HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 607" FebruaI")' 9, 1944 19_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.II. and was called to order b7 lIqor Robinson. Roll call sho1l'ed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Be!lll and Masters, ntl:lrney-Jobllston and Clerk f!awkins. The minute~ of the previous Besslon were read and approved. W. F. Phil~ips, Police JUdge, reported 77 cases tried and fJ.127.50 collected in fines for ,the ,month of JanuaI")', 15!44. Report ordered filed ',j Undsr the l!esd 0 f New Business, The Water Supt. 1<8S inetructed to issue a call for bids for cast iron pipe to replace the wooden mains in tbIt dbtrict on Cherry Hill qing north of 8th St. to First St. and west of Lincoln St. to Valley St. Bids to be .opened IIIlrch 1. 1944, at 10 A.M. - Under the ~sad of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance 1r!le 1:ntroduced,.read in full and placsd on iJ;s tirst and second readings. AN ORDINANt:;E creating a City Planning Council, designating the duties of the Co~cU, declaring an emer- gsncy and J:spsallng ordinBDcee in conflict therewith. Under the head of IDtroduction of Resolutions the fol101fing resolntic>n _s introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Th.e City of Port Angelee is the cnmST of the fol101fing described reel 'prvpsrty, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated June 1, 1938, under and by virtue of the authorit)' of Section 9393, Chapter 143, of the Laws of 1929, page 1565, to-nt: Lota Three (5) and Four (4), Block Four (4), Westphal's First Subdivision to :Port Angeles, Washington, and WilEREAS, E~ A. Halberg has offsrsd to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for, the SUlll of $200.00, payable as fol101l'sl $20.00 as a dawn pa)'MSnt and _10.00 on or before Maroh 10, 1944, and 110.00 on or before the loth day of each and eveI")' lIlOnth ther,eafter until paid in full. together wi,th interest on monthly balanoes at tbe rate of7% per annum and paid with the IlIOnthly install- ments, and WHEREAS, The City iColllllillsicn bas viewed the eaid property and is of the opinion that the offeYis fair value and t,bat at tM.s time it is the beat interest of the City that it lbould be aocepted and the s~e , made. NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be aocepted end thet the City of Port Angeles sell the eaid prope~ty at private aale to the eaid E. A. Halblrg for the ,sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any othar valid, liens against the ssme; that tbe City Attorney be inStlUOted to prepsr.e a quit claim deed con- veying said, property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be end he is herel>)' in5~ruoted to execute said quit claim deed, and that the lIwor of the City of Port Angeles be and be is hereb7 instrocted to countersign said quitclaim deed when the purohase price and all accrued interest t~reon hes been paid in full. ' . It was Dlllve,d by Colllllisaioner ),laaters that the foregoing resolution be approved and ado'pted. Seconded by Colllllissione,r Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared tbe motion carried. The COIIIIlission examined and al101fed the fol1011'ing claims and ordered warrants dr81m for same. ClJIlRENT EXPENSE FUND Vernon