildings far business purposes within said zone, unless the consent of the property owners thereof as provided for in said ordinanoes was first obtained after dU'e notioe far that purpose given by the vity Clerk in the manner provided for in said ordinances, and, WHERl!:AS, on the 27th day of danuary, 1938, the vity vlerk of the City of ""or;!; Angeles Washington, gave notioe to the owners of property within a radius of two himdred (2001 feet of said lots that the said application of the said R. Sorensen had been made to the' oity Commission of the Uity of Port Angeles, and, \7HEREAS, less than sixty per sent (60~l of the owners of said property within said two hundred (200) foot radius have filed their protests against said application for said permit. NOW, THERE?ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said R. ~orensen be and he is hereby granted a permit to construct a store building on all or a portion of the south half of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Block l~o-Hundred Sixty-nine (269) of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, upon the approval of his plans and speoifica- tions for the same by the City Engineer of the City of Port A~geles and upon the issuance by the 'City Clerk of the usual building permi t issued by the "i ty in suoh cases. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under. the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was introduced; read in full, and passed its first reading: ' . AN ORDINANCE relating to, regulating and lioensing the business of distributing and ex- hibiting for use and play oertain machine amusement devices and automatic ~sic playing machines; fixing license fees and prescribing penalties. The Commis,sion examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: ClfRRENT EXPENSE FUND Olympic Stationers P,A. Evening News Olympic titationers Tidewater Assooiated Oi+ Co. Olympic citationers James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Standard 011 Co. Walkling Motor 00. rt "IT Repairs to Self-inker Publica tions Supplies Gasoline Blueprint Janitor's Supplies Supplies Gas Repairs " I. C. Groves Willson Hardware Co, Glenn's $ervice Station Middleton Motor Parts Co. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. ~yron fiinter :l:hos. T. Aldwell Mook Eleotrio Servioe Standard Oil Co. City Treasurer 11 tI Meals for Prisoners Supplies Oil, etc. Repaiils Supplies " La bar &: Me. ter iU Insuranoe Repairs Gas Ind Ins &: Med !id Wa tel" ~ ~ ~bl. ". CITY STREET FUND Middleton Motor Parts Co. Shell Oil Co. Hoare &: ~eadriok Tidewater Assooiated Oil Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Filion Mill & Lumber Co. Willson Hardware ~o. Hardware 011 Labor & Parts Kerosene ~ppli as Lumber Supplies .75 42.73 ~.50 47.10 2.05 5.69 1.69 39.60 8.15 13.30 46.90 3.66 5.45 1.20 .96 3.84 7.45 23.12 6.50 17.42 25.63 360.00 .9ll 111. 80 79.17 7.28 9.55 6.68 13.98 ...4 11"""' 56'8 February 9, 1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ Lysall Welding & Forge V1Drks Epperson &: Sons Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. J. M. DAvis City Treasurer WATER FUND Repairs Lumber Cement Insuranoe Ind Ins & Med Aid V. A.Samuelson & 00. City Light Dept. Olympio Stationers Lysall .ielding & Forge V/Drks Sea~tle Plum~ing * Sup:p,ly ~o. ,Graham W. Ralston P.A. Conorete Produots Co. Angeles Grave 1 & Supply "0. IFilion, Mill &: Lumber Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Light Dept. James Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. City Tr eas11rer LIGHT FUND I Margueri te A~ General Eleotrio Supply aorp. JaDe B Hardware Co. Byron .,Win te r Olympio :ita tioner s ',J. LloYd Aldwell, Ins. ~oare & Headriok ,Willson Hardware Co. ,'Epperson &: Sons IHarold Hibbs Plumbing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. IBourroughs Adding Maohine Co. ~Angeles Co-op Creamery ICi ty Water Dept. f. A. Samuelson & Co. 'I~tandard Oil Co. pity Treasurer LIBRARY FUND Repairs Lights at Reservoir Blueprints Meter Box Cover Pipe & Fittings Pipe Insuranoe Materials J.laterials Lumber Supplies & Materials Draftsman's Time 011 Gas oline: Ind Ins & Med Aid Clerical }fork J.laterials Saw Wiring Offioe Bldg. Supplies Insuranoe Repairs Materials Lumb er Fi t tinge Power Bill Servioe Agreement 61lp.! Water at :itore Repa irs Gas oline Ind Ins & Med Aid Johnson &: Bork The Maomillan Co. Ja.s: G. McCurdy Universal Book Co. C. E. Knight Bur roughs Adding Maohine Co. Eldridge Entertainment Hous~,Inc. F. C. Millington The Junior Literary Guild Jennilu Norris Garfield Bros. Ino. puget Sound News ~o. Packer-Scott Co. BurroughS Adding Maohine Co. Treasure Nook City Treasurer 1 81ass Books Book Books Supplies Servioe Agreement Books Book Books Supplies Supplies Books Supplies Ribbon Books Light &: Water- There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?;?}y)L4r~ Gity Clerk lli.. ,1.1 33" 17.25 1.08 2.00 647.00 32.12 <12 36() - 8.49 7.15 2.94 2.53 45.23 132.75 23.95 15.25 1.79 1.50 1.89 76.42 .61 23.76 16.22 7'" J$'lf-og -' 24.12 33.35 1.28 103.72 13.04 2.67 2.00 7.04 135.79 2.78 8022.78 16.75 2.65 2.01 2.26 32.47 4.05 4.20 61.58 2.25 19.80 2.10 7.00 4.05 2.50 5.33 6.75 3.60 74.73 4.80 o,J. b 1.00 ....1.'- 10.38 16.39 JP~ Mayor I I I I I