J. Robinson Expense Account 1.55 Olympio Printery NEIli' Date Bands -1.81 Port Angeles Evening NElli'S Publications 38.15 O:\1mpic Stationers Supplies 6.64 Olympic Prii1tery Stamps & Warrants, 28.07 Olympic Printery Iovoics #8622 5.62 H. E.. Dodge Expense Account 7.61 Olympic Stationers Dater & Carbon Paper ') 7, 5.76 Tidewater Aseociated OU Co. Ga.oline ('; 1 ../ 156.00 State Treasurer Ind Ins & !.led Aid 9.72 CITY STREE'l' Harry LeGear Insurance 871.98 Frank YscDonald & Sons Welding 10.15 110hnson & Boric Brush & Paint 6.59 City Transfer Co. Coal 6.18 Port Angeles Hotors Repairs 1.OS D & B Battery & Electrio Sta. Battery & Dist. Set 23.94 Aut.olllOthe Parts Servics Parts 8.61 Automotive Parts Service Cable 1.08 AutCllllOtive Parts Service Parts S':> 21.91 Olympic Printery Invoice #8591 r 26.57 'I Stete Treasurer Ind Ins & lied Aid I" 'Y 49.69 WATER DEPARTMENT J. C. Penny Co. Rain Coate & Hats 89 .81 Frank lIcDonald Welding 1.55 Angeles Gravel 8< Sup~ Co. Supplies 15.4.5 Kelly & Devine Tire Repair IY 1.05 P. A. Ilotors Repair water wbeel 25.l!O Harry teOear In8\1r8DCe <l'e\. 675.09 State Treasurer InsuranflB 17.56 ~ r'" 608 J'ebruBr,)" 9, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19.JL .... LIGHT DEPARTMENT Chas. E. Beam Renshaw Service station Hoare &. Hedrick Evening NEI1l'a Willson HdIr. Co. Olympic" Printery Westinghouse ,Else. SUpply Hany LeGear State Treasurer Car Expense . Lub. Job 'Csr Polbb lldv. Drills Office Supplies lIeter Parts Insurance Ind, Ins &: lied Aid ST#.TE AID FUND Angeles Gravel &. Supply Co. O~ic Ststiollllrll Harry LeGear O~ic Laundry &. Cleaners Willson"' HardlrBre Co. United Jaaitor SUppl:y' Co. HOIl'ard.cooper Corp. Angeles Gravel &. Supply Co. LIBRARY '1" ./ <&1,0 Sand &. Cement Paper 'tcnlelll Insurance' ,y'" ' Laundry ,,y-,,,J Cups, Bowls. Belt &. Pulle)' ~ Supplies Repairs & Parts Tools, Blankete. Sheets Boots, etc. Jelln1ln Norris JIrs. Gertrude Church HarrY'LeG8ar PAri ~';: ,-" "" Ed TuCker ' Lowell Burditt Port Ailgeleil: Thrift Store Johnson 8< Bork Harry LeGaar United Janitor Suppl:y' Co. State"Treasurer Petty cash Emergency Help Insurance Filing S_ Heater Scmtch 8< Rolled Oats Paint Insurance Vapeck Blocks Ind Ins &. lied Aid WAR LIQUOR" TAl R. L. G111illlll H. E..1-'odge HarI")' LeGaar torrick's-Cafe Port Angeles Evening News Evening N81Ill Press. Inc. Quick Print IIrs. Aps Banderob R. O. Ids 04'mpic Stationers Willson Hai'dwsre Co. Angeles Radiator Shop Stete Treasurer Veal Inspection Services for Jan. .Auto Repairs Insurance lleals tor Prisoners Subscription Bicycle LicenSeS Reports l!alldcuff. Car Expense Card Index Case LightrGlobes, Bolte, Washers Shop Work Ind Ins 8< lled Aid VICTORY TAl Ci t,' freasurer Income Tax Withheld for Jan. 194<4 STATE ,AID FUND Evening N8WlI' Press. Inc. Reports D 8< B Battery &. Eleotr1cSta. BatteI")' C. A. Wolverton Car Ilileage Tbere being no fUrther busineas the Commission then adjourned. ,\,? }9 ./ .'.';) 1ft 1). 19.00 1.29 l.eo 2.00 1.60 40.74 54.56 736.615 215.28 I 11.78 2.75 1542.14 15.00 5.10 64.60 42.54 128.60 I 7.10 2.40 10.l!! 3.09 4.00 5.58 " 6.<a0 65.41 7.21 8.€O 12.00 5.35 2ll.€O 92.54 4.50 11.58 15 .115 10.00 25.10 1.2,4 '1::'-- 4.64 "1 ,15.72 tV'lI 22.S6 'Y( ~(,{ ./ I 1608.04 15.86 19.55 57.75 n~' " ~ City Clerk ~"J Of~ lIayor I